The night is still as cool as water, quiet and serene.

He squinted and looked around cautiously.

Zheng Tian on the opposite side has fallen into a deep sleep.

His eyes with long eyelashes were tightly closed, and he looked naive, with a sweet smile on his face, and he didn't know what a good dream he was doing.

It still only takes a second for her to fall asleep.

Just now, Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian went to meet the mayor, Ma Dafu, and gave him the authority to manage the town's temporary barren residents.

I don’t know if Zheng Tian and Ma Dafu communicated beforehand. The attitude of the fat old man is much better than last time. He never mentioned that the census is coming. Ren Zhong, a newcomer, will not get a quota and it is impossible to settle down. Instead, he is kind Enthusiastically asked Ren Zhong what his impression of the town was.

Ren Zhong, who did not know the truth, followed the principle of hitting people without hitting people in the face.

Ma Dafu said cheerfully, "Then I will take it as you are praising me?"

Hilariously embarrassed.

The old fat man was really thick-skinned, and he didn't know anything about it.


Ren Zhong rubbed his fingers lightly on the disc watch on his right wrist, which was connected with an anti-theft chain, and couldn't hide his emotion.

At first, Ren Zhong was worried that he wouldn't be able to use it, but he soon realized that he was worrying too much.

After the watch was picked up and turned on, he felt a tingling sensation on his wrist.

Ren Zhong felt the change attentively, and speculated that it should be caused by the surging of some kind of micro-organism current.

The numbness ran along his right arm, spreading around his body at a speed of one decimeter per second, and after about ten seconds, it completely covered the whole body, especially the cerebral cortex, eyeballs and ears. Rub against the stick repeatedly.

There was light in Ren Zhong's tightly closed eyes again, and there was even a snowflake array in the visual field when the picture tube TV signal was poor.

He also started buzzing in his ears, resembling the tinnitus of an insomniac.Then the hum amplified and turned into a white rustling noise when the radio failed to pick up a signal.

After 30 seconds, new feedback was given simultaneously visually and auditorily.

A giant VR screen appeared "in front of Ren Zhong's eyes", on which were displayed various icons that looked like the desktop of a Windows system.

The white noise in the auditory system disappears and is replaced by a beautiful synthetic female voice.

"Welcome to use the eighth-generation portable auxiliary brain. Shenxun Communication Group is committed to developing human potential and improving human life. Shenxun Group will serve you wholeheartedly. This auxiliary brain system was developed in Xinyuan in 418 years and has undergone eight major revisions ..."

Ren Zhong thought to himself, this ad is so long, can you skip it?

In the next second, the voice broadcast stopped abruptly.


Ren Zhong was slightly pleasantly surprised, and then he turned his attention to the giant screen.

The first thing he noticed was not the colorful or black and white and gray icons, but the desktop background at the bottom of the giant screen.

It was a live wallpaper, an aerial view of a huge city with a strong sense of technology.

A huge building soaring into the sky.

A transparent three-dimensional traffic pipeline network arranged in an orderly manner.

Large and small suspended shuttles in the sky are shuttled back and forth at an extremely fast speed.

At first glance, the routes of these suspended machines seem chaotic, and the speed is too fast, as if an air crash could happen at any time, but when you look closely, it makes people feel that the aircraft is always following a well-planned invisible route Marching, although there are intersections, but there is no need to collide.

The traffic network in the air of the city coincides with the law, like a work of art, which can be called the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It seems that all the machinery is under the overall planning of a huge super intelligent brain, and the efficiency and safety are precisely controlled to be comparable to the human body system.

This city is full of vigor, vitality, prosperity, and cooking oil, which is in line with all the imagination and expectations of the future prosperous metropolis in Ren Zhong's heart.

Ren Zhong stared at the live wallpaper and was deeply attracted.

He vaguely saw a few words on the top of the tallest giant square tower building in the center of the city.

If you can't see clearly, it would be nice to be able to zoom in.

Think hard.

In the next instant, white fog loomed around the edges of the live wallpaper, and the picture moved forward quickly.

When the picture stabilized again, Ren Zhong's angle of view became 200 meters directly in front of the building.

He could see the writing on the building clearly.

"Deep Communications Group".

Ren Zhong understood.

The future city in this live wallpaper is exactly where Shenxun Group is located.

At the same time, he also roughly guessed the principle of the watch.

By interfering with the human nerves through tiny bioelectric currents, a message flow at the same level as the human body's own signals is directly generated in the neural network, and finally constitutes visual and auditory information similar to hallucinations. Then give feedback.

Ren Zhong felt that this was simply amazing!

He was so shocked by this sophisticated and powerful portable device that he, a genius from the 21st century, actually developed an inferiority complex as if he was a bumpkin.

Such a high-tech product has become popular as a watch that everyone can buy, so there must be countless great smart people in the world who are fighting for the rise of human beings in some places.

Ren Zhong just imagined for a while, and he was envious and admired by these people, but deep down in his heart, there was a lingering dissatisfaction.

Although the times are different, he still conceited that he is not weaker than others.

This is the pride of genius.

Originally, because of what he saw and heard in Xinghuo Town, his expectations for this world were already very low.

Now, some hope and passion were rekindled in his heart.

Anyway, since I came out of the freezer, got a new life, and have S/L ability, sooner or later I can go to such a city, perceive the world more clearly, and then relearn, to contact How wonderful would it be to know knowledge that I can't even imagine in the 21st century?

The heavy breathing gradually increased.

Mom and Dad.

I saw.

This is the new era.

Thank you for snatching me back from death.

Thank you for giving me a second life.

I will try my best to embrace the new life.

Although you will never see it again, I want you to know that your efforts were not in vain.

After a long time, Ren Zhong regained his composure, and his visual focus returned to the surface of the window, looking at the icons.

New User Manual, Basic Information Base, Vocational Teaching System, Scientific Knowledge Teaching System, Hypnosis, Internet (Grey Not Available).

There are a total of six icons on the desktop.

The first five are available, but the last one is grayed out and cannot be expanded.

Ren Zhong tried it and found that the rental watch was blocked from the Internet.

He didn't care, anyway, the first few were enough for him to ponder and play with.

He is quite content now.

First click on the new user manual.

The manual talks about the basic use of the watch to assist the brain, and also mentions the rules for obtaining contribution points for sleeping with the watch, but does not explain the principle.

Ren Zhong only watched it for 2 minutes, then quickly returned to the desktop, and clicked "Hypnosis".

Afterwards, the giant screen in front of him shook slightly like ripples, and quickly returned to clarity.

Ren Zhong knew that he had entered a deep sleep at this time, but his mind remained absolutely awake.

This state is named the sleeping space, which can also be understood as a "dream" that can generate memories.

He shouted loudly.

Isn't it equivalent to being available 24 hours a day, this is simply a paradise for scholars!

That productivity exploded with...

While he was laughing, he thought of those barren people with yellow faces and thin skin.


Forget it, I can't understand.

This night, Ren Zhong slept soundly and had a very fulfilling life.

He finally tore off the veil of the truth of this world, which was covered with thick fog.

Chapter 17 Reality forces me to join the army

There is not much useful information in the basic information database, it is simply the company profile and job advertisement of the deep communication group.

The whole article is advocating how powerful and long-standing Shenxun Group is, how proud it is to be an employee of Shenxun Group, how good the treatment is, and so on.

Although the advertisement is very nutritious, Ren Zhong still extracts a lot of information from the "advertising".

This planet is indeed not called Earth, it is called Origin Star.

The current calendar, called Xinyuan Calendar, was implemented more than 682 years ago, and it is now [-] years of Xinyuan Calendar.

A year in the Xinyuan calendar is basically the same length as a year on earth, and it is almost the same.

In this way, Funao watch has been born for 264 years.

Shenxun Group, which invented wristwatches, is not bragging. It is indeed a 300-year-old shop with an amazing heritage.

After browsing the basic information database, Ren Zhong clicked on the vocational teaching system, which recorded the characteristics and entry basis of the five personal occupations.

Of these five professions, the five people in Zheng Tian's team happen to be working together, Mecha Warrior, Plant Warrior, Gunsmith, Demolitionist, and Dismantler.

Ren Zhong thought about it, and he didn't know if it was a coincidence, or Zheng Tian's ambition was great.When she first formed the team, she had special considerations and paid great attention to the occupation ratio.

Ren Da roughly swept the entry requirements of each occupation.

Mecha warriors need relatively strong physique, excellent physical coordination, good dynamic vision, well-developed cerebellum and extremely high psychological quality.The most important thing is the carrying capacity of the neural network to external bioelectrical signals, commonly known as the brain-computer synchronization rate. It is only possible to meet the basic entry requirements when it reaches at least 16% at the age of 10.

Colonial warriors have no requirements on the body or brain, and the rigid screening criteria are directly at the genetic level.

Gunsmiths have extremely high requirements for eyesight, and more importantly, they need outstanding dynamic vision, sense of direction, and fair physical fitness.

Demolitionists have higher requirements on intelligence, and need to memorize a large number of explosives performance characteristics. At the same time, they also need to perform fast fluid mechanics-like calculations on the energy shock during the blasting process. They must know how to blast the most cost-effective and get the best results. .

The dismantler needs a pair of dexterous and precise hands, and at the same time, he also needs to know a wide variety of beasts with different structures, just like the combination of a surgeon and a zoologist.

Ren Zhong is a little strange to these descriptions, each profession places too much emphasis on human brain power.

He does not believe that there is no auxiliary intellectual brain that can assist in computing, and that a lot of wasteful brain work can actually be done by a computer, and it can be done better and faster.

Since this is not the case, it can only be speculated that when dealing with high-level Ruins Beasts, computers are not reliable enough, so it is necessary to train people's own abilities in advance in the primary stage of these occupations.

Ren Zhong has new doubts.

These five occupations seem to be divided into different categories and perform their duties, but in fact they are only individual arms and arms, which are similar to the occupations such as welders, putty scrapers, home appliance repairers, and chefs, but the division of labor is different.

However, in the understanding of the heavy responsibility, this level of occupation should only be the tip of the iceberg in the huge social division of labor system, and should not be placed in the watch so cherished and exist as a basic knowledge system.

The only explanation is that if ordinary people can become one of these five occupations, they will have the ability to hunt market beasts and will no longer be complete waste.

The social system of this world only needs ordinary people to hunt down beasts by all means.

Ren Zhong closed the content of the vocational teaching system.

He is not very interested in these occupations, it is a natural thing.

He was born in New China and grew up under the red flag. The first half of his life was also a life where reading changed his destiny.

He didn't like arguing and fighting with his peers since he was a child, and he preferred to drop No.2 by dozens of points every time he took the exam, and then looked at those people who were frustrated and helpless.

His talent is to ride the wind and waves in the ocean of knowledge, and he was born a scholar.

The family education given to him by his parents also hopes that he can study hard and become a good young man with knowledge, culture and pursuit.

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