Ou Youning took out three books as if offering a treasure, "Hey hey. I found a lot of people, these books are the core diaries of the second-level professional title examination cores written by masters. Everyone should look back, it's a little helpful. Brother Ren, you want to see?"

Ren Zhong smiled and said: "You should read it first during the day, I read quickly. And your matters are more important, I will think about it at night."


Wen Lei held a pocket watch in his hand, with an expression of infinite longing on his face, and murmured: "I really hope that all of us will pass the title assessment tonight. Then we will probably become the first full-staff second-level professional in the town. team."

Everyone else knew Ren Zhong's plan to skip the first level and go straight to the second level.

Bai Feng finally interjected, "It's an exaggeration for all the second-level team members. But at least, we will definitely become the only team with second-level professionals among all the semi-professional teams under Lin Wang's banner."

"That's right!" Ou Youning nodded again and again: "If everything goes well, wait a few more years, maybe we will become the fourth professional team in the town! Hehehe..."

"Hush!" Zheng Tian made a silent gesture, "Keep your voice down. Don't spread this word."


The others hurriedly lowered the volume, and looked around cautiously.

After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, Zheng Tian also had a smug look on her face: "It's really not easy for us to come this way."


The crowd responded again.

After breakfast, we agreed to meet in the small courtyard at 07:30 in the evening, exchange ideas together, do the final sprint, bid farewell to everyone, and Ren Zhong returned home.

Unknowingly, the time came to 6 pm.

Ren Zhong exited the sleeping space, then took out the auxiliary onboard computer, and connected an external keyboard.

This is his personal habit as an ancient.

Although the speed of typing by hand is slightly slower than that of dictation, it leaves enough time for thinking and helps to enhance logic.

The keyboard was obtained by Wen Lei picking up trash from the trash dump.

From the etched circuit of the integrated circuit board to the shaft switch to the chip, all are handmade from second-hand scrap.

The keycaps were made by Wen Lei by cutting wood with a knife.

Ren Zhong dubbed it the Rolls-Royce of the keyboard world.

It's a pity that Wen Lei couldn't understand his stalk, so he just asked him what Rolls-Royce was with a blank face.


After turning on the computer, Ren Zhong quickly tapped the keyboard, and began to make tables according to Sid Meier's method, organize his own data model, and refine his own parameters.

Brain dynamic response, static analysis ability, dynamic visual observation ability index, static visual observation ability index, arm endurance, leg endurance, arm explosive power...Finger operation precision...Neck absolute strength, flexibility...

Later, he further fine-tuned the training plan according to the refined parameters to prepare for targeted training.

At the same time, he also plans to go to Ju Qingmeng another day to measure the brain-computer synchronization rate to see what this key parameter is.

Only when the specific value is obtained, can the strength of the bioelectric stimulation of the armor be further increased, the limit value can be accurately found, and the efficiency can be fully maximized.

In addition, he is also listing various side-effect-free potions that can be used in the first-level mecha warrior stage.

Using the superimposed effects of these medicines, he will be able to further improve the effectiveness of physical training and speed up the progress.

After seven o'clock in the evening, Ren Zhong completed the construction of the entire acceleration framework, and the next step was to fill in the data and details as soon as possible.

Turn off the auxiliary computer, put it in your pocket, and take a long sigh of relief.

Everything is under control, but he still has regrets.

In "Armored Experience", Sid Meier mentioned the keyword "virtual reality training" more than once.

This is a game in the Internet function of the watch, a comprehensive advanced version of "Virtual Life", which reduces the entertainment game function, only retains the core combat professional training part, and greatly improves the realism.

Its use experience is exactly the same as the monthly title assessment.

Sid Meier said that it was the virtual reality training that really changed his life.

In the early stage of his combat power, it was in the virtual reality training that he continued to explore himself, checked for omissions and filled in gaps, and successfully built a theoretical framework, continuously fine-tuned the training direction, equipment configuration, and then demonstrated training to quickly accumulate combat experience. , improve skills, and further self-tapping potential.

Sid Meier has been accumulating and growing, until he has fully developed and then emerged, starting from the first level, and finally stunning everyone at the fourth level and the fifth level.

"In short, if you are an aspiring fighter, you must have it!"

In the video, Sid Meier used his gaudy eloquence to hype up the virtual reality training and finally summed it up like this.

Ren Zhong was indeed seduced until his eyes glowed with gold.

It's a pity that it is a mirror image that he can only see but cannot touch.

Ordinary people can use the rental watch to pay a large registration fee in the professional title assessment, and then experience this kind of risk-free but extremely intense simulated battle once a month.

But if you want to be like Sid Meier, soaking in it all day long.

That's embarrassing, I have to pay more, and I have to pass the qualification review.

Obviously there is no need for hardware, but the rules limit, at least a fourth-level watch can open the virtual reality training function.

And a letter of authorization must be issued by an administrative-level manager, the mayor of the town, to purchase a Level [-] watch.

The fourth-level watch is the most advanced watch that the barren is eligible to buy, and the price is "only" 5000 contribution points.

However, it is difficult enough for a decent barren person to save 100 points to buy a first-class watch.

The value of Level [-] has been multiplied fifty times!

Ren Zhong couldn't imagine what an ordinary barren would do to save so much money.

Even he felt a little horrified.

That is a carrot that is always hanging in front of the sheep's head, you can see it when you look up, but you won't be able to eat a bite until you die.

Oh, forget it, let's talk about it later.

No way is no way.

As a severe sufferer of obsessive-compulsive disorder and perfectionism, he is slightly emotionally depressed.

I haven't done enough, he thought.

The most interesting thing about life is that every time I look back, I always feel that the time that has been lost is full of various regrets.

Human destiny is full of infinite possibilities.

I thought it was perfect, but after looking back, I can see that there is more perfection than perfection.

There are so many details that have not been taken advantage of, so many opportunities that have quietly slipped through the fingers of time.

This time I have lived for half a month.

If I had played from the beginning, I knew how good these would be.

Then I should be a super strong second-level fighter in the sea now.

If given the chance to do it all over again, I will definitely...

I really want to accelerate Armstrong's helix cannon to the extreme.

Forget it, I don't really want to reopen it.

Dad said, look forward.

He simply tidied up and went downstairs to the first floor, ready to go to the courtyard of Zheng Tian's team.

After a slight delay, it is now 45:[-], past the appointment time with other people, and I don't know how other people are doing.

at this time.

Bang bang bang!

Downstairs, the door was slammed.

A nervous and deliberately low voice came from outside the door.

"Sir, sir, are you home?"

Ren Zhongxin was surprised.

It was the voice of the spiritual boy next door.

The young man admires and appreciates himself very much, but he is very measured and never disturbs him.

What's going on here?

Open the door.

"Hello. Is something wrong?"

Ren Zhong asked.

Seeing Ren Zhong's well-behaved appearance, the guy outside the door breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly stepped inside and said in a low voice: "Mr. Ren! I don't know what happened. But there are rumors on the street that you pretended to be a census officer to trick you, and there are a lot of scumbags They are all looking for you everywhere. You should find a way to run away quickly."


Ren Zhong frowned suddenly.

Chapter 51 Everything I Care About Has Been Destroyed

Fifteen minutes later, Ren Zhong in full armor quietly went out the door.

His armor changed color, becoming a deep blue.

He just returned when there was a bear child painting graffiti on the wall of his house, and the bear child was so frightened that he threw the bucket and ran away.

Ren Zhong picked up the bucket and took it home, thinking about returning it to the group of children when he was free another day.

He really liked the picture of the rising sun.

I originally planned to tell the group of children that if every painting could reach that level, they could paint anywhere except the door.

I never thought that the few cans of spray paint left by this bucket of bear children turned into disguise props today.

Adjust the armor mask to the one-way transparent mode, and walk on the street without anyone else, without any sneakiness.

Previously, the guy next door left quickly after telling him the news.

The two only said that one sentence.

At that time, Ren Zhong only knew one thing, and that was his impersonation of a "census officer", which had been exposed.

But following this information, he analyzed a lot of information outside the screen.

There were only a few people in the town who knew the identity of the "census officer". Zheng Tian's team, Madabao, and Ju Qingmeng were gone.

The news that he wanted to be wanted could not come from the mayor of Madam Fu.

Otherwise, with the illumination of "Sauron's Demon Eye", everything in the town would be invisible.

In addition, if the mayor wants to find someone, he can also send a wanted notice with a photo to everyone through the watch system.

So often haunting this alley, I am afraid that I will be found out long ago.

Since the current wanted order is circulating among the barren people in the form of gossip, it must not be an official organization but some individual group that spread this information.

Ren Zhong already has the answer in his heart, but it still needs to be confirmed.

As he walked, he perked up his ears for messages on the street.

An hour and a half later, Ren Zhong's figure disappeared into the crowd again.

He got the answer.

During this hour and a half, he first went to the north gate of the town.

This is an arbitrary direction, with no deep meaning.

But he saw Bei Lihui at the gate of the city.

This man was sitting on a motorboat parked on the ground with his legs crossed.

Sharp eyes scrutinized everyone who walked out of the town.

When Ren Zhong passed by, Bei Lihui just jumped off the motorboat and lifted the mask of one person.

Ren Zhong concealed the hostility in his eyes, simply swept away, and continued to walk along the crossroads in front of him without anyone else.

He saw a pocket watch on Bei Lihui's trembling left hand, sometimes throwing it high and then catching it.

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