Hearing this, Chen Gang was speechless.

"Is there no direct purchase without unlocking the blueprint?"

"Yes, space station."

"This is okay too?"

"Don't think about it wrongly, the host. The space station that supports the manufacture of this is not the 100 billion cheap goods you saw before. You can see the space station that can support the manufacture of this." The system displayed the page of the empty platform.

"Haisi space station." Chen Gang read the name and continued to look down.

Then. . .

Looking at the billions of units behind the space station, he silently closed the system page.

"Actually, I think the control tower is pretty good."

system:. . . . . .

Chapter 156 Guess

After learning about the situation, Chen Gang realized that he couldn't think of anything other than the control tower.

But he also knew through just now that there are so many powerful fortresses. It is no exaggeration to say that these fortresses can withstand thousands of troops.

If there is such a fortress to cooperate with his fleet, then the enemy's ships that are several times more than his own are probably not opponents.

And with them, I don't need to be as careful as I was afraid of being discovered by the space station when the Plato civilization attacked me.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang felt that it was necessary to make one in the future.

Although expensive ones such as Star City are basically impossible to get, he thinks he can still consider relatively cheap empty castles.

"In the short term, it will still be nomadic, and when the resources are enough in the future, we will make empty castles and settle down!"

"However, these distances are too far away for me. Right now, let's dig out the survival in the hands of the cockroach civilization." Thinking of this, Chen Gang decided to contact the cockroach civilization.

Because after his analysis and deduction during this period of time, he can basically be sure that they must still have a large amount of goods in their hands.

And at this moment inside the earthworm civilization, seeing that the alliance's fleet will arrive in a few months, they are also very nervous at the moment.

After all, after such a long time, it is only three to five months away, and their little hearts can't bear something wrong at this time.

But fortunately, Chen Gang didn't bother them during this time, but was digging on his own, which also made them feel at ease.

But the more I am afraid of something, the more things will come.

At this moment, Chen Gang's communication request caught their attention.

Looking at Chen Gang who sent the communication at this time, everyone present wanted to look at each other, and it was not difficult to see each other's doubts in their eyes.

"Why did you come to us suddenly at this time?" One person said at this time.

The other person also shook his head and said he didn't know.

Even though they didn't know why Chen Gang took the initiative to contact them, they also knew that no matter what purpose he had, they had to face it.

After the connection, Chen Gang's projection appeared in the discussion hall of the Chongdu Civilization. He first looked around. Compared with the Blue Star, this meeting hall was not surrounded by all kinds of leisurely and elegant plants and flowers.

The entire hall of about [-] square meters is surrounded by display screens, with dense data recorded on it, and the entire hall is also made of special metal, making it full of thick metal texture.

After looking around for a week, Chen Gang turned his attention to the dozens of people present.

At this moment, they all looked at themselves nervously: "I don't know why Commander Chen suddenly has time to contact us?"

After a long time, one of them asked.

Hearing his question, Chen Gang put his eyes on him, and it turned out to be the adjutant who had been in contact with Chen Gang.

Hearing his question, Chen Gang didn't answer but said another thing: "Do you still remember the batch of metals I obtained in your space station before?"

Hearing what Chen Gang said, everyone nodded in unison.

"Actually, I have been thinking that you have the ship technology of the fifth-level civilization in your hands, and depending on the situation, you should have a very high resolution for this blueprint." Chen Gang looked at them with a puzzled expression.

"But why don't you use this batch of ore to manufacture a batch of ships?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and then returned: "Commander Chen, you don't know something. It's not that we don't want to make it, but our technology doesn't support our production."

Hearing the words of Lieutenant Chongzhi Civilization, Chen Gang nodded: "Indeed, it is too difficult for a shipyard with a level [-] civilization to manufacture a ship with a level [-] civilization."

While talking, Chen Gang went on to say: "However, I think that if we use the power of the whole civilization to study the ship manufacturing plant, I think it should be possible to manufacture this warship, although it may not achieve 100% ship restoration. , but I don’t think it’s very difficult to manufacture a ship with a reduction degree of about 80.00%.”

As he said that, Chen Gang looked at them: "Do you think this is the case?"

Hearing Chen Gang's words, the adjutant just smiled bitterly: "To tell the truth, Commander Chen, we did think about it like this, but it's not like you came here just after we thought about it."

"So..." He didn't continue talking here, after all, Chen Gang already knew what happened next.

Regarding what he said, Chen Gang just nodded irrefutably: "Indeed, what you said is very reasonable, but I still have a few questions. I don't know if you can give me some answers."

"Commander Chen, but it doesn't matter."

"I took away about 1000 million square meters of ore that you refined, and then estimated your refining loss and found that you have at least 50.00% loss."

"Then we might as well push it backwards. From the raw ore you dug, it is not difficult to see that the amount of raw ore you dug out is probably a very scary number."

Hearing what Chen Gang said, everyone present here couldn't help but feel tense.

They vaguely felt that something bad might have happened today.

"During this period of time, I repeatedly watched the video of the previous battle with you on the home planet, and I discovered a problem."

"That's why about 40.00% of your infrastructure is a workshop for manufacturing modules?" Chen Gang looked at them and smiled.

"What do you say these modules are used for?"

Hearing Chen Gang's words, several people broke out in cold sweat.

What I was most worried about still happened.

"And I don't think the model and thickness of this module seem to be used to make a space station, but in my knowledge, there are only two things that need to use the module."

"The first type is a space station, and the second type is a ship above a battlecruiser. Of course we can call them flagships, so I have a bold guess. Do you think you may be building a flagship?"

Hearing what Chen Gang said, several people froze on the spot.

"Commander Chen, you are joking. If we had a flagship, how could we still be beaten so badly by you?" At this moment, the adjutant took the lead and came over and said to Chen Gang with a pile of smiles.

"We are really building a space station. The space station that was destroyed by you before you know that the materials used are too bad, so we will consider using some better materials to make a strong space station."

Regarding his statement, Chen Gang just shook his head: "Are you stupid or am I stupid? Use the power of the entire civilization to build a space station at all costs? Even the foundation of the foundation, such as the mine ship, is reluctant to upgrade?"

"This space station needs to add ultra-rare metals such as trititanium to the original alloy raw materials? And even if this vein is hollowed out, even if your doping ratio is very low, it is not enough to build a space station."

"I'm thinking you should know this, and I'm afraid a space station made of this kind of material can't be built by a fifth-level civilization." Chen Gang looked at them as he spoke.

"I've heard of a flagship built with the power of the whole civilization, but I've never heard of a space station built with the power of the whole civilization, and a space station made of such materials is still placed in front of my house."

Chapter 157 Complete Battlecruiser Technology

Hearing what Chen Gang said, everyone present fell silent.

If people have talked about this, then they will be powerless to explain anything.

And looking at them at this moment, Chen Gang also knew that he was mistaken, so naturally he would not be polite.

"At the beginning, you said to hand over all the technology, but I didn't expect you to hide a big thing." Chen Gang shook his head: "Boy, I am very disappointed in you."

"According to the normal situation, I should have fired directly, but I decided to give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, that is, I will not blame the past for handing over all the technology of the flagship."

"This is impossible!" Hearing what Chen Gang said, the adjutant said subconsciously, but when he saw Chen Gang looking at him, he quickly added.

"That's not what I meant. Commander Chen's matter is of great importance, so we cannot sit on the bench."

Hearing what he said, Chen Gang couldn't help laughing: "To us now, you are just fish on the chopping board, you still have the right to negotiate terms with us?"

"I'll give you three days. Within three days, you must hand over your technology, or I will destroy you even if I leave this mine alone and stop digging!"

Hearing Chen Gang's words, the adjutant's eyes became a little cloudy and uncertain. He instinctively wanted to have an attack, but considering his current civilized situation, he held back.

"Commander Chen's matter is of great importance. Give us four months and I will convince other civilized people. After four months, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result."

Four months, as long as four months, the fleet of the alliance will arrive, and the results for you will definitely make you very satisfied!

After saying this, he thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Gang instinctively felt bad when he heard that he had had four months.

Combining his previous guesses, Chen Gang quickly thought of how they might solve their current predicament four months later.

That's why he told himself to give himself a satisfactory answer in four months.

Combining his previous guess and their situation, Chen Gang quickly thought of it.

I'm afraid their alliance fleet will come in four months, that's why he's stuck in time and died like this.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang couldn't help but feel chills down his spine, good guy!Fortunately, I came to ask for technology now.

If he had been digging for a year or so and then came back to ask for technology, he would probably be dead.

Chen Gang, who probably guessed the situation at this moment, shook his head calmly: "It's not up to you, why haven't you understood your situation in four months? I will give you one month at most, and you must pay within one month. technology."

"That won't work! After all, it's very difficult for Commander Chen to convince those old stubborn people. Four months is already the limit."

As he said that, he looked at Chen Gang: "If the pressure is too tight, then I'm worried that they may destroy the technology directly, and then you will really have nothing to do, Commander."

Hearing this, Chen Gang's face darkened: "You mean you are threatening me?"

Looking at Chen Gang's tone and expression at this moment, the adjutant was interrupted by Chen Gang just as he was about to explain.

"Shut your mouth! I'll tell you a number! 15 days! If you don't hand over your technology within 15 days, then you will guard your technology and destroy it together!"

Said Chen Gang's figure disappeared here.

The first thing he did after returning was to order all the mine ships and industrial ships to evacuate secretly.

He didn't dare to mine when he knew that the boss of their alliance was coming soon, all he had to do now was to run away!Run as far as you can!

But at this moment, compared to his civilized people, they all have sad faces.

Fifteen days to hand over the technology, if it is not handed in within [-] days, then they will be finished.

But it still takes four full months for the alliance to reach the remaining three and a half months, how can they procrastinate?

This made them feel a little bit difficult. If they hand over their technology, there is a possibility that they will be dragged to the alliance. If they don't hand over their technology, they will be finished immediately.

After much deliberation, they had no choice but to agree to Chen Gang's request.

And Chen Gang who got the technology was also stunned.

Just as he thought, they do have a complete set of battlecruiser technology, whether it is the technology of the entire hull and equipment, including the manufacturing technology of flagship modules.

Seeing these, Chen Gang's eyes glowed.

Spear of Uranus Battlecruiser!

With such a complete set of technologies, what the hell are they going to get directly to the golden legend without opening the gift bag?

Thinking of this, Chen Gang couldn't help feeling the good luck of the earthworm civilization, but for him, the luckier you are, the more you will earn.

Of course, also because he saw the overall blueprint, Chen Gang also understood why ships above the Battlecruiser level had to be built with the power of the entire civilization.

The materials needed inside are too huge and too exaggerated.

If the cost of the cruiser is more than 600 million, then Chen Gang of the battle cruiser has doubled it by at least a hundred times.

And this is only the consumption of alloys, not including your three titanium consumption.

But the data of this thing is also quite amazing.

Converted into data, the armor value is about 20, but the defense value has reached 700, and the firepower is about 8.

What is the concept of a defense value of 170?This is already an increase in magnitude. The Chimera defensive type has exhausted all kinds of methods to improve the defense and it is only [-].

But the battle cruiser has reached 700. It is no exaggeration to say that if they really build this ship, then it may not be as difficult as 01:30 to defeat them.

First of all, it is very easy to clean up one's own ships, and except for the Chaos-class ship that is specially aimed at flagships, one's own ships can deal some damage to it, and other ships hit it without any damage. .

That is to say, he only needs to get rid of his own chaos, and then his other ships are scraping him. It is estimated that scraping will kill the entire fleet, and it will be nothing.

This ship is a complete qualitative change compared to the expulsion escort and cruiser.

And with regard to its main gun, Chen Gang estimated that his Chaos might lose one of them after one shot, and it is estimated that the Chimera defense would not be able to withstand this shot.

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