(Note: The escort boat is used in the form of lease, and the lease amount is 20 points, which can only be leased during wartime.)

(Note: This battle is of great significance, because the enemy this time is the enemy with the lowest difficulty set in this game. If the battle fails, the game will be shut down to adjust the difficulty of the 12 billion different NPCs involved in this game. Due to The amount of work is huge, so the opening time will not be determined)

Although this is what he said, but Chen Gang knew it in his heart, if he failed, he would be finished and why would he start the server?This is so straight-forward.

However, for the players, this update can be said to have stunned everyone.

First of all, so many internal beta quotas have been updated. Of course, this is also a good thing for some people who want to enter this game.

It is actually a good thing for old ship investment players to do a simple calculation.

The first point is that without meritorious service, they have points and cannot buy mine ships.

In addition, the planet developed by the interstellar development is almost exhausted, so at this moment their points only flow to one direction.

That is the gashapon machine.

So for them, it is better to take out the points and contribute them instead of throwing the points in and letting the gashapon machine give them to Huo Huo.

In this case, at least there will be some fixed income every day in the future, which is undoubtedly much better than going to the lottery without a hair at the end.

But what shocked everyone was that this fucking game would be shut down if the war failed.

This makes many people feel a little weird.

But if you take a closer look at the billions of monsters that need to be adjusted, this difficulty is indeed a huge project for this kind of game, and it is estimated that you can only operate it if you shut down the server.

But how can an addicted gamer be willing to let you do this.

Certainly not possible.

And even the worst monsters in this game can't beat the veteran game fans who dare to say that they play games.

It is undoubtedly too embarrassing for him to say this.

If you think about it, there are such a group of people playing a game, they can't even beat the worst monsters in the game. In the end, the planner had to shut down the server overnight to reduce the difficulty of the monsters so that these so-called experienced game fans can beat the novice monsters.

It's so insulting to say that.

So many of them secretly swear in their hearts.

No matter what, this battle must be won!Still have to win pretty!

Thinking of this, everyone in the group is now discussing the upcoming war.

Game Blow: Brother Meng, what do you think of the alien invasion in this update.

Han Yu: I'm not sure, but just looking at the content of the current update, I personally feel that this update may not be as simple as I thought.

Yijian: I feel the same way. Although it is said to be the lowest difficulty monster in the game, I always feel that this so-called lowest level may not be beaten by us.

God of the Game: Yes, speaking of game monsters, I vaguely remember the mayflies that invaded the space station last time. Even those wild monsters made us tormented enough, not to mention the real fleet that came this time.

Beautiful girl space station: Mengxin, what is the lease of the mine ship?Why can newcomers only get half of the amount collected?

Yun Tian: Half of you are not satisfied?You must know that the old players who entered the game at the beginning were all controlling drones to mine. Are you not satisfied that you can control the mine ship as soon as you come up?

Letter: Yes, and you can get at least 20 points a day if you pay half of the production. Back then, they only got one or two points a day.

Eat a peach: I'm holding back, thinking about the days back then, it was horrible.

The game blows up: It's numb, how come I digressed while chatting, let's talk about the main points!

Everyone reacted when they heard the game blowing up.

Yes. . .

It seems to be digressing.

Chapter 40 Discussing the Plan

Then everyone began to discuss the war again.

Game Blow: First of all, everyone should be clear that this game is fundamentally different from other games, and everything in this game is true.

There are no weak enemies in a real war, so this so-called monster with the lowest difficulty in the game is probably very terrifying in strength.

God of the game: I also thought of this point. If we only start from reality, then the enemy is already an interstellar civilization, and judging from the official CG, the enemy's fleet should be very strong.

And there is another most critical problem, that is, we don't have a single combat ship in the entire space station so far.

Hearing what the God of Games said, everyone suddenly remembered this.

Yes!Everyone has forgotten this most critical factor.

It's embarrassing that they haven't bought a single combat ship so far.

Han Yu: Although the official game allows us to rent escort boats for later use, I took a look at the official escort boat data.

The data of this thing is a bit embarrassing. Although the speed is fast enough, the overall armor value is only more than 4000, but the resistance is actually 0. Although the firepower is not bad, it is not too high, only about 1000, the largest The problem is that this thing was originally designed as a carrier-based aircraft, so it has poor endurance without constant replenishment. .

So to sum up, this kind of ship is currently only suitable for short-distance combat, that is, this thing can only fight within a certain range of the space station.

Speaking of this, everyone probably understands the meaning of Han Yu.

Game Blow: Do you mean that we need to lure the enemy to fight near the space station?

Han Yu: This is the only way to make full use of the combat capability of the escort ship, but I don't recommend it, because our space station basically has no defense force.

If you fight near the space station, maybe the battle will be over before the space station is over.

Seeing Han Yu's analysis, everyone also felt that it was more reasonable. If they didn't use the combat power of the escort boat, they would not have any combat units in their hands.

Han Yu: At present, we can only find a way to buy a ship. The game should be able to buy a battle ship by blowing up the merits of the boss.

Asked Han Yu who suddenly thought of something.

The game blows: Yes, the meritorious service in hand can buy a ship, but it is completely useless in the face of a fleet of more than 100 ships.

So this matter is still a long-term plan. After the update is completed, we will enter the game and ask the commander about the situation. We are making plans.

After all, this game is about authenticity, so the commander should be more anxious than me in this situation.

Hearing this, Han Yu felt that what he said made sense.

After all, there should be a lot of updates in the game mall in such a situation.

Exactly what they thought.

Chen Gang also considered this factor, so he put the FG300 multi-purpose frigate on the shelves in the mall.

There are three types of ships.

Multipurpose, Armored, and Scouting.

Corresponding to the multi-functional model with firepower of 1900 and armor HP of 9500, and has the modification function to increase his armor, firepower and many other attributes.

Compared with the multi-function model, the armored model is more defensive. It not only has 1 armor HP but also has an armor defense value of 1. The disadvantage is that the firepower is only 15.

The last reconnaissance type is mainly lightweight, with twice the speed of the first two ships, and has strengthened the ship's danger warning system so that it can automatically avoid some attacks, but at the expense of armor value and firepower.

And their price is set by Chen Gang at 1500 points.

This time he didn't earn too much. One ship earned 300 points, because buying escort boats and other ships would consume a lot of points. Otherwise, according to his idea, he didn't want to earn any points in this wave of.

This update is naturally a good thing compared to other players.

First of all, the mall launched the first combat ship FG300 that can be purchased without meritorious service.

The second is that new players can immediately gallop into space for mining after they settle in.

Furthermore, the interstellar battle with quite a game experience in the later stage is about to start.

These are definitely good things for players.

But Chen Gangkai said it was not necessarily true.

Not only is this not a good thing, but it is also a headache.

Because this is reality, it’s okay to win, but what if you lose?

What if the civilization on the other side is unconvinced and pulls the main force over after winning?

How should I resist?

Rely on what to resist?

So at this moment, Chen Gang's first point is to make reasonable use of the points earned during these hours.

Because of the players' investment, Chen Gang currently has 20 publicly rented mining ships.

The daily output has been able to reach a fixed output of 1000 square meters.

Although it looks like a lot, Chen Gang has already squandered most of the points in his hand.

As for the points in the players' hands, there are actually not many points, and investing in mining ships has also used up a lot of their points.

As for Han Yu and Game Blowing, they bought a basic FG300 first.

The main reason is that they want to drive out and enjoy themselves.

For Chen Gang, there are still too many preparations for this war in the short term.

"So, fighters, this is the current situation of the space station!" At the moment in the hall of the space station.

The old and new players were gathered together by Chen Gang.

And he himself is standing on the stage and next to him is a huge projection screen.

And this picture is the picture of the local fleet sailing tracked and shot by the quantum reconnaissance plane.

Just looking at the fleet in the local direction, the players only felt a sense of powerlessness, and the entire fleet of ships, large and small, lined up side by side.

Regardless of the arrangement or the configuration of the ships, it is not difficult for many players to see that the configuration of this formation is very reasonable.

In the center is a flagship with a length of about 800 meters, surrounded by more than 20 ships with a length of about 400 meters, and at the outermost edge is a formation of small ships with a length of about 200 meters.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the people are also exhausted. Is it really feasible to rely on them to fight with such a formation?

Look at the countdown again. 30 days.

That is, after 30 days, they will reach their galaxy.

30 days of development from scratch to defeat such a fleet, do they really have a chance of winning?

Not only are they not clear, but even Chen Gang is not too clear.

But things have to fight now.

Considering this, Chen Gang left some old players behind after the player conference was over, and called them to a conference room alone to finalize the future battle plan.

"The commander doesn't know why he called us here?" After waiting for everyone to sit down, he saw Chen Gang in the main seat and asked first.

Hearing his question, Chen Gang also sighed and looked at everyone.

"The battle this time is no small matter, and it is related to the survival of our entire space station. I considered that this matter should not be too stretched to avoid unnecessary panic, so I called you here alone to talk about it with you."

Hearing Chen Gang's words, several people couldn't help but look serious.

They all instinctively realized that this war might not be as simple as they thought.

As for the panic, for the player to panic Jill, how panic can the game be...

Chapter 41 Difficult Requirements

"Ah... Commander, it's very difficult for us to win with our configuration. Isn't it a bit difficult for us to play a big advantage..." After listening to what Chen Gang wanted them to do, Han Yu replied in a bit of embarrassment road.

Indeed, the current situation is obviously a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak. Not to mention playing an advantage, it is quite difficult to win even if it can be won.

But now Chen Gang actually asked them not only to win, but also to show how easy it was to win.

This is simply impossible.

Chen Gang also gave an answer to why he asked so much.

"That civilization, let's call them the Plato Civilization." As he spoke, he saw the screen that Chen Gang had detected before calling out the quantum detection machine and projected it on the conference table.

I saw a lush green planet appear on the table, and this planet is the home planet of the Platinum people, because the level of technological development is quite high.

The Pola civilization, which has mastered anti-gravity technology, has built cities in the air. These cities are full of strong technological styles, and countless intelligent robots are busy in the cities.

There are also many sci-fi anti-gravity cars driven by Pola stars driving in the city.

And below the city are some lush forests, and all kinds of creatures they don't know are playing in the forest.

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