As he spoke, his eyes shifted to the big screen and pointed at the player who was operating in the previous show: "This kind of flying posture and this kind of evasion skills cannot be done by civilizations that have not experienced war."

"The other thing is, if you haven't experienced war, how can their ships be so lethal?"

Indeed, this is a relatively big problem.

For them at this moment, Chen Gang's civilization is so confusing, but it is undeniable that they are powerful enemies.

In fact, this is also normal, no matter how they think, it is impossible to think that the war they think is just a game in the eyes of this group of people.

In the eyes of this group of people, the death failure they faced was just death and reopening.

If I let them know the truth, I don't know whether they should be sad or happy.

Time passed quickly and it was only an hour before they arrived.

"Commander, haven't they slowed down yet?" Hearing Yun Tian's question in the command room, Chen Gang shook his head.

"It seems that they are planning to fight us to the death as we expected." Chen Gang looked a little dignified: "The opponent still chooses to fight even though they know that our technology is higher than theirs and they don't know the data of our overall fleet. It is not difficult to see that they are probably trying to sacrifice this fleet to test our strength."

Hearing what Chen Gang said, everyone nodded their heads and looked a little dignified.

"In the face of such a fleet, we don't have any arrangements in advance, let alone an easy victory, even a difficult victory is difficult."

"But there is no way to choose to fight now."

As he spoke, Chen Gang looked at the projection.

"Next, I will command all the FG300 formations. Yu Qingfeng will be in charge of the No. 1 escort boat formation, the Lockout No. [-], the Unheard Kyushu No. [-], and the Sky No. [-]." Soon Chen Gang issued the order.

After receiving the order, several people also closely watched the movement of the enemy fleet transmitted by the quantum reconnaissance plane, ready to go.

When the local fleet landed, Yuntian took the lead in issuing the order: Your wife is really easy to use, why is Gan such a fucking name in the underworld!You first lead the No. 13 escort ship formation to hide behind the meteorite [-] kilometers away from the enemy fleet. "

Unheard of Kyushu: "The third formation also entered the meteorite belt to hide, remember to control the distance not less than 13 kilometers or we will be detected by them."

Lockout and Yuqingfeng also arranged the fleet to the designated position.

Because he also earned some points during this period, Chen Gang bought four SC002 quantum reconnaissance machines.

"Report that the enemy has entered the range." At this moment, the voice of a small team leader came.

Hearing this voice, Yu Qingfeng looked at the position of the local fleet at the moment and thought for a while: "Wait a minute, they haven't gone deep into the meteorite belt now, and they will attack when they go deeper."

On the other side, the fleet of Plato civilization is also very vigilant at the moment.

"Report, no enemy detected."

"Continue to investigate and spread the early warning fleet to me. The enemy must be nearby!" The commander immediately continued to order.

Chapter 50 The Second Battle Begins

At this moment, he knew very well in his heart that the enemy should be ambushing them nearby, and he didn't detect them just because of the gap in their technological level.

The fleet traveled all the way and soon came to the edge of the meteorite belt.

Countless large and small meteorites are floating in space and moving slowly,

A shipboard radar scan found nothing unusual.

But considering the size and maneuverability of the enemy's battleship, he guessed that there was a high probability that there would be a big prize waiting for them here.

"Stop! The entire fleet slows down and changes its course!" Although the headquarters ordered him to go directly through the meteorite belt, he decided to disobey this order.

Because he knew that the purpose of the headquarters was only to collect data through them.


Watching the enemy fleet suddenly decelerate and change course, the players know that they can't delay any longer.

"Fire!" Yu Qingfeng directly gave the command to fire.

In the next moment, the firing orders of several people were issued almost at the same time.

The sudden attack caught the opponent's fleet by surprise, but after all, they were all experienced fighters and they reacted in just a moment.

"The left wing found the enemy, and the flank found the target..." The instant signal of Chen Gang's fleet firing was detected by the opposite side.

The next moment, the opponent immediately launched a counterattack.

This time, Chen Gang's tactics were very simple compared to the previous ones, using the speed of their own ships to engage in close combat with the enemy.

"Not good! They want to take advantage of their speed to fight us at close quarters!" Seeing the escort boat approaching rapidly, the opponent obviously knew Chen Gang's tactics.

Of course, knowing the tactics, they couldn't wait for Chen Gang's fleet to approach.

The next moment, they locked on to the target, and countless artillery fires hit the escort ship.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Gang to let them do what they wanted. At this moment, the quantum reconnaissance plane that had been arranged in advance had appeared near them at some point and began to electronically interfere with their ships.

"What is this!" The commander who saw that his weapon was locked and interfered with the Plata civilization immediately realized that something was wrong.

"They still have this kind of technology!" Looking at the reconnaissance plane that looked like a ghost, he knew that if he didn't solve this thing as soon as possible, then they would be very passive when the escort boat on the opposite side approached them before cooperating with this thing.

He didn't dare to delay him immediately ordering all the ships to switch to the five quantum reconnaissance planes that appeared on the battlefield.

At this time, the ships facing the escort ship Bola Civilization, which was approaching and firing at the same time, had already begun to reduce their personnel.

Click to kill in order from small to large.

This is Chen Gang's attack order.

Of course, the commanders of the Pola civilization who saw this scene were also very helpless, because now they can only find a way to solve the quantum reconnaissance machine first and then talk about other things.

Otherwise, relying on this ECM interference can greatly reduce their combat power.

"The escort boats and quantum reconnaissance planes are mainly responsible for cannon fodder and interference, and the FG escort formation is the key." Seeing that the escort boats on the battlefield were already approaching the enemy, Chen Gang asked the escort formation to appear directly and attack the enemy without hiding. .

With the addition of the escort formation, there are 10 escort formations, of which 8 armored ships are responsible for damage in the front row, while [-] comprehensive ships are responsible for output at the rear.

Eighteen firepower bursts at the opponent's guards are very efficient. Basically, in less than a minute, their frigates have turned into fireworks in the universe.

Coupled with the fire support of the escort boat, the whole situation became one-sided.

Of course, although the tactics are perfect, how could the opponent allow you to proceed so smoothly.

"Damn it! Everyone listens to the order and ignores the jammer, and turns to the guard formation that suddenly appeared on the opposite side!" The commander at this moment has already discovered the shortcomings of the opposite tactic.

Although the escort boat formation on the opposite side has very strong firepower, because they are attacking around 2000 kilometers, their firepower is not very concentrated.

The replacement of their fleets with each other is not very serious.

But on the contrary, it was the escort formation in the distance that caused them to reduce their staff very seriously.

At this moment, it is difficult for them to destroy the quantum reconnaissance planes covered by the escort boats. Instead of wasting time on them, it is better to deal with the formation that threatens them the most.

Although the interference of quantum reconnaissance planes is disgusting, there are only three quantum reconnaissance planes left at most that can interfere with less than ten of their ships.

Compared with the escort formation that reduces their personnel in less than 1 minute, it is obvious that the escort formation has a higher risk factor.

"It seems that they have also discovered the guard formation that is going to attack us first." Looking at their movements, Chen Gang's face was also a little dignified.

"The main cruiser on the opposite side was interfered, and the destroyer also interfered with a few of them, and that's all I can do. Whether or not I can withstand it in the end depends on the player."

Compared with the comprehensive type, the FG300 armored type has made great changes in defense.

The first is to increase the thickness of its own armor to increase its armor value, and the MS enhanced armor has not provided the ship with 15 points of physical damage resistance.

With these, the performance of FG300 did not disappoint Chen Gang.

It takes almost 1 minute for the remaining ships of the local fleet to focus on a ship from full armor to the end when it can't stand it.

In other words, the speed at which the two sides eliminate the opposite side is the same.

Seeing this, Chen Gang can finally breathe a sigh of relief, because if this is the case, then the opponent must be the opponent.

Because the opponent is still using the method of alternating injuries to resist the attack of the escort boat.

Then when he wipes out all his escort formations, his fleet may appear to have a lot of ships, but they are all crippled.

But at this time, seeing his fleet focus on fire for a long time, the opponent dropped a frigate, Plato Civilization, and was shocked.

Indeed, although their main force is now being disturbed, the remaining fleet is also very powerful, but it takes such a long time to defeat the opposite ship.

The technological gap is naturally not 01:30.

"Actively attack civilizations that are more technologically advanced than your own."

"Heh... I can already foresee the scene of this civilization fleet flying to my home planet in the future."

On the other hand, Chen Gang was a little surprised when he saw that the FG300 was so capable.

I didn't expect the FG300 to be so powerful. Firstly, it is cheap, secondly, it is so resistant to beating, and the most important thing is that it can still fight.

This is simply a model of being able to fight and fight cheaply.

"This is a fight!" Soon Chen Gang made a judgment in his heart.

Fortunately, they can still exchange one with themselves, but as time goes by, when the escort ships have almost output you, then it is very likely that there will be a two-for-one-three-for-one situation.

And in the end, because your firepower is insufficient, it may become very difficult to destroy a spaceship in a minute.

Then this battle is sure to be won!

Compared to Chen Gang, the players felt distressed to death at this moment.

"Hold! Grass! My points are gone!" At this moment, the god of games was crying loudly in the channel.

"You're crying, didn't you say that destroying a ship will make up 100 meritorious service?" Alphabet joked.

"You're not talking about blowing up your boat, of course you don't care!"

. . . . . .

Chapter 51 In The War

At this moment, the commander of Plato civilization is watching the overall intelligence of the fleet and frowning.

Because the attention was shifted to the opponent's frigate formation, and their other ships could only bear the firepower of the escort boats alternately.

Now more than 30 ships have been damaged to varying degrees, and there will be more if the drag continues.

At this moment, the other party's frigate had only destroyed two of them, but they had already lost seven or eight ships.

This kind of battle loss ratio is unacceptable to him.

After looking at the formation of escort boats surrounding his side and the remaining three quantum reconnaissance planes, he made a decision.

"Abandon attacking the enemy's escort formation, and divert all energy to the planes surrounding our side."

"The No. [-] and No. [-] formations spread out and cooperated with the main formation to form a cross-fire network to clear the opponent's surrounding aircraft."

With the order of the commander of the Platinum civilization, their fleet formation began to change.

Divided into three formations to occupy different points and start cross-fire shooting.

Although their strategy of dividing into multiples is fatal to escort ships, it is different for escort formations.

The moment of dispersal was an opportunity for Chen Gang's guard formation to get closer.

The closer the distance, the higher the hit, and the stronger the firepower!

In front of you, your main force is concentrated and your attention is on the guards, so you can only fight for consumption from a long distance.

Although my high-tech hit is higher than yours, but your barrage is dense, so no matter how many hits you can hit.

So Chen Gang didn't dare to pull into the distance, but now that you are separated, it will be easy to handle.

Break through one by one from near to far!

"Yuqingfeng and Unwen Kyushu, your two escort boat formations are relatively seriously injured. Now return to the base for supplies. The other two escort boat formations and the FG300 formation concentrate all their firepower on the fleet I marked!"

Chen Gang calmly ordered.

This is war. All factors that are beneficial to oneself must be used, and all factors that are not conducive to oneself must be avoided as much as possible, or find ways to reduce losses.

"No. 23 calls the captain! Nima's opposite firepower is too fierce, I can't stand it anymore!" At this moment, a member of the escort boat formation shouted loudly.

"No. 23, please don't swear! How much armor do you have left, Made!"

"Around 1000, the function of the escort boat has also been affected to a certain extent."

"Hold on! I'll ask about the situation!"

Immediately, the team leader reported the situation to Chen Gang and the others.

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