But the only good thing is that they chose to return and did not attack us because there was not much combat power left on the other side.

Yun Tian: According to the current situation, it seems that those ships should go back to shake people, and I am afraid that more enemies will come back in the next wave.

Xinghe Paradise: Wide, wide, and you can play another wave of coolness.

Yangzhou Fireworks Lane: It’s cool, this wave is really aggrieved, and the novice monsters beat us like this. Are you sure we can withstand the next wave?

Han Yu: If we still have the current strength, it goes without saying that we will definitely not be able to withstand it, so we must raise our troops vigorously!By the way, another advertisement is made, because our team is vigorously recruiting people, and welcome all old and new friends to join us!

Chapter 53 Players' Thoughts

Everyone was stunned when Han Yu suddenly issued a recruiting advertisement.

Great Sage Returns: @寒雨 Are you rich?Now it's starting to recruit people.

Han Yu: Hey, in order to compensate those of us who sailed by ourselves, the commander decided to reward double meritorious deeds. That is to say, the meritorious points to compensate us have changed from the original 200 to 10, and this time we have awarded a total of [-] frigate so you understand!

Everyone was shocked when they heard Han Yu's words.

An An: Hold the grass!Boss, according to what you said, wouldn't it mean that you can buy a lot of mining ships for mining!

Han Yu: (Satisfied) Hurry up if you want to join, we have already purchased planetary mining vehicles and are ready to mine in new galaxies.

Tiangong: A planetary mining vehicle?What the hell?

Han Yu: If the store has just been updated, you can go and have a look.

. . . . . .

The planetary mining vehicle for the mall update was considered by Chen Gang after careful consideration.

Its biggest advantage over Fangxing mine is its convenience.

First of all, after this mine is dug, they can still go to the next mine, and after this planet is collected, they can go to the next planet.

It can be described as very convenient and quick.

So if you have this thing, you only need to arrange a set of refining equipment to develop the planet's veins, and you don't need to spend money to buy mining equipment at all.

You must know that Chen Gang also made a lot of determination to put this thing in the mall.

After all, this made Chen Gang directly give up such a profitable source of income for the mining base.

But at this moment, the situation is urgent and Chen Gang has nothing to do, because the players who download the mining equipment will worry about whether it is worth it, but they will not.

As long as it is a vein mining vehicle, it can go up and dig.

And even the galaxy Chen Gang mined had been found for them in advance.

Chen Gang named the five planets in the A12 galaxy A12-5.

And the third planet A27-27 in the A3 galaxy.

These are the two mining-worthy planets that Chen Gang found after exploring dozens of star systems, large and small.

Of course, considering the emergency situation, Chen Gang didn't have any ink marks. After confirming that the enemy had left the galaxy, Chen Gang issued an order for capable players to go mining on this planet.

There are still some players who continue to stay here and drive the mining ship to mine.

In this way, everything proceeded in an orderly manner.

"Brother Han, we now have 2000 meritorious service. I personally feel that we can introduce another industrial ship because our industrial ship is too small and can only pull one planetary mining vehicle, and I think our planetary mining vehicle can also add a few more. " Several people in the industrial ship sat around all the plans that were being discussed, and Alphabet suddenly suggested.

Han Yu also frowned and began to think about this question.

"At present, we still have so many meritorious deeds, but we are short of points, and the current choice among us is very difficult." Han Yu roughly told everyone his analysis.

"First of all, this is a Star Wars game, have you noticed that the name of the galaxy developed by our planet is A12, and there are dozens of galaxies in the middle of A27." Han Yu said his worries.

"I'm wondering how many galaxies the commander has explored before discovering that the two planets are worth developing. Is this understandable because the materials we need in the planets are much less than those in space?"

"If this is the case, we invest too much in the development of planets, I am worried that the risk is too high, and you think about the star belt not far from our space station, we have dug it since we entered the game and we can still dig it now, but you see before What about the developed planet? How long has it been dug up and we have emptied it.”

Hearing Han Yu's words, everyone also felt that it was reasonable.

Indeed, as he said, the star belt has been dug for so long and there are still goods to be dug, but the planet is gone in a short time.

Although the output is high enough in a short period of time, there are relatively few planets that cannot be sustained for a long time and are suitable for mining. Then the question arises, is it really worth investing so much planet mining vehicles?

On one side is the development of planets with high output but may face shutdown at any time.

One side is low-yield but stable and long-term. Choose one or the other. How should you choose if it is you?

"Now we have finally pulled up our advantage. A wrong decision at this time will directly turn our advantage into nothingness." Han Yu said and looked at several people.

"The benefits of planetary development are considerable, but this is short-term. Although our current wave is also planetary development, we are not sure whether we can go this way in the future."

Hearing Han Yu's analysis, Yun Tian frowned: "According to what you mean, it would be safer for us to buy the mine ship directly?"

Han Yu also shook his head at this: "I don't know about this, but I can foresee that there are at least three paths that can be taken in the future."

Speaking of Han Yu, he stretched out a finger: "This road is planetary development. The planetary development last time made us a lot of money, but that time also let us discover that there are many pits in planetary development. First of all There are too few planets suitable for development, and there are too many types of ores needed to synthesize Alvard Alloy."

"Many planets have no development value because of the lack of certain ores or the overall low content of these ores. Generally speaking, there are too few planets that meet the conditions. Although there are many planets that meet the conditions in the entire universe, very few can be found, so I always I feel that investing in this is too risky."

Speaking of Han Yu, he stretched out his second finger: "You all know that the second way is to invest in mining ships as I just said. Although the collection volume of this thing is low, it is better than stability."

"As for the third item, it's transportation!"

"Transportation?" Hearing Han Yu's words, everyone was a little confused.

"Although the demand for transportation is not high now, we can already see some signs after this war."

"With the development of the future, many interstellar mines will inevitably be developed, and you have to transport the mining ships that have no jumping ability to mine there, and you have to transport them back if you have dug enough ore there."

When Han Yu said this, everyone suddenly realized.

"Wonderful! This is indeed a good way!" Said the letter stood up.

"Let's not talk about ship transportation, let's talk about the most basic planet collection. In the future, there should be many casual players participating in planetary development. If casual players participate, they will definitely not be able to buy industrial ships. This is too financially stressful for them. Big, so this is the market for us!"

Hanyu also nodded to Alphabet: "So I think transportation is a better way to develop."

"So everyone, facing these three options, how should we choose?" Speaking here, Han Yu threw the question to everyone.

Chapter 54 The author came out and said a few words

Thank you guys for your long-term support.

New book: Zerg OL: This game has [-] livers already released, friends who like it can collect it first.

Supplement: The book is on the shelves today, I hope everyone will support it!

Then let me talk about the problems of this book. Some places are not well written, thank you for your corrections.

I will rectify them one by one later.

In addition, there is another very important thing, that is, it is recommended in this book, so during this period of time, I hope you can support me a lot, and you can get two or two free recommendation tickets, if there is a monthly pass...

In short, thank you for your support. During this period of ok, I will keep changing three times a day.

Of course, if, I mean if, if the data is in place, I feel that I can also challenge the fourth update.

Although it feels more difficult for a salted fish like me who has no manuscript...

Chapter 55 Speculation of Plato Civilization

Several people couldn't make up their minds about the cold rain.

Because once the decision is wrong, all their plans will be in vain.

Although they all thought about the rain and dew, the biggest problem with this is that other players may specialize in a certain aspect in the future.

In that case, it is estimated that their industries will be compressed very little.

The current era is a situation where as long as whoever does not overturn the car will be the leader in the future, it would be a pity not to seize such a good opportunity.

"Risks come with benefits. I want to choose transportation, because there will definitely be a lot of casual players in the future, and there will probably be a lot of small leagues. We can do business with them, and we can all make a fortune relying on them." Feng Ducheng thought I want to say.

"I also agree to invest directly in the transportation industry, because this kind of game is straightforward, and I feel that transportation will be a very popular industry in the future." Yuntian also expressed his opinion.

"First of all, the places that this game explores shortly after the server is launched are basically near this area, and the distance is relatively short, so transportation is not particularly important, but will the development of galaxies be farther and farther away?"

"Take the galaxy developed this time as an example. The industrial ship can run back and forth in a day. It is this distance that our transportation business can receive so much. How about one round trip in the next few days?"

Hearing this, Han Yu also nodded and looked at everyone: "Indeed, my idea is that the ships we currently have will focus on transport ships after adding industries and planetary minecarts for a few days."

"Although I don't know the specific direction of the future, I think it will definitely not lose money to engage in transportation!"

"Okay! That's it!"

"Then start to reserve funds to build industrial ships!"

"It's just that before that, I need to buy some battleships to solve the next Star Wars problem. By the way, I'm doing some meritorious service!"

In this way, several people decided on the follow-up planning and arrangement.

At this moment, the high-level officials of Plato civilization were lost in thought while looking at the transmitted battle images.

First of all, this civilization is very weak and completely inconsistent with what they expected.

The ship technology of the first civilization is obviously much higher than them.

Their civilized guard-level hulls can actually compete with their own repelling-level hulls and still have the upper hand. This alone is enough to make them cautious.

"What the hell is going on here!" The leader who watched the results of the two battles said in a deep voice.

At this moment, it's not difficult to hear from his slightly awkward tone that he is suppressing his anger at this moment.

An intelligence error caused their vanguard team to be almost wiped out.

The enemy dispatched a total of 63 warships to almost wipe out their [-] fleet.

The most important thing is that among the enemy's ships, 40 of them may not even be considered frigates just because of their size.

Based on these two points alone, it can be seen that the opponent's technological level is much higher than that of one's own.

"What the hell are those people in the technical department doing!" An old man stood up as he spoke, his tone full of anger.

"The so-called level of technology is far lower than ours, this is what they call lower than us!"

"What's the use of Professor Roma talking about it now? Since the matter has already happened, what we're going to discuss next should be the solution!" The person in charge at the moment looked at the agitated professor and said.

It is said that the man named Roma also sat down and continued to stare at the battle scene without saying a word.

Until the second battle began, when he saw the escort ship ramming into their ship desperately, his wrinkled face moved slightly.

"Cold-blooded? Or should I say not afraid of life and death? Or for glory?"

As he spoke, he fell into deep thought. As a professor of warfare, he was very puzzled by their actions at the moment.

However, he probably guessed the reason when he saw the escort boat returning for the follow-up supply.

"In order to buy time for our companions, some ships that were seriously injured chose to sacrifice themselves." He continued to look down.

I saw that the remaining escort boats were crazily outputting firepower at their fleet, and every time they reached the residual blood, they chose to hit.

When they were stopped several times, they suddenly changed their strategy and let other ships cover their own ships to collide.

"Why can they do this? Is it because of glory?" For him, it may be because of these two words that he can resolutely die.

Then look down.

After the escort boats were wiped out, the remaining frigates confronted their remaining fleet without fear of life and death, and none of the ships chose to back down.

Even if the last one is left, even if their firepower is already very weak at that time, then which one can run away smoothly as long as he turns the bow, he still chooses to stand with blood to the end.

They didn't flinch even in the last moment of the battle.

No flinching, no running, not even an escape pod.

This civilization is terrible.

This was his first reaction.

Such a technologically advanced civilization is bound to have more fleets. At this time, they only need to retreat and wait until their large forces arrive.

Or consider tracking your own civilization's fleet before going to war, and then wait until their large forces come to flank you.

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Why did they choose to attack after they met before their own support arrived?" A trace of doubt flashed across the old professor's expression as he spoke.

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