I don’t know how many days I can live, I have to get out quickly, find modern humans, and get medical treatment quickly.

The damn cancer is still there!

After half an hour, the tired and hungry Ren Zhong finally walked out of the jungle.

Looking ahead, there is a vast wilderness, the terrain is undulating like horseback, covered with mottled grass, ferns and shrubs.

These unfamiliar plants have different shapes and heights, but what they have in common is that the surface of their branches and leaves are slightly glowing with a strange blue fluorescence.

Although he is not a professional in animals and plants, Ren Zhong swears that he has never seen such a plant.

He looked back again at the dark jungle behind him, covered with towering giant trees that covered the sky and the ground.

These trees are also species that I have never seen before.

But what made him strange the most was the sky.

At this time, it was evening, and a sun as huge as a wheel was slowly drilling into the horizon.

On the other side of the horizon, directly opposite the sun, a galactic disk-shaped star was slowly rising into the sky, and it had climbed to a height of three o'clock.

On the horizon below the side of the silver plate, another star with the size of the mouth of a bowl just burst out and is rising into the sky at a faster speed.

A huge sun with blue light, two moons, one big, one small, one slow and one fast.

The scene in front of him made Ren Zhong completely stunned.

This is not Earth!

At this moment, there was a faint whistling and piercing sound in the distance.

Ren Zhong looked around and saw a black shadow the size of a car flying close to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The strong wind brought by the black shadow knocked the plants along the way to the ground, leaving long scratches like a speedboat passing across a calm lake.

The shadow gradually got closer, and Ren Zhong could see clearly what it was.

It is about five meters long, shaped like a bullet, with a silvery surface, in a beautiful streamlined shape, with two small wings on both sides, exactly like the heavy weapon of the country Dongfeng-17 in his memory, but the tail does not drag out the flame tail. , I don't know what is driving it.

Ren Zhong felt that this must be a man-made aircraft.

He didn't expect someone to find him so quickly.

He pondered, first reconnecting with the society, and then trying to find a way to cure the disease, and then slowly understand the world.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but now cancer should be as curable as a cold, right?

There are new expectations for his future life.

He raised his hands and waved desperately, trying to attract the aircraft's attention.

As expected, the aircraft turned slightly, heading straight for Ren Zhong.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed to [-] meters, Ren Zhong secretly sighed and was noticed, and the connection was successful.

The next moment, he vaguely saw a bowl-thick orange beam of light from the top of the aircraft.

The beam disappears in a flash.

The heavy action stopped immediately.

He looked down at his chest.

White smoke was bubbling out from the chest, and inside was a round hole with neat edges, and the inner wall of the round hole was carbon black.

what's the situation?

Ren Zhong looked up again with a dazed face, the aircraft had already rushed forward and suddenly stopped.

The strong wind was blown, and Ren Zhong vaguely heard the whistling of the wind tunnel from his chest.

Time seemed to be frozen for a few seconds, he felt a belated pain, and felt unable to breathe.His body fell down slowly.

He finally knew what was going on.

The aircraft wasn't here to save him.

He wasn't even interested in saying hello, he just slapped his chest far away.

Why? !what I did wrong?

Consciousness gradually sank, and darkness fell from the sky, quickly covering his vision.

Ren Zhong was only confused, but he came back to his senses, and when he looked again, he felt that he flew back a few meters, and inexplicably floated into the air, as if he had become a "viewing angle" fixed in mid-air.

A few meters ahead, it was his corpse with a beautiful round hole on his chest and back.

The corpse was half-kneeling, about to fall to the ground.

In the next instant, three metal long snakes protruded from below the aircraft.

The long snake flew forward like an elephant trunk.

Two long snakes pressed against "own"'s shoulders, preventing them from falling down, and the other stretched over his head.

Next, Ren Zhong saw a scene that made his hair stand on end.

The top of the long snake is open, and inside is a circle of metal iron teeth like lamprey mouthparts.

The iron teeth spun quickly and pressed against his head.

This ghost easily lifted his heavenly cover, and then stretched out ten metal claws from it, grabbing his brain like a claw machine.

The sense of responsibility drifting outside the body began to slacken, and the vision became blurred.

Before completely losing consciousness, he was full of confusion.

No way, I finally came back to life and died like this?

so sloppy?

Chapter 2



In the depths of the valley and forest, the freezer with metal moss on its outer shell was violently opened from the inside.

Ren Zhong came out trembling.

He climbed out of the warehouse with hands and feet, and then grabbed the wall of the frozen warehouse with both hands, so as not to hit a sharp stone below with his butt when he slipped from above.

The last time he came out of the freezer like this, he sat on it at an angle, and the hip bone and the sharp stone collided hard, causing him to bark in pain.

This time, Ren Zhong, who had suffered a loss, subconsciously took more steps, letting his feet land on the ground first.

Then he leaned back against the metal warehouse board and slowly slid down to the ground.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

He coughed violently, coughed for a long time, and then gasped heavily.

He took a deep breath to make sure he was still alive.

He patted his chest again and again, trying to calm down.

His mind turned over and over the image of himself being shot through the chest a few seconds ago, and then having his brain removed.

For a long time he looked around in fear.

As far as I can see, there are still abandoned freezers in a mess, giant trees with leafy branches, vines scurrying all over the ground, dense bushes, and moss like alopecia areata.

No flying machine, thank goodness.

Wait, why am I back in the freezer?

Ren Zhong squeezed his face again, making sure that he was not dreaming.

He began to have new doubts.

What the hell just happened?

Am I not dead?

really dead?

Or after my brain was taken away, it was artificially cultivated in some container. Is this a dream that my brain was guided by?

Ren Zhong thought about it for a long time, but still had no idea.

He even twisted his thigh hard.

Hiss, it does hurt.

Maybe it wasn't a dream, maybe the dream was too real.

He was so absorbed in thinking about things that the freezer next to him began to automatically broadcast information without realizing it. He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the last words of his parents.

Heard the last words again.

He calmed down.

Although I can't figure out whether this is real or an illusion, and what is the situation now, why the aircraft wants to kill people without saying anything, but I have to go and see.

Dad said that everything has to move forward.

It happened that he felt thirsty again, let's go!

Following his memory, Ren Zhong came to the stream again, squatted down to drink water and washed his face again.

But this time he didn't lie down and think about life, and he didn't pick up stones to float in the water. After a short rest, he chose to walk in the opposite direction from last time, in order to avoid the unlucky flying machine.

Not even two steps away, there was another clatter from behind.

Ren Zhong looked back in surprise.

It was still the red and oily fruit, smashed into pieces.

He walked back, looked at it carefully, and then looked up to the side.

There was a flat stone there. If I remember correctly, the stone was picked up by him last time and washed away.

The position of the stone is exactly the same as last time, exactly.

Looking at the red fruit that was smashed to the bone, it was smashed into the middle of the ground scars that were one gray and one black two palm-sized marks.

Ren Zhong closed his eyes and recalled for a long time, his face showing surprise.

The location where the red fruit fell, the location where it was scattered after being smashed on the ground, the shape and location of the large or small pieces...

All these details are exactly the same as in his memory, corresponding one by one, exactly, like going back in time and resetting the years.

Ren Zhong was shaped like petrification, and stayed in place for a long time.

He already had some incredible guesses in his mind.

About 10 minutes later, the stone statue transformed by Ren Zhong suddenly moved, and went straight to the direction opposite to the aircraft selected earlier.

Not long after walking, he suddenly covered his neck again and curled up to the ground.

After a while of pain, Ren Zhong slowly got up and counted the time in his heart.

He became more determined.

The details of the time, scale, degree, and orientation of the pain attack were exactly the same as last time, every minute and second.

Then there are only two possibilities left.

This is either a dream produced by the brain that was taken away, or... the time is really reset after death, and everything returns to the moment when I just woke up.

For now, the first scenario is more likely, and the second scenario is a brighter vision.



Ren Zhong climbed out of the freezer again.

He lay limply on the ground, his pupils constricted violently, and there was lingering fear and confusion in his eyes.

Just now, he "died" once again, at the hands of the aircraft.

This time he chose a new direction. After leaving the dense forest, he walked forward cautiously with his waist hooked, but he was still detected by the patrolling aircraft from a distance, and flew over and took him away in a clean wave.

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