One contribution point is equal to 9000 points. According to the current purchase price of 40 meters, one point is more than 36 meters.

What a number this is!

So for the grape ancestors at this time, this is simply a good opportunity to make a fortune!

Chapter 97 Fighting again

Because of the live broadcast of Grape Ancestor, many players are not bored during the journey.

Of course, the progress of Grape Ancestor is very slow because of the relatively detailed exploration. According to the estimates of the players, it will take at least ten days and a half months to get the results.

So before that, the players turned their attention to the war with Plato civilization.

A few days passed quickly, and the fleets of the players arrived at the assembly point one after another.

And at this moment inside the Plato civilization.

A group of bigwigs from Plato Civilization were sitting around the conference table, and the atmosphere here was extremely depressing at the moment.

They watched in silence a video sent before the probe was destroyed.

In the area in the video, more than 100 enemy warships have gathered, which is different from the warships seen when attacking the enemy before.

This time they saw a lot of new faces.

And the rubies that terrified them in the last battle also came a lot. Apart from the escort-level ships, they also saw destroyer-level ships.

"Although we had expected such a day, we didn't expect them to come so fast." The leader said and looked at the crowd.

"Let's talk about how we should fight the next battle."

After hearing his words, everyone didn't know how to answer for a while.

They can still vividly remember the last battle, it was miserable. Although they won, the price they paid was too great.

But it's all worth it.

Because they know that after defeating this civilization, they can not only sweep away the unstable factors around their civilization, but also take the enemy's technology for their own use.

By analyzing the technology of enemy ships, their civilization can be developed rapidly.

But after the war they found they were wrong.

Except for the mining facilities left on the planet and the wreckage of enemy ships on the battlefield, they did not find the enemy's home planet.

In other words, the place that cost their entire civilization half their lives is likely to be just a resource point for the enemy.

Enemies are only here to mine resources.

This feeling makes them hopeless.

So when they knew this situation, they had already anticipated that the enemy's troops might appear again one day.

But they never expected that the enemy's troops would come so quickly.

Do they still have a chance?

have no idea. . . .

Everyone here doesn't know, but they all know that their chances of winning this time are very slim.

Quite small.

Seeing that the crowd didn't answer him, the old man he led let out a long sigh.

"What are our chances of winning in a simulated battle?"

Hearing this question, one person raised his head and replied: "According to calculations, it may be less than 5.00%."


"Even if it is 5.00%, we can only fight once, because we have no way out."

As he said that, he looked at the others.

"How far has the spaceship of the Tinder Project gone?"

"Just now... it's all been destroyed... It's their ghost ship."

Ghost ships are what they call jellyfish. . . .

The person headed by this answer was not surprised, it seemed that he had expected this matter.

"It seems that they are going to kill us all..."

Compared with the boring players of Plato civilization at the moment, it is different.

"Brothers, don't tell me, there is something wrong with the wild monsters in this game, guess what?"

"They actually know how to send ships to run away. They probably know that they can't beat us, and they want to send ships to other places to develop wretchedly and come to us for revenge. Unfortunately, they were detected by my quantum detection machine. I used to be a sliding shovel. , he’s gone!”

"I also intercepted several ships. As Xiaomengxin who joined the battle for the first time, the details of this game are really in place. Compared with monsters in other games, the wild monsters who come up to fight with you in this game know that they can't run away !"

"Mengxin? How did you get your stinging jellyfish?"

"I got it! I took it out once."

"I'm a goddamn European dog!"

"It came out once? Brother, you are playing a game with Yangshou! Be careful to die suddenly while walking one day!"

"It doesn't matter what day it is, it's better to hit the day than to choose a day, let's choose today!"

At this moment, this Xiaomengxin felt the deep malice of the majority of non-chieftain players.

. . . . . .

As time went by, it came to the eighth day of the task release.

And today is also the day to attack.

The players went online early, and after going online, they exchanged general tactics and then the mighty fleet set off.

"I've marked the landing point for everyone, it's about 600 million kilometers away from the home planet of the wild monsters."

"After landing, there is a high probability of encountering their attacks. Gem defensive pilots, please pay attention to the position of your spaceship to resist the first round of damage."

"After resisting, start to counterattack. The main formation advances directly towards the den of wild monsters. The other teams are responsible for guerrilla attacks and cleaning up the enemy's defensive forts!"

"All small captains command their own fleets. If you find that you can't stand it, remember to evacuate in time!"

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Next, please enjoy the game to your heart's content!"

As the game blew up, all the players started the transition state.

At this moment, the players are very excited, not only excited but also very excited.

The reason is actually very simple.

Because it was miserable being tamed by wild monsters last time, this time I can finally get revenge, let them see the strength of the players!

"They're here!"

The commander of Plato civilization whispered when he saw the first gemstone landed.

Then he turned on the all-channel radio.

"Soldiers, the enemy's forces have arrived! All fleets are ready to fight!"

"Remember this time we are only allowed to win and not lose! Because behind us is our homeland!"

As he spoke, he led the fleet and flew in the direction of the players.

At this moment, the player fleet just settled down was attacked by surrounding planetary weapons.

"Everyone gives priority to clearing the surrounding forts. The local fleet will meet our fleet in 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Everyone, get ready for battle!" Watching countless beams of light beams shooting at your own fleet, the game exploded.

Then he looked at the gem defense with the highest damage in front: "The gem defense driver tells the situation."

"Scraping! It's too scraping! It's not as fast as I can do it!"

Hearing the driver say that the game is blowing up, he also nodded, everything was expected.

After all, they had a hard time playing the rich armor type last time. Compared with the rich armor, the defense value of gems alone is more than double that of the rich armor, not to mention that it can also self-repair.

Thinking of this, he looked at the projection beside him and looked at the red dot that was getting closer and closer to them: "Then it's time to hunt!"

Chapter 98 The End of Civilization

When the fleet of Plato civilization appeared within the range of the players, the battle officially began.

I saw countless beams of light on the battleships of the Plato Civilization attacking the players' battleships, watching the overwhelming attack gem defense actively meet them and take the damage.

"How is the Gem Defense Driver?"

"It's not a big problem, I can withstand it!"

"It's a small thing, the damage is just scraping!"

"Hahaha! This wave is completely crushed! Brothers are eating meat!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

. . . . .

The next moment I saw a huge fan-shaped blade of the jellyfish fall off the hull, and the next moment it flew towards the enemy battleship group at an extremely fast speed. Countless energy beams tilted towards the enemy frigate, and a jellyfish carried 4 Stinger drones, and each Stinger's attack can harvest one of the enemy's warships.

The Ruby Pulse aimed the main gun at the enemy's destroyer-level ship, and the red beam shot from the main gun directly penetrated the expulsion of the Plato civilization.

"Report to the commander, the enemy's warships are too strong! Our warships simply cannot cause effective damage to them!"

At this moment, the commander of Plato civilization looked at the pictures on the battlefield and his heart sank to the bottom.

I saw the countless firepower of their more than 60 ships pouring down on a ruby ​​​​of the enemy.

And the ruby's armor began to slowly melt and fall off at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just when they thought they were going to succeed, they suddenly discovered that the armor of the ship had grown back like a biological wound.

It didn't take long before it returned to its previous appearance.

"How is this possible!" This was his first reaction when he saw this scene.

How is this played?

The technological level of this ship has been much higher than theirs, completely beyond their imagination.

Compared with the last battle, the feeling that the enemy ships gave them this time was too intuitive.

Clear division of labor!

Ship positioning is clear!

The defensive power of the ships in charge of defense has reached a terrifying level, and the attack power of the ships in charge of attack is so strong that it makes people desperate.

Only at this moment did they know how powerful the enemy was.

In the past, the enemy gave them the feeling that they could fight regardless of losses.

But what about now?

Under the concentrated fire of the bullfighting assault, their cruiser couldn't hold on for a minute.

This is a cruiser-class ship.

And what about the enemy ships?Trying to destroy a single enemy ship will cost you dearly.

The battle has been going on for several hours now.

The battle loss ratio of the two sides reached an astonishing 1:400.

What a terrifying number this is, that is, all their remaining fleets can only destroy 10 enemy warships at most. This is still a theoretical number.

Because as their battleships become fewer and fewer, the firepower becomes weaker and weaker, and it becomes more difficult to destroy the enemy's ships later.

Thinking of this, a deep sense of powerlessness hits me.

. . . . . .

"Surrender..." After a long time, he made such a decision.

"Pola civilization sent a communication request, do you accept it?" The happy player who was playing suddenly received a prompt from the AI.

"What the hell?" The players who received this message were taken aback for a moment, and then they opened the message.

At this moment, the commander projection of Plato civilization appeared in front of them.

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