Indeed, the problem at this moment is very big!That ray alone is a big problem.

According to the data collected by the exploration ship, it is very likely to be y-rays.

Although the strength is not high, the fact that it can be released just by relying on those few strange crystals is enough to show that the problem is not simple.

Although the intensity is not up to the standard of gamma rays, the similarity has exceeded 90.00%.

It should be known that its production principle is the y photon radiated by the new nucleus produced after the radioactive atomic nucleus undergoes alpha decay and beta decay to transition to a lower energy level.

The production conditions are extremely harsh, but those inconspicuous crystals can emit such rays.

If you say it is a natural product, Chen Gang is the first to not believe it.

Then let’s talk about the creatures inside, how could there be such creatures in the ground on such a planet that can’t provide living things at all.

It does not meet the conditions of living beings, and those living things do not resemble the products of nature.

So Chen Gang's first inference was that it was caused by humans.

If this can really be done, then what kind of level will the height of this civilization be.

Combining the rich resources here and the geographical environment, Chen Gang's heart has sunk at this moment.

And several people looked at Chen Gang who was serious at the moment, and they all looked at each other.

However, it is not difficult to see the excitement in their hearts at the moment from their eyes.

The difference compared to Chen Gang is that the players in the game blow their eyes at Chen Gang from time to time. For them, the more Chen Gang has an expression at this moment, the longer it takes to prove that the matter is bigger.

The bigger the matter, the bigger the rewards for a problem.

Then this will mean that their investment this time is quite worth it!

It's a lot of money.

Thinking of these people, they couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

but. . . .

Can't laugh! ! !

Didn't you see that the commander is so serious?If you dare to laugh out loud now, your favorability will be negative every minute.

But this kind of suffocation is uncomfortable!

Just imagine what it would be like to play offline city, your 100-level graduation scarlet weapon from 13 all the way to 20 without bursting and instantly let you be promoted to the first place in the server.

Can you not be excited?Can you not get excited?

Are you not excited when tens of thousands of accounts suddenly become millions of accounts?

This is the state of several people at the moment.

But at the moment they can't express but can only hold back.

How many people feel uncomfortable!

"That... Commander? Commander?" Finally, after enduring for a long time, the game exploded and couldn't help but remind Chen Gang who was in deep thought.

Hearing the sound of the game blowing up, Chen Gang also reacted instantly.

I was so busy thinking about it that I forgot that these three people were still here.

Thinking of this, he organized his thoughts: "Soldiers, the data you collected this time is useful. Of course, as explorers, you will also get the rewards you deserve."

Chen Gang thought for a while while talking: "Because the creatures and resources involved in this are very important to us, so this time you will get 100 alliance contribution points rewards."

"Of course, because we are not very clear about the situation inside, I need to conduct a detailed investigation of that location during this period before I can determine the specific follow-up development plan."

Hearing Chen Gang's words, if they hadn't considered that the current scene was not suitable, they would have jumped up immediately.

The reason is simple, alliance contribution points and ordinary points can be different.

It is extremely difficult to obtain, but you can also choose to donate points directly to the base for free in exchange for alliance points.

But the ratio is that 1 points equals 1 alliance contribution point.

And this time they actually got 100 alliance contribution points, which is equivalent to 100 million points if converted into points.

What kind of a concept is this. . . . .

Suppressing their laughter, several people left the command room and came to the hall


"It's so cool!"

"This time I made a lot of money!"

"Let me just say, how can there be no new copy of the new game! Hahaha! This wave of guessing is right!" Talking about the game blowing up, I was very excited.

"With so many points contributed by the league, we are sure that we will be the first in the league in this wave! I can't even stop Jesus!"

While several people were talking excitedly in the hall, Chen Gang, who was listening to their conversation in the command room, was full of black lines.

"The new dungeon is N! It's numb! I just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den!"

"I'm so excited! Maybe I have to shut down the server again! Maybe it's been a few months before the server is opened!"

"No... If you're unlucky, the server will be shut down forever!"

Thinking of this, Chen Gang also suddenly became frowning.

Quantum reconnaissance plane detection just failed to detect this place, which already shows the seriousness of the matter.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang can only rely on the system.

Only by exploring the system can we know the real situation here.

"Let's hope it's not the worst outcome."

Chapter 80 The result is out

Chen Gang was also very depressed about this matter.

He really didn't expect that he would be so unlucky.

I thought I had found a perfect no-man's land, but who would have thought that there were still things hidden underground.

Isn't this a disgusting person!

And Chen Gang knew exactly what the things underneath meant.

When quantum reconnaissance chooses a place, it conducts planetary exploration, and such a high-tech reconnaissance plane can't find out why.

This is already very clear that it can explain the extraordinary in it.

Such a place cannot be formed by normal evolution at first glance, so it must be man-made, combined with the result of the detection of the quantum reconnaissance machine.

It is not difficult to conclude that there is a civilization with a technological level of at least level 5 underground here.

Thinking of this, he can not panic.

The third-level peak civilization beat him to death, and the fifth-level civilization didn't need to be beaten, and he died suddenly on the spot.

So now he is waiting for the data from the system with trepidation.

In order for the system to detect the data this time, he paid a total of [-] points.

One hundred thousand points!

He didn't feel sorry for the points, but the usage of the points made him even more afraid.

Exploring a planetary system collects three to five hundred points and it's over.

And querying the data of this thing is a total of [-] points.

This would make everyone panic.

In such a mood, Chen Gang waited for more than an hour and finally the data detected by the system came out.

Chen Gang was stunned when he saw the simulated map of that area.

This is a huge saucer-shaped building. Chen Gang's first reaction is that it should be a spaceship.

It has a diameter of nearly [-] kilometers and a height of several hundred kilometers.

Chen Gang was shocked when he saw this data.

The analysis of the technology level system should be at the level of the mid-level 5 civilization.

But apart from the vital signs of those strange creatures, no other vital signs on this battleship were found.

This is undoubtedly good news for Chen Gang.

And judging from the extent of its damage, most of the functions of the spacecraft have been damaged.

The most important thing is that the spaceship has been parked for more than 100 years so far.

Through these data, Chen Gang also roughly concluded the situation of this spaceship.

First of all, this is a spaceship that should have fled here after being shot down or seriously injured by a more powerful civilization more than 100 years ago.

And judging from its size, it can be judged that this spaceship should be a spaceship used by immigrants.

Because the fifth-level mid-stage civilization is logically speaking, the technological level cannot reach the level that can manufacture warships of this size.

Because the requirements for warships and immigration ships are two concepts.

Then it didn't matter whether he crashed or fled.

The important thing is that according to the normal situation, judging from the technological level of this civilization, even if the spaceship crashes here, they can still use nearby resources to repair the spaceship here.

And from the intact facilities of the spacecraft, it can be seen that it can completely maintain the short-term survival of these people.

But the problem also lies here, so many people in the spacecraft did not go to collect resources to repair the ship in a place with such rich surrounding resources.

From this, we can know that the people in this spaceship may have all died before it came here.

That is to say, the enemy's weapon directly wiped out all the people inside when it only caused a certain amount of damage to the outer surface of the spaceship.

Then don't think that they must use weapons with strong penetrating power.

Combining the gamma rays emitted by the strange crystals inside the spacecraft, it is not difficult to deduce that the weapons used by the enemy should be gamma-ray weapons. The powerful gamma rays penetrated the shield and armor of the spacecraft and directly irradiated the people inside. A devastating blow.

Although the materials used in the hulls of Level [-] civilization ships can withstand gamma shooting attacks, they cannot completely resist the powerful penetration of this weapon.

would lead to such a result.

At this moment, Chen Gang, who had deduced the general situation, was also panicked.

You must know that the civilization that can use gamma ray weapons is at least level 6 or above.

If a level 6 civilization meets it at its current level of development, then I am afraid that it will not know how to die.

run?Don't think about this, after reaching level 5 civilization, you have already mastered the jumping engine.

The jumping distance of a jumping engine is calculated in light years, so there is no way to escape with its own jumping speed in units of AU.

For example, the enemy tells you with a 40-meter machete, I allow you to run 39 meters first.

The iconic product of the fifth-level civilization is the jump engine and the jump channel array, while the iconic product of the sixth-level civilization is the star gate.

Dozens of hundreds of light-years of galaxies are connected through the jump channel array.

And through the star gate, galaxies of tens of thousands or even millions of light years can be connected.

For civilization at this stage, the distance is no longer important, what matters is whether they have discovered you.

At that time, civilizations of that level had a powerful information network, and countless detectors shuttled freely through the wormholes looking for other civilizations.

As long as you get too close to them, or their probes inadvertently get your coordinates. . . .

Then it won't be long before their warships will appear at your doorstep if nothing else happens.

And their attack is no longer a simple laser bombardment, but a gamma ray burst directly at you to wipe out all creatures on this planet.

Looking at the system's introduction to level 6 civilization, Chen Gang fell into deep thought.

Look at the slogan at the bottom of the introduction page, the 8% off promotional price of the shielding tower, which is a limited-time sale, and Chen Gang didn't know what to say for a while.

Shielding Tower: It can effectively shield the signal waves generated by the activities of the galaxy, and can better hide the galaxy.

Limited-time promotional price: 2000 million points (1 year countdown)

Look down again.

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