Simultaneous visual and auditory double hallucinations.

A huge VR screen appeared in front of my eyes, and at the same time, a graceful goddess voice sounded in my ears.

"Welcome to the eighth..."

Skip ads.

Ren Zhong didn't rush to click on other functions, but began to think subconsciously.

This was the third time he heard the goddess voice read the advertisement, and he noticed some details that he hadn't noticed before.

It seems that this female voice is a bit too provocative.

It's just a very ordinary advertisement, but there is a faint throbbing of desire in the depths of my heart, as if someone is breathing lightly on his earlobe.

It is reasonable for this to happen to ordinary people, but he has a heavy responsibility.

He also thought that when he put on the watch, a female voice sounded in his ears, so if it was a female user, would he also hear a female voice?Or a magnetic baritone?

What is the intention of Deep Communication to come up with such a slogan?

He couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it and skipped it for the time being.

He set his sights on the fifth of the six icons.


The magic effect of this hypnotic function is amazing.

As long as you open it, you can fall asleep instantly, which is better than falling half-step in five seconds.

In addition, Ren Zhong judged from the perspective of his own experience that hypnosis brought absolutely incredible eight hours of complete deep sleep.

This is obviously beyond the normal needs of the human body.

But here is another paradox.

The young night watchman said that even if people in this world don't have watches, if they don't use some special measures to improve their strength at midnight, they still have to fall asleep on time and wake up at the speed of light at eight o'clock the next morning.

That must be eight hours of deep sleep, no doubt.

But Ren Zhong is different, he even has sleepless nights.

It takes a heavy responsibility to open the watch to have eight hours of deep sleep like others, and then he can make full use of the sleep time in the sleeping space.

This allows him to work 24 hours a day, day and night all year round, which is a good thing he dreams of in the 21st century.

Now the dream has come true, but his instincts as a scientist make him subconsciously alert.

He even began to doubt.

According to others, humans seem to have been like this since time immemorial.

Maybe everyone in this world has actually been deceived, and only the "ancient man" knows what real sleep should look like based on the physiological structure of human beings.

There is no free lunch in the world, wearing a watch to sleep, and giving money to improve sleep, there is a deep unreasonableness that only he can realize.

Is the abnormal premature aging of the 38-year-old boy's mother and the 42-san mayor Madafona related to this sleep?

When this thought came up, and when Ren Zhong looked at the hypnotic icon again, he suddenly felt as if he was staring into the abyss.

He was terrified, and his soul trembled involuntarily.

But he still clicked "Hypnosis" after all.

Like other people's survival needs, Ren Zhong also has his own Maslow needs.

Even if he can't see through the strangeness for a while, knowing that this may be drinking poison to quench his thirst, he is reckless.

He wasn't even afraid of sudden death from exercise overdose, so he decided to do it like everyone else.

Now he's pretending really hard.

Although he didn't say it, he didn't think about it, but he knew it well, having been killed by the hunter once in the city.

Perhaps the "Eye of Judgment" has been hanging above everyone's head.

There is an evaluation system that ordinary people don't know, and it is scoring everyone every moment.

When this score exceeds a certain threshold, the hunter will come as a judge of death.

The last time I died, it was because I said too much that I shouldn't have said in one breath.

Now I am cautious, but it does not mean that it will not be "increased" and will not be erased.

Death is still with us.

Ren Zhongtao needs to "see" the world through the channel of the watch, and put the new world view cognition on himself like armor.

Yes, he is very smart and has a strong learning ability, but his time to integrate with society is only two or three days.

The natives of Yuan Xing spent as little as ten years and as many as 30 to [-] years forming an "indigenous world view".

Ren Zhong wants to form a perfect "worldview armor". To become a deep faker who cannot be recognized by the "Eye of Judgment", no matter how smart he is, he needs to ingest a huge amount of information, and the sooner the better.

Taking a deep breath, Ren Zhong once again clicked on the icon of the vocational teaching system.

This time he is not looking at the introduction of the mecha warrior profession, but the other four.

He has strictly divided the eight hours of tonight into three parts.

First of all, use three and a half hours to further enhance your understanding of gunsmiths, demolitionists, dismantlers, and colonizers.

He has to write down all the characteristics of these occupations, weapon performance, all combat skills, and so on.

After living another day and already joining Zheng Tian's team, what he will face next is still an unknown and dangerous future.

If you want to survive in Xinghuo Town and live well, you must not only study the enemy, but also study your teammates. Only by knowing your enemies and friends can you adapt to the situation and win a hundred battles.

Ren Zhong hopes that one day in the future, he will not need to be resurrected, but also be able to be like a real expert, and plan ahead.

Then, for the second three and a half hours, he will spend frantically browsing the market beast database.

If he could, he even wanted to put all the information in the entire database into his head.

In science, it takes a flash of inspiration to make a conjecture, but what really promotes the progress of civilization is the exhaustive method based on all known information.

After getting to know any Ruins Beast, he will be more calm in the face of emergencies, even if he loses, he can only die once, and the next time he comes again, he can use the absolute information advantage to crush it.

For the last hour, he'll be literally surfing the Internet for bits and pieces of information.


At five o'clock in the morning, Ren Zhong opened another software icon next to the virtual life called Daily Toutiao.

This is a super large-scale information comprehensive software, and it is also the best channel for the bottom-level Yuanxing people who are trapped in a corner to understand the world.

After opening it, Ren Zhong first scanned the software interface.

This software seems to have been fine-tuned according to his personal window interface habits, and its column structure and information integration method are highly similar to the Jinx Toutiao APP he used N years ago.

The software is divided into many sections, dozens of major categories such as attention, recommendation, corporate news, combat occupation, finance and so on.

The recommended section is opened by default.

The first thing that catches the eye is every title that makes Ren Zhong want to click on it.

In general, there are the following categories.

Records and text explanations of the shocking battles between high-level powerhouses and top-level ruined beasts.

Beast Tide Outbreak Incident Report.

Technological innovation and new product development of nine major companies.

Small and Medium Business Mergers Report.

Report on the progress of research and development, production and sales of new weapons and new equipment, just advertise.

New establishment and abolition of administrative units.

The above are all automatic recommendations given by the big data function based on the content that new users are most likely to be interested in, combined with recent facts.

Ren Zhong looked at each title with enthusiasm, took out the shorthand mode, and scanned them all at the fastest speed.

After reading hundreds of pieces of information and spending more than [-] minutes, Ren Zhong completely confirmed his conjecture.

There is indeed no country on Origin Star.

The long-known nine major enterprises perform their respective duties, each lead a group, intertwined with each other, and stretched their tentacles to every corner of the entire planet.

The nine companies are:

The Tanggu Group, which controls the recycling of waste resources and the recycling of hunting beasts.

Shenxun Group, which controls the chip and Internet industries.

The Rock Group that controls the energy industry.

Tianlong Hi-Tech, which controls agricultural and food processing and sales.

Mengdu Group, which controls the biomedical industry.

Amethyst Mining Group, which controls the material mining, processing and sales industry.

Bass Group, which controls the daily necessities and chemical industries.

Arson Group, which controls the financial, trade, logistics and cross-star business industries.

Yuanxing Military Industry Group, which controls all military resources.

These nine major enterprises are only divided into fields, regardless of territory, and they are all in one line, and they control everything on the planet in a dislocated and overlapping manner.

At the same time, the nine major enterprises have jointly established the Yuanxing Business Association to coordinate mutual relations and promote cross-field technology and resource cooperation.

In society, the Origin Star Business Association with a pyramid structure has basically replaced the function of the country.

For example, Xinghuo Town is an administrative agency under the association, and the mayor of the town, Madafu, is appointed by the higher-level association directly under it.

Ren Zhong expressed mixed feelings about this.

He didn't even know how to describe the system.

Is it capitalism or feudalism?

But certainly not republic.

Because the highest level of the nine major companies can be inherited.

Chapter 32 I Want to Ride the Wind to Nine Heavens and Make the World Feel Pain

Ren Zhong looked at the time, it was 10 minutes before six o'clock.

He was finally willing to turn his attention back to the section column on the top edge of the software, and then opened the financial section in a strange place.

Ren Zhong was a little curious.

What does financial news look like in a world where people at the bottom see no hope at all.

After opening it, he was shocked.

I didn't expect to see a bustling market full of vitality.

A dazzling array of new companies went public, a company's new products were sold, and the stock price rose sharply, a company executive shook and the stock price plummeted, a company announced that it would acquire XX% of XX company's shares at XX stock price, a financial big V Said to be optimistic about a certain company, which led to the company's additional shares being looted...

Looking at this scene, Ren Zhong thought in a trance that time had flown back.

So much financial activity!

This seems both reasonable and unreasonable.

Until six o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock sounded in the sleeping space, and when Ren Zhong bounced off the bed, he kept saying "what the hell" over and over again in his mind.

The "prosperity" on the Internet and the depression in Xinghuo Town were twisted and entangled in his mind, forming an extremely dislocated worldview.

Those companies that are active on the financial channel are not the nine major groups, but after clicking on them, Ren Zhong can see that these companies are [-]% subsidiaries of the nine major groups.

Some are directly affiliated subsidiaries, and some are even second-level, third-level, or even fourth-level and fifth-level subsidiaries under the subsidiary.

Some of these subsidiaries operate a subdivided industry under the control of the nine major groups, while others differentiate their business scope by region.

The Xinghuo Resource Recycling Company in the town is an unknown subsidiary of the Tanggu Group.

Thousands of subsidiaries that are blooming with a hundred flowers compete with each other in the same huge stock market system.

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