This feeling is the same as when you stand under the feet of an aircraft carrier.

This shock kept several people silent for a long time.

After the link channel of the spaceship and the channel of the space station port were successfully linked, the game blower couldn't wait to take a few people to the ship to see the immediate situation.

At the door, I saw that the door of the spaceship slowly opened after the game blew up the identification and passed the identification.

I saw a bright passage in front of me, about tens of meters away.

On the left and right sides of the passage are more than a dozen tightly closed iron doors.

Open to enter.

Everything in front of me was stunned.

Each iron door is a bedroom.

Each bedroom is about 40 square meters.

Kitchens, bathrooms, etc. are all living facilities.

And all have a panoramic window.

Through the window, you can see the vast cosmic scenery outside.

When I saw this, I was shocked by the luxurious decoration and configuration inside, and several people shouted that it was worth the money.

At the end of the corridor out of the room is a suspended elevator.

There are 6 floors in total.

Where they are located is the first floor.

And below is the negative layer.

The negative floor is a huge space.

The length is about 20 meters and the width is more than ten meters.

The main function of this room is to park landing vehicles, or some other planetary exploration equipment.

The configuration of the lounge on the second floor is basically the same as that of the first floor.

The third floor is the group activity room.

There are various fitness equipment and shooting equipment inside.

Driving simulation equipment and more are available.

The same is true for the fourth floor.

Up to the fifth floor is the general command room.

"It's a real detail."

"Fuck, this design, this space utilization rate is absolutely amazing."

After the visit, several people returned to the space station.

Although I watched it for a long time, it is still a bit unsatisfactory for a few newcomers.

Really want. .

This is their first thought.

But see the price. . .

They feel so deeply powerless.

In the envious eyes of several people.

The game blew up that several people set off with the mining ship.

This is also the first time they set foot in the sea of ​​stars.

So they are still looking forward to it.

"Holding the grass...this is absolutely perfect."

Looking at the dashboard in front of them, they couldn't put it down.

"It's so cool..."


"What's the matter with the ink, hurry up and try."

As they spoke, several people flew in the direction of the asteroid belt.

The control method of this spaceship is quite different from that of a drone.

After all, grades are different.

After a few people have studied for a long time during this period, they can say that they are barely on the road.

"The distance from the star belt is 7000 kilometers, the maximum speed of the spacecraft is 2 kilometers per second, and the estimated arrival time is 58 minutes."

Sitting in the driver's cab, I am Emperor Gan, looking at the data and saying.

Then the god of games stared at the radar: "It is estimated that there are 5 large meteorites on the route that need to be cleared in advance."

As he spoke, he pressed a button.

A door at the front of the spaceship opened, and dozens of tiny drones flew out.

And they are all vision drones.

The next moment after they started working, a projection appeared in front of Game Blowout who was sitting on the podium.

In the center of the projection is the spaceship of several people.

And the surrounding space is space.

In an instant, the first perspective switched to the third perspective.

Following the marks of the God of Games, several red dots appeared not far from the map.

"The angle of view has been switched, and the radar has been locked."

As he spoke, he looked at the game and blew up: "Request to shoot."

"Tearless, activate the laser cannon."

"OK" said Lei Wuhen and made an OK gesture.

In the next moment, two brilliant beams shot out, and then several more shot out.

"The large meteorites have been resolved, and the small meteorites on the channel are no longer a threat." After talking about the game, he ordered.

"Eat a peach to activate the shield system, and keep an eye on the energy value at all times."

"The shield system is activated successfully, and the remaining energy is 30%, of which the shield system consumes 5% per minute, and the laser cannon consumes 5% per shot."

"Other facilities consume 10 percent per minute"

"Energy recovery rate is 20% per minute"

Hearing the report of eating a peach, the game blows up and ponders.

"Energy consumption per minute is 10%, plus 5% of the shield, the power of the mining gun is 5%, and the automatic recovery is 20%."

"This data is not bad. The spaceship can work with the shield for a long time, but the energy consumption of this laser cannon is relatively large and cannot be fired for a long time."

But it's not a big problem.

After all, this is a mining ship.

what do you expect

Is it right to expect people's mine ships to fight and mine? . . .

"But I have to say that it feels really cool to install coins like this." After everything was set up, the game exploded and stood up first.

"Grassing the grass, it's really cool. In the past, this kind of operation didn't feel much like watching TV."

"It feels so good to actually come here today."

In this way, several people discussed along the way.

On the other side of the space station, several other newcomers have already begun to learn how to operate the drone.

Because they also want to launch the spaceship one day earlier.

Look at this nest of leeks that have just emerged. . . .player.

Chen Gang also smiled.

"Sure enough, under such stimulation, the newcomers are working hard to learn."

At this moment, Chen Gang is also full of hope for the future.

It's time to look at the detector's detection results.


The five surrounding planets.

Except for the three planets that are all gaseous, there is absolutely no way to mine them with the current technology. Chen Gang thinks that the other two planets have certain development value.

Click on the mall and look at the planetary equipment.

It's not expensive.

But the expensive one is the planet transmission equipment.

A set of points is simply an astronomical value.

It is unrealistic to send back the things mined from the planet through transmission equipment in the short term.

But well.

Fortunately, there are players.

It's okay to let them mine the resources first, and then transport them back to him through the transport ship.

It seems that they have to find a way to fool the newcomers into buying a transport ship.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang started a new round of preparations.

Chapter 21

Of course, everyone knew nothing about Chen Gang's thoughts.

The newcomer is desperately struggling at the moment.

As for the old players, they are also discussing it.

The collection volume of 15 square meters per day.

It only takes 20 days to buy a specially equipped mine gun, and as long as there is one, the collection amount will soar to 30 square meters.

In the future, it will only take 10 days to purchase a second mining gun.

The collection volume soared to 45 square meters.

It's beautiful to think about it.

It only takes 35 days to buy all the mining equipment.

"I'm talking about blowing up the boss, you say whether we can buy drones or not."

Because the collection of the mining ship can directly make it automatically collect.

It's just that occasionally some emergencies need several people to deal with them.

So a few people are free most of the time.

I heard the question about eating a peach.

Not only the game blows up, but several other people have also released different opinions.

"I think it is necessary. After all, it is unrealistic to collect 200 meritorious service to buy a mining ship."

"The drones specially equipped for mining ships may seem tasteless, but they are also effective in improving efficiency for a long time."

The God of Games has expressed his opinion.

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