When the voice fell, Zheng Tian telegraphed to the left rear.

Wen Lei also turned on the energy output with all his strength, shattered the shield on his body, and rushed to the left front, which is Bei Lihui's position, holding the shield.

As for Bai Feng, he fluttered to the right wing, where a metal bar was quietly rising from the ground.

Ren Zhong has already rushed to the front of Da Honglian.

At the same time, he shouted again: "b2!"

Ou Yuning immediately smashed a trouser pocket on the other thigh.

30 meters away from Ren Zhong's right hand, the soil rolled up, and two high-thrust rockets shot out of the ground at the same time.

A sturdy alloy wire is tied to the middle of the waist of the two rockets.

Under the alloy wire, there is another square metal grid with a side length of 27 meters.

The two rockets were dragged into the sky by the metal grid, but they did a semi-circular motion along a radius of 27 meters, and then crashed deeply into the ground.

The big net just turned over, covering most of the big red lotus.

Ren Zhong abruptly pulled out the explosive modified arc-light chopper, raised his arms, and the working medium engine behind him whistled.

Ren Zhong turned into a straight lightning bolt and charged forward.

The arc-light chopper in his hand, which flickered with dazzling lightning, drew a long semi-circular arc and slashed straight towards the neutral area of ​​the big net.

On the other side, Bai Feng was already holding the emerging metal bar with both hands.

On the way to this place, he had already gulped down the ionization boosting potion that Ren Zhong asked him to buy from Sun Miao.

The white light band on the outside of Bai Feng's arm suddenly lit up.

Two lines of solid plasma poured into the metal bar from his arms.

On the other side, the previously large metal net flickered almost synchronously with subtle lightning.

Beneath the big net, in the boiling smoke, a mass of white awns flashed due to the impact of the ultra-high voltage current.

Firecracker-like ionization penetrates the crisp sound.

The heavy duty chopping knife slashed through the white light with a bang.

Roll up the lightning flashes, driving the smoke to fly.

Immediately, Ren Zhong passed by again, drew his knife and left.

The moment he strayed past, the Qingfeng heavy truck that had been lifted into the air earlier just fell from the sky and hit the place where the white light flashed again.

The violent series of explosions detonated from the cargo compartment of the Qingfeng heavy truck as the source point.

A gigantic flame was engulfed by the shock wave and devoured frantically, like a group of snakes dancing wildly.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up!

From the time when the heavy responsibility decided to start the rebellion to the present, every action and every detail was under his control!

The equipment and ammunition of everyone in the team are carefully arranged.

Because it is his money, he can make others unconditionally abide by his own requirements and prepare everything.

His long-term plan is not just to be reckless with a knife.

He is completely weakening the enemy from any angle, no matter the cost, leaving no gaps.

Not moving is already, moving like thunder.

The following grams are to be linked together, leaving no room for it!

But at this moment, the heavy responsibility does not dare to be taken lightly.

He is relying on the brain response index as high as 3137 at this time to quickly analyze the large amount of information collected by the tactical helmet through multiple detectors.

The responsibilities at this time are heavy, and the brain response index alone has reached the fourth-level realm, which has overwhelmed his other three parameters by two major levels.

He once again experienced the mysterious taste of the mind always running in front of the body when he was thriving.

But this is not a bad thing, his brain already has a wealth of experience with one god leading two pits.

After reaching Level [-], his hearing already resonated with the equipment.

Now his other parameters are still only level [-], but the brain response index as high as level [-] actually took his whole person to forcibly overwhelm the sky.

His vision and hearing have begun to resonate synchronously with the exoskeleton detectors!

Before he failed to reach the third-level realm, he was exploring and sensing the mysterious taste of the transformation to the third-level mecha warrior at the cost of his life.

Even though the scene was so chaotic and the information collected was so complicated, he could still clearly observe every new detail.

In the very center of the mushroom cloud blasting point, the energy level response index of more than [-] kilowatts has not dissipated, like a wild beast about to leave the gate.

And this figure is still rising at a rate of 100 kilowatts per second.

Lin Wang was definitely injured, and he was injured, but he wasn't dead yet.

In such an era, Lin Wang was able to become one of the three major professional captains in the town, by no means by the so-called self-righteous strategy.

Lin Wang's real reliance has never changed, that is, his strength in the small town is above ten thousand people except Ma Xiaoling!

Ren Zhong now realizes this more deeply.

Even if his strength has been damaged in the previous accidental battle, even if he has been used by Ren Zhong in a chain of traps, he will still not die easily.

However, Ren Zhong is not discouraged.

This is also in his plan.

"b3! a5!"

He gave the order again.

The first order was for Ou Youning.

The second order was for Zheng Tian.

Ou Youning smashed himself in the waist again.

The series of explosions began to spread radially in all directions from the battle point as the center.

This time, what Ou Ning detonated was a secondary gas shock bomb.

Violent ribbon-shaped billowing yellow smoke was lifted, and a semi-circular fan with a radius of three kilometers was instantly spread out.

One after another, a maze of dust walls took shape in an instant.

Ren Zhong turned on the installed super-power sonic scanner.

A three-dimensional projection like a bat's "vision" immediately surfaced on the panel of his tactical helmet.

He turned around again and charged towards Bei Lihui's direction.

On the other side, Zheng Tian, ​​who was flying back, with half of her body submerged in the wall of the dust labyrinth, had already followed the instructions of a5 and used the continuous-fire secondary firearm in her hand to quickly empty a magazine.

This magazine is loaded with explosive gel bombs one after another, like smoke bombs in an anti-aircraft gun.

The bullet didn't hit Bei Lihui, but exploded within 200 meters around him with Bei Lihui standing as the center of a circle.

Each bullet exploded, leaving a mass of tiny gel droplets in the air like an early morning fog.

These seemingly completely transparent gel liquids are extremely dense, only slightly heavier than air, and float in the air for extremely long periods of time.

But the biggest characteristic of droplets is not lightness and smallness, but the refractive index.

In short, the speed of light as it travels through the gel liquid will slow down to an outrageous degree.

A large amount of gel liquid surrounds Bai Lihui, forming a circle of optical psychedelic smoke!

Under such fog, human vision will be greatly restricted.


A beam of blinding white light shot straight out from where Bei Lihui was standing!

It was a heavy sniper bomb from Manticore-191, which flew extremely fast and carried huge kinetic energy!

Except for Lin Wang, no one could stop this heavy attack.

But this heavy sniper bomb hit the ground two meters away from Wen Lei's side, creating a large pit like a tank shell.

Bei Lihui's first shot failed.

Ren Zhong, who temporarily abandoned Lin Wang, roared over from the flanks and rushed towards Bei Lihui.

Since Lin Wang couldn't be killed instantly with traps, Ren Zhong's next plan was to kill first the gunsmith Bei Lihui who could kill everyone with heavy sniping and had a higher lethal threat index.

This time, Ren Zhong no longer flew, but landed ahead of schedule.

Relying on the performance of the fission animal tendon superconducting transmission line, he used an improved amplifier to increase the armor power to 1000 kilowatts.

He relied on the four bio-metal bearing hubs located on the knees and ankles to elevate the ground charge capability of the exoskeleton armor to the extreme.

He held the Arc Light Chopper horizontally with both hands, bringing a faint blue luster, and dashed away along a winding curve.

In the little red lotus that was about to completely disperse, Bei Lihui's Manticore-191 began to fire armor-piercing heavy sniper shells at a frequency of 15 rounds per second towards the heavy-duty direction.

Although no one could see Bei Lihui's face at this time, everyone knew that there must be a deep fear of death in his eyes.

However, every shot of Bei Lihui was in vain.

Although the bullet's landing point and the responsibility are getting closer and closer, they are just a line away.

The heavy responsibility has narrowed the distance between the two to 220 meters!

The fourth-level gunsmith is very strong, but if he is approached by the heavy duty of the armored power of 1000 kilowatts at this time, Bei Lihui will surely die!

But at this moment, a blue shadow came from behind Ren Zhong.

It was Lin Wang, who finally broke free from the control of the big net.

The fireworks around Dahonglian have long since dissipated, and the electrified net has been split open, and the net is still bubbling with electricity.

Bai Feng, who was holding the metal bar on the other side, opened his eyes blankly.

There was a hole the size of a human head in his abdomen.

But even so, the two light bands on Bai Feng's arms still never went out.

Even if he is dead, his body still follows the instinct of his life, pouring out high-voltage electricity at all costs.

A few dozen meters away behind Bai Feng, a silver short spear about 1.1 meters long spewed flames from the tail, turned around like a tactical interceptor missile that adjusted its attitude in the air, and tracked towards the heavy blue shadow.

With a slap, Lin Wang, who was running, reached out his hand laterally and grabbed the silver short spear that was chasing him.

Lin Wang's mottled blue exoskeleton was covered with burns and impact scars, and many cracks had flashes of electric light.

His tactical helmet panel was simply a hole in it.

Half of his fair face under the hole was drenched with blood, and the other half was still oozing white.

"Heavy duty! You die for me!"

Lin Wang stared angrily, his eyes filled with endless flames of anger.

He thought that killing Ren Zhong was easier than crushing an ant, but he didn't expect that Ren Zhong would surprise him one after another.

Lin Wang stepped forward abruptly, twisted his waist, leaned his upper body back, and dragged his right hand far behind, like a bow full of strings.

The tail of the silver short spear in his hand spewed out flames again, and more than ten small Mach rings suddenly appeared.

Guided tactical shooting!

The short spear whistled away with a violent shock that was enough to tear the air, and it exploded a sound barrier cloud at the moment of letting go.

The task of completing the turn ahead of time had to stand still, and transfer all the power to the four bio-metal bearings on the elbow and wrist.

The arc-light chopper incorporating the Ayman beast armor alloy was installed and shot horizontally.

A loud bang.

Ren Zhong flew to the side for more than ten meters.

If it wasn't for the use of the Ayman animal armor alloy to enhance the performance of the armor structure, his exoskeleton would have to fall apart on the spot with just one blow.

After the short silver spear was successfully separated by him, it whistled and spun again, flew a big circle around the field, and then returned to Lin Wang's hand.

In this short gap, Bei Lihui, who was originally trapped in the depths of optical psychedelic smoke, finally rushed out in embarrassment.

One of his fourth-level gunsmith tactical glasses had a broken lens, and his hair was burned and bald.

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