Wen Lei thought for a while, hesitated several times, but didn't say anything after all.

Inexplicably, he is very confident in Ren Zhong.

He didn't even know where his confidence came from.

It may come from the innate talent with heavy responsibility, or it may come from the calm temperament that this dear man shows all the time.

Chapter 39 The first battle, the wild cowboy


Bai Feng took the lead, first touched the front, deliberately alarmed the giant mouse, then turned around and ran.

The giant rat attacked and came after him.

Wen Lei, who was ambushed on the flank, roared and rushed out, ramming away like a tank with a giant shield on his shoulders.

The giant mouse turned around immediately, abandoned Bai Feng and chased Wen Lei.

Zheng Tian in the distance fired a smoke bomb that would detonate ahead of time, disrupting the giant mouse's vision.

The giant rat pounced on Wen Lei a little slower.

Ren Zhong, who was wearing a first-level exoskeleton, saw the opportunity and rushed out from the side and rear.

With the aid of the force feedback of the exoskeleton armor, his steps are fast and large.

In Ren Zhong's mind, he flashed through the bits and pieces of his training with the AI ​​robot.

Under the deception of bioelectricity, his control over the extra "muscles" and "skeletons" in his body has reached a level that is extremely close to his own body.

This was the first fight he volunteered for.

It was also his first battle since he set foot in this world, after a long, hard and talented training.

Only to succeed, not to fail.

He took a deep breath, twisted his waist, and swung his right hand from back to front.

The exoskeleton is in perfect harmony with the drives of its own body.

The precision throw of a Major League Baseball ace pitcher!


The bowling ball-sized incendiary bomb flew three meters away in mid-air like lightning, and landed just below the tail of the crystal-armored long-tailed giant mouse.

In the violent collision, the incendiary bomb shattered.

The viscous flammable asphalt splattered and splattered, turning into the mouth of the abyss giant snake, and "biting" the back half of the giant rat from back to front.

The delayed fuze, which is precisely embedded in the drain hole behind the giant rat, ignites.

The raging flames lit up a little behind the giant mouse, and immediately spread forward like a prairie fire.

The giant rat, who suddenly fell into the fire, let out a shrill scream, and turned around in anger and fear and went straight to the culprit.

Seeing this, the rest of the people were panic-stricken.

Zheng Tian, ​​who was in the distance, took the lead in firing the second shot, trying to divert the attention of the giant mouse and cover the heavy responsibility.

But only to hear a crisp clanging sound, and the bullets collapsed without any suspense.

Wen Lei wanted to rescue, but the giant rat was a second-level ruin beast with an energy level index of over 70, and rodents were known for their quick and short-range raids.

He couldn't catch up at all.

Under the full force of Bai Feng's explosion, he was able to match the speed of the giant mouse, but he could not shorten the distance and could not save the burden.

However, Ren Zhong was not in a hurry.

After throwing the incendiary bomb, he took off the warblade hanging on his back and held it with both hands through the exoskeleton gloves.

He pressed down, his waist arched, his legs bent.

Place your left foot behind your right leg, toes on the ground.

The right foot is in front, and the sole of the foot is outstretched.

The 1.5-meter-long alloy war blade pointed at the ground at a 45-degree angle.

At this time, his posture is like a taut spring, which is very similar to that of the famous two-handed sword master Yu Chenghui in the 20th century.

He stared at the giant mouse that turned into a rushing ox, and his eyes were full of frenzy and nervousness.

In his mind, the 0.1-second delay of the first-level exoskeleton, the strength bonus brought by the equipment, the weight and speed of the long-tailed giant mouse, the way the giant mouse slams, and so on, all the factors converged again, becoming the 0.5-second later screen.

At this moment, he used the rigorous thinking he had gained from his scientific research work in the past years, with the explosive attitude of a soldier on the spot.


Ren Zhong suddenly exerted force on his right foot, and his body bounced forward like a rubber band.

His left foot forward.

Holding the sword in both hands, he stabbed straight down diagonally.

He aimed not at the giant rat's mouth, but under its chin.

The right arm and the left arm twisted at the same time, twisting the body violently, and the sword body rotated upwards and lifted up fiercely.

The biceps exert force in advance, the exoskeleton makes perfect synergy, and the output power is instantly increased to 15.2 kilowatts!

The war blade is ferociously picked up from the bottom up!

The tip of the sword is in the middle of the giant mouse's chin.


After the loud noise, the ferocious giant rat turned its head up and flew straight into the sky.

Ren Zhong's sword blasted it three meters high.

This is his first sword to officially announce to the world that he is here!

In ancient times, there was a class Chao who devoted his pen to the army, but today there is a heavy duty to write first and then martial arts.

But it didn't end there.

When the long-tailed giant rat was flying in the air, Ren Zhong took a step back, grabbed the sword with both hands, and rotated 360 degrees on the spot.


The heavy blade with a strong centrifugal force is slashing at the waist of the giant mouse.

There was another loud noise, and the giant rat covered in flames screamed and was shot horizontally for several meters, landing on Wen Lei's side.

The next thing is simple.

Wen Lei, Bai Feng, and Ren Zhong swarmed up in melee combat, trapping the giant rat with more and more flames in place.

Two minutes later, the giant rat stopped struggling and fell to the ground motionless.

There was a faint smell of meat in the air.

Its interior has been burnt through, but this does not affect its corpse value.

On the crystal-armored long-tailed giant mouse, the most valuable thing outside the chip is the crystal-armor scales on the outer surface of the body, all of which are still intact.

Ren Zhong put down the blade and quietly watched the first soul under the knife in his true sense.

He wasn't complacent.

Everything is just beginning.


"Hmm, that's great. I can't believe it, bro, it's your first time wearing a MechWarrior exoskeleton."

Zheng Tian stepped forward and sighed.

Thinking of her senseless worries and doubts just now, her face turned slightly red.

The two swords that Ren Zhong started with just now were impeccably beautiful, like art.

The following grams, take the lead.

Zheng Tian has a feeling.

As long as you bring incendiary bombs, I am afraid that one person will be able to consume this second-level giant mouse alive.

Others are just icing on the cake.

Ren Zhong was finally willing to grin and smile, "It's still a long way off."

Ou Youning also stepped forward, "Brother Ren, don't be modest. I bet more than 80.00% of the first-level mecha fighters in the town can't do it with the knife you just made from the bottom up. This forecast Judgment, this control over delay, this power-manipulation skill... tsk tsk, absolutely."

Blow, blow hard.

Ren Zhong still smiled, but said nothing.

From his point of view, he is really far away.

Leaving aside the enemies at the macro level, the only person he wanted to kill right now was the fourth-level gunsmith Bei Lihui.

Ren Zhong lowered his head slightly and looked at the exoskeleton gloves with metallic luster on his fists.

Bang!He clenched his fists.

After this battle, he adjusted his mentality again.

As it turns out, I can!

Besides the brain, so can my fists.

Resurrection, wisdom, talent...

I have advantages that ordinary people can't imagine.

I will take this advantage to the extreme, and sprinkle my traces on this wild land.

"Zheng Tian, ​​the plan has changed. I will guide you from now on, but the formulation of the specific combat plan is up to you. You must also take my combat power into account. Remember, I am a balanced mecha warrior."

Ren Zhong said so.

Zheng Tian, ​​who was watching Chen Hanyu dismantle the chip, was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay!"

She was also excited.

I was finally appreciated by this mysterious census officer.

He wants to train himself!

Responsibility no longer hides his clumsiness, changed his course of action, and began to search for the "mines" in his memory with the aim of increasing his assets.

Searching for pictures is very different from searching aimlessly.

In addition, due to Ren Zhong's own combat power, some medium and large rat dens that he had deliberately avoided last time were also included in the death list.

The motivated Zheng Tian showed the level of a senior semi-professional captain.

In the shortest possible time, she organically integrated the newly added combat power of the team like a puzzle.

The combat effectiveness of the squad formed by the combination of gunsmiths, demolitionists, colonized warriors, heavy armored armored warriors, and balanced armored warriors has not only increased by 25% due to one more combatant than in the past, but has also increased. More possibilities, more combinations and distribution mechanisms.

It's not addition, it's multiplication.

Zheng Tian updated his tactical pack.

Ambush, raid, roam, provoked rear kite...

A variety of tactics, either groping on her own or learned stealthily, were used by her with perfection.

The squad turns into wild west cowboys and gallops across the battlefield.


Chapter 40 Fighting and Reproduction

The wind blew through the dunes.

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