Continue to violent soldiers continue to live!

After talking, several people started to act again.

For the next period of time, they continued to be violent every day. As time goes by, they can now produce hundreds of drones a day.

Although they can only control a small part of the drones, although most of them are in the automatic digging state, the victory lies in the large number!

No matter how inefficient you are, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes.

"Brothers, keep working hard. With our current number of violent soldiers, we can achieve resource freedom in a short time." Said the game blows up and stood up to continue working.

after all.

something in this store.

It would be tempting for any tech fan.

Chapter 10 Game Talent

Of course, the new shopping mall is the pie that Chen Gang prepared for them.

This pancake can be big or big.

Everything sold is not cheap, and the most important thing is that the prices of things in the mall are all false.

For example, if the price of a spaceship is 1000 points, it can be exchanged through the system, so the price he listed is 1300 points.

Isn't that the price difference?Doing so reminded Chen Gang of a classic saying, I do not produce warships, I am just a porter of warships.

On the other hand, after seeing these things, the players feel different again. They didn't have any clear goals before but now they are different.

The goal is too clear!

Battleship!cannon!Men's romance, no matter what, you have to buy it!Buy it even if your liver has cirrhosis!

Although their output has now reached 4 parties, and the amount of violent troops is terrifying enough, but the price of these things.

At first glance, the affordable price seems a bit difficult to calculate.

This is how Chen Gang operates. The things you put on are all what you want. As for the price... let you see that hope is in front of you, but it doesn't mean that this hope is so easy to get.

Early the next morning, with the first ray of sunlight in the morning, it hit the earth.

Everything is revived, and busy people start a new day's work.

And several players also entered the game. In the lobby of the space station, several people sat around a table.

The game blows up: Brothers, the number and output of our violent soldiers are indeed amazing, but the work intensity is too great.

Let's put it this way, as far as the methods of the assembly line workers reported on TV, I feel that we are now more slick than them.

I'm the Emperor of the Liver: Yes, yes, to be honest, I can't stand it, this kind of intensity, I used to only use my liver to play games, why do I feel like I'm dying to play this game.

God of the game: Although I have always been known for my quick hands, I am really a little bit in this game. . .

Eat a peach: fast?

Lei Wuhen: May I ask what made your hand speed so fast?

God of Games: . . . . .


Talking about the game blowing up, he seemed to think of something.

"We can now control an average of 70 drones per person, plus other drones that automatically collect daily data." He said and looked at the crowd.

"Because of the large number, the efficiency of the drones we control is often not high, at most it is about 15 times that of intelligent mining."

"But this thing is cheap, especially cheap!"

I heard that several people also nodded, and looked at the game blowing up with some doubts.

"Brothers, don't you think of it? After the amount of drones reaches a certain level, we can completely free our hands." He pointed to the front of him.

Only a projection of a calculator appeared.

Then the game blows up and counts.

"First of all, we can control a total of 350 drones, which is equivalent to the efficiency of automatic collection of more than 5200 drones." He pointed to the calculator while speaking.

"That is to say, we only need 5200 drones in the liver to free our hands."

"According to the speed of our violent soldiers, we can reach this number in ten days at most, that is, after ten days, we can free our hands."

As they spoke, the eyes of a few people brightened.

But only one person sighed.

He is tearless.

Noticing the change in his expression, several people also looked at him.

"What's wrong with you?" They asked with some concern.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lei Wuhen was also a little moved, and then he told the truth.

It turns out that after all, not everyone is as rich in real life as the big guy who blows up the game.

Lei Wuhen was originally a wage earner. Although his working hours were short, he always had to work.

Otherwise, there will be no food. Obviously he has not been at work for many days. Although he is on sick leave, you always go.

So the problem lies here, maybe he has to go to work in the company in the second half of the month.

It is impossible to spend so long in the game.

Seeing this, the rest of the people are basically the same except for the God of Games and the two of them.

Heard what a few people said.

The game blows up a little frowning.

Finally, after thinking about it, he suddenly came up with an idea.

"Brothers, if this is not the case, the merit points and resources you earn in the game will be sold to me and the god of the game. We will collect merit points at 2000 meters, and resource points at 1000 meters."

As he spoke, he looked at several people.

"In this way, you can continue to play the game. According to the current output, as long as the task is not over for one day, you can have an average of 1 resource point and 3 merit point for 1 days."

As he spoke, he looked at several people.

"Calculating that you can earn [-] yuan a month."

Hearing this proposal, several people were also a little moved.

However, for ordinary players, the biggest obstacle to playing games is life, as long as life is decent, then everything is easy to talk about.

In this way, several people probably discussed the plan.

In the early stage, when a few people lacked money, they sold merit points and resource points to tide over the difficulties.

Although your game progress will definitely drop after doing this, it doesn't matter to them, after all, at least you can play the game every day.

In this way, several people continued to explode their livers, and with the suggestion of blowing up the game, they worked even harder.

Constantly repeat replenishment and increase production capacity.

As for Chen Gang, although he disagrees with this crazy way of replenishing troops.

But now let them go.

After all, the points in his hand are about to bottom out.

If they don't increase their production capacity, I'm afraid they will really be in vain.

But if you do it like this, you will lose more if you play society badly...

"I can only take one step at a time." Chen Gang sighed a little while speaking.


A few days later, the few people were flying around as usual.

"I knock!! I got it. I got it!!" Suddenly Lei Wuhen roared.

"What's the matter, scare Laozi." He was so frightened by the god of games suddenly that he almost missed a drone.

Seeing the eyes of everyone complaining.

Lei Wuhen also realized that he was too excited just now.

But he went on.

"We have basically mastered the operation after this period of time. At this time, I suddenly tried another method."

"It is to set the drone's operation delay to 5 seconds. This way we will have more time to control more drones."

"And as far as our proficiency is concerned, we basically remember exactly how to connect one action of the drone to the next and how many seconds it takes."

"So this method is nothing more than budgeting in advance, and it is not difficult to implement."

Seeing this, several people looked at him as if they were looking at a devil.

Brother, you are cheating!You still have time to predict whether you are a god in this kind of high-intensity operation.

Obviously, what Lei Wuhen didn't know was during these few days of training.

His hidden genius has awakened.

"Oh? What are you doing looking at like that?" Lei Wuhen was also a little dazed when he realized that other people's eyes were wrong.

Several people looked at him for a while and didn't know what to say.

If it weren't for a few people, they would be relatively familiar with each other.

They all seriously doubt that Lei Wuhen is the old Versailles.

"Why don't you try it first..." In the end, I, the Emperor Gan, said this.

It doesn't matter if you don't try it, if you try it, you will be shocked, and he has relied on this method in just two days.

Directly increase the number of drones controlled by a single person to 200.

The other friends were stunned.

Not only them but even Chen Gang were stunned.

Chapter 11 Change Strategy

About this matter, Chen Gang finally learned about it through the system. This is the so-called talent.

Of course, this is something that only a few people can have. Whether it can be stimulated after having it is another matter.

Although this phenomenon is rare, it is also normal.

Especially for those higher civilizations.

After the biological gene technology has been developed to a relatively high level, their people are born with relatively high talents.

Moreover, the activated state can be cultivated according to their talents.

Of course, a civilization that can possess such technology is already very top.

After all, it's like a previous life to compare.

A certain scientist moves the world forward, and you can understand him as his genius being activated.

And everyone in those higher civilizations is like this.

Of course, these are still too far away for Chen Gang.

But now he is happy that he is so lucky.

Picked up such a big guy.

After having him.

The efficiency of several people has improved significantly.

Only 5 days to go.

They directly exceeded the number of violent soldiers by more than 5000.

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