Relying on this thing, Ren Zhong removed two parts from the freezer.

A 1.2-meter-long alloy iron rod, and an auxiliary onboard computer with voice recording function.

This computer is not the main control system of the freezer, but an auxiliary tool for the operator to input information externally and retrieve the operation of the warehouse.

There is another independent operation and maintenance system in the depth of the warehouse, which is not disturbed by the outside world and has higher stability.

The purpose of Ren Zhong taking this thing is to use it as a notebook to organize the available information collected in memory for easy analysis one by one.

After the work was done, Ren Zhong quickly walked to the stream and took the time to shake off his clothes to catch the red fruit that fell from the sky.

I washed it in the stream, put it in my mouth and nibbled it, the sweet juice splashed and it was crunchy.

Then Ren Zhong took out the palm-sized computer from his trouser pocket and entered the voice messages one by one.

About half an hour later, he got up and took two steps to the side, shaking off his clothes again.

He didn't even have to look up, there was naturally something falling straight down from the sky.

Very good, the second fruit is in hand, full.

About an hour and a half later, Ren Zhong's figure appeared in the south of the dense forest.

In the distance, a floating black figure was moving towards the distance along the rolling terrain, and the distance from Ren Zhong was just over 500 meters.

It was aircraft 11899.

Ren Zhong chased after him without hesitation.

Of course, he didn't swell enough to hunt this thing, he just wanted to rush out of the first encirclement along the opponent's route.

After walking briskly for about an hour, Ren Zhong successfully jumped out before the aircraft No. 11897 in the due east approached and entered the safe area.

Ren Zhong stopped and thought for 30 seconds.

Next, walk another five kilometers, and you will enter the territory of the giant insect with a wingspan of three meters.

The insect had six wings, arranged on both sides, with three wings on each side, two long and one short.

The wings are extremely thin and translucent, with rainbow-like fluorescence on the surface under the sunlight, with dark veins scattered like the veins of leaves.The wings have a certain toughness, and the edges are serrated and very sharp.

The body part of the insect is a long strip with a thick front and a thin back.

Behind the human-sized head, eight human-arm-length slender feet are concentrated in the front half of the body, and the back half is a hemp-like body that occupies more than seven-tenths of the total length of the body, like a nine-section whip.

When insects fly, they obtain lift and thrust through high-frequency vibrating wings and rolling airflow.

The shape of this insect is very similar to the dragonfly in Ren Zhong's memory, but the structure of the body is extremely strong, and when a stone hits it, it will make a metal-like clanging sound.

The glass-like wings looked fragile, but when they pounced on Ren Zhong, the wings swept across a thigh-thick tree trunk and easily cut it off.

In addition, the long legs of the dragonfly's finger thickness seem to be made of alloy.The hooks and barbs on the front of the long feet are as sharp as a surgical scalpel, and cutting them on the body is like cutting tofu.

Don't ask Ren Zhong why he knows so clearly, he doesn't want to recall.

The dragonfly is the breakthrough of the heavy choice.

Don't look at the dragonfly, it seems terrifying, but after carefully comparing it in his heart, Ren Zhong feels that it is the best monster to deal with.

"Little Rabbit" looks cute, but it runs as fast as lightning. More importantly, Ren Zhong can't think of how to deal with this thing even after breaking his head.

As for the electric fish lurking in the puddle, it was even more extreme. Every time he didn't see anything, he was inexplicably charged with electricity under his feet, and his whole body burned with blue fire, sizzling and sizzling, and died even more miserably and inexplicably. .

As for the others, it is even more violent.

Ren Zhong felt that although dragonflies are not weak in lethality, since they are insects, they are likely to have the characteristics of attacking high and defending low.As long as you run it well, you can hurt it a little bit first, and maybe it's worth it.

After more than [-] minutes, Ren Zhong protruded half of his head from under a small dirt slope.

The dragonfly in front was lying motionless on a boulder.

Ren Zhong took a deep breath and popped his entire head upwards.

At this moment, the dragonfly's compound eyes turned, and it seemed to see this side, and it suddenly lifted into the sky and rushed towards it.

Without hesitation, Ren Zhong turned around and took two steps towards the side and rear, then jumped again, lay down flat, and quickly slid down the smooth meadow growing here.

This route was carefully planned by him bit by bit based on memory.

So far, he has executed smoothly, with an accuracy of less than a second, and the sliding direction is exactly as planned.

When sliding to the bottom of the meadow, keep your feet on the ground and roll forward twice to cushion.


After all, he is not a professional action actor. When he fell to the ground and rolled, he couldn't control his body well, leaned a little to the side, his head just hit a raised stone on the ground, his head was bleeding, his eyes were staring with gold stars, and he was a mess.

Just as Ren Zhong sat up again and wiped off the blood curtain in front of him, he saw the dragonfly's scissor-like mouthparts coming towards him with a cold light.



Familiar meadow slopes, familiar glide tracks.

Another try.


With a little more force on his right foot, he threw himself forward and rolled, changed direction slightly, successfully avoided the stone, and straightened his body, which happened to be the posture of a sprinter before starting.

The right foot exerts force, rush!

Ren Zhong used all his strength to run wildly, and after 14 seconds, he crossed a big tree surrounded by seven people just [-] meters away from the starting point.

The 14-second [-]-meter run level is really unbearable, but it is already an unprecedented peak in the life of a seriously ill cancer patient.

The moment he rushed over the tree, the dragonfly was already chasing after him from behind, and the eight long legs converged into eagle claws and stretched forward, heading towards Ren Zhong's back.

The meeting between the two is only ten meters away.

When the dragonfly crosses the big tree, its left wing, which is about 1.5 meters long, is still stretched out, cutting through the trunk of the big tree like a utility knife cutting A4 paper.

It stands to reason that the trunk of the big tree surrounded by seven people was only cut off by one meter, and it didn't hurt the bones.

But since Ren Zhong chose this tree as his escape, he had his own reasons.

Most of the trunk at the bottom of the big tree was already withered, but now the other half was cut off by the wings of the dragonfly. With the sound of chi la chi la wood cracking, the big tree spread in the direction of the branches and grew horizontally, that is, the east side crashed down. .

This east side is also the escape direction chosen by Ren Zhong.

He took several steps forward, leaped forward before the black shadow approached behind him, and threw himself out, just not being hit by the tree crown.

Ren Zhong only circled a small half circle, and charged again in the direction where the dragonfly came, that is, continuing to stay away from the dense forest.

While running, he glanced sideways at the big tree.

Under the thick leaves lying on the ground, a few sharp bird calls suddenly sounded, and the buzzing sound caused by the accelerated vibration of dragonfly wings.

The big tree began to shake violently, and sometimes three or two iron-feathered bluebirds with wingspans of [-] meters could be seen breaking through the trees and flying out, and then turned their direction in mid-air, with their sharp beaks forward, and threw themselves under the tree like missiles.

It is naturally impossible to trap the dragonfly, which is cut like mud in all parts of the body, only by the wooden body.

What Ren Zhong is really looking at is the nest of blue birds nesting in the top of the tree canopy.

During the previous death, Ren Zhong had already known that this nest of iron-feathered bluebirds was different from dragonflies. Although he had considerable attack power, he was not interested in him as a human being.

Ren Zhong is just betting on whether Jade Bird will be dissatisfied with the "culprit" who destroyed its home, which will lead to a fight between the two sides.

A little trick to devour tigers.

The sound of the collision came and went under the canopy, and sometimes a large number of branches that were affected by the pond fish collapsed one after another.

The dragonfly and the blue bird finally showed their bodies.

Seven iron-feathered bluebirds, big or small, are besieging the dragonfly with their chirping.

The angry iron feather bluebird family flew up and down, sharp beaks and sharp claws fell like raindrops, hit the dragonfly, sparks splashed, and made a clanging sound like the collision of gold and iron.

However, the dragonfly didn't want to be entangled with Tieyu Bluebird at all, and his head was only stubbornly facing the direction of the heavy responsibility, constantly flapping his wings and trying to take off and rush out of the surrounding, but it was suppressed by the Tieyu Bluebird in all directions.

Three minutes later, Ren Zhong successfully passed the boulder where Dragonfly was crouching before.

He has officially arrived at a location he has never touched before, and he has left the freezer for more than ten kilometers!

Only then did he notice that the boulder was full of metal debris.

At first glance.

There is a tattered hollow robotic arm, and it looks like it can put its hand in it and put it on it.

There are many more broken, completely indistinguishable mechanical structures piled up indiscriminately.

It's like a small car junkyard here.

Ren Zhong leaned down and poked around for a while, but he didn't find a single thing that was in good condition.

The whistling on the back of the small mountain bag has not stopped, and the dragonfly and the iron feather blue bird have not yet decided the winner.

Not daring to delay any longer, he stretched his legs forward and continued to run.

Every next step is a brand new step, stepping into an unknown area.

Although he hasn't escaped, he has put down a lot of stone in his heart at this time.

He had a confident smile on his face.

I saw Arabic numerals on the aircraft, and in the dragonfly's lair, I saw the mechanical arm armor that must have been worn on people, and there were so many gears, metal wires, and junk wreckage of alloy structures.

These are definitely artefacts!There must be someone in this world!

Then, with every step forward, the hope of encountering human beings will increase.

As long as you can meet people, you have a chance to continue to live!

In desperation, he has been tortured more than a hundred times, and with infinite longing for the future, he stepped on the sunset and went all the way to the south.




He hung up again.

Hang up as always hastily and sloppily.

The incident happened when he had just left the dragonfly territory more than [-] meters away.

He had just crossed a small ridge, and in front of him was a large area of ​​indigo grassland. The ground was densely covered with ravines, and several groups of deer and horse-like organic creatures were walking around comfortably in groups of dozens.

Every now and then, these creatures bow their heads and pluck roots from the ground, chewing in their mouths.

Individual creatures kept their heads held high and looked vigilantly.

Judging from the behavioral patterns of these creatures, they should be herbivores.

The air was filled with a breath of peace and tranquility, and Ren Zhong thought it was safe for a short time.

Unexpectedly, when he passed a small mound three people high, a deafening roar suddenly came from the depths of the mound.

Looking sideways, a dark and sturdy beast broke through the bushes covering the mound and swooped in.

The giant beast is about three meters high, with a dark body, a big head and a round waist, thick arms and strong legs.

The fangs in the mouth of the blood basin are white.

The sharp gray-black claws at the tip of the giant palm that was scratched were glowing with cold light.

Ren Zhong wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape, it was too fast.

He didn't even have time to take the alloy stick from his back as a weapon, he just stood still like a dumb goose, and slapped the giant beast on the forehead head-on.

Even though his death seemed miserable, he was a little relieved, but he could figure out an animal he knew.

This thing is definitely a bear, it is bigger than the bears on earth, moves faster, and strikes harder...that's all.

From the perspective of his death, Ren Zhong also saw the dragonfly soaring into the sky from the back of the small ridge.

The whole body of the dragonfly was covered with viscous blue plasma paint. It was slightly damaged and its flight speed was slowed down.

The big worm killed the nest of iron feather bluebirds, and he wasn't going to let me go.

Chapter 4

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