What he wants to do is to let players earn points desperately without points, and save points for future plans instead of lending points to others to sit and collect money.

Want a little risk-free?Want every investment to be a success?

Sorry, how could a qualified planner let you do this!

Thinking of this, Chen Gang directly released the meritorious mission.

Exchange resource points for meritorious service.

3 resources point one meritorious service.

One day can be exchanged for 10 points of meritorious service, that is, 30 resource points.

Let them change for 15 days

In this way, 450 resource points can be exchanged for 150 merit points.

One is to ensure that newcomers like Han Yu have enough merit points to buy a boat, and the other is to let the game blow up the consciousness of these old players to save points.

As soon as Chen Gang released this mission, the old player died suddenly on the spot.

This is amazing! ! ! !

My mentality has collapsed! !

Several old players howled helplessly.

If they didn't lend out their resources, then according to their point reserve and output, several of them might be able to fill up their merits during the event.

In this way, after a period of development, several people can buy whatever they want.

Thinking of this, several people's intestines are regretful.

For newcomers, they are excited.

Fortunately, I agreed quickly at the time, and didn't say go back and think about it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid they won't be able to borrow a cent when this mission is released.

"This is so frustrating, brothers." He blew his heart out while playing the game on the mining ship.

"According to our current daily output, we can exchange 18 points of merit a day. The god of the game and I, the liver emperor, will mainly focus on them if they have more merit." After thinking about the game, he said.

"That's the only way to go. I regret that I borrowed the money too early." Lei Wuhen also sighed.

"Originally, we could buy enough points to buy 5 boats, but now we have cut more than half of them, and let us buy two at most."

The more people think about it, the more depressed they become.

But what can be done.

Who would have known that planning suddenly sang such a song.

Of course, they may never know that this play was planned and done deliberately.

On the other hand, the newcomers work harder every day.

After all, the pressure on them to change meritorious deeds every day is even greater.

This day the game blew them past the drone control room.

"Huh? Why are there only 4 people?" The game blows up, looking at the few people operating inside, a little puzzled

Seeing a few people coming, Han Yu said with dark circles under his eyes: "Brother Yijian has been so hard these two days, he vomited blood so much last night, the game was forced offline and then went to the medical treatment."

"Damn it, it's not life-threatening." I was shocked.

"I thought I was the cutest, but now I know that I'm just a younger brother."

"Would it be considered a game company when this shit dies suddenly? This will have a big impact on the game company. No, we have to plan the time. We can't do this day and night." Thinking of something The game blew up and said.

A few people also agreed

What if it's really a fucking game, and it will be embarrassing to be accused of the game company's bankruptcy in minutes.

This kind of thing must not happen.

Therefore, several people feel that it is necessary to discuss the online time.

But apart from them, Chen Gang also considered this issue.

Although he can never be accused.

After all, I am in the Andromeda Galaxy, and the distance from Blue Star is calculated in light years.

Although this is said, the safety of the player's life is also very important.

After all, each player has spent a lot of resource points on them. They are their own precious wealth, so it is absolutely impossible for them to have an accident.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang decided to control the player's online time.

"How about controlling the online time to 996?" Chen Gang said uncertainly.

"But controlling it will make the player feel that the game is controlling him, and the experience for the player is not good."

"It won't work if you don't control it. It will be embarrassing if you really kill a few players suddenly."

Thinking of this, Chen Gang couldn't help but sigh.

This group of players really made me feel uneasy. . .

Chapter 24 Preparations before starting work

A new announcement was issued the next day.

In the official group at the moment.

Eat a peach: This sword breaks the universe and becomes famous!

I am the Emperor of the Liver: On one person changing a game.

Han Yu: Niu approved this sword breaking the world boss

Secretary: This sword breaks the world, but the boss is still fine.

This sword breaks the universe:? ? ?what happened

Han Yu: You are famous

Speaking of which, Han Yu posted a screenshot of the official announcement.

probably the content is

The player's sword breaks the world because the online time is too long, which has caused great harm to the body. In order to avoid such incidents from happening again, the following adjustments have been made to the player's online time.

After the player is online for 12 hours, the income will be reduced by 20%.

After 24 hours online, the income will be reduced by 50%

Earnings are reduced by 36% after [-] hours online.

Unheard of Kyushu: this. . . .

Ming Jing's sad white hair: This sword breaks the world, you are a real boss, it's great to be your teammate, in the future, you don't care, I will book a bed in the ICU for you.

One sword breaks the world: Get lost! !

Male protagonist Qi: I envy you who can log in to the game.

After Tomorrow: The game is published today, and the list of Gods will be published tomorrow.

Xu Ye's afterimage: On the only man in the game who is on the list of gods

. . . . .

This matter finally came to an end in the noise among the various players.

Also because of this incident, the players also started to plan their time carefully.

After all, life is more important than the game liver.

But even so, most players spend more than 12 hours a day online.

And these players affectionately call these 12 hours daily missions.

The effect of Chen Gang's method is still obvious.

The time that players are online is basically controlled at about 14 to 16 hours.

In this way, even if they play games full-time, they still have a lot of rest time.

And the most important thing is because they often overtime and occasionally Chen Gang can still draw 20.00% of the income.

So for Chen Gang, this is also very flattering.

But he also had to admire himself.

Such a genius method can be thought of.

This is the perfect solution to the problems that players often face online.

Also increased their own additional income.

In the past few days, exchanging resources for meritorious deeds has also made Chen Gang a lot of money.

According to statistics, they exchanged a total of more than 1300 points during this period.

Counting the points he still has a little bit of wealth in his hand, he now has more than 2000 points that can be allocated.

Because considering that the maintenance of the space station is still the priority energy system.

There are still a lot of points short, and all he can think of if he wants to get rich overnight is planetary development.

After all, compared to the development of cosmic star belts, although the resources of planets are not as abundant as those in the universe, they are relatively concentrated.

Centralized collection and one shot to change places are much more efficient than scattered collection in the star belt.

But right now there are more important things.

It is Han Yu and their industrial ship will be launched today.

I still need to go through the motions.


Han Yu's team was also extremely excited watching the huge industrial ship stop slowly.

Industrial ships are much larger than mining ships.

The Kefei MV-class industrial ship has a length of 800m, a width of 120m, a height of 40m, a transition speed of 2AU, a normal operating speed of 2000m/s, and a cargo hold capacity of 10m[-].

Following Chen Gang's introduction, everyone's eyes were attracted by this boat.

The biggest difference between an industrial ship and a mining ship is the living area.

Because this ship is mainly responsible for transportation.

And there is also the function of planet landing.

With this length, its overall deck is relatively thick.

And inside is a huge cargo space.

The living area has only one floor, with a total of more than 50 rooms.

Above the living area is the control room.

Compared with mining ships, industrial ships are more practical in consideration, and there are relatively fewer entertainment facilities. Of course, even this is very satisfactory to several people.

Because this industrial ship has significantly higher technological content than the mining ship blown up in the game, after all, this ship already has jump technology.

With this technology, they can go to further galaxies to explore.

After taking them to understand the industrial ship, Chen Gang also released the planetary development mission.

Han Yu and the others studied the planetary development mission and then started to prepare.

After all, they bought industrial ships for planetary development.

"I think spacesuits must be bought." Han Yu said while sorting out the purchase list.

"It is true that the environment on A1 is very harsh. The temperature at night can reach as low as minus 90 degrees, and the maximum temperature during the day can reach about 140." Si said while looking at the various data of planet A1.

As he spoke, he made a mark on a certain area of ​​planet A1.

"According to my research on geography, I feel that there is the greatest possibility of mineral deposits here."

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