Game Explosion: When are you planning to go online?After all, this thing has to be faced all the time.

Han Yu: Let’s do it tomorrow. It’s better to go up and see the results directly tomorrow. It’s too exhausting to watch the results one by one.

After Tomorrow: To be honest, I watch you talk about how to develop and develop every day. I mean those of us who can only listen to you talk and can't log in to the game are really exhausting!

Xu Ye Pie After Shadow: I also think the above is a correct answer!

. . . .

Early next morning

Han Yu and the others agreed on a time.

Each went online with apprehension.

"Don't lose money!!"

"Be strong"

"I would sacrifice Han Yu's 20 years of being single in exchange for making a fortune..."

"Your sister is too much! At least sacrifice for a lifetime!"

cold rain:. . . . .Please be human! !

With trepidation, several people clicked on the mineral data.

Yesterday, the daily collection volume was 700 million tons of raw ore.

Among them, the content of rare metals reached 30%.

Then after refining, about 70 square meters of Ovald alloy with a purity of about 300% were refined, and it was still because of the equipment.

If the equipment is better, it is easy to extract 100% pure alloy.

However, 300 cubic meters of 70% purity was converted to almost 210 cubic meters yesterday.

What kind of concept is this! ! !


"I'm possessed by the Emperor Ouhuang!!"

"Is the content here so high!!!"

"Damn it! With this kind of output, I still drive a lonely drone to dig a lonely mine!"

"Yes! Who needs a bicycle when you have a sports car!"

Several people jumped up happily on the spot.

This is cool!

Only dug for one day, one day only.

The output directly reached 210 square meters, and visually estimated that this mining area can be dug for at least a few months.

But several people are also very clear in their hearts.

The content of this rare metal does not necessarily represent the entire resource point.

It is also possible that the above content is extremely high.

And there is basically no situation below.

It's really hard to judge.

It can only be said that luck still accounts for the majority.

However, the good start of the day also let a few people breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, according to this output, it only takes eight or nine days to pay off the borrowed game currency.

Then the industrial ship will truly belong to itself.

"Thus, even though the doors are open on the first day, we should always pay attention to them in the next few days." Han Yu said, suppressing the excitement in his heart.


"But even if this mining area has a high content of rare ore on the surface, no matter how bad it is, it can't be dug in a few days." Si thought for a while and said.

Hearing what Si said, everyone nodded in agreement.

But everyone is still somewhat worried.

But since there is such a good start.

A few people were also more excited.

In addition, the base is now operating normally, and the living facilities are also perfect.

So several people decided to form an exploration team.

Go to several other mining areas on the planet for field exploration.

Because the information grasped by the detector is one-sided.

It is still necessary to take samples on the spot to get accurate data.

Of course, their primary goal for this exploration is A7.

As for production.

Several people decided to keep it secret for the time being.

After all, this is a sweet pastry.

Once exposed, they are sure that several other old players will definitely settle in immediately.

So what they have to do is to find good mines and occupy them in advance before the old players settle in so as to take the lead.

At the same time in the space station.

Chen Gang jumped up happily as he stared at the data collected by Han Yu and the others in the main control room of the space station.

"This is the right bet!" Looking at the data collected on the first day, he showed a little excitement.

"Now that the planetary development has achieved initial success, after the newcomers have points, their own space station can also be considered for repair." Chen Gang called up the blueprint for the repair of the space station.

I saw that the three-dimensional projection of the entire space station gradually changed from the original solid projection to blue dotted lines, and these dotted lines divided the entire space station into thousands of blocks.

And about 50.00% of the blocks are red, and these places need to be repaired.

About 40.00% of the spiritual objects are yellow, which means that they can still function now, but it is really hard to determine when they will break down.

Looking at so many places that need to be repaired, Chen Gang is also a little dizzy.

And the points required for the calculation below is also an astronomical figure.

"Depending on the system, it takes 3000 million points to complete the repair." Looking at this desperate number, Chen Gang didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, the robot hoped to fly towards Chen Gang from outside the door with a flashing red alarm.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the appearance of the intelligent robot at the moment, Chen Gang instinctively had a bad feeling.

"Damn! Something went wrong!!!"

The moment he wished to turn on the projection, Chen Gang couldn't help cursing.

At this moment, the probe launched by Chen Gang was hiding behind the rocks of a planet in the picture.

According to its radar detection, there are many red dots in the distance that are approaching the detector.

Chen Gang learned that the probe was targeted by probes from other civilizations at a distance of about 1 light-year from the Chen Gang space station.

Of course, as an intelligent detector, it also avoided it in the first place.

But depending on the situation, it is obvious that the opponent's technological level is much higher than that of Chen Gang's detector, so no matter how Chen Gang's detector is evaded, it will be found.

So in the end, the probe had no choice but to hide in a planet and wanted to use the terrain of the planet to get rid of the enemy's probe.

But obviously this is impossible.

"This is too bad. The opponent's technology is obviously higher than ours. Even if the detector self-destructs at this moment, it is not very useful."

"Because through this detector, they can basically confirm that there are other intelligent civilizations around them or where the detector is located." Chen Gang's face was a little gloomy.

Let alone the current family background in my hand, it is already a civilization that has entered the interstellar era. Even Chen Gang, who is still exploring the interstellar civilization in the ball, can't beat it.

As for the so-called friendly coexistence between civilizations and civilizations. . .

Other civilizations might be possible, but Chen Gang's civilization is absolutely impossible!

Because a space station with such a high technological content and no defense has captured it is self-evident.

Just ask which civilization can withstand such a temptation!

At this moment, he regretted extremely in his heart, regretting that these detectors were released at the beginning, but there was no way to do this.

If he didn’t release the probe, he wouldn’t be able to find such a valuable planet as A1. If he released the probe, he wouldn’t want to encounter such a thing. In short, there are mixed results. In fact, the biggest reason why such a thing happened is that he was too poor at the beginning.

If you can't afford a good detector, you can only use this kind of poor detector, otherwise there will be no such problem.

Chapter 27 Finally Willing to Respond to the Message

At this moment, Chen Gang is very clear that this incident may make the current slightly improving situation worse.

Walking alone into the corridor of the space station, the intelligent robot next to him hopes to be continuously simulating data.

The other party may have already started looking for him, so why don't he find a way to determine the other party's location.

Through the glass, Chen Gang looked at the stars from a few light-years away, tens of light-years away, and fell into deep thought.

"At present, our advantage is that none of the several planets in this solar system survives accidents, including the seven surrounding solar systems, and there are no planets that survive accidents. It is not so easy for enemy civilizations to lock our position immediately. They What can be done is to send out probes galaxy by galaxy." Chen Gang clicked on the star map while speaking.

This star map is not big, with the galaxy where Chen Gang is located as the center and expanding outwards, there are only about [-] galaxies in total.

These are the star maps drawn by the galaxies currently explored by Chen Gang.

"Probes exploring these galaxies and that civilization should only need a few months to complete the search."

"That is to say, we still have a few months to develop, but pulling out a fleet that can fight against a civilization in a few months is tantamount to wishful thinking."

As he said that, Chen Gang sighed and looked at the drones flying in and out of the window, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"We can only take one step at a time. I hope our nascent civilization can survive this catastrophe."

. . . . . .

In addition, the cold rain here.

"At least make sure that we can find five to six valuable mines before we announce the information." Several people who have achieved great results in the first mining are discussing the next arrangement.

"Five to six mines are a little less." Weiwen Kyushu said and pointed to the planetary projection map.

I saw that the entire planet was marked with thousands of mineral spots, large and small.

Looking at the projection, he went on to say: "There are more than 70 valuable mines in total. I think it's too little to take only five. At least we have to detect 20 mines. I think it's better to publish the information."

The Secretary shook his head and said no.

"Kyushu, think about it, how many mines can we visit in a day with so many mines? How long will it take us to find more than 20 mines as you said?"

"Getting to the mine site, taking a sample, and then coming back to analyze it takes a lot of time, and what we lack is time."

"Don't forget that the agreement we reached with them was to announce the information as soon as possible. You said it's okay if we delay it for a day or two, but we can't justify it if we delay it for a month or two."

"What will they think of us then? To put it bluntly, it is already very inhumane for us to go quietly to detect it now, and if we continue to delay, I am afraid that it will have a great impact on our relationship."

"And we don't need to offend them for this matter, after all, in case we need their help in the future, and taking a step back, one more friend is better than one more enemy."

Said his point of view.

"Si is right. There is no need for this matter. After all, it is the early stage of the game. The resources seem to be a lot, but in fact, they are nothing compared to the later stage." Ming Jing said and looked at several people .

Hearing what Ming Jing said, several people also nodded.

"Sihe Mingjing's point of view is correct. After all, there are only a few old players. Considering that we may continue to cooperate in the future, I think that in the current situation, we will delay it for two days. We can detect as much as we can in these two days."

"Okay, just do it."

"Then we will divide into two groups, one will drive the planetary exploration vehicle, and the other will drive the industrial ship to explore." After Han Yu finished speaking, he assigned tasks to several people, and they all prepared and set off.

Although the industrial ship is a spaceship, it is obviously not suitable for planetary exploration.

The flexibility is really bad.

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