Chapter 41 The Real World

Ren Ren in the back row nodded, "Yes, combine work and rest, and relax."

"Brother Ren, what are you going to do at night? Are you going to visit the kiln in the outer city? I'll show you the way! I'm very familiar with that place!"

If Ou Youning said this, it would be reasonable.

Unfortunately, it wasn't, it was the driver, Ms. Zheng Tian.

But it also fits her style.

A long time ago, Zheng Tian had boasted to Ren Zhong about the developed service industry in Xinghuo Town, and wanted to pull him into the water.

Ren Zhong shook his head calmly, and decided to continue to strengthen himself.

"No, I'm not interested in those vulgar fans. My entertainment may not be the same as ordinary people. Chen Hanyu, if you are free at night, I want to chat with you."

Ok? !

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became ambiguous and abrupt.

Chen Hanyu, who was looking down at the tablet, froze suddenly, and looked towards Zheng Tian beside him in astonishment and nervousness.

At this time, Zheng Tian no longer looked at the road, but quietly turned his face away and looked at Chen Hanyu.

At this moment, the eyes of the two met, as if they had discussed a thousand words.

As for Ou Youning, Bai Feng, and Wen Lei, they kept their mouths shut and did not dare to interrupt.

Everyone knows that Zheng Tian and Chen Hanyu are the real core of the team.

This involves a major decision at the top, and the people below are afraid to talk.

Zheng Tian's eyes are encouraging, a little gamble.

But Chen Hanyu finally shook her head firmly, and then she turned around, her face flushed slightly, and said in a slightly cold but polite tone: "Mr. Ren, I'm not..."

Not to mention, at this moment, the faint blushing on Chen Hanyu's face due to embarrassment was completely different from her usual high coldness.

He was not stupid, he had already noticed that after he spoke, the atmosphere in the car became strange.

He just looked at Chen Hanyu again, and immediately realized that his words combined with the context before and after seemed to be ambiguous.

He waved his hand quickly, "It's my problem, I don't quite understand what I said. It's like this, since I'm not going to the training ground tonight, I don't want to waste time. So I want to ask you for some dismantling skills."

As soon as he said this.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became much more relaxed.

Zheng Tian slapped the steering wheel, "Hey, that's it! Brother Ren, your entertainment is really different! How can anyone take learning things as relaxation! It makes me so happy! Cough...hahahahaha... "

The three of Wen Lei agree.

"Oh I got it."


For some reason, there was a bit of regret in the tone of these three people.

Chen Hanyu's tense body relaxed a lot, "Of course there is no problem. I just don't know why you suddenly became interested in dismantling, Mr. Ren. I think you should focus more on becoming a powerful mecha warrior. You have this talent. Although, as you are, it is useless to have combat power."

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "Don't overwhelm you with a lot of skills. Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle, so just learn to play. And what I really like the most is actually reading."

"No wonder Brother Ren, you know everything and are so smart."

Zheng Tian said enviously.

Ren Zhong: "Zheng Tian, ​​you are not bad too."

"Thank you Brother Ren for the compliment."


In fact, Ren Zhong is not as calm as he says about the dismantling skills.

He didn't really just learn to play.

This is his preparation for a possible resurrection in the future.

Another day to live, of course, is a good thing.

But if one day he is inattentive and falls back, then his operating space will suddenly increase exponentially.

With his current brain response index, he only needs to go to the primary area of ​​the training ground to regain his status as a first-level soldier.

Then he can save the huge expenses in the intermediate area, become a first-level soldier on the third or fourth day at the earliest, and directly buy a first-level exoskeleton.

Afterwards, he was able to take advantage of the fact that he would not be forced to sleep, conduct personal actions at night, walk in the wild, follow the vast amount of routes and information on the distribution of ruined beasts collected while hunting with Zheng Tian's team, and frantically beat the autumn wind.

If he does not master the skills of a dismantler, then he can only be like other retail scavengers, watching the chips expire and deteriorate and their value decreases.

Not only that, since he has initially verified his personal combat power today, he does not plan to completely bind himself to Zheng Tian's team in the next few days.

As long as he has mastered the basic skills of a first-level dismantler, he can be dispatched at night ahead of time, and first follow his memory to give those weak chickens and first-level ruined beasts leeks that he encountered on the original route to the Iron Worm Forest and Mouse Cliff Mountain. cut.

Assets soared, starting from the incarnation of the Night Demon.

He applied the systematic thinking that he had cultivated when he was engaged in scientific research to his freshman, and every step of the action had a clear purpose and a complete plan.


Arriving in the town, the other people went to Xinghuo Resource Recycling Company to sell goods, while Ren Zhong said goodbye to everyone first and went straight to the arms mall.

"Yo! Mr. Ren, are you taking care of my business again? If it wasn't for my lack of performance indicators as a manager, and I was replaced by an ordinary teller, I would have wanted to give you a hug to show my gratitude."

The tall Ju Qingmeng was lying on the reclining chair in the office and watching a drama bored. Hearing that the following people said that the responsibility is coming again, he immediately walked out, threw himself on the counter, blinked a pair of big eyes, stared at Ren Zhong and said with a smile.

Today, she wore a ponytail and wore a black leather jacket with a very hot figure.

As she threw herself on the counter, her bursting chest was squeezed and deformed, showing more abrupt curves and distinct ravines.

As one of the victims of the "Census Officer" lie, she has been working hard to leave the ghost town of Spark Town.

She knew that she was facing a census officer of at least a fifth-level citizen.

He can change his own destiny.

Ren Zhong glanced at him with a dazzling expression. As a high-cold scholar who had hardly tasted the fireworks in the world, he couldn't resist it, and his Adam's apple trembled subconsciously.

Ren Zhongxin froze and became alert.

Although Ju Qingmeng looks mouthwatering at this time, but with his own self-control, not to mention that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, at least there should be no obvious movement on his body.

He briefly thought and analyzed for two seconds and came to a conclusion.

Excessive physical work, wandering between life and death with no tomorrow's battle, these two factors can indeed divert people's instinctive desire.

Just like modern mercenaries, they especially like to take care of the business of special service workers.

This is a psychological stress response, and Ren Zhong himself was not completely immune to this.

At the same time, although the small misunderstanding of everyone in the car on the way back was revealed, it left a faint mark on his heart.

Therefore, at this time, under the unrestrained seduction of Ju Qingmeng, who has a super high appearance and a hot body, his resistance is slightly reduced.

"Manager Ju, you're really joking, but I really want to buy something today. Can I give you some benefits?"

"What to buy? What benefits do you want?"

Ju Qingmeng walked out of the counter and stood in front of Ren Zhong.

Ren Zhong pointed to the inside of the mall, "A first-class single-soldier wheeled motorcycle."

Five minutes later, Ren Zhong left on his motorcycle.

First-class single-soldier wheeled motorcycle: electric drive, with a range of 3000 kilometers and a top speed of 220 kilometers per hour.

He spent a total of 40 contribution points.

If it is an ordinary deserter, it will cost 44, because you have to buy a separate battery worth 4 contribution points.

But Ju Qingmeng used the manager's authority again and gave him a piece for free.

At present, Ren Zhong is not very interested in the body of this beautiful manager, but is very interested in the interests in her hands.

Ren Zhong didn't dare to really accept the other party's embrace.

After all, it all stems from a misunderstanding.

He could not really meet Ju Qingmeng's expectations.

Just take her a little favor, but don't touch her, then the friendship between the two will not be that deep, and she will not have a chance to speak, and the fragile vest skin of the "census officer" can continue to be used.

Chapter 42 Teenage Tears, You Don't Know About Talent

Time, [-]:[-] p.m. on the seventh day.

Location, slum, location near the city walls in the northern outer city.

This is a relatively desolate alley, only half of the houses have been renovated, and the remaining half are either empty land or ruins of old houses that have collapsed.

The people at the bottom who have ended their boring and boring life all day have just eaten dinner based on cheap synthetic food, and they are at a time when nothing is right and it is meaningless to do anything.

People in the desert sat bored at their doors, counting the time to see if they should go to the sleeping pods to grab a seat; or they gathered together in twos and threes to talk about topics that were both nutritious and meaningless.

The door of a shop that repairs and sells second-hand electrical appliances is full of men and women.

Everyone craned their necks to look inside, their expressions were extremely focused, and their eyes shone brightly.

Seeing this scene, Ren Zhong couldn't help feeling curious.

He also stayed in the town for many days back and forth, and rarely saw such an expression in the eyes of the bottom barren, exactly the same as when he first opened the quantum mechanics popular science book when he was in junior high school.

He quickened his pace and approached the pavement.




High-pitched moans are radiating from the inferior speakers, like noise pollution.

Ren Zhong's step forward suddenly got stuck.

When he looked at the crowd over there, he was very amused.

It's no wonder that these normally dull-eyed people have suddenly become so studious.

In a large audience, men and women, young and old, can observe and learn life skills together, which is truly open.

He quietly backed away.

Alas, it really doesn't fit in with the group again.

On the other side, seven or eight ragged little kids were running around the street in a panic like a flock of ducks being chased, chasing a few plain women who kept scolding.

Ren Zhong keenly noticed that these women's clothes were loose and sloppy, basically hanging in a vacuum.

These people really just barely wrote the word poverty on their faces.

Even if they are both slums, the alley where Miao Shou Huichun is located and the alley where Zheng Tian's team is located are much more prosperous and richer than the alley in front of Ren Zhong.

Even practitioners in the special service industry disdain to come here to solicit customers.

The barrens who will live near the city wall are undoubtedly the bottom of the bottom.

There is no business to do here, only to be prostituted for nothing.


"Young man. I have a job here. You help me build a five-meter by five-meter prefabricated house next to your house, and then I will give you 3 contribution points, are you interested?"

Ren Zhong smiled and looked at the young man in front of him and said with a smile.

The young boy looked up at the front with a blank face.

There was a young man on a luxury motorcycle.

Wearing a balanced first-class exoskeleton, the man looks like an elite and powerful professional scavenger.

At this time, the man took off the full-coverage helmet, and looked at himself with a condescending but gentle face.

The guys don't know what happened.

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