But gradually, he began to return to the basics, every move and every style, but he could always use the smallest range of motions to achieve the best combat effect.

As for his various parameters, there is no need to measure it, and the naked eye can tell the amazing increase.

The crowd began to wonder and doubt again.

The rapid progress of this fighting skill is too scary!

Is there a master taking him to fly?

Could it be that the pairing exercises at a friend's house he mentioned were serious pairings?

Ju Qingmeng is in charge of the arms mall, so according to the rules, he should be a graduate of ordnance management, and should not have this ability.

Who will it be in the town?

Could it be that the captain of the town guard, Ma Xiaoling, the daughter of the town mayor Madafu who is known as the strongest fourth-level mech fighter in the town?

Among the various whimsical ideas of the brain-filling monsters, during the five-day struggle of paddling water in the morning, bursting seeds in the afternoon, and bursting the liver in the evening, Ren Zhong earned an average of 73.77 points per day.

During the day, the income of working with others fluctuates between 30 and 50, and at night, the personal income fluctuates between 25 and 40.

But Ren Zhong felt that his sacrifice was a lot. After all, he failed to use the watch to sleep for five consecutive days, and directly lost 5 contribution points of the locked start-up funds obtained after sleeping.



Everything went well, but now, I still decided to fight for the heavy responsibility in my own room.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon on the 13th day. After everyone returned with a full load and successfully cashed out, Ren Zhong's personal assets reached an astonishing number of 430.66.

But he is still 257.34 contribution points away from "Sid Meier's Armor Tips".

According to the normal speed, it is impossible for him to get enough money before No. 15 night's professional title assessment begins.

He also thought about being lazy, there is no need to work so hard.

But anger at the world awakened his vigilance.

He also didn't know when he would die or how he would die.

He will never forget Bei Lihui's indifferent expression when he smashed his body with a shot.

This made him more angry and vigilant than dying at the hands of market beasts and hunters.

Every time I think about it, I get goosebumps all over my body.

He is so insecure.

If you don't move forward desperately, then even your survival depends on luck and the mood of others.

Now that I have decided to get "Armor Experience" this time, I cannot allow myself to slow down my progress.

The stock market has been put on hold for the time being, and it is necessary to get the "Armored Experience" to calm down the inner uneasiness.

If he really wants to be lazy, he can have a more labor-saving way.

For example, go for a few days of pure paddling, and then simply wipe the neck and say goodbye to the world.

When I come next time, I will reduce all non-essential expenses, just hang out with everyone for ten days and a half a month, then go to the stock market to spend ten days of bad money, and then use the cash to buy "Armor Experience".

This operation is both easy and fragrant.

But no choice.

His self-motto when he was studying was "What can be learned today cannot be left for tomorrow".

Now his motto has become "What this life can do, it can't be saved for the next one. If I could, I wouldn't want to die once."

He took out the auxiliary onboard computer again and began to enter information.

He is sorting out the information of the second-level market beasts that he has let go of each other these days, and formulating the course of action and battle plan for tonight.

Yes, he wants to single out the wilderness, and it's a leapfrog type.

Ten minutes later, Ren Zhong got up and went downstairs, got on his motorcycle and headed straight to the arms store.

"Manager Ju, this is the list of products I want. Excuse me."

Ju Qingmeng: "Disposable high-frequency plasma daggers, viscous acid sprays, blasting fishing nets... Mr. Ren, why do you want these weird things?"

Ren Zhong didn't know how to answer, so he could only say: "I have some unique hobbies."

"Oh...Mr. Ren, you really know how to play. But if the other party is a professional, ahem, don't play with your life easily. Or, don't be known by others."

Ju Qingmeng understood again.

Ren Zhong rolled his eyes, another brain to make up for the strangeness.

The world is dead.

Destroy it.

Chapter 47

The two moons were already hanging on the eastern horizon, as if teetering.

On the horizon, a faint white halo was looming.

This is the line between dawn and darkness.

At this time, 99% of the people in the world are sleeping peacefully in their dreams.

Deep in the dense jungle, the air is humid and rotting leaves are everywhere.

Subtle rustling sounds continued.

Ren Zhongzheng lowered his body and moved forward cautiously.

300 meters ahead, there is a slightly raised mound.

Under the mound hides a second-level beast called the golden slug.

According to the information, it is 1.5 meters long and 0.15 meters wide.

Its shape is roughly similar to the slugs on the earth, but the difference lies in its slightly transparent body, flowing golden liquid metal.

The energy level response intensity index of the golden juice slug is usually around 100, and its action is relatively slow.

The attack method is also very simple, there is only one method of wrapping and swallowing.

But it is known as one of the second-level ruined beasts that the scavenger team in Xinghuo Town is most reluctant to deal with.

The regenerative ability of this product is too exaggerated.

Professionals with insufficient attacks cannot kill it quickly, and can only use overloaded attacks to continuously consume its energy reserves, and then slowly consume it to death.

To deal with a golden juice slug requires five times more energy and ammunition than usual, hunting it, can lose money to grandma's house.

But Ren Zhong still came alone, relying on the sticky acid spray in his hand, which was also the last of the thirteen gadgets he bought at the arms mall last night.

The super regenerative ability of this thing is exactly restrained by the viscous acid spray.

Before that, he had successfully completed six hunts for the second-level ruined beasts, basically unscathed.

There's no way, now his combat strength is already beyond that of ordinary first-level fighters, coupled with thorough preparations, he can use all kinds of insidious things that no one usually prepares for, and he doesn't talk about martial arts to the extreme.

If there were also policemen in the Ruin Beast World, these Ruin Beasts would definitely want to call the police before they died.

"Today's night-time adventure was a success. As long as the golden slugs are dealt with, I have harvested a total of thirteen second-level market beast chips tonight. Some of the chips weren't very well disassembled, and the price was discounted, but after deducting the cost and 30% of the scattered people Sales tax, the total profit is close to [-], which cannot be escaped."

Steady one!

When he reached a range of 30 meters near the mound, the golden slug, which was about to fall asleep and rest, finally noticed the uninvited guest.

The mound shook, the ooze broke open, and the golden mollusks rushed out of the mud, drawing a serpentine curve on the ground.

Ren Zhong didn't change his face, he held the sword in his right hand and squeezed the sprayer in his left hand.

The two sides approached two meters, Ren Zhong dodged sideways to avoid the slug's pounce, then twisted his body and looked forward, holding the sprayer in his left hand and appearing at a distance of 0.7 meters to the side of the slug.

The left thumb suddenly exerted force!

Give me an anti-wolf spray!

chi chi chi...  

Sticky Acid Spray, worth 5 contribution points, doesn't cost you money.

When the two phases came into contact, one black spot after another suddenly appeared on the smooth and tender body surface of the slug.

Above the plaque, the bubbles of purring were rising, the sizzling sound was non-stop, and the white smoke rose.

Under the pain of the golden juice slug, it didn't bother to turn around to pursue the heavy responsibility, but rolled on the spot.

Ren Zhong smiled, and it turned over by itself, which was convenient.

Cumin powder should be sprinkled on both sides.

Another burst of scoffing.

After exhausting the acid spray in his hand, Ren Zhong threw the bottle and took two steps back.

At this time, the golden juice slug was full of white smoke, and the pain was unbearable.

Ren Zhong was not in a hurry to pick up the goods, he just watched from the sidelines, intending to wait for the golden juice slug to die before he started.

Just as he was walking and eating melons, there was a sudden vibration from his side.

The vigilance struck, Ren Zhong subconsciously jumped backwards, and rolled back three times in a row on the ground, only then did he stabilize his body.

Looking closely, he complained.

It's really cheap and not good!

The sensor that comes with the first-class vehicle motorcycle does not work!

Been scammed again!

There are actually two!

At this point, there are two options in front of the heavy responsibility.

First, admit defeat, turn around and run, abandoning the chip of the dying golden slug in front of you.

Second, reckless!

Ren Zhong bent down slightly and squeezed the alloy blade in his hand.

As a reckless man, his choice is undoubtedly the second.

The next moment, the golden slug seemed to be completely enraged by the tragedy of its companion, stretched and twisted wildly on the ground, and charged straight at it.

When it came to Ren Zhong's body, the second golden juice slug had two long tentacles on top of its head shaking violently.

Ren Zhong turned sideways and tried to avoid it, but the slug quickly twisted, and the front of the body changed to press directly on his feet.

Although the golden juice slug is known for its slow movement among the second-level market beasts, it is a second-level market after all, and the energy power it can mobilize far exceeds that of the first-level market beasts.

Once Ren Zhong is stuck by it, he will inevitably be leaned over by this guy along his legs, sticking tightly until he turns his whole body into blood.

At the moment of life and death, Ren Zhong's ultra-high brain response index saved him.

He drew back his feet abruptly and threw himself forward.

He raised his sword with both hands, the tip of the sword pierced the back of the slug's neck from bottom to top, and then plunged straight into the ground.

But this thing is unmoved at all, and it has to be attached to the soles of his feet despite the risk of being continuously broken open.

Ren Zhong had to lift his legs completely.

At this time, he became a station with a sword, and the whole person stood upside down in the air.

He almost lost his support point completely and fell down.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, followed the foot lift, performed a front flip, jumped up and walked away with his sword drawn.

After completing the front flip, he was unsteady, but there was a violent rustling behind him.

Looking back, the slug that had just been pierced had already turned around and rushed towards him again.

The golden liquid liquid metal surging in its body seems to be constantly releasing energy outwards.

The burden is too big.

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