No, this time it was a little more shameless, so I got another cell activity enhancer, saving 50 oceans.

Whoring for free is of course blood money.

Sun Miao's roar sounded in the room, "Get out! Get out of here quickly! I don't want to see you again in my life! Shit!"

With a "huge sum" of 206 contribution points in his arms, Ren Zhong whistled all the way, humming his favorite Tang Dynasty band version of "The Internationale" as he walked towards the intersection.

The van came and stopped.

Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian met briefly, and then transferred the money.

The bone conduction sound of the makeshift watch rang in my head.

"Private transfers get 0.72 contribution points, and the current balance is 206.72."

Hearing this pleasant voice, Ren Zhong had an understatement smile on his face.

As early as on the way back to town, the moment he got the temporary watch, he discovered a new mystery.

At that time, he checked his balance with an attitude of trying, and found that he had brought 6 points of "startup capital" since he was born.

Case solved.

The extra income of 1 contribution point last time did not come out of thin air.

That is also the result of my "hard work" sleeping, which comes from renting an official watch when I was resurrected last time, and subtly avoided the rental fee, which accounted for 90%.

The last 5 came from five consecutive days of hard sleep after the last resurrection.

Although he didn't know what happened and why, it was obvious that the contribution points obtained through sleep were locked on his body and brought back together with the memory.

Saying goodbye to Zheng Tian again, Ren Zhong went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Level [-] official watch achievement achieved again.

Squatting to the corner, surfing the Internet, sweeping the stock market, comparing with memory, confirming that it is correct, heaving a sigh of relief.

Then go to the town house to meet Zheng Tian, ​​and see the old licking dog Madafu.

All the plots are a repeat of the past, with only a slight change in the final ending stage.

"Mayor Ma, I have a heartfelt request. Although it is already off-duty time, please trouble me to take me to the arms mall. I want to buy something."

Madafu snapped his fingers, "No problem! I, the citizens of Xinghuo Town, like to work overtime!"


This time, Ren Zhong spent a total of 76 points in the arms mall, and the balance in his pocket when he went out was 31.62.

Compared with the last time, he didn't enter the supply and marketing cooperative to drink vegetarian tea, but found a place to squat at the door, saving 0.1 points, did not test the initial value of the brain-computer synchronization rate, saved 5 points, and bought two less training A matching battery saves 4 points.

Total savings of 9.1 points.

Counting the extra 5 points of initial start-up capital, Ren Zhong walked out of the Arms Mall with a full 14.1 points more money than last time.

Mosquito legs are small, but they are also meat, so what you save is what you earn.

It is the instinct of scientific workers to make the details more perfect and go one step further than the last one every time.

"Brother Ren, why did you buy this magnetic storm dust grenade?"

Perhaps it was because Ren Zhong acted too confidently, Zheng Tian reacted differently from last time, directly asking out the doubts in his heart.

"Don't ask, if you ask, it means that the secret cannot be revealed."


After traversing the Iron Worm Forest for a long time, the extremely ferocious and domineering blade beetle died. He died without the dignity of a third-level ruin beast, and was humbled into the soil.

Blade Beetle never touched any member of Zheng Tian's team.

First, it was shot by a more accurate machine gun with a heavy responsibility.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Lei strictly obeyed Ren Zhong's command, and threw the huge shield 0.5 seconds ahead of time with an accuracy of less than 1 centimeter, which happened to block the advance route of the blade beetle.

What happened next was a perfect replica of the last time.

The blade beetle changed its route and turned to Baifeng.

Magnetic storm dust grenade detonates.

The blade beetle is trapped.

Zheng Tian delivered a fatal blow.

After struggling for 3 minutes, the blade beetle stood up.

The five members of Zheng Tian's team, full of shock and doubt, fell into deep shock again after listening to Ren Zhong's understatement of "commentary".

Zheng Tian has always claimed to be a smart person, and she is also well-known among the desolate people in Xinghuo Town, but now she is so inferior that she can't wait to kneel on the ground and sing conquest.

She never thought that the IQ gap between people could be so large that it was unimaginable.

"Okay, don't be dazed, it's nothing to make a fuss about." Ren Zhong waved his hand, "There is still plenty of time and supplies, and there should be no second third-level market in the Iron Insect Forest in the short to medium term." Beast, let's make persistent efforts today and beat him up!"

While talking, he calmly looked back at the container of the van truck.

The ruins of the beasts in the truck this time were completely different from the last time.

Having fully grasped the dominance of the team's command, he completely changed the route of travel, and only precisely controlled the time to arrive at the iron armor's hiding place.

Along the way, the team harvested the same number of beasts as last time, but the details of the battle were quite different.

Ren Zhong is going crazy about making money now, but he still needs to dig deeper into the details.

The species and activity areas of the beasts that we met last time have now become his private information, like the hazelnuts that a squirrel hoards in a tree hole during the winter, waiting to be harvested by his teeth.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the team returned to Spark Town.

Count the harvest.

The heavy-duty personal wallet enjoyed a gluttonous feast.

In addition to the blade beetle, a total of 11 first-level beasts were wiped out, and 35 points of commission were deducted.After deducting the cost of 9 points, the profit is 26 points.

Here Ren Zhong got 6 points, Zheng Tian and the other five people got 4 points each.

The total value of Blade Beetle is 120 points.

Ren Zhong took 100 points alone, and the other five shared 20 points equally.

Counting the income from sleep last night, his wealth reached 138.62.

Chapter 36 Strict Enforcement to Improve Efficiency

Since Wen Lei was not injured, history was rewritten.

Zheng Tian decided to use 20 contribution points from public funds to replace Wen Lei with a new shield.

In fact, the team suffered a loss in this matter. After all, Wen Lei's shield was damaged in the battle with the Blade's Edge Beetle, and Ren Zhong took the bulk of it.

But since others didn't mention it, he didn't intend to compensate others.

After all, it seems to be the true meaning of this world that people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves.

In addition, this also proves that Zheng Tian did not know about the Benlei car at this time, otherwise Wen Lei would have to pay for it out of his own pocket.

The lightning car incident should have happened near noon today, and Ren Zhong speculated that it should be due to the butterfly effect caused by the fact that he changed his mind and disrupted the time when the team returned to the town.

After dividing the accounts, Ren Zhong said goodbye to everyone and went straight to the mecha warrior training ground alone.

Although he has no equipment, he is now an experienced trainer and can complete the training alone.

Brush your face and ask Ju Qingmeng for two nutritious meals, put on the intensive training armor, measure the parameters first, and then start the training.

The data after training is as follows.

The carrying power has been increased from 1 kW to 2.5 kW after nearly a day.

The brain response index has risen to 41.3.

The physical fitness index increased from an initial value of 5.3 to 6.9.

The growth rate has become faster, which should be the credit of the human cell activity enhancer.

The kryptonite warrior who prostitutes for nothing is really extraordinary.

After four hours of hard training, Wen Lei came on time as requested.

When the two met, Wen Lei was taken aback when he saw Ren Zhong's exhausted appearance.

On the way, Wen Lei asked Ren Zhong's training experience and parameter improvement out of curiosity.

After getting the answer, Wen Lei's brain was buzzing all the way.

When they got to the centralized sleeping cabin, the others did not fall asleep, but gathered together in the room to have a heated discussion.

We were talking about Ben Lei cars.

The time line has come to an end.

Although the team had a bumper harvest yesterday, the biggest beneficiary was the heavy responsibility. The team's public funds did not increase much. After changing the shield for Wen Lei, it dropped by 600, which is still a dozen points.

Everyone did not let Ren Zhong participate in the fundraising. Now he is still a temporary employee. It is not his turn to raise funds to buy a car, and he will not agree to it. Zheng Tian also does not intend to ask him.

"It's a pity that we are not citizens, so we can't get a loan. Finding someone to borrow money is also a big hassle. But I've already told them that the seller will keep it for now, and we're not in a hurry. We'll go out and fight for a day tomorrow. All the money you get is counted in the public fund, and it should be enough.”

In the end, Zheng Tian finally arranged so.

Others have no objection.

This decision exposed one thing. In fact, it was not so urgent to buy a car. The relatively expensive Benlei car was not as tight as Zheng Tian said.

The last time she said that was just an excuse for her to lie to Wen Lei to pay for equipment repairs and injuries.

After careful consideration, he decided to act together tomorrow.

He has a whole plan.

Due to the efficacy of the cell activity enhancer, starting tomorrow, after his cancer is completely cured, his parameters will usher in a period of leaps and bounds.

Then it's time to let yourself have the combat power of a first-level soldier, and then go to participate in actual combat.

Just relying on the income of Zheng Tian's team to save money slowly, if I want to save enough 1000 points to enter the stock market, I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey and the horse month.

Only with combat effectiveness can we have the capital to further make a fortune.

When he has the ability to hunt alone, then at night when everyone is asleep, the outskirts of Xinghuo Town will be his own world.

Now, he knew that the real danger of the night wasn't just from the beasts, but from too much sleep.

The truly strong build wealth while others sleep.

In the last resurrection, he took advantage of the two opportunities to go out to hunt down all the points, which will become the mining area where he took the risk and quickly made a fortune.

He knows the route, what kind of ruin beasts he will encounter along the way, and what kind of abilities he has.

He will use his "prediction of the future" to turn the dangerous land where others need to be cautious, into his own backyard for growing leeks.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is 09:30 on the fifth night.

At this time, the parameters of the heavy responsibility have completely surpassed the standards of the first-class mecha warriors.

After three consecutive days of hunting, even though he went to the mid-level area to prodigal every day, his wealth still did not drop to 100, and he still had 117.12 in his hand.

The main reason is that the team finally bought the Thunderbolt car on the fourth night, and then on the fifth day, after Ren Zhong's unreasonable request, the team deliberately delayed going out for half an hour.

After the others left, Zheng Tian simply practiced the car for half an hour in the parking lot, then went out and chose another route. After a day of wandering, the team gained a lot, with an average score of 11.2 points per person.

Everything went well, but there are still regrets.

After tonight, the stock market book that he has written down will expire, but let alone enter the stock market, he still can't even afford first-class armor.

The speed of making money is still too slow!

But he was not depressed.

He calculated with his fingers, and now his initial wealth value after resurrection has increased to a full 10 points.

Maybe one day in the future, I will start with a million-dollar household. Thinking about it, it is still a little small...

I don't know whether to be excited or depressed.

There are also those monster spawning routes hoarded in the heart, which are also the starting point for the explosion of assets.

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