Even if the traversers have already integrated into the world, just keep an eye on those who are more serious, who do things more out of the ordinary, and who are incompatible with the customs of the world.

Some things are hard to hide.

Moreover, they can also lure snakes out of their holes.

Two tigers cannot fit in one mountain, and using one person as bait will surely attract the traversers to appear.

The most important thing is that if this world is something they have known before, it will be easier to narrow down the scope of traversers and find them out in combination with known information.

You know, for the traversers, maybe they only know one Legend of the Condor Heroes.

But for the law enforcement officers, the biography of Huang Rong, the biography of Xiao Wu, the biography of Ouyang Ke, the biography of Huang Laoxie, the biography of Hong Qigong, the biography of Zhao Zhijing, the biography of Xiangyang City Lord...these are all the information they will understand.

Anyone who is a little bit wrong can be found by them.

Even if there are some differences in different worlds, after recording the differences of each person, it may be difficult to find the time traveler at a glance, but it is too easy to narrow down the scope and find out the lies .

In this way, this task can indeed be said to be simple.

Of course, there is another reason why Lu Ren and Lu Ning said that the task is simple, the equipment on their bodies is the real confidence.

Even if he meets that kind of powerful traverser, as long as it is not too outrageous, he is sure enough of both.

Li Shuai, who hadn't thought of this, nodded and asked, "Since this task is simple, should our real trials be those that follow?"

In this regard, Lu Ren and Lu Ning looked at each other and nodded at random, which made Lu Ning even more headache.

Unlike Lu Ren who doesn't seek to make progress, even if her mother is very powerful, she still wants to pass the trial once.

In other words, it is precisely because of the strength of her own mother that she is under more pressure and does not want to embarrass Ning Die.

But the problem is, now she doesn't even know what the trial task is, how can she complete the trial?

It's like, when you take the college entrance examination, you suddenly receive a blank paper with no questions, and it's not just you, but everyone.

Who is this replaced by, who is not dumbfounded?

In this regard, no matter how much Lu Ning wanted to perform better and get a high score, he couldn't do it.

"Get to know the details of this world first, and just complete the first mission. Maybe after completing the first mission, the rest will return to normal?"

Looking at Lu Ning who was vaguely sad, and Li Shuai who didn't know what to do and was waiting to hug his thigh, Lu Ren suggested.

He wasn't in a hurry as to what kind of wind was going through the management bureau. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him, and the law enforcers didn't matter.

When he embraces a big brother-level self in the future, will he still be able to become a law enforcement officer?

Even if you can't become a law enforcer, what if there is someone who can break through the law restrictions of the management bureau in the future?

Don't panic!Don't panic!Anyway, hard work is impossible.


Chapter 12 Information, Identity, Game Breaking


"Come on, let's summarize the information collected by each of us in the past two months." Lu Ning stood at the top with a serious expression, "Li Shuai said first."

It has been two months since they came to this world, but the mission has not made any progress.When Lu Ren was not interested, Lu Ning took the temporary command of the team without hesitation.

"First of all, this world is Swordsman! The identities of the three of us are Dongfang Bubai, Ren Yingying, and Dongfang Bubai's loyal boy Bai Xiong."

"Of course, this loyalist has long been replaced by law enforcement, and he is eyeing Dongfang Bubai, who may be a traverser."

"Currently, I am searching the Sun Moon God Sect as Tong Baixiong, and I have not found any suspected time traveler."

After Li Shuai finished speaking, he stood aside, and he could not interrupt the next thing.

"Well! My identity is Ren Yingying." Lu Ning said, "During this time, I used drones to monitor Huashan, Songshan, Shaolin, Wudang and other factions, and I didn't find any suspicious people."

Since it is the world of Swordsman, it is naturally impossible for them to let go of these sects, and they focus on Huashan.

However, Yue Buqun didn't have any sons, nor did he have any extra apprentices, and Lin Pingzhi from the Fuwei Escort was even more normal.

In short, no suspicious persons appeared, not even suspicious persons probing these persons' information.

This is not normal!

After all, their third teammate, the fourth trialer, should also go to these people after the world is determined, these places are right.

However, Lu Ning, who has been monitoring everything, did not find anything amiss.

The fourth person seemed to be missing.

"The only person whose identity is suspicious is..."

Having said that, Lu Ning looked at Lu Ren.

Although, from what Lu Ren took out, she was sure that Lu Ren was her mother's concubine, but this did not prevent her from making trouble for Lu Ren.

"Lu Ren, the tester! Occupied Dongfang Bubai's body! For two months, I have been lying here looking at flowers." Lu Ren said without feeling embarrassed at all.


"How dare you say that?" Lu Ning turned the table over immediately, there were only three of them, and only two of them did the work.

"Didn't I lend you the drone?" Lu Ren didn't feel guilty. Although the drone was provided by Aunt Ning as a friend, didn't he give Lu Ren the right to control it?

The drone contributes, isn't it Lu Ren who contributes?

Besides, as a daughter, what's the problem with doing something for her father?

"Aren't I using my brain to analyze?"

"Heh! Then tell me, what did you analyze?" Lu Ning sneered, today, if the little boy didn't say anything, she would try her best to fail the mission, and she would arrest the little boy as a time traveler .

So annoying!

"First, something is wrong with me! To be precise, something is wrong with Dongfang Bubai!"

Lu Ren did not inherit Dongfang Bubai's martial arts!

You must know that, like this method of temporarily occupying the original world's creatures similar to cross-traveling, the personnel of the Transmigration Management Bureau should be able to use the abilities that belong to this body in addition to their own abilities.

Of course, unlike the time-traveler's seizure, after the law enforcer completes the task, the original owner of the body will return, and even have the memory of this period of time, establishing a reasonable logic for the behavior during this period of time. …

Moreover, in this case, the law enforcement officers are strictly prohibited from destroying and changing this body during the mission.

In short, theoretically speaking, Lu Ren at this time should possess the true energy of a sunflower and become the top powerhouse in this world.

But the truth is... no!

This made Lu Ren's idea of ​​giving the Sunflower Book to Yue Luren by sharing it collapsed in an instant.

But this one is really weird.

Unless, this Dongfang Bubai didn't have that skill in the first place, otherwise Lu Ren wouldn't be like this!But without the Sunflower Collection, why is it called Dongfang Invincible?How about securing the position of leader of the Sun Moon God Sect?

In addition, since Lu Ren occupied Dongfang Bubai's body, why is there a woman beside him, or Ren Yingying.

Dongfang Bubai does have a preference for Ren Yingying, but this preference is not that kind, but envy for her daughter.

Who should be next to the normal Dongfang Bubai? This question is not difficult to answer, whether it is for the time traveler or for them.

So, where did the disappearing chief executive, Yang Lianting, go?Why did the Sun Moon God Sect become Tong Baixiong's manager?

Thinking about it again, what Li Shuai said at the beginning, perhaps, the first time traveler suspect has also been locked.

However, the question arises again, why did the Transmigration Management Bureau let him be a tester and take away the traverser?If the Transmigration Bureau has this kind of ability, do law enforcers still need to fight the traversers?Just seize the traverser directly.

"Second, something is wrong with you!" Lu Ren pointed at Lu Ning and said, of course he was talking about Ren Yingying who was possessed by Lu Ning.

What kind of decent person could Ren Yingying, who shared the bed with Dongfang Bubai, be?Of course something is wrong!

One must know that the Eastern Invincible he inherited has no Sunflower Book or even martial arts. In other words, Ren Yingying is able to resist.

Under such circumstances, Ren Yingying, who was sleeping next to Dongfang Bubai, was naturally not quite right.

Lu Ning nodded, although this analysis seems like Lu Ren is retaliating against her, but it does make sense.

Even if it is not as serious as Dongfang Bubai's problem, Ren Yingying's problem cannot be ignored. After all, there are three traversers.

"However, anyone can see these, and you still need to analyze them?"

"That... I... I didn't see it..."

On the side, Li Shuai said weakly, of course, there was a reason why he didn't see it, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Among the three, he was the weakest, so how dare he target the time traveler on his two big teammates as if targeting people.

"There are three more people who may have problems." Lu Ren did not find fault with Lu Ning, but continued.

"Xiang Wentian, let me do it, Yang Lianting."

With all sects under surveillance, there was also Ren Woxing, a boss that most travelers would not miss because he was locked under the West Lake and was ignored by Lu Ning.

As for Xiang Wentian...

Just one point, with Ren Yingying and Dongfang Bubai sleeping together, there was no news about Xiang Wentian in the past two months, which was already suspicious enough.

As for Yang Lianting... the fact that he just disappeared is very suspicious.

Only the boss runs away against the train overnight, how can there be a tool person to make the boss happy run away?

At least, Lu Ren believes that there is no way for him to leave Fu Po Ning.

"In that case, I'll go to Xiang Wentian, you can go to Ren Woxing, as for Yang Lianting..." Lu Ning immediately made a decision, and at the same time turned his head to look at Li Shuai who was beside him.

With Lu Ren and Lu Ning not interested in the Sun Moon God Sect, Li Shuai, who has become the spokesperson of Dongfang Bubai as Tong Baixiong, is undoubtedly the most suitable to mobilize the Sun Moon God Sect to find Yang Lianting.


Chapter 13 Discussing the Application Fields of Virtual Reality Technology


After lying down for two months, Lu Ren finally moved, got off the Black Wood Cliff, and went to West Lake Meizhuang.

Even if there is no Dongfang Bubai's martial arts, it is not difficult to pretend to be a martial arts master with what rich lady Ning left behind.

What's more, how could the four guys in Meizhuang have the guts to stop Dongfang Bubai?

Therefore, he easily met Ren Woxing, and also easily discovered the true identity of this guy who seemed to have a bad temper.

"Who are you, little boy?"

Hearing this question, Lu Ren couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Don't you know my face? Are you... a tester?"

Hearing Lu Ren's words, the messy body huddled in a corner of the iron cage suddenly raised his head, tears flowed down his numb face, and a little bit of hope appeared.


My name is Hao Yun, and I am an orphan. Since I was a child, my dream has been to become a law enforcement officer and stand out from the crowd.

I have been bullied, so I am motivated to become a master, and for this, I am willing to give everything.

Because I came from a bad background, I studied hard. Driven by me, all the students in the class worked hard.


I did one thing!

I told my classmates that I have been studying all day and night, which put a lot of pressure on my classmates and made them study all night and day and night.

I was sleeping while they were learning at the expense of their bodies.

Ah!A group of idiots, theoretical study is only part of the requirements of the law enforcers, the capture of the traversers, after all, depends on the body!

To further break down the body of my would-be competitor, I did something that I still feel proud of.

I used the money I saved from scholarships and part-time jobs since I was a child to buy an immersive virtual game device, the authenticity of which is as high as 90.00%.

Generally speaking, this kind of game equipment uses some fighting games to train the player's fighting awareness.

But I am different. The device in my hand is a custom-made one. Compared with ordinary virtual games, it has an extra joystick, which is not controlled by the limbs, and has an excellent sense of reality.

Compared with other immersive experience equipment.

Evaluation in two words: Realistic!

The content of the game is horse fighting, and I gradually noticed that the students' proficiency in the game has improved here.

From the beginning, it took more than ten, twenty, 10 minutes, or even half an hour for one person.

Up to now, most of them can complete the level within 1 minute.

From being able to play two or three times a day at first, to now, playing once a week.

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