After all, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the eventuality. If you are really backstabbed by the enemy, then Lu Wu Wenming can still be a blame man.

After planning all this, Chen Gang set off with the fleet mightily.

At the same time, the fleet of the earthworm civilization also entered a state of transition towards the 49 galaxy.

The second round of the match between the two sides is about to start.

Half a month later. . . .

"finally reached."

The players breathed a sigh of relief as the fleet began to slow down.

Because at this moment they successfully joined forces with the destroyer fleet that the game blew up.

"Next, all the teams are reorganized. We have a total of 300 ships, of which 70 destroyers and 130 escorts are organized into the main fleet and the opposite side is facing the front."

"The remaining 100 escort ships form ten guerrilla squads."

"By the way, the members of the guerrilla team are paying attention, because each fleet is only equipped with two Ruby defense ships, so you must remember to cut in from the side."

As soon as Yuntian and Youyou blow it up, they start planning.

In this way, about a week passed, and the enemy's fleet also appeared within their radar detection range.

"Attention everyone! The enemy will enter our range in five minutes and 40 seconds, everyone get ready."

"Now the team leaders are counting the personnel."

"Report! All ten members of Team 2 are online!"

"Report! Team No. 3 is here."

. . . . . .

"Report! There are 9 people in Team No. 9 online, and one of them has asked for leave because of a social engagement at work."

"Ask for leave?" Yun Tian yelled out when he heard that one member of Team No. [-] asked for leave.

"I'm going to fuck! Save the world, why are you asking for leave? Are you sure you're not kidding me!" Yuntian was also anxious when he said that.

"Made, please tell me what the ID is!"

"Report.. The person who asked for leave originally belonged to the Deep Space United Mining Industry, and the ID is coming and going like the wind."

Hearing this name, Chen Gang nodded and said to Yu Qingfeng: "This guy will be punished severely after the battle!"

Chapter 123 The Collapsed AI

Listening to their conversation, Chen Gang couldn't help shaking his head: "It seems that it's not realistic for all players to change their minds in a while."

"Since you can't change, then I will help you change."

Thinking of this, Chen Gang said: "Everyone, you have to understand that this is reality and not a game. During the war, you can play this kind of coquettish operation. Obviously, your thinking has not changed, or you think that as long as the enemy does not attack Blue Star, it will rain. Women have no melons."

"If you have such an idea, I don't think he is suitable to stay here. After all, you have to fulfill your obligations while enjoying the rights, so my way of dealing with this type of players is to eliminate the player's identity and clear the memory!"

Everyone shrank their necks unconsciously when they heard Chen Gang's words.

What a harsh punishment. . . .

This is the first thought in the hearts of all players at this moment.

Indeed, this punishment is too heavy for them, especially after knowing that this is reality, all players are very clear about what their identities mean.

Losing this identity is like sending them from heaven to hell in one fell swoop.

so close. . .Luckily I dropped everything and went to war. . .

Many of the players participating in the battle at this moment think so.

But they also had to complain about the idiot who asked for leave. When is the time, they will ask for leave. After the other people have settled with Lanxing and joined Chen Gang's civilization, they will return to Jill's class as them and socialize. .

This kid really can't figure it out.

After hearing Chen Gang's words, Yun Tian also nodded to show that he understood, and then he turned his gaze to the battlefield again.

"Brothers, the enemy fleet has landed, and everyone is ready to pick up the station!"

Following Yun Tian's voice, the battle between the two sides started again.

I saw that the main formation in the player's fleet centered on expulsion launched an attack on the opposite ship, and the enemy's fleet also responded immediately.

Immediately, countless ship missiles were shot out from the turret of the spaceship.

The hive escort boats on both sides of the Guardian carrier drew out from the short-distance track below the ship and flew towards the opposite side at an extremely fast speed.

The bullfighting laser also locked on to the opponent's cruiser and launched a fierce attack towards it.

The ten assault formations outside the formation also broke away from the main force and began to accelerate towards the pre-negotiated place.

As soon as the two sides played against each other, they felt the pressure from each other.

First of all, on the player's side, watching the destroyed gem defenses one after another deeply realized how fierce the firepower of the opponent's cruiser was.

And the opponent is not much better, because the firepower of the player's destroyer is actually comparable to that of their cruiser.

Especially the Guardian aircraft made them realize what it means to have powerful firepower.

The missiles launched by its own missile array are comparable to the firepower of their expulsion, and the two hive escort ships it carries can be equal to the firepower of their cruiser ships.

It is also for this reason that the enemy soon locked the priority target of destruction on the Guardian aircraft.

But don't forget that the defensive ships of the players are not only gem defense, but also the two types of bullfighting assault and bullfighting basic type.

Seeing the attack from the opposite side coming towards the guard, the Pitbull's pilot also piloted the spaceship to block in front of the guard's plane, taking most of the damage for him.

At this moment, the Guardian Nanny immediately dispatched maintenance drones to repair the damaged ships in the fleet.

"The rear side of Pilot No. 4, you have suffered too many injuries and cannot be repaired!"

"No. 6 and No. 7 are on top of No. [-]!"

"The hive pilot saw that he was attacked and returned immediately! Don't be greedy for output!"

"Attention the No. 3 team attacking the flank, the enemy fleet has separated ten cruisers and is flying in your direction."

"Squad No. 3, you immediately approach the direction of No. 5 Squad, and No. 4 Squad also moves closer to No. [-] Squad to attack!"

Looking at the battlefield at this moment, Yun Tian commanded calmly.

As time went by, the players' fleets gradually gained the upper hand, and the battle loss ratio also began to overtake from the previous level.

At this moment, seeing that his cruiser formation is gradually at a disadvantage, the commander of the cockroach civilization has a gloomy expression on his face.

"What's going on! What's going on! Although the enemy's technology is higher than ours, no matter what we say, it's impossible for our cruise formation to form like this!" The adjutant next to him was also helpless when he heard the commander's roar.

Indeed, the record at this moment is as ugly as it gets.

The first is the battle loss ratio. It is very disadvantageous for him to change the opposite side of the cruiser. The key is that the current situation is such a disadvantage that they can't change it!

This made him very helpless.

Originally, they thought that they had the upper hand in the battle between the two sides, but no matter how they said it, they could be evenly matched.

But now?They were gradually at a disadvantage.

But this can't be blamed on them, if you want to blame, you can only blame the players for being too nonsense.

That's right, it can only be described as nonsense.

For the cockroach civilization, most of their battles rely on AI to conduct real-time battle situation analysis, and then predict the enemy's attack intentions to plan the optimal attack plan for them.

However, the attacking methods of the players made the AI ​​feel confused.

That's right, even for AI, it is described as ignorant.

For example, a certain team of the player launched an attack from a certain direction.

Then the AI ​​will make a simulation according to the situation, simulating the attack intention of the fleet, which ship it wants to attack them from the side, and get a result after analysis.

Then continue to analyze the probability of attacking ships other than this ship, and finally analyze whether they have any plans to attack east and west, or to help other ships on the battlefield cover and many other possibilities.

Finally, after multi-party calculations, the result with the highest probability is determined, and then the fleet is deployed in advance.

But when the AI ​​calculated thousands of possibilities and got the final player's intention, the player's operation directly confused it.

Because the player turned the bow of the ship and retreated immediately after running halfway, and then randomly found an asteroid belt and became wretched.

That makes it look dumbfounded. Pants off. You just show me this? ? ?

This is not outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that some fleets have calculated that the player should want to attack from a certain position.

But actually?The player's team rushed over directly.

You must know that the player who comes directly to the reckless will suffer the greatest loss. Maybe the entire army will not be able to replace a warship of one's own side.

So the simulated probability of this kind of thing happening is less than 1 percent, but it happens precisely at this less than [-] percent probability.

This AI was also scolded by the players.

After sorting out thousands of years of combat records of their battles with other civilizations, it has never seen such a dismissal.

This is completely out of order, completely untraceable.

The player's operations give it the feeling that it is just to open the heart casually, as for the tactics and so on, just treat it as if it does not exist.

But what is annoying is that they have come to a disadvantage under this kind of operation.

This makes it very difficult to understand why.

If the player knew what it was thinking, he would probably tell him a classic quote.

This is the legendary master who was beaten to death with fists. . . . .

Chapter 124 The Enemy's Guess

At this moment, the commander of the earthworm civilization is not much better than the AI.

"What the hell are they doing?"

"What purpose do they have?" The commander who was talking about the civilization of the cockroach was also frowning at the moment.

Yao thought that he had been a commander for more than 200 years. During these 200 years, he commanded no less than [-] wars, large and small. During this period, he even consulted countless battle materials of his predecessors.

Whether it's actual combat experience or theoretical knowledge, he can be said to be a rare existence in the entire civilization, but even so, he still can't see through the players' routines.

"Could it be that the opponent's civilization has no combat experience at all and is just fighting randomly?" He asked with some doubts.

Immediately, he shook his head and quickly denied this absurd idea.

How can it be!

The scientific and technological level of the opponent's civilization is far higher than theirs. How can such a civilization have no combat experience.

We must know that in the development of civilization, war is like a sharp sword behind civilization, forcing civilization to move forward continuously, so the more wars experienced, the higher the technological level of this civilization.

This is an accepted statement in the league.

And in the development of science and technology, there will always be bottlenecks one after another, and some of these bottlenecks can be broken, while others can never be broken.

Once encountering such a situation, the easiest way to break through this bottleneck is to invade other civilizations of the same level.

Because the development direction of each civilization is different, the problems faced by each civilization at the same level are also different.

So when you successfully wipe out a certain civilization, maybe you can find the answer to the technological bottleneck that has been plaguing your own civilization.

And the reason why most civilization wars broke out in the universe is also because of this. Everyone wants to regard each other as a stepping stone for the progress of their own civilization.

Of course, there is no absolute in everything, and there are ways to obtain it without going to war.

The first is to explore the relics left by some ancient high-level civilizations to obtain their research results.

The second is to join a major alliance and exchange for what you need from a higher-level civilization in the alliance. Of course, the premise is that you have what that civilization needs in your hand.

And their civilization joined such an alliance.

But their entire civilization knows very well that joining such an alliance can be described as mixed.

The advantage is that with such an alliance as the backing, their civilization will at least have a certain degree of security guarantee, and they can also obtain some very valuable information for them through the alliance.

But there are also many disadvantages. First of all, alliance members must pay a large amount of resources to the alliance on a regular basis. These resources may not be a big deal for level [-] civilizations, but they are a huge expense for level [-] civilizations. .

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