Sun Miao, who was about to pump half a tube of normal saline to complete the last step of sampling, was caught off guard.

"No! You wait! Stop for the labor and management!" Sun Miao shouted hurriedly from behind.

Ren Zhong laughed heartily.

Hurry up, he's in a hurry!

He pretended to be dazed, "Dr. Sun, what other orders do you have?"

After all, he didn't stop, he took a step back and walked out of the clinic door halfway.

"Why don't you have the self-consciousness of being a patient? The doctor hasn't told you to go, can you go? Hurry up and lay down for Lao Tzu! There is also the last injection of immune correction medicine, which can enhance immunity. I gave it away for nothing. Yours! No money!"

Ren Zhong pretended to be ashamed and waved his hands again and again, "How embarrassing, I already owe you so much to Dr. Sun, and I can't accept your love any more."

"Stop! Stop for me!"

Sun Miao really jumped this time.

He was really afraid that the responsibility would just run away.

Although with his status in the town, it's not difficult to find people back.

But the problem is that the abnormal cell phagocytosis has been hit, and the drug is working.

The cancer cells in Ren Zhong's body were waiting in line to be shot. If the delay was longer than 5 minutes, some of the phagocytes would enter those key lymph nodes, and it would be difficult to obtain ideal samples.

However, Ren Zhong was just pretending, not really running away.

Sun Miao had time to quickly take out a new needle, pierced the large bottle next to it, and took out half of the normal saline.

Then he walked over quickly and quickly approached Ren Zhong.

At the door, seeing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, Ren Zhong was ready for a showdown.

He frowned and pointed to the needle in Sun Miao's hand, "Doctor Sun, is this normal saline?"

"Huh?" Sun Miao was attacked again, "What nonsense, I said it was an immune correction medicine."

Ren Zhong made a suspicious statement, "Doctor Sun, something is wrong with you."

"What's wrong?"

"Although I haven't studied medicine, I'm not stupid. You took the liquid from that big bottle and didn't add any other medicines. The equation for sodium chloride is clearly written on the bottle."

Sun Miao was used to dealing with patients who obeyed his advice, but never encountered such a wild way, "Ah, this..."

Responsibility to pursue the victory.

"Also, I asked about it before I came here. Dr. Sun, although you have a good reputation in the town, but you are not generous enough to pay hundreds of dollars for the consultation fee. My treatment has been completed, but you have Out of this half-pipe of normal saline, they lied to me that they were injecting non-existent immune-correcting drugs. What are you thinking about?"

Sun Miao: ""

"Dr. Sun, you can tell me directly what you want to do. Why hide it. I'm not a person who doesn't know what's good. Tell me, tell me."

I know what you want to do, but I won't say it, and you will be able to ask for a price when you say it yourself.

Hey, it's just for fun.

Ten seconds later, Sun Miao, who was unable to speak, was defeated, "I want to take some cancer cells from you for research."

Ren Zhong smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Sampling? That's business. Then you have to pay."

Sun Miao got angry again, "Why are you like this! I'll even charge you for your medical treatment!"

Ren Zhong: "But didn't I leave you an IOU?"

You white-eyed wolf!

Sun Miao gritted her teeth with hatred, "Tell me, how much do you want!"

Ren Zhong had no idea about the scientific research system in this world and Sun Miao's ability to bear, so he didn't know how much to charge.

So he decided to kick the ball back, "Dr. Sun, can you give it to me? I think, as the only doctor in the town, you can't treat a mere barren in me badly, right?"

"How about I forgive you your debt?"

Sun Miao rolled her eyes and tried to ask for a price.

"not so good."

"I'll pay you back the IOU, and I'll give you another hundred!"

Sun Miao squinted his eyes, suppressed his anger, and seemed to be starting to hurt.

Ren Zhong carefully observed the other party's micro-expressions and thought that Sun Miao's pain was [-]% true and [-]% fake.

Not yet in place.

"As far as I know, very few people will drag cancer to my point. So my cancer cells are so cheap? It shouldn't be."

"Two hundred! Can't add any more! This can buy two Abnormal Cell Devourers! Do you know how valuable this medicine is!"

Ren Zhong saw it.

This time Sun Miao's pain was serious.

Almost there.

Ren Zhong stabbed the last knife.

"Two hundred after tax! Money first, goods later!"

"Gah..." Sun Miao was completely defeated, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, and said weakly: "Okay, let's make a deal. Come here quickly and I will transfer the money for you."


Sun Miao, who was standing in front of the clinic, looked like a woman who had gone whoring for nothing, and watched Ren Zhong, who was proud of the spring breeze with horseshoe disease, walk away.

Sun Huakui's mood was getting complicated.

Anger, helplessness, grievance, excitement, all of them.

It's even if you don't get a dime to see a doctor, and you even put it in two hundred and two.

What's wrong with this world?

The human heart is too sinister.


Outside the intersection, with a creaking sound, the suspension truck stopped beside Ren Zhong.

Zheng Tian and Wen Lei had just sold out, so they happened to meet Ren Zhong here.

"Mr. Ren, this is your money, a total of 0.72 contribution points."

Ren nodded, "Thank you."

"By the way, the mayor won't be free until an hour later. I'll take you there to report. We're going to supply supplies. Mr. Ren, what's your plan?"

Ren Zhong: "Let's meet outside the town house in an hour. I'll go around the town by myself first."

"it is good."

After saying goodbye to Zheng Tian, ​​Ren Zhong trotted all the way to the east side of the white wall in the center of the town.

There is a relatively tall building over there. It is the only official department store sales organization in the town, commonly known as the supply and marketing cooperative. It belongs to the Arson Group, which is mainly engaged in finance and commerce among the nine major enterprises.

It's time to buy.

Chapter 20 Surfing the Internet

The Supply and Marketing Cooperative is a 13-storey square building that stands out from the crowd at the junction of the slum and the wealthy area.

Each floor has an area of ​​[-] square meters and is filled with a dazzling array of goods.

As long as there is money, people can buy everything here except basic food and arms.

Daily chemicals, advanced food, household appliances, household goods, decorative building materials, etc. are all available.

There is no welcome in the building, and there are no salespersons or cashiers inside.

The entire supply and marketing agency is unattended.

Customers have three ways to buy.

Those who own a formal watch can place an online order at home and have it delivered by drone.

Or go to the lobby on the ground floor of the supply and marketing cooperative, look through the list of goods through the ATM-like operating console, look up pictures and video introductions, place orders in a centralized manner, and then the supply robot inside the building will quickly collect the goods and deliver them to the front. .

Customers can also walk into the mall by themselves, place orders on the spot while watching the actual products, and pick up their packages directly from the conveyor belt on the inside of the gate when they leave the building.

Ren Zhong didn't want to waste time, so he didn't go into the building to take a closer look. He just used the console in the lobby on the ground floor to scan the product list at a very fast speed, and then started from the seemingly clean and tidy, full of technology sense. Desolation and loneliness were read in the building, as well as the words "cannibalism".

The three sales models and all-inclusive products of the Amazon Supply and Marketing Cooperative have greatly improved the efficiency of economic and trade activities in Xinghuo Town.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of this behemoth that the supply and marketing cooperative has completely blocked the space for people at the bottom of the town to make a living with basic jobs such as small commodity grocery retailing and express delivery.

People at the bottom can only do trivial small businesses such as repairing clothes and renting old books that big companies disdain.

Even the fly restaurant can’t be opened. Starting from the source of raw materials, everything is controlled by big companies. No one can reduce the cost of their restaurant to a lower level than that of a canteen.

Even if it is unique in taste, it is impossible to compete with those unmanned dishes that are also affiliated with the large enterprise Tianlong Hi-Tech.

The unmanned kitchen uses artificial intelligence to cook fully automatically, the heat is controlled extremely accurately, and the material ratio is accurate to micrograms. In terms of price, taste and other aspects, unmanned kitchen can be overwhelming to ordinary people with cooking skills. sexual advantage.

In addition, the huge Alson supply and marketing cooperative only needs a dozen managers to maintain its operation.

It is said that these dozen or so managers are all official citizens, living in the wealthy area within the white walls, with villas per capita.

Ren Zhong searched for the official watch in the list, determined that the price was 100 points, clicked the buy button, and put the temporary watch in his left hand on the induction area of ​​the console.


A female bone conduction electronic voice sounded, "Buy a first-class official watch and count 100 contribution points."

After waiting for 30 seconds, a square hole with a side length of three meters opened in the ceiling above the operating table in front of Ren Zhong, and a palm-sized tray hung on a small mechanical telescopic arm fell from above and hovered in front of his eyes.

The heavy duty new watch is packed in a cardboard box, a typical work bag.

In his heart, he felt that from now on, he was also a member of the watch family.

Aside from the Internet function of the official watch, if you sleep with this watch on, you will get 0.9 more contribution points every day, and you will be able to pay back the full amount in 112 days.

In less than four months, the "business" that can return to the original, even the best of the deserted people like Zheng Tian's team endured not to do it, but spent the limited money on other more important places.

It can be seen how tight the shackles of this world attach to the barren people, how low the survival needs of the barren people are, and how difficult it is to save 100 yuan.

Then Ren Zhong took out the official watch, touched it on the dial of the temporary watch in his left hand, and said, "Fund transfer."

Bone conduction sounded again in his cochlea, "The fund transfer was successful, and the current balance is 101.72 contribution points."

Ren Zhong was taken aback.

Not right.

From Sun Miao to 200 points, selling the wreckage of Crystal Wingfly gets 0.72, and the total wealth should be 200.72.

After spending 100, your remaining balance should be 100.72.

Why is there an extra 1 o'clock?

Where is it?

When he got the temporary watch earlier, he thought that he was a pauper anyway, and he didn't check the balance, so he didn't notice this phenomenon.

After earning money later, he didn't deliberately check it. Anyway, after such a simple mental calculation, he knew that he didn't open the voice prompt to read the balance.

The problem was discovered at this moment, and Ren Zhong looked at his temporary watch again with a puzzled expression.

Could it be that there is 1 o'clock in the temporary watch at the beginning?

Or, is my wealth balance now counted in the value of the makeshift watch?

A few seconds later, Ren Zhong's eyes fell on the recycling button on the console, clicked, and then selected the item of temporary watch, and clicked to confirm the recycling.

The robotic arm fell down again, Ren Zhong put the temporary watch in, and immediately put on the official watch.

"Selling a temporary watch, the price is 1 contribution point, the tax is 0.1 contribution point, and 0.9 contribution point is obtained. The existing balance is 102.62 contribution points."

The responsibility is determined.

It seems that the recovery value of the temporary watch just now was not included in the calculation, and my account was inexplicably increased by a full point.

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