It was the first time in his life that he had touched a weapon.

He behaved calmly, but his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Ren Zhong knew what that meant.

In this strange world, holding a gun in your hand is like holding a ray of light.

Although this was the first time he had taken the initiative to go out hunting, the profound lessons of his tragic death at the hands of hunters and various ruined beasts outside the jungle had already made him soberly aware that the world was full of perils, and human life was like a mustard.

Ren Zhong: I definitely can!



Ren Zhong died again.

Very hasty.

Extremely sloppy.

Not only was he dead, but the entire Zheng Tian team was also wiped out.

In the morning, Zheng Tian was still smug about the future, which almost gave Ren Zhong the illusion that something would happen.

After just two hours, this semi-professional team ranked high in Xinghuo Town suffered a disaster.

Ren Zhong floated in mid-air speechlessly, seizing the last "underworld God's perspective" time to observe the chaotic scene.

A human-shaped green shadow is flying right and left at a very fast speed against the ground.

It's so fast that the naked eye can barely follow the capture.

The last person it targeted was Chen Hanyu, whose upper body was struggling to climb to the distance.

About 30 seconds ago, Chen Hanyu was chopped off at the waist, but she didn't die immediately, and her tenacious will supported her to crawl forward.

At the same time, Lu Ying found Ren Zhong again. After tearing Ren Zhong to pieces, he turned back to make up for Chen Hanyu, who had climbed forward nearly five meters and dragged long bloodstains on the ground.

As for the others, they are already dead.

Chapter 14 The Sun Also Rises

Time rewinds to 3 minutes ago.

At this point, the team had been active on the edge of the Iron Worm Forest for more than an hour.

The truck stopped four times during the period.

The first three times were encounters, and the team responded very quickly. As soon as there was a prompt on the sensor, they quickly took action, and did not give the ruin beasts that rushed near the truck a chance to cause damage.

Bai Feng and Wen Lei, two melee members, attacked and prevented the beast, and Zheng Tian at the back quickly replaced the targeted special ammunition according to the type of beast, waiting for the opportunity to complete the fatal blow.

The team was well-trained, cooperated tacitly, performed well, and the whole process was safe and sound.

In the fourth positional battle, it was Ou Youning's turn to play.

The two Ruin Beasts got together, the energy level response was high, and the sensor alarmed in advance.

Afterwards, everyone spent 10 minutes to consume nearly half of Ou Youning's reserve, set up a series of blasting traps, and Bai Feng led the two ruin beasts to them, and wiped them out in one fell swoop.

Calculated, everyone has hunted five market beasts in more than an hour, and harvested nearly 15 contribution points, which is already exceeding the average daily income.

Zheng Tian calculated the material reserves, and the remaining ammunition supply is still sufficient, so she decided to take advantage of today's good luck to expand the results of the battle and continue to go in.

Afterwards, another first-class Ruins Beast in poor condition was found, the car stopped, and traps were set up, lured, and ambushed again.

When the other four were busy, Ren Zhong was waiting in the car with Chen Hanyu.

At first, everything went smoothly, and the trap that could easily blow up the Ruin Beast was quickly set up.

But 3 minutes ago, at the moment when Eugene's trap was just activated, the red indicator light inside the car suddenly lit up, and the alarm screamed piercingly, almost overwhelming the sound of explosions outside.

On the simple electronic map displayed on the central control panel of the driver's seat, a huge red dot suddenly appeared near everyone's location, and the estimated range of the energy level index was marked below the red dot, with a value ranging from 370 to 650.

This means that the energy level response strength released by the suddenly appearing Xinxu Beast fluctuates between 370 and 650.

At this time, Ren Zhong has already observed through observation, and knows that the energy level response intensity index of the first-level ruin beast is between 10 and 50, which is equivalent to the power of 10 to 50 kilowatts when converted into the performance of human machinery.

The index of the second-level Ruin Beast is between 50 and 300.

Those with an index above 300 are Level [-] Ruins Beasts, the kind of ruthless beasts that have to flee as soon as they are encountered.

Chen Hanyu opened the car door, and ran to the distance on foot, screaming in horror, "Run! Run! It's the blade beetle!"

In fact, there is no need for Chen Hanyu's reminder, the other four have already received information from the tactical communicator.

They didn't even try to get back to the car at all, but each chose a direction and fled in all directions, leaving Ren Zhong alone in the car, nervous and confused, not knowing what to do.

Ren Zhong couldn't understand why everyone didn't get in the car and run.

Don't you drive faster?

But the next moment he understood.

The green shadow named Blade's Edge Beetle suddenly killed him from a distance of [-] meters.

Ren Zhong almost saw a green shadow approaching through the air, slanting past, and heard Wen Feng, who had run the farthest, let out a mournful wail.

This thing is too fast!

With the performance of the suspension truck, it is just an iron coffin.

No wonder you want to run away.

These people's plans are to run away one by one.

Of course, that was just a dream come true, and the final outcome was a quick and easy annihilation of the entire army.




White mist rises.

Ren Zhong sat outside the freezer for half an hour.

He thought about "ten days and ten nights" and didn't understand why Mao would do this.

Brain pain.

Obviously they were all so careful and took every step of the way, but in the end, only one person didn't notice, and they died so dramatically.

It's not that he is weak, it's just that his teammates are too funny!

I was led into a pit by my teammates!

I always heard Zheng Tian brag about how strong and sharp her team was, but in the end the group was wiped out without blinking an eye.

So real.

How weak are you?

But Ren Zhong felt that it might be his own problem.

After all, before meeting him, Zheng Tian's team had already developed to this point.

Well, count the ball, let's do it.

Anyway, the sun always rises every day.

He got up, skillfully dismantled the freezer, took off the iron bar, assisted the onboard computer, left, and went straight to the creek.

Drink water, wash your face, and eat red fruits.

Severe pain attacks...


End-stage lymphoma has come and gone.

Skillfully withstood this wave of labor pains.

Ren Zhong is already an elderly cancer survivor.

Recover, find out the computer voice recording, sort out and deliberate on the last gain and feeling.

Although I only stayed in Xinghuo Town for one night, I met some people, inquired about some very crucial information, and formed a preliminary understanding of the world, so I didn't get anything.

The pursuit this time is to go further, at least to find a way to become a professional with combat effectiveness, and to guard against the blade beetle.

Then the details of medical treatment, renting a watch, going out hunting with Zheng Tian's team the next morning, etc., have to be better and more efficient.

This time, let's not chat with that guy at night, and get to know him again when we have a chance.


"Are you Zheng Tian from Xinghuo Town? You are Wen Lei, Chen Hanyu, Bai Feng, and Ou Youning. Well, hello, nice to meet you. My name is Ren Zhong."

The skillful fairy air fluttering, the more mysterious demeanor of a master, the confident and warm smile - Ren Zhong used these three killer weapons, and said to the bewildered Zheng Tian and others.

The exact same scene, the same people, only slightly fine-tuned lines, the picture is so familiar.

The air froze for a moment.

The wind also seemed to freeze.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

Zheng Tian and others who came to pick up the leak could not fix it on the spot.

Who is this person!

What are you doing!

Why did he act like an old acquaintance, and call everyone's name badly!

Know your own affairs.

We are not some big people in Spark Town, and we have never met each other.

What's his history?

Everyone's name is known, even the names of Bai Feng, a failed product of the reproductive clothing experiment, who will never become a registered citizen.

Could it be that this person... is the official in charge of the census and assessment. He is going to Xinghuo Town to explore the bottom ahead of time, and play a private interview in WeChat?

Gulu, Zheng Tian silently swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, leaned forward, and asked cautiously, "Sir? Who are you?"

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "Don't be so polite. I'm a traveler, and I have something to do in Spark Town, but something happened, my watch was lost, and I don't have the ability to protect myself now, so I want to use this crystal wing fly. In exchange, hire Zheng Tian, ​​you and your team members, to take me to town with you."

Zheng Tian snorted, "Traveler? Uh... Mr. Ren Zhong, you are being polite. Lu Jian is not allowed to draw a knife as his assistant should, so how can he charge you. Han Yu, you will dismantle the crystal wings and go on your way."

Ren Zhong bowed his hand, "Thank you."

He could feel that Zheng Tian's attitude was too respectful, and he didn't know what she was thinking about.

This was exactly what he wanted.


The blue sunset is still setting in the west.

Two rounds of bright moon are still slowly rising in the sky.

The van suspension truck is still speeding in the wilderness.

"Wait another 5 minutes, and I will meet Hunter No. 11796. Since I don't have a wristwatch, I may be mistaken for a barren man. At that time, I would like to trouble Chen Hanyu to negotiate for me, and exchange the crystal wingfly chip for a temporary wristwatch." surface."

Ren Zhong in the car said this to Chen Hanyu beside him abruptly.

Chen Hanyu was stunned for a moment, Gao Leng's image shattered, and he responded with a little surprise: "Okay."

"Thank you."


Zheng Tian, ​​who was driving in front, was already roaring in her heart.

You big liar!

The hunter's patrol route will be periodically adjusted from time to time in a few days.

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