"Yes! It's gone! However, my old man died in that world back then, but after he died, he lost his status as a law enforcement officer, and the demon king of that world was transformed into a succubus. I..."

At this point, Libby blushed, and then changed the subject, "Forget it! Don't talk about it, I shouldn't be able to be a law enforcement officer in the future. I brought my old man back to do such a thing I am no longer qualified to be a law enforcement officer, and the general trajectory after that is probably to get married and have children!"

"I don't invite everyone to the wedding! Although my mother has passed away for a long time, I will live a good life with my old man and my children in the future. I wish all the students a bright future!"

"Wait! Libby! Where's your wife? You don't live with your wife?"

Libby's complexion became even more rosy. He already had a child, and his wife...

never mind!Stop talking!Some things are not suitable for the students to know, otherwise the wedding will not even be held, and I don’t know, if someone finds out, he will say that he was forced by his old man, will anyone believe it?

However, even though Libby didn't want to say it, Lu Ren, who was listening to the story, had already noticed everything. This... should be a story about a father's love like a mountain.

He is not ashamed of others!

"Is there something wrong with the management bureau? Why are there so many abnormal worlds?" Rubbing his chin, Lu Ren felt that his other worlds were more normal.

"This is normal! Do you know how many movies and little emperors are produced every year in a modern Blue Star? Such a world is already attractive enough for travelers, and it can be regarded as a high-incidence area for travelers."

"Furthermore! The one that went into the sea in Tokyo may not be a problem of the world, but just the self-choice of the traverser."

Lao Lin held the wine glass, stood aside, watched the scene, and said so.

"Besides, didn't you realize that almost all your juniors and juniors have come, but you only have half of them this year? Most of them are unsatisfactory! There are promising ones, busy with tasks, and you can upgrade early. It's too late, I can't see the party information notified to them by others."...

"Believe it or not? The half that didn't come, more than half might still be doing missions!"

"Part of the reason why I hold this party is that I am really selfish, and the other part of the reason is to show you fresh graduates, some failure experiences, and lessons learned."

"Lu Ren! Look at them... Going to a world where succubi exist, they don't know how to be strict, but they have to use their real bodies. Going to the ordinary urban world, they are safe and secure but want to occupy other people's bodies. Isn't this a kind of resource? The consequences of reasonable planning and use?"

"Without a plan, without a goal, and unable to stick to the path of a law enforcement officer, no matter how high the talent is, it is limited to this."

"Lu Ren! I have been teaching for so many years. From my point of view, your talent is very high. Your choice... It's a pity... Forget it! Let's not talk about this! Everyone must be responsible for their own choices. I hope you will not I will regret it! If I regret it... as your teacher, I can also help you!"

Lao Lin patted Lu Ren on the shoulder, looked at a group of students he had taught, and took a sip of alcohol.

"Cough, cough, cough!"


Lu Ren was silent. To be honest, he didn't know why Lao Lin said these words. He is very talented?Could it be the talent of holding a rich woman?

But he didn't speak any more. It could be seen that Lao Lin was not in a good mood.

Moreover, Lao Lin's misunderstanding of him is not easy to explain, how to explain?Could it be that he didn't give anything but his body to embrace a rich woman?

Said that his powerful body was not piled up by resources, but became stronger by himself?

Old Lin is drunk!A little drunk indeed!Looking at the students in front of him, in a daze, he seemed to recall the time when he was just arrested...


"Lin Dan."

"I'm asking about names, not gender."

"Name Lin Dan, gender, zero egg now! Is it okay? What else can I say? I am willing to time travel as a woman? Can you send me back? I don't want to time travel either! I have parents, a wife, a child, and Lovely group of students!"

"In addition to reading some novels, I like to complain a little bit, and I have nothing to do with time travel! Just after time travel, I was arrested by your traffic management bureau! What did I do?"

"Tempting Dongfang Bubai?" The interrogator hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Zhuo! I didn't do anything. Didn't I just want to have a showdown with Dongfang Bubai and say that I don't save me? That's not okay? And wasn't Dongfang Bubai arrested with me? Tempting the time traveler is also counted. crime?"

"This..." The interrogator also hesitated. If Ren Woxing did not come out because of this person's showdown, it would indeed be considered a crime, although the impact would not be great.

But Ren Woxing was directly killed by another traverser. Lin Dan, who transmigrated into Ren Yingying, had no effect at all. Dongfang Bubai who was tempted was still another traverser, purely because he couldn't control his head. kind.

This kind of unlucky guy who was caught as soon as he crossed is rare even in the Transit Management Bureau.It's really hard to deal with, the main thing is that you haven't committed any crimes, so it's really hard to deal with.

Originally, this kind of no problem, according to the procedure, should be to ask the other party's wishes, whether to clear the time travel memory and repatriate, or to stay.but……

"Don't even think about going back. Our staff checked it. Your body has been sent to be burned by your wife. It is impossible to arrange for you to go back." The interrogator sighed and said, "Okay! You don't want to go back." Discouragement, like you, probably only a few months to teach you the knowledge of life in the new world, and then you will be free. Although it is troublesome to become a law enforcement officer, living in the arranged world is no problem.”…

The corpses are gone, so it is naturally impossible to arrange to travel back.

That's right!Da Neng can adjust the timeline, stuff it back before it burns, and it is also possible to pass through the management bureau.But... isn't this just for him to interfere with the timeline of the whole world's creatures?

This is not in line with the regulations of the Management Bureau!Naturally, there is no way.

"Don't worry! We have already checked, and nothing happened to your family because of your death. Two years after your death, your parents were forced to work because they were old, so they left early. You don't have to worry about pension issues. Two years later, your wife got married, your child changed his surname, the students got a new teacher, the new teacher assigned less homework, and he was better than you. Everyone forgot about you, and no one needed to worry about you. "


I don't want to go back!

"However, don't worry, originally your cheat was beyond the standard and should be stripped off, but since you did not make any mistakes, the Transit Management Bureau specially modified your cheat and let you keep it, if you are willing Becoming a law enforcement officer should allow you to grow up quickly."

That's it, Lao Lin... No!Lin Dan left behind her golden finger, Master of the Heavens... No!It is now called the Taoli Mantianxia system, and it has been cut by the Chuanguan Bureau, and it has been cut badly!

The function of traveling through the heavens was directly cut off, and the effect of infinitely superimposing the strength of apprentices was also greatly cut.

When you have physical contact with a student, you can check the student's strength and specific composition. At the same time, if you get the student's consent, you can exchange the teacher-student karma between the two for a copy of an ability or a certain aspect of the student. opportunity for strength.

But after one time, all karma will disappear, so every student has only one chance.

Therefore, no matter from the perspective of a teacher or for himself, he always hopes that students can go further, the farther the better!

He has a great relationship with every student!I will not give up any student who can be saved!

In private, he would say to every student that he is very talented, just to encourage these students to move forward, Lu Ren...


His system has the ability to identify the qualifications of students. At first, Lu Ren was really average, but since a year ago, Lu Ren's qualifications have been rising. Although he doesn't know the reason, it has been rising!

Let's put it this way, Lu Ren's talent rose as much as Yanguo's stock market fell.Up to now, Lu Ren has changed from a student with ordinary qualifications to a potential talent with excellent qualifications.

I believe that the big man from before should come to him personally for this student with unlimited potential.

It's just a pity... Lu Ren went the wrong way and sold himself!

There is pressure to repay the debt, and I am afraid that in the future it will only look like two or three stars. It is precisely because of this consideration that he will use up this cause and effect at this time. It just so happens that Lu Ren is also in this group to attend the party If you are the strongest person in the world, then there is no need to waste the karma of others.

However, as a teacher, he still hopes that his students can live well.That's why I told Lu Ren that if he needs him to pay off the debt in the future, he will provide help. …

His system occasionally gave him some of the material rewards he got for being a qualified teacher.

To be honest, if he didn't have to become a law enforcer to break through the extraordinary limit, he really wanted to teach for a lifetime!

forget about it!Thinking about it, he thought of his remarried wife again.


On the other side, although the spaceship left, Ning Die did not. How could she put Lu Ren down alone?

What Lu Ren said really made her a little angry, and she kicked Lu Ren off the bed... No!It is to kick off the boat that there is indeed an element of understanding Qi.

But she is not a little girl after all, and it is impossible to do some meaningless things, kicking Lu Ren out of bed is more important to understand Lu Ren's knot.

Before Lu Ren's showdown, she was not going to take the initiative to expose Lu Ren's identity as a time traveler, but she took Lu Ren into the auction house, and felt Lu Ren's trembling and fear after hearing that he was in the management bureau, which made her unbearable.

Even when she and Lu Ren were trembling at the most critical moment, Lu Ren had never trembled so fiercely!What did you do to her man by breaking the situation?

Then if she doesn't say it, she can only let other people say it. So, what is more suitable than this party?Why can't we just buy him a book about this?

She is a man, she understands!Before meeting her, she was cautious and thirsty for knowledge, just to save her life.

But after meeting her, the books I read are basically "How to communicate with a rich woman", "How to make a woman happy", "Three sentences, let a rich woman spend 3000 million for you", "I would rather cry on a rich woman than laugh in front of the boss "...

Naturally, she kicked Lu Ren precisely on Shuai Su's way to the party, and she also had the heart to secretly go to An Luren.

As for Lu Ren's suspicion that she knew about this kind of thing...

If you are willing to confess this, that is naturally the best, and if you want to hide it, then use that karma as a shield.

She had already prepared it, and it just so happened that for Lu Ren, that period of karma was also a bondage, although it couldn't be seen now.

However, the teacher-student karma, as a disciple, the farther you go, the heavier the karma will naturally become. When the six stars break through to the seven stars later, it will be a difficult block in the way, so it's better to do it early.

As for the fact that the daughter wants to settle accounts with her own man...

rest assured!Can't see it!

Called out his authority, checked his daughter's situation in the mission world, and after a little calculation, he knew that it would take some time for his daughter to come back.

In this way, she can rest assured!I can be happy with my man.


The complaining conference didn't last long, and what made Lu Ren a little unacceptable was that Lao Lin seemed to be listening very seriously.

Every time someone complained, he drank a glass of wine and cried loudly while drinking, as if he was the one who suffered.

It really warms the hearts of the storytelling students. It is worth having such a teacher who can understand them!

Later, Lao Lin stopped drinking and cried!

Crying like being green.

The party came to an abrupt end for this reason, and Lao Lin was picked up by someone Lu Ren knew.

Zhu Jue!

The play that Lao Lin and the protagonist played for the students was known to them, which moved many students again.

Everyone has their own destinations, only Lu Ren has nowhere to go, but he also has plans.

Doesn't he still have [-] points?It doesn't cost money to buy things, doesn't it mean that the points are at his own disposal, and he doesn't have to consider his own opinions in other worlds.

That being the case, it's not a big problem to wash your feet, right?


"Adie, why are you here?" Looking at Ning Die who suddenly appeared in front of him, Lu Ren panicked.

The corners of Ning Die's mouth raised slightly: "What? Are you unhappy? I'll pick you up and wash your feet! It's time to go to bed after washing!"

He raised his hand to look at his watch, and then looked at the sun above his head, which had not yet set. If he remembered correctly, whether it was Han Haixing or 10001, it was still early in the evening, right?

"Of course not! I knew Adie that you couldn't bear to part with me! Just like I couldn't bear to leave you!" Lu Ren hugged Ning Die's waist again, and then his eyes went dark. .

Chapter 84 The two fight to the edge of the universe

"As long as it's not dawn, don't even try to stop!" This is what Ning Fu Po said before the two started fighting.

Lu Ren didn't know how long it took him to see the sun again from the darkness in front of his eyes. He only knew that the battlefield between him and Mrs. Ning was constantly shifting, from one room to another.

Since the initial transfer from star 10001 to a house on an unknown planet, the sun has not risen.

If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would probably be that Lu Ren and Ning Die fought to the edge of the universe, and even the sun rotated between them.

After changing over twenty battlefields, I don’t know how long the star day on each planet is. Anyway, in the end, Yi Luren’s body, which has been strengthened several times, can’t bear it anymore and has reached the limit. The fighting just stopped.

In the real estate on an unknown planet, Ning Die looked at Lu Ren who had collapsed and was supporting himself so as not to faint. The corners of his mouth were slightly bent, and he said with a smile: "I think your skills are only mediocre, why don't you come again?" ?”

Hearing this, Lu Ren's face darkened, his eyes rolled up, and he wanted to pass out.

Can't get up!Next time, he will become a progeria brother!

Maybe... he really should work harder?

Thinking of the length of the battle this time, and the feeling that it was tighter than the initial battle between him and Ning Die, Lu Ren's legs trembled, and he said, "Why is this time so difficult..."

"Oh! I have a small debuff that has expired, and my defense has increased a bit, but judging from your performance these days, you probably won't need that debuff in the future." Ning Die pursed her lips slightly, smiling like a flower, obviously very happy.

The debuff is naturally real, but the expiry date is fake. The debuffs on her body are all obtained by herself. How could the debuff be expired? However, she just felt that Lu Ren has become stronger, so she just removed a similar debuff.

Otherwise, my man might be complacent because of his strength development these days.

Of course she had to tell him with practical actions that there was still a long way to go, so take your time!

For Lu Ren, nothing is more effective than this kind of incentive.

Although, compared to most creatures of the same level, Lu Ren is already fierce enough, but like most men, no one would want to be more aggressive.

Regarding Lu Ren's little mentality, Ning Die was very careful.

"I told you not to hold on before. If you don't believe me, it's uncomfortable now, right? Rest well!" Seeing Lu Ren's pale complexion, Ning Die felt distressed for a while, hugged Lu Ren, who was weak all over, and buried him in the bed own mind.

Although she knew in her heart that she was basically stuck with Lu Ren's physical limit, and would make up for Lu Ren in time, and didn't worry about any shortfalls due to this kind of thing, but she still felt uncomfortable seeing Lu Ren's uncomfortable appearance.

In this way, Ning Die took off a simple wooden bracelet without any brilliance from her hand, and brought it to Lu Ren's hand.

"This belt should make you feel better now."

The moment Lu Ren put on the bracelet, an icy cold feeling extended from his wrist to his brain, a huge energy filled him with energy, and Lu Ren was vaguely omnipotent, as if he was going to soar Feel.

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