After receiving the ship in this way, I, Gandi, drove the industrial ship towards the galaxy where the game blew up with some excitement.

At the same time, the news that three boats were launched today also spread throughout the group.

A quiet sea with good attributes, a honeycomb escort boat with sky-defying attributes, and a ruby ​​that many people miss.

Bei Ming: It's numb, I feel that the probability of today's lottery machine is just a joke.

Zhenxin: Really!I was so stunned that three boats came out in a row today.

Little Donkey: Yes!I also find it a bit unbelievable. Think about it, we smoked so many before and got nothing, but today we got three.

Don't hit me with an ox cart: cough cough cough!Everyone, my Jinghai class wants to sell digs with wood and income.

Weiyang Real Estate: @Don't hit me ox cart Points or meters?

Don't call me bullock cart: private chat!

Weiyang Real Estate: OK

Alphabet, who just went offline and was preparing for the water group, saw such news as soon as he opened the chat group.

"This kid's Jinghai is for sale?" He also clicked on the private chat with Don't Hit My Bullock Cart.

"Brother, how do you sell Jinghai?" Alphabet asked straight to the point.

"Brother, someone just paid 30 meters."

There came the message of "don't hit me with an ox cart".

Seeing this news, Alphabet also found it a little funny. This typical bullying newcomer does not understand the market price.

Although the output is very high now, the points are not as expensive as before, but no matter how you say the points are 1 to 200, they can still be sold.

Simply calculate that a piece of FG300 is equal to 1500 points, then it is 30 in meters.

This thing actually wants to buy a Jinghai with the money of a FG.

I don't know what to think.

Without any hesitation, the letter said directly: "If you want to sell 60 yuan, don't trade directly with Moji!"

He was already very excited when he heard the letter, but he agreed immediately without any hesitation when he heard the price.

Then there is the online transaction.

For a while, the news of the local tyrants buying the boat disappeared, and now all the players were excited, as if everyone had discovered the wealth code at this moment.

Let me ask, among the three boats released this time, Jinghai is still the poorer one, but they all bought such a high price.

So what about the other two boats?

Isn't this price going to crash into the sky?

Thinking of this, the various casual players here seem to have been pumped into the mining business as soon as they have time.

As for many people who consider selling points to make money, the idea is good but the reality is cruel.

Unless there is a special need for points or if buying a boat is just a little short, local tyrants will spend money to buy points, but under normal circumstances, these local tyrants will not pay to buy points as if they have negotiated.

the reason is simple.

They are not slow to earn points, so there is no need to collect them, and collecting them will not improve them too much.

but!If they want to accept it, they will only consider accepting the lottery boat, and they will give a very high price!

Having seen the shipment rate of cheating lottery machines for such a long time, they want to use this method to let casual people go to the lottery with the dream of getting rich overnight.

Step on the pit for them, and they only need to spend a seemingly large amount of money to collect it.

In fact, if you really collect points to draw, you may spend ten times more money and you may not be able to get it.

Of course, what these players never know is that this lottery machine is controlled by humans.

Chen Gang is in control of what to give and who to give.

A casual person who often perseveres in daily lottery draws. After accumulating enough points through his own efforts and sweat, he immediately fed them to the players of the lottery machine without the slightest hesitation.

Is it too much to give such a player a boat?

Don't overdo it!

An ignorant and ignorant Mengxin obtains such a ship with a confused face. What could be more impactful to other players than this?

So it's not too much.

As for the last game blowing team, how many difficulties they have helped themselves through since they entered the game, and how many points they have contributed to themselves. This is a man who cannot forget his roots too much, so is it too much to give them a boat?

But go too far!

As for the other players who contributed a lot of points but didn't draw anything, they were all people who dreamed of getting rich overnight.

Is it wrong to travel hard for this dream?After all, everyone comes here like this, working hard and fighting for their dreams, and I don’t give them anything because I want them to carry the burden on the road to their dreams!

It is to motivate them and to gather sheep. . .No is to give them unlimited motivation to fulfill this dream.

So don't give them too much?Not too much!

For them, the lottery machine is not a gold-sucking machine but a piggy bank of their dreams.

"It should be very white if I wash it like this!" Chen Gang murmured while looking at the watertight lottery machines surrounded in the distance.

Now that the enthusiasm of the players has been mobilized, Chen Gang doesn't need to put anything in for a short time.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang returned to the main control room alone.

"The economy has picked up in the short term, but the points are not enough to face the next war." He recalled the pictures of the enemy fleet captured by the quantum reconnaissance plane before.

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

"Although there is no movement from them now, it is undeniable that they may soon." Chen Gang looked at the picture from the quantum reconnaissance machine while speaking.

What I saw in the picture were the ships that had won the battle with their own fleet before. At this moment, they have returned to their home planet after a month-long voyage.

"If I'm not wrong, he will definitely pull him over to ask questions, and then the other party may organize another attack after he understands the situation." Chen Gang sighed.

"Although I don't know how many troops they will send this time, I am thinking that it will not be too few."

Such a huge force attacking here is bound to start a big battle.

Just according to my current development speed, can I win if I encounter thousands of their warships?

the answer is negative!

The average output of Chen Gang here is about 8 FG300s a day.

Can you win against their thousands of warships?

The answer is self-evident.

Chapter 60 Players' Tangle

Every time he thought of the problems he was about to face, Chen Gang felt very helpless.

time!What I lack is time!

If there is enough time, he will not be afraid at all!

In addition, he also discovered another big problem.

"Sure enough, it's very troublesome if the base can't be moved. After the enemy comes to the door, you can only stick to the position."

It's okay if the strength gap is not too big, if the strength gap is too big, then you can only watch yourself perish.

Even after you escape, all your previous efforts will be in vain.

It's as if I just took over the space station.

"Perhaps a fixed residence in the development path of civilization can provide a comfortable environment for the people on the planet, but it will also hinder the development of the race."

"And each race may have a feeling of nostalgia. For them, no matter how long they wander in the universe, only their home planet is their best destination."

With that said, Chen Gang got up and walked to the window to watch the starry sky quietly.

"It may be true for them, but it may not be true for me, because I don't belong to this universe, my home is not here, and there is a high probability that I won't be able to go back if there is no accident."

"So I can take a different path from other civilizations." Thinking of this, Chen Gang's heart suddenly became clear.

Maybe when you figure out what is fastening your mind, you will see another scene.

And at this moment, Chen Gang is like this.

He can buy ships, buy ships with various functions and use them to form a mighty moving castle.

Each ship is responsible for doing different things. For example, this ship is responsible for ore smelting and the other ship is responsible for ship parts manufacturing. . . .

In this way, even if you encounter danger in the future, you can escape to a relatively safe place.

Instead of staying here.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang seems to be more clear about the future.

"That's it! At this stage, first accumulate strength, and then buy combat ships to ensure that you have enough combat power before buying large-scale functional ships to prepare for interstellar wandering."

Although it takes a long time to prepare for this road, in Chen Gang's eyes, this road is undoubtedly much better than fixing himself in one place.

Because as long as he forms such a fleet, he has a choice when he faces other civilization attacks again.

It is free to decide whether to run or hit him.

Instead of fighting helplessly, like this time.

Because he couldn't give up the space station, he forced himself to fight them to the death.

"Wait until I have survived the wave and then develop in this direction!"

"But now I want to survive the's not easy."

As he spoke, Chen Gang called up the overall data of the enemy's ships that he had detected.

4700 frigates, 2100 destroyers, and 300 cruisers.

What a huge data, what a desperate data.

"I hope it can be delayed for a few more months!"

Indeed, at this moment, Chen Gang could only hope that they would come later.

Only in this way can I have enough time to develop.

. . . . .

"Have you heard? The commander has issued a new mission." Ruyi, who was on the industrial ship that day, suddenly said.

Hearing his words, Yun Tian, ​​who was sorting out his recent income, raised his head: "I know this, it seems that it was issued yesterday, saying that the commander intends to deploy a planetary orbital gun near the space node."

"And there are also a lot of armed forces deployed on the surrounding planets." Letter, who was watching the robot distribute the goods, also raised his head and said.

And at this time, who just went online, heard the comments from his teammates and shared his latest information: "Because the commander changed the merit distribution mechanism after the last meeting, and changed it to be calculated by DPS, and the planets arranged by players Damage from cannons, satellite turrets, orbital turrets, etc. will also be credited to the total DPS of the deployer."

"If this is the case, can we also consider setting up a wave?" the letter who heard this suggested.

"The layout can be arranged, but I don't recommend it to be arranged in one place, because the enemy is likely to send vanguard troops to reach the space node like last time."

"Although the turrets we set up over there can destroy their leading troops, the troops behind may have to consider changing their course." At this time, Han Yu stood up and said.

"But didn't the commander say that the opponent's civilization didn't master the transition technology and their transition only uses space nodes to make the transition. If they exit midway, they can't enter the transition state again unless they find another space node. How could they be halfway through this situation? Change course."

As before, I was a little puzzled.

Faced with this question, Alphabet couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Please, after discovering the danger, he can choose to slow down at a certain distance from the destination and then slowly crawl over."

"So that's how it is..." With such an explanation, it is understood as before.

"So if this is the case, how should we arrange it?" Just after solving one problem, another question was asked as before.

"How would I know! I want to know that I have already arranged it and need to discuss it here." The letter said angrily.

Of course, it's not just Han Yu's side, but even the game blowing up side is also having trouble with this matter.

Although the current points are a lot better for everyone, they are still in short supply.

The arrangement of these defensive facilities looks very good.

The price is cheap, and one FG300 credit can set up at least 3 forts.

And the firepower of each fort far exceeds that of FG by two or three times.

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