Where is the problem?


In the small courtyard, Ren Zhong pretended to be shocked: "How come? Your faces are too dark!"

Zheng Tian, ​​whose head was buzzing with pain, gave a bitter face, "Yes, I don't know what's going on."

Ou Youning: "Captain, what you said yesterday was correct. Hit the evil! It must be the evil!"

Zheng Tian spread her hands, "Maybe, anyway, tomorrow is just a day off. Everyone take your time, and I will study the route again. I don't believe it!"

Ren Zhong rolled his eyes, "How did you go today?"

Zheng Tian took out the tablet and drew today's route on the map.

Ren Zhong nodded silently.

Well, the overlap with his path last night was as high as 80%, and the overlap with the path on the third day of the last resurrection, when he didn't buy the Thunder Car, was as high as 90%.

As expected of you, one of the most professional semi-professional captains in Xinghuo Town!

You really know how to optimize your route, and you almost came after me on a rope.

Seeing Ren Zhong looking at him and nodding, Zheng Tian said, "Mr. Ren, do you think this line is ok?"

Ren Zhong: "Well, of course there is no problem. It can be said that it is the best of the best."

Zheng Tian: "Then why?"

Ren Zhong: "Why?"

The group fell into silence again, each thinking about their lives.

After dinner, Ren Zhong finally couldn't stand the torture of conscience, and volunteered to take Bai Feng to Miaoshou Huichun for treatment.

Zheng Tian accompanied and was responsible for paying the bill with public funds.

After another busy day, Sun Miao, a migrant worker, was preparing to thank guests behind closed doors.

He was taking back the [-]% discount sign outside the door, and from a distance, he saw the lingering Ren Zhong appearing at the street again, accompanied by a man with long arms and a simple bandage on his head, and a girl with a baby face .

Grandson's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly cried out that he was going to suffer. This grandson's own slaughter is not enough, he has learned to call friends and friends to eat him!

He quickly picked up the sign and wanted to slip into the room.


"Brother Sun, please stop! This time we will pay!"

Sun Miao put down the sign, turned around with a smile, "You should have said it earlier."

Sun Miao expressed disdain for Ren Zhong's self-acquaintance. What kind of brother or not? We only met a few times. Why am I so familiar with you?

Of course, disdain belongs to disdain, Brother Sun didn't want to provoke Ren Zhong, so he smiled very warmly and hospitablely.

Brother, he recognized it.

Here, Ren Zhong stretched out three fingers, "To save face, get a [-]% discount at the cost price."

Sun Miao: "Gan! You are a beast on a horse!"

Heavy responsibility: "[-]% off, no more. More or less, I should let you earn some craft money."

"I really appreciate you!"

The fully automatic treatment robot arm is re-bandaging Baifeng with medicine.

Zheng Tian sat in the corner and took out the tablet to continue researching the route.

Sun Miao shrunk on the consultation table with a stern face, turned on the old-fashioned display computer that was not connected to the Internet, and entered today's list of materials, medicines, and income and expenditure.

It's been a long time since he was so angry and calculated.

Ren Zhong approached Sun Miao like a thief, lowered his voice, and said intentionally or unintentionally, "Brother Sun, I want to ask you about someone."

"What do you want?"

"No reason, just inquire."

"Then you should go to the guards or Mayor Ma. Why are you looking for me? I'm not a know-it-all."

Ren Zhong chuckled, "I don't know the name of that person, I only know what he looks like. I think you are the only doctor in the town, no matter who has a big or small problem, I can only look for you, then the face you have seen must be Very much."

"That's right, tell me, what kind."

"About 1.9 meters tall, with a burly build, short hair, and a beard. There is a dark scar at the corner of the right eye that is half a finger long and the width of a fingernail. In addition, he has an old-fashioned mechanical arm exoskeleton, painted in dark gray. "

Sun Miao narrowed her eyes, "Remember so clearly? Liang Zi is deep?"

Ren Zhong also narrowed his eyes, "It's not really, it's just a one-sided relationship, I'm just a little curious."

"I do have an impression of this man. I treated his scar about two or three months ago."

Ren Zhong laughed: "Do you know the name? Do you have the patient's medical record card? Is it convenient to disclose?"

"A scavenger who will die at any time, why do you ask for his name? What kind of medical record card? But I know how he got injured. In the No. 17 alley in Nancheng District, he was injured when someone robbed someone's house. He won. .”

Ren Zhong smiled brighter, "Very good, very good."

Sun Miao: "Then you owe me another favor. Can you stop bothering me in the future?"

Ren Zhong: "Brother Sun, look at what you said, which of us is with whom. Didn't you earn a little today?"

"It's true, I'm really grateful to look back."

Responsibility: "Happy and happy together."

Chapter 67 From passive to active, the devil's smile

As a high-cold student demon, Ren Zhong has always been very active.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to resist so many temptations and excel in his studies at the same time.

Many things, often when he thinks that it is necessary to do it, he must do it, and the sooner the better.

For example, the swindler who sold the broken gun and then killed the young man who wanted to get the money back and get justice.

Last night, Ren Zhong had the thought of killing in an instant.

But yesterday he was not in a hurry to make a move.

He was actually thinking about it.

Logically, that person has no chance of doing evil this time.

So should such a person pay the price for the sin he would have committed, but did not commit?

This is an unsolvable paradox.

As a person who grew up in the 21st century, although Ren Zhong has the heart to change himself and integrate into the times, the scars left by the legal society still remain in his heart.

This is the basic instinct of human beings, and the burden is barely overcome.

He has both distant and lofty ideals and the difficult reality that he sees in front of him.

He is neither the Virgin nor the Butcher.

These are the real contradictions in him.

But tonight the heavy responsibility finally made a decision.

He wanted to start the investigation first and see the situation before talking.

Someone once said that "without investigation, there is no right to speak".

He was taking the initiative.

A true revolutionary cannot stand still or be passive. He must be decisive. He must have firm convictions and be proactive and aggressive.

True liberation will never come passively, because those with vested interests will never surrender their country out of pity.

Liberation always begins with the first shot.

These things, Ren Zhong had already figured out the last time.

All he is doing now is to further elevate what he thinks into practice.


After eight o'clock at night, Ren Zhong, Zheng Tian and Wen Lei walked in the alleys of the slums in Nancheng District.

"Mr. Ren, what are we doing here?"

Zheng Tian asked.

She didn't know the private communication between Ren Zhong and Sun Miao, and she was a little puzzled.

Ren Zhong said casually: "Since I want to settle here in the future, I'd better take a walk in the town to see the customs and customs. I'm afraid of accidents, so please accompany me with Wen Lei."

His other purpose was to continue to hold Zheng Tian down and prevent her from going to the flea market.

Not only did he get bodyguards, but he also held back Zheng Tian, ​​killing two birds with one stone.

The three passed by a street corner.

The sewer cover at the corner was opened, and the stench of corpses wafted out.

A few men in uniforms of cleaners were placing a rotting corpse on the medium transport drone.

It should be that someone was quietly killed and stuffed in it a long time ago, and it was not discovered until the smell of corpses came out.

There is just a block here, and it is the invisible corner of the "Sauron's Demon Eye" in the center of the town.

Ren Zhong keenly noticed that the corpse's Tianling cover had been lifted long ago, and there was no brain inside.

He noticed the elements, which means that the eavesdropping of the watch and the monitoring of the "Magic Eye" belong to different systems.

It is true that the hunter is only responsible for collecting brains and suppressing unstable factors, not for collecting corpses, nor for participating in law enforcement.

Zheng Tian pinched her nose and said, "Ah, it stinks! Let's go to other places, why are you here? The smell is too strong, far worse than our alley. This place has no local customs. I can see it."

Wen Lei didn't speak, but looked around vigilantly, showing the professionalism of a part-time bodyguard to the fullest.

He forgot, just because of his size, there are usually not many low-level barbarians in the small town who would make trouble.

The three of them turned another street corner, and they arrived at Lane NO.17.

Ren Zhong didn't know where the liar was, so he could only walk along the alley and look all the way.

The alley was extremely dilapidated, comparable to the alley where his own prefab house near the city wall was located.

The messy house is crumbling.

People in ragged clothes, old or young, were either lying bored under the eaves, or huddled in houses that were half-collapsed and could not shelter from the wind and rain at all.

In some houses came the rustling of inferior TV speakers.

In some houses, the chorus of men and women echoed repeatedly, and there was no soundproofing at all.

Almost at the end of the alley, Ren Zhong finally saw a decent one-story board room.

It is square and upright, and it looks like it is not comparable to the prefabricated house with heavy responsibility, and it is not comparable to the courtyard of the team, but it is a well-deserved mansion on this street.

Ren Zhong guessed that this should be the home of the liar.

From a distance, you can see that the unreliable "mansion" prefab room is shaking slightly with a strange rhythm.

Ren Zhong rubbed his chin and was thinking about whether to find someone to inquire, or just knock on the door for questioning, when he heard footsteps on the other side of the street.

Wearing a loose men's shirt with holes and leaking air, the girl with only a pair of shorts that could not cover her thighs came out in a panic, and went straight to the board room.

The girl was very thin, with messy hair, probably only twelve or thirteen years old.

She was also holding a palm-sized small bottle, which looked familiar. It should be some kind of medicine sold in the Miaoshouhuichun clinic.

"Wait a minute and see what happens."

Ren Zhong raised his hand and took Wen Lei and Zheng Tian into the gap between the two rooms next to him.

Then he poked his head out, leaned forward, and stared at the door over there through the holes in the clothes hanging under the eaves.

The girl had rushed to the door of the room.

She raised her fist first.

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