
Ren Zhong took off his shirt and put on tight shorts like swimming trunks, lying on an iron bed.

Madha Fu and Zheng Tian watched with interest from the side.

Zheng Tian's baby face hides lingering excitement.

Usually, as a semi-professional scavenger leader without citizenship, it is difficult to even see the mayor from a distance, let alone communicate with the mayor.

Unexpectedly, after picking up Ren Zhong, the census officer, he actually got on the line with the mayor and became familiar with each other.

Zheng Tian believes that as long as she accumulates a little more, her dream of jumping out of the bottom-level status of the barren will become much easier to achieve.

A long-haired woman in an army green uniform was bustling around the iron bed with a face full of impatience. She patted one chip capacitor after another on Ren Zhong, just like when she was testing an electrocardiogram.

But the number, density, and coverage of the capacitors are much greater.

At the other end of the capacitor, a slender wire is connected under a rectangular cabinet like a refrigerator.

There is an LCD screen on the top of the cabinet.

The responsibility is not only observing the test instrument, but also observing the operator.

Seeing that the other party's expression was full of dissatisfaction, he felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't say anything.

After a total of [-] capacitors were filled, the woman in uniform was about to turn it on directly.

Ma Dafu interjected: "Manager Ju, please talk to Mr. Ren carefully about the way of the initial value of the brain-computer synchronization rate. Mr. Ren, Ju Qingmeng is from Chongyi County. He graduated from Chongyi, and he is a top student majoring in ordnance management. , the level is very high. She can come to Xinghuo Town because the townspeople are convinced."

While saying this, Madhafu quietly winked at the woman in uniform.

Ju Qingmeng seemed to understand what Madhafu meant, and felt a little stunned.

The old fat man wanted to show his professionalism in front of this heavy responsibility.

No wonder he, who had already gotten off work, was urgently recalled by Fatty Ma. It seemed that this was a great responsibility.

For myself who wanted to return to the county seat of Chongyi, it was a relief.

Her attitude changed suddenly.

"I wonder if Mr. Ren has a detailed understanding of mecha warriors before?"

Although Ren Zhong didn't understand what happened, after thinking about it, he answered honestly, "No."

Sure enough, she wanted to test me by pretending she didn't understand, Ju Qingmeng smiled, but she was full of charm and beautiful.

It was only then that Ren Zhong noticed that this woman had fair and delicate skin, narrow eyebrows and narrow eyes, a pointed face and a straight nose, and her appearance was extremely high.

When she had a straight face, Ren Zhong didn't think she was pretty, but when she laughed, the facial features on her face opened up, and she was really beautiful.

As far as looks are concerned, Ju Qingmeng and Chen Han are just as eloquent as they are. They are both the looks with the highest scores after they have been allowed to live, and they are slightly higher than the baby-faced Zheng Tian, ​​who is slightly fat.

Ju Qingmeng: "Then I'll be a pure rookie who really doesn't know anything about Mr. Ren. Don't think I'm long-winded."

Ren Zhong: "Okay, trouble you."

"The so-called brain-computer synchronization rate, simply summed up, refers to the ability of the neural network to carry external bioelectrical signals. But this statement is too sketchy, and many people who have not undergone professional learning do not understand. The synchronization rate is for mecha warriors. , its importance even exceeds physical quality, and it is related to the induction rate of the feedback signal of the human nerve exoskeleton device, the volume of information that the neural network can transmit in unit time, and the transmission speed, scale and quality of the coordinated command issued by the brain. Mr. Ren, Did you understand?"

"Understood, please continue."

"In order for mecha warriors to gain effective combat effectiveness, they must train their exoskeleton mecha to be like a part of the body. With the assistance of micro-current pathways, they use brainwave signals to control the exoskeleton armor as if they were controlling the body."

Ren Zhong asked: "Why can't we use traditional control methods like driving a vehicle?"

Ju Qingmeng shook his head, "Of course that's not possible. A complete exoskeleton armor can have as few as dozens or as many as hundreds of joints of different sizes and functions. In actual combat, it may be just a simple overall movement. The joints will have different degrees of dismantling movements in different directions. If you put a joystick on each key joint like driving a vehicle, how many joysticks will there be? How to adjust the omnidirectional movement of each joint? A person's hand No matter how fast or skilled it is, it is impossible to simultaneously complete complex operations such as rapid maneuvering and firing weapons.”

Ren Zhong asked again, "Then why can't we use the program to program in advance and set the combination? For example, if I pull the joystick at different amplitudes, the exoskeleton armor can walk slowly or run fast, or if I make a fist, the armor will follow me. Make a fist, I want to raise my hand, the internal force is transmitted out, the sensor in the armor senses it, and then I control the armor to make a coordination that matches my intention? Integrate countless small changes into various modes to simplify the operation process, no way ?"

Ju Qingmeng: "We are not dealing with cumbersome armored vehicles, but powerful life beasts of different sizes, fast and slow, and even with basic combat intelligence. If you combine the details of the exoskeleton armor, then you can His moves are also fixed and routine, and they can't adapt to changes, so there is almost no chance of winning against Ruin Beasts of the same level."

"Also, as you said, it is theoretically possible to control the armor through subtle force sensing. But no matter how good the chip and sensor we use, the delay of this synergistic response is unbearably high. The only way to shorten the delay is. The solution is to only access it from the neural level. If you want to punch, your hand also punches, and your exoskeleton armor also punches almost simultaneously. Do you understand?"

Ren nodded, "Understood, thank you!"

"Okay, start the test now to see if you are talented, Mr. Ren. Please lie down and relax as much as possible."

Responsibility did as he was told.

Ju Qingmeng turned on the switch, and in the next instant, Ren Zhong felt dense micro-currents from all over the body, which was somewhat similar to when the watch took effect, but the whole body acted synchronously.

This numb feeling lasted for nearly 5 minutes.

The display on the cabinet finally showed the reading.

"The result is out."

Ju Qingmeng said.

The burden of facing the cabinet can't see the number, and his mood has begun to get nervous, "How much?"

"10%, yes, just right."

Ju Qingmeng said with a smile.

A long sigh of relief.


"It's just a pity."

Ju Qingmeng sighed again.

"How to say?"

"Mr. Ren is 23 years old this year. If the untrained initial value is only 10%, it basically means that you are unlikely to become a mech fighter above level three."

Ren Zhong's face darkened, "Is that so?"

"Mr. Ren, don't be discouraged, the initial value is not a fixed value, it will fluctuate to a certain extent according to your physical condition. Like other barren people who want to measure the initial value, they usually spend ten days and a half months in advance to strengthen the exercise, Adjust the state and try to get the best result on the first test.”

"Mr. Ren, you look pale, and your mental state is not very good. Maybe when you go back and take a good rest, you can test again another day. The value can go up a little bit. As long as it can exceed 12%, then you will reach the level of the fourth-level mecha warrior. There is still hope.”

Ren Zhong's heart rekindled hope, "Really?"

"Mr. Ren, let me tell you a joke. Last year, there was a man who made an appointment for a test in advance, but he had a bad stomach on the morning of the test, and it happened just when the test was started. Most of the pathways in his spinal nerves were constantly feeding him. The immune response information in the body was transmitted, and it was only 5% measured. His whole person was not well, and the test fee of 5 contribution points was wasted. After a few days, after he recovered, the re-measurement showed that the initial data was 13%. It's also a good value in Starfire Town. This guy is really funny."

Zheng Tian next to him coughed lightly, "Manager Ju is talking about Wen Lei, my team member."

Crowd:  …

When Ren Zhong heard the words, the center of his mind recited.

Wen Lei is just a diarrhoea, and it dropped from 13% to 5%.

I am a terminal cancer patient who has just retracted his leg from the gate of hell. The cancer cells in the whole body are heavily spread, and the abnormal cell phagocytosis is fighting against the cancer cells. Maybe the after effect of the previous nerve blocker has not ended, and the negative BUFF in the body Can be described as full.

So what should my real value be?

Just as she was talking, Ju Jingyi suddenly snorted, "It's strange, it's increased by 1%, and now it's 11%! Is there such a thing? Mr. Ren, why don't you wait a little longer and see if it can go up again?"

Ren Zhong hurriedly said: "Thank you, Manager Ju, it's too late, please remove the equipment first. This thing is too numb, I can't stand it. By the way, it's late, we have to hurry. , please manager Ju show me the list of goods in the mall, I want to buy something."

"it is good."

Chapter 23 Micro-operation master, revisiting the old place

Ten minutes later, Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian left side by side, and hurried to the centralized sleeping cabin.

Halfway through the journey, Zheng Tian was full of doubts and hesitated several times.

But Ren Zhong has always acted very cold all the way.

After all, Zheng Tian was unable to ask the exit.

The burden is heavy tonight and the expenses are not small.

The talent test uses 5 contribution points, so there is no need to test it again next time, and this money can be saved.

Well, if there is a next time.

Then Ren Zhong bought a whole set of simple training exoskeletons at a price of 20 contribution points.

The appearance of this thing does not look like an exoskeleton at all. It has five parts: tactical vest, camouflage trousers, sun hat, gloves and shoes. The whole body is composed of organic fibers and circuits hidden in the interlayer of woven fabrics. No impact protection and no combat bonuses.

However, the importance of training suits goes without saying.

This is the stepping stone for every pure newcomer to set foot in the field of mecha warriors.

It has two functions.

First, those who have a superficial understanding of mecha warriors can experience the feeling of operating a real combat exoskeleton through training equipment.

Second, through conservative low-intensity stimulation, let the microcurrent flow continuously along the human neural network, like a turbulent river widening the channel, and gradually increase the human body's bioelectricity carrying power value.

If one day the heavy body can run to the maximum output power of the training equipment, it means that he can change into the real combat equipment.

In addition, Ren Zhong also purchased five compressed batteries to match the training exoskeleton.Each block sells for 2 contribution points, for a total of 10 points.

Just these three things cost a total of 35 contribution points, which is a huge sum of money if the other members of Zheng Tian's team earn more than a month.

But these expenses are reasonable and all necessary.

But Zheng Tian couldn't figure out why he bought another thing.

Magnetic storm dust grenade: a three-level special bomb. When it explodes, it can sway nano-scale NdFeB strong magnetic powder, covering an area of ​​30 meters, with a total powder mass of 3kg and a floating time of 30 seconds.The price is 50 contribution points.

This thing is a one-time consumption equipment of the third level, it can be used in very few places, and it is expensive.

Ou Youning, who is a professional bomb player in the team, can buy two if he adds up all his belongings.

But Ou Youning would never be able to buy this thing in his entire life, he was almost crazy.

In short, thanks to the heavy responsibility of the prodigal, he spent a full 85 contribution points in the arms mall tonight, and Zheng Tian next to the deduction was terrified.

Back in the sleeping cabin, they settled down, Ren Zhong finally lay down, and he was a little relieved.

If Zheng Tian asked him just now why he wanted to buy grenades, he really couldn't answer.

Today's harvest is okay, basically satisfied.

The only regret is that after these consumptions, he only has 17.52 contribution points left in his pocket, and he cannot afford a first-level basic exoskeleton of the same level as Wen Lei. He can only think about it after he has saved enough money.

The balanced first-level basic exoskeleton has a total of five base components, including the corresponding equipment for the head, body, hands, legs, feet, etc. The total price is 150 contribution points, and each component requires an average of 30 points.

Ren Zhong is not in a hurry now, anyway, even if he buys it, he doesn't dare to wear it.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Ren Zhong "falls asleep" on time.

This night, he was still full.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon, and he spends all his time learning the basics of mech warriors.

He studied the instructions for using the training equipment in all directions, and then initially learned about the four parameters related to the promotion of mecha warriors, which are the brain-machine synchronization rate, the bioelectricity carrying power value, the brain response index, and the comprehensive physical fitness index.

The brain response index and the comprehensive physical fitness index are related to the actual combat ability, almost nothing, at least can wear equipment.

The heavy-duty brain-computer synchronization rate has reached the standard.

What he needs to improve the most at the moment is the second parameter, the bioelectricity carrying power value.

The specific algorithm for carrying the power value is very complicated, but the external representation can be simply summarized as, what is the carrying power value, the mecha warrior can control the maximum power output of the armor.

For example, Wen Lei is now a senior first-level soldier, then his armor's maximum output power must exceed 10 kilowatts.

As for the responsibilities, the current figure is only 1 kilowatt at most, and it needs to be improved with training armor.

When his figure exceeds 10 kilowatt-hours, he can wear first-level equipment, and he is barely considered a quasi-first-level warrior who has not passed the professional title assessment.

The next morning, everything was the same as the past, with only minor differences.

After waking up this night, Ren Zhong checked the balance in his watch for the first time.

Great, up a full point and it's now 1.

The official watch really does not have to pay the crazy [-]% tax. In the future, it will be a master who can make a fortune while lying down.

Ren Zhong was "again" invited by Zheng Tian to become a temporary member of the team.

Then the six went to the cafeteria to eat, and then went to the parking lot.

Compared with the last time, Zheng Tian seemed to be in a much better mood. He walked briskly and walked faster with the entire team.

In order to prevent the time from being disrupted, Ren Zhong had to control his cadence and stride throughout the entire process, forcing the other five to slow down, sway with his own rhythm, and hold the time forcibly.

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