Task 30, players are required to skillfully control 10 drones, rewarding [-] merit points

Mission 40, players are required to skillfully control 15 drones, rewarding [-] points of merit.

Task 50, players are required to skillfully control 20 drones, and reward [-] meritorious points.

The task time is 10 days.

After accepting the task, the countdown starts, and the task suddenly appears.

Several people looked at each other.

It's not hard to see the surprise in their eyes.

"I rely on..."

"This mission is a cowhide."

"According to this calculation, wouldn't it be possible to control 50 drones at the same time and get 50 points of merit?"

"It's out now."

"But 50 units is too much..." Speaking of "I am the Emperor of the Liver", there are still tears in the eyes from time to time, like the god of the game.

look into the eyes of the two

The gods of games naturally know what they want to say.

Since the flag has been set before, of course he will not be cowardly at this time.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's just fifty, don't you think I can't finish it?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the drone he controlled.




Because they suddenly discovered that it had only been a few days, and the goods had already been controlled to 12 planes without making any noise.

Although there were only 9 planes and three planes were added temporarily.

But he has no problem controlling 12 with his technique.

It's just that he has been controlling Jiutai for the sake of stability.

Now that he has a task, he is ready to push his potential.

"After all, sometimes you don't push yourself, you never know how good you are"

But I have to say that people's ID is not for nothing.

After all, who dares to pretend like this if they have no skills 13

Generally, if you don't have the strength to pretend to be 13 like this, as long as you dare to tease other players, you will start a wave of ridicule.

For example, you, a rookie, also deserve such a name.

So sometimes playing games with a good ID is also very important, just don't pretend to be 13 too much.

Of course, it is also possible if you want to pretend, but the premise is that you have the strength.

After all, pretending to be 13 with strength is really awesome, pretending to be 13 without strength is called stupid 13.

Obviously God of Games belongs to the former.

And his ID can't be regarded as a special outfit, at least within the range that others can accept.

If it is a war game, the probability of your name being targeted is relatively low.

On the other hand, IDs like I am you are really going to die miserably.

But once you have a very cute name, it’s different to act cute occasionally, although many people will probably guess that you are a big guy who picks your feet.

But there will always be people who have that glimmer of hope that you're a girl.

That way you can cheat money and sex before they find out who you really are.

Wait until one day to be discovered. . .

Well, it's better not to be discovered, because once this is exposed, how good people treated you at the beginning will make you die so badly later.

Even worse than the first category most of the time, well digressing.

All in all, a good ID is also very important in the game.

Chapter 8 Game Updates

Because this task is time-limited, these people have been working hard day and night to get points.

At this time, Chen just now understood what a liver emperor is. Others have normal organs in their bodies, but the liver emperor is full of livers from head to toe.

In this way, several people have been working continuously for two nights.

The number of drones they control has also soared from the original few.

The worst Lai Wuhen has already controlled 21 planes.

But the number controlled by the other few people is basically hovering between 28 and 35.

This kind of progress shocked Chen Gang. He thought that when he controlled this thing, he knew how difficult it was, so he concluded that 5 is the limit for ordinary people.

The boss has at most 10 planes, but looking at it now, it's easy.

With this kind of improvement, Chen Gang is also happy to see it.

And the high intensity for two days and two nights, except that it took an hour or so to go offline to eat.

All the rest of the time is here, you can think about how strong they are.

Although they can continue to live, Chen Gang is afraid.

Seeing the few people who had no intention of going offline for two days, Chen Gang had no choice but to come forward and ask them to go offline, because he was afraid that these people would die suddenly.

If it really died suddenly, it would be very embarrassing, not to mention the harm to others, and the family fortune I invested in them would be gone.

In the end, under Chen Gang's command, several people played the game helplessly.

After they left, Chen Gang also had to lament how powerful they were, controlling 30 drones in just two days.

This is simply a heifer flying, cow 13 went to the sky

However, it is also understandable that people are willing to work hard on the games they like.

For example.

It's like playing with pesticides in my previous life.

Which hero's role is what, how to build, how to play, and so on, he remembers everything clearly.

And stronger bosses will calculate the refresh time of wild monsters.

The skill CD time, what kind of equipment the skill produces, and the approximate damage, etc.

If you ask someone you don't like to memorize these things by rote and give him a few years, he won't be able to remember them at all.

But if you like it, even if you don't tell him these things, he has to find a way to remember them.

This is the power of interest.

And the few leeks in my hand are the same.

It is because I like it that I can improve so fast. I remember clearly the strength and speed of each control.

How long is the ore cutting time on the surface and how long is the cutting time on the inner layer? During the cutting time, several drones can be switched for operation.

Wait for the data.

Several people communicate with each other, learn from each other, and improve each other.

In this atmosphere, Chen Gang admitted that he was moved.

With this leek, what more can a man ask for.

However, as a good planner, Chen Gang has not forgotten his purpose.

While increasing production capacity in the short term, it will not make players tired of playing.

After all, based on his experience of playing games in his previous life.

At the beginning of a good game, players will be crazy, desperate, and suddenly get bored after a month or two, and never want to log in to the game again.

This is a typical mistake that games love to make. The early stage is strong and the follow-up is weak.

The premise for such a thing to happen is also very simple.

That is, the game content has goals in the early stage, and strives hard for the goals.

Wait until the goal is achieved and everything will become dull as the enthusiasm drops.

Therefore, a good game must be linked together in order to retain players.

Chen Gang already has a solution for this.

First the first ring.

It is to prepare the next big pie for them.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang started to act.

Because the few people were desperate for their lives in the past two days, they fell asleep after going offline and they slept for more than 20 hours.

"I'm going to go, I slept all day!" The game blows up when he just woke up, and he looks at the time and is a little surprised.

And these days because he has been playing missing, there is no live broadcast.

His own phone was also blasted by the company.

Looking at the more than forty missed games blowing up on the phone is also a wry smile.

There is no sense of time in this game.

And after playing this game, other games will not be fragrant in an instant.

Or live stream the game.

But think carefully.

It seems that there is no way to broadcast live. It seems that there is a choice between career and game.

"I didn't expect that as a game anchor, I would face such a choice one day. This is outrageous."

Thinking of this, his expression was a little bitter.

He looked at the computer in the distance and then at the helmet in his arms.

"It's time to make a choice."

"Choose a Jill, it still needs to be chosen." He picked up the helmet without hesitation.

computer:. . . . . .

Then I go?

After putting on the helmet.

"Why can't I log in?" He was a little surprised, then picked up his phone and turned on Penguin.

The Penguin Group has 99+ news.

He started looking through it.

Finally he understood that the game is temporarily down for 24 hours to update.

Seeing the news, he immediately clicked on the update page, but he was startled when he saw it.

There's a lot in this update.

Battleship OL

Update on July 7:

Fixed some bugs in the game to make the game more realistic.

Because of the help of the players, the space station began to operate normally, but because the food reserves were seriously insufficient.

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