Chapter 46 The Eve Of The War

Just when Chen Gang was still thinking about these issues, the data sent back by the quantum reconnaissance machine caught his attention.

"What's going on?" Chen Gang was stunned when he saw the picture.

I saw that the fleet's small boats suddenly accelerated and flew towards the galaxy where Chen Gang and the others were located at a faster speed.

The big ship still sailed at its original speed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Gang couldn't understand it.

Regardless of many, Chen Gang immediately held another player meeting to announce the latest local developments.

"Everyone, what do you think of this incident?" Looking at the crowd, Chen Gang asked first.

"If I'm not mistaken, these suddenly accelerated spaceships should be the vanguard of the pathfinding force," said Han Yu, lost in thought.

"It should be that after the vanguard arrives, it is also to determine whether there is any danger near their foothold. If they find danger, they can give an early warning to the large force so that the large force can respond in time."

Hearing his words, several others nodded in agreement.

"If this is the case, then one of the biggest problems we face is that the plan to arrange fortifications in advance can only be cancelled." Game Blow thought for a while and replied.

"But if we don't arrange us and their hard steel in advance, it will be difficult to play an advantage."

Indeed, this is the biggest problem.

"They should have about 20 frigates arriving ahead of time. After arriving here, they will definitely search the surrounding area, so it is futile for us to set up traps, and they will definitely be found by them."

Speaking of which, Yun Tian stood up and said: "My idea is to fight a wave of vanguard troops like them head-on."

"First of all, we used escort boats to fight this time, and the FG300 frigate was used as our trump card when we fought with their other troops."

"Because of the gunboat's maneuverability and strong and excellent firepower, it shouldn't be a big problem to solve their vanguard, and this may also make the opponent mistakenly think that the escort boat is our main formation."

"In this way, at least our frigates can give them a surprise attack when their troops arrive in the later stage."

Hearing Yun Tian's words, the God of Game asked: "The plan you mentioned is feasible, but the escort boat cannot sail long distances. This is a flaw. We must first solve this problem when we send escort boats to fight."

Yuntian was also prepared for this problem: "The length of the escort boat is more than 80 meters, compared to those frigates that are only 300 to [-] meters in size, it is much smaller."

"That's why your industrial ship came in handy. It can transport the escort ships in batches to the planet closest to the battle site and stop, so the distance problem will be solved."

Indeed, this method can effectively solve the problem of escort boats.

"If this is the case, I think we can consider setting up a temporary supply base there."

"Escort boats can also be simply supplemented here to increase their endurance."

At this moment, the game blows up and expresses his own thoughts. He may have noticed the strange eyes from the crowd as soon as he finished speaking, and he immediately explained.

"Although at the beginning we thought of laying traps in advance to hide them, what we need to do with such a plan is to hide ourselves from being discovered by them."

"But now this plan is obviously not feasible, and we also chose to face them head-on, so it doesn't matter whether we are exposed or not." Said the game and looked at everyone.

"After their vanguard troops are wiped out, the troops behind them will inevitably react. At that time, they are nothing more than two choices."

"The first option is to fight us, and the second option is to go home and rearrange the troops to fight again."

"But when they see our escort ship formation, they may think that this is the main fleet of our civilization, so I guess they will choose the latter to fight us."

"And in the ensuing battle, because there is no wayfinding from the vanguard, although we can't build defenses in such a short period of time, we can still hide some frigates."

"And what we're going to do is use the escort boats to distract them while the escort fleet swoops in from behind."

Everyone agrees with his analysis.

The feasibility of this plan is very high, very high.

Of course, the prerequisite for implementing this plan is that your technology must surpass that of the opponent.

First of all, you need to know how far away your ship will be captured by the enemy's AWACS so as to determine the hiding position of your fleet.

A normally developing civilization can't do it just relying on this point, but it's a pity that Chen Gang's side is not a normal civilization.

Through the quantum reconnaissance plane, Chen Gang and the others have mastered these key data early.

And everyone proposed various tactical plans based on these data.

"If this is the case, then we have to prepare in advance, because at present, the only industrial ship in our hands that has the transportation capacity is the game blowing company, so the transportation pressure is relatively high." Chen Gang began to arrange tasks.

"The game blows that you are responsible for completing the transportation of forty gunboats within three days, while Han Yu and you need to sort out a list of personnel on the battlefield in these two days, and divide these personnel into teams of six for formation. It is convenient for follow-up battlefield command.”

Following Chen Gang's orders one by one, everyone started to act.

There is still half a month before the enemy's attack, and the total daily output at this moment is 2000 cubic meters.

As time goes on, the total output of the space station will continue to decline.

Therefore, Chen Gang and everyone had no choice but to tilt the number of escort boats a little bit.

"During this period of time, the space station has obtained a total of nearly 4 resource points, and the remaining 2 days are calculated according to ten days because of the consideration of the pre-war preparations in the later period. The limit can be [-]. resource point."

"But considering other factors, if nothing else happens, you can only get the appearance of [-] at most."

Said Chen Gang thought for a long time.

"The 40 escort boats have already consumed 300 points, and the remaining points can only be used to buy a maximum of [-] FG[-]s."

"Counting the consumption of points needed to build supply bases in the past, as well as the scattered points of other players, I am afraid that only about fifteen FG300s can be put into the battlefield in the end."

"40 escort boats, and then add 15 Fugui..." Chen Gang felt a little helpless as he spoke.

Whether this battle is beautiful or not, what Chen Gang is worried about is whether he will be pushed horizontally.

Although Chen Gang has now collected a lot of data about the opponent, the only regret is that the battle data has not been collected yet.

This made Chen Gang very uncomfortable.

Without battle data, all they did was estimate and simulate, which made Chen Gang feel very uncertain about this battle.

Chapter 47 The First Test

The upcoming war also made Chen Gang fully aware of his problems.

At the beginning, he was still complacent about being able to increase the output to several thousand in such a short period of time, but because of this, he deeply understood that his current output was not to mention large-scale interstellar wars.

Even small-scale collisions cannot be sustained.

"Output, let's increase the output." Chen Gang was also very powerless as he spoke.

After this wave of war is over, we must vigorously introduce mining ships to increase production.

Be sure to introduce more ore ships to increase output crazily.

Some people may say why buy so many small mining ships, wouldn't it be better to buy a Noah directly.

After all, such a cowhide mine ship is in place in one step.

Chen Gang can only say a few words about Noah's pie.

The fragments of this thing are really a pie for other players to watch.

After all, even if the purchase price of this ship is 80 points, if you really have these points to exchange for the FG brigade, Chen Gang can bet that all the scum on the other side will be left.

So let's leave this pancake for them to watch, at least it will be impossible to implement it in the short term.

"What do I want to do so much, let's settle the matter in front of me first."

"After all, there can't be any accidents in this matter, because once the accident happens, then he will have no follow-up."

Thirteen days passed in a blink of an eye like this, and the enemy's vanguard should have arrived according to calculations.

At this moment, in the combat room, Chen Gang and the No. [-] and No. [-] people next to him were staring at the real-time images from the front line with serious expressions.

Except for Chen Gang, the others are all players who have studied strategy. Just in case, Chen Gang called them all in to help him command together.

"Here we come!" At this moment, the more than [-] frigates that arrived at the place first did not hear Kyushu speak.

"The first batch of troops has nothing to say, the forty escort boats directly pressed over, just to explore the reality of the place." Yuntian analyzed.

"Just trying the CV-

How about the firepower of the escort boat. "Speaking, Chen Gang gave the order to attack.

As soon as the order was issued, the player driving the escort boat was excited.


"Come on guys! Go! Go!"

"Let's go! Eat meat quickly, you won't even have soup when it's too late!"

Noisy shouts were uploaded on the player's communicator.

"It's numb! You in front of me, hurry up!"

"There is such a large space behind my grass, I don't know how to make a detour!"

"Wori! You all stop BB, I see the enemy!"

In space, the forty escort ships that received the order quickly took off from the planetary base, and after flying to a certain altitude, they accelerated and flew towards the enemy fleet in the distance.

"Radar alert! Locked by the enemy at a distance of 13 kilometers!" one person exclaimed

"Nimma's is already in range, why don't you shoot to see the Hammer Radar!" Another person shouted.

In the next moment, a player's skillful operator gunboat locked the target and then activated the attack system. The three cannons on the escort boat began to unleash their firepower crazily on the enemy.

"Warning, warning, the enemy fleet is found, it is under attack! It is under attack!" At this moment, the squad leader of the Platinum Civilization Escort Fleet who had just arrived at the scheduled location had a gloomy expression.

This time they were careless. Their flight trajectory, landing time, etc. should be impossible to detect according to the technology of the opposite civilization.

But the fact is that their landing time is strictly counted by the opponent, and depending on the situation, they should have been waiting here for a long time.

Then look at the speed of their ships, this routine sailing has far exceeded the speed of their escort ships many times.

So it proves a problem that the opponent's ship's technological level is higher than theirs, and the most important thing is that the opponent's firepower is not weaker than theirs.

Thinking of this, his heart sank in half. They have 20 frigates in this formation, and their technological level is not as good as that of the ships on the opposite side, and the number of ships on the other side is double theirs.

So it is self-evident what the result will be.

Although they knew that they would lose this battle, the squad leader of Plato civilization also knew that they could not sit still.

"All ships formed a defensive formation and started to counterattack!"

"Intelligence personnel collect the information of the enemy fleet and send the data back to the main fleet!" After all, he has experienced many battles, so he quickly found the optimal solution to the current situation.

In the next moment, the 20-day frigate began to slowly change its formation, and then quickly flew towards the players' fleet to fight back.

In an instant, dozens of laser beams were shot towards the players' spaceships.

It is naturally impossible for lightspeed players to avoid it, and four or five escort boats were shot at the next moment.

"Hold the grass! I only have 300 HP for one round of shooting!" The player who was hit immediately changed his navigation direction to avoid the blow and then flew towards the enemy. The artillery on the flying ship also continuously vented its firepower at the enemy's spaceship.

"Be careful, even though the enemy's damage is low, we can't hit them fast! Two or three people can freely form a team and focus on a certain ship on the opposite side!" At this moment, a player who often plays this type of game calmly analysis.

"OK, I still have the No. 27 and No. 34 aircraft. The three of us are close. We hit their most flanking ships. I punctuate here!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

In the next moment, an enemy ship on their radar changed from red to green, and several people also changed the output target to that ship.

The thinking of the players is obviously very feasible, so the few ships on the opposite side turned into the most gorgeous fireworks in the universe within a few minutes of operation.

"Cool! This wave is really cool!" The players were very excited watching the fireworks in the universe.

"This effect is so fucking real!"


"However, it is difficult to say that this novice monster is quite difficult. You found that without them, the seriously injured ship is moving closer to the center of their formation."

"Then those who were not injured ran outside the formation to take the damage!"

This is where one player discovered their tactic.

"That's right! The chicken thief is very good!"

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