Wang Chongyang and Lin Chaoying did it anyway.

Lin Chaoying directly changed the Twelve Young Men's Mind Method into Twelve Breaks, cut off feelings and thoughts, and followed the way of extinction. As long as the world is gone, wouldn't reincarnation be broken?

Crazy to look at, almost everyone's public enemy, huh?

But people are fine!

This way of extinction is the same as Ouyang Feng's Toad Art, it can deal with the impurities in the void energy that are harmful to the world. Lin Chaoying didn't mean to target the world, but Wang Chongyang.

Anyway, I will fuck you, and my apprentice will fuck your apprentice.

The screen continues.

There was a swordsman who lived in seclusion in Xiangyang and made friends with birds. With one sword... he opened the sky!

It's not as exaggerated as opening up the world, but it has opened up a space that seems virtual and real, and seems real and illusory. It can gather the thoughts of swordsmen all over the world, convert the energy of the void into sword energy, and enter this space, making it gradually condense. Reality.

Achieved the ultimate swordsmanship, sought after by swordsmen all over the world, and became the master of the swordsmanship together with a woman in green clothes and bamboo sticks, one mastered death and the other mastered life.

From Lu Ren's point of view, this kendo space should be similar to the sword world in Fengyun World. The difference is that it was jointly developed by two swordsmen when they proved their own kendo, and they are contributing to the growth of the world.

Although it can only be converted into sword qi, it is still energy after all, which can be absorbed by the swordsman, and when the swordsman or sway removes it, it will naturally become part of the vitality of heaven and earth.

The pictures kept circulating, one outrageous martial art after another, appeared in the eyes of the already numb people.

There is a body that transforms into heaven and earth, imitating all things in the small non-phase kungfu, there is immortal Changchun, which leads the world to dry up and prosper through reincarnation, and tries to prolong each reincarnation. And prajna power.

The Dragon Elephant Kung Fu breaks through the void with force and brings the power from outside the sky into the world. Prajna builds the way of energy transformation with the wisdom method, and creates a blessed land on earth by means of this method.


A pile of martial arts, a figure, is constantly solidified and vivid, not only the power of martial arts is constantly growing, but the eyes of the figures are also gradually agile, as if they are about to jump out of the picture.

"No way……"

Lu Ren looked at the picture in the sky, each and every one of them seemed to have their own ideas, and even seemed to have awakened their minds. Knowing their situation, they began to get rid of the stories in the picture, and cast their eyes outside the picture in unison. .

It was as if...they were on the ground looking at the dead people in the painting.

But the dead watched them from heaven.

The reaction of the person in the painting made everyone's scalp tingle.

Weird!So weird!

The same is true for Lu Ren. He even feels that if those people in this painting smile neatly and weirdly again, they can have a horror movie in the sky...

Swallowing, Lu Ren forced himself to calm down and returned to his senses.


Absolutely impossible!

Martial arts were made by him himself, and those who died could not have the ability to return from illusion.

four stars!

Only four stars!

At the same time, a traveler also felt his scalp numb, and sat on the ground, muttering: "System! Tell me! Our vows should not be enough to turn these people into real people..." .

Chapter 118 Lu Ren's Exclusive Customer Service

The picture in the sky is becoming clearer and the people are becoming more and more solid, as if they are going to escape from the combination of time and space and illusion, and return to the world.

In Lu Ren's perception, the thin heaven and earth vitality in the whole world is also beginning to boil, and he doesn't care about consumption at all, regardless of his own ability to bear, there must be a wave of spiritual recovery.

Of course, if combined with the situation in the sky, Lu Ren would believe it if he said it was a revival of treachery.

All of this is as if the world is deceiving itself, taking the situation of another world in the illusion as its own situation, and wants to complete its own energy level promotion.


Like ten thousand thunderclaps, this explosion resounded in the minds of all the creatures in this world.

Then, as if suddenly withered, the images that had been playing in the sky suddenly began to fade, and the martial arts experts in the images seemed to sense something. Some people smiled relievedly, some showed unwillingness, and some looked calm down.

However, no matter what the expression was, it eventually disappeared together with this picture.

Lu Ren's heart trembled, a feeling of uneasiness permeated the whole heart, and a trace of fear rose from his heart, which came for no reason, but it was real.

"System! Can I travel through it again?"

At the foot of Huashan Mountain, Song Wuque asked this question out of nowhere. The feeling of fear made him subconsciously want to escape from this world.

"Brother...what happened?" On Mount Hua, Ning Zhong suppressed the fear in his heart and stabilized the commotion caused by the fear that rose from his heart, but his eyes were a little dazed.

On the other side, Lu Ren gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Is something wrong?Something must have happened!

What's up?he does not know!

As he expected, those who passed away did not return directly, but the look on their faces when they disappeared showed that those exercises definitely had some strange effects.

What's more important is the unreasonable fear.

He had a feeling... He might have gotten into some serious trouble!A catastrophe that he would never want to happen.

Find out the truth of the matter!Then... fix it!

No matter what Lu Ren's purpose is, if there is any problem because of him, then find a way to solve him!

Touching the back of his right hand, he revealed the hidden star.

"Report by law enforcers! This world has undergone tremendous changes, and there is a huge horror rising from the hearts of all creatures in the world. It may be caused by the traversers, and it is beyond my ability. I am asking for help from the Transmigration Management Bureau. Please judge the state of the world and send out The law enforcement officers provide support and arrest the traversers."

Play off!

I still don't know where it got off!

Naturally, it is impossible to trust chat groups for such things.

Moreover, he also doubts the ability of the chat group, he can only see through the management bureau...

If it is true that the creatures from that Jin's reincarnation world are going to be revived in this world, then it should also be under the jurisdiction of the Transit Management Bureau.

As soon as Lu Ren's report was typed, a wave of energy came out from the imprint on his body to send the message back.

But... when this energy spread out...

"Zhuo!" "Zhuo!"

Two explosion-like voices sounded, and Lu Ren's mind suddenly became quiet, and he could no longer see any information. …

At the same time, in a certain evil crowd.

"Yue Buqun has been kicked out of the chat group!"

Group leader: "Administrator, why are you kicking people? Are you going to kick people just because they are good people?"

Another popular (crossed out) group of wives.

"Yue Buqun has withdrawn from the group!"

This reminder is like putting a violent bomb in the group, making the whole group lively and chattering.

"Can this group retreat? Isn't it said that life is a group of people, and death is a group of ghosts?"

"What if I'm a demon?"

"The target is called God!"

In a certain huge world, in a lower plane, the traveler who is the leader of the group narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn't know what happened.

"System! What's going on? Why did Yue Buqun quit the group? How did he do it? Will the others also quit the group?"


"Host! The heavens are big, and Yue Buqun's world has attracted the attention of a huge force, so don't say too much! For the safety of the host and the members of the group, this group has disconnected Yue Buqun's world. Erase all traces."

The system explains it thus.

At this moment, it is a little lucky. Fortunately, this world is a bit special, so that the host cannot travel through it at will. Otherwise, if this happens when the host goes to that world, it will be difficult for it to disconnect. Go on the trail.

Laugh at the world.

Lu Ren, who was clear in his mind, fell silent.


The man who took the blame slipped away?

He knew it would be like this... Fortunately, there was a time traveler.

While thinking this way, the reply from the Chuanguan Management Bureau appeared soon.

"World ssis-252, Lu Ren, one-star enforcer, hello, I am the intelligence responsible for reviewing the report and communicating with you. 091813-007, after review, this world is currently in a forced promotion failure, and the world is damaged Serious, near the state of collapse, law enforcement officers please accurately describe their mission process, so that the Department of Management can make accurate judgments."


So... is this world being limped?Or is it that the world is too popular because of the influence of the picture?

"After inquiries, this world is the world of Swordsman RHJ-270, and there is already a mission record: once. Once captured the traverser: Dongfang Invincible. There was an anomaly: chat group, this group has fled, and is still wanted. Key target: Yue Buqun (has entered the chat group and is a member of the chat group.) After judgment, it is very likely to join the chat group again. This time the law enforcement will replace the target: Yue Buqun!"

"The law enforcers are very lucky, and they should be able to get a lot of information from Yue Buqun's memory. Please describe the law enforcers accurately! During the mission, please do not damage the bodies of the creatures in this world, and do not do any bad things. Thoughts, the management bureau strictly prohibits the use of people's bodies to do Cao thief's things!"


Lu Ren took a deep breath and sorted out his words. He never thought that the Transit Management Bureau still had mission records, and that the Yue Buqun he replaced had been highlighted.

"According to Yue Buqun's memory, he joined two more chat groups, but when I arrived, those two chat groups had already sensed the power of the management bureau and fled away."

"Yue Buqun got a two-star Nine Yin Mantra from the chat group, intending to spread it to the world, and make Huashan great, but a mysterious force appeared, and it evolved into an illusion in the sky, causing a change."…

"The law enforcer Lu Ren suspects that this is a transmigrator who is deceptively making a fake into a real one. In view of the fact that the transmigrator caused too much noise and the state of the world is too chaotic, it is beyond his ability, so he asks for help from the Transmigration Management Bureau."

"In review... Scanning the speech information of living beings! Information collection successful! Start causal tracing...Tracing failed! Reason for failure: The energy level of this world is not enough to withstand causal tracing? There is mysterious energy interference, and the sub-intelligence authority is insufficient, so it is impossible to forcibly trace it? Start the memory scan... The scan failed! It has not been approved by the superior, and it is not allowed to scan the memory of any living beings!"

"Given that the replacement of the Law Enforcer is too special this time, Hierarchical Intelligence suspects the identity of the Law Enforcer! In order to prevent other forces from infiltrating the Transit Management Bureau, the Law Enforcer review process was initiated... Failed! Hierarchical Intelligence does not have the authority to review this Law Enforcer! In the process of applying for permission...the application failed! The main intelligence has severely criticized and corrected the secondary intelligence! We must believe in the integrity of every law enforcement officer! Do not doubt the purity and loyalty of the law enforcement officers! Do not let the law enforcement officers Blood and tears!"

"According to the instructions of the superior, the sub-intelligence apologized to the law enforcement officer Lu Ren, hoping to get forgiveness, and made changes to the review application process! This sub-intelligence will raise the standard of the review process."


The Transit Management Bureau actually has such a procedure?

The corner of Lu Ren's mouth twitched, what kind of situation would he be in if this was investigated?

He really took a risk this time, right?Fortunately, he was lucky...

"Please forgive the law enforcement!"


"Please forgive the law enforcement!"


"Please enforce the law..."

"Stop stop! I forgive you!"

"Successfully obtained a forgiveness, and carried out the next step! From now on, all applications of this law enforcement officer will be in charge of this intelligence!"


What does this mean?

Lu Ren is a little confused, does he have an exclusive customer service?

"In the analysis of the collected information... the law enforcement officer has reported that there is nothing wrong! Yue Buqun does have plans to preach the Nine Yins! There is a 90% possibility that the illusion of the sky is created by the traverser."

"Analyzing the content of the illusion..."

"After checking, the last illusion in this world is 99% consistent with the information of a dying world in the world archives of the Transmigration Bureau. Intelligent judgment, this abnormality may be caused by the joint action of the traverser and the dying world."

"The archives are being searched! After the demise of that side of the world, countless fragments containing world information were scattered in the endless void, falling into the gold-type martial arts world. Those who carry the fragments forcefully upgrade in the world of gold martial arts, causing the world to collapse."

"It also provides advanced gold-type martial arts templates for many systems, which adds a lot of trouble to the Transcendental Management Bureau's arrest of traversers."

"There are 253 world energy level rises caused by fragments, 3 successes and 250 failures, 180 of which caused major damage, 50 of which were slightly damaged, and only 20 of which did not cause much loss or were slightly beneficial. "

"The Transcendental Management Bureau has never interfered with the changing behaviors of creatures in this kind of world that are induced by chance!"

"The traversers who got the fragmented information of that side of the world have captured 3562 people, and 5 of them escaped. The potential target... is unknown! Among them, 210 traversers who traveled to the world of gold martial arts and tried to drive the world's energy level to jump, succeeded 5 times, 190 failures, and each failure caused major damage, resulting in a shortened lifespan in the world, and only 15 people lay harmless.”…


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