Of course, from now on, in this world, as long as the news about his innate realm spreads, the "fact" that Yue Buqun has been shattered by rumors cannot be covered up.

"So, Junior Brother Liu has confidence?"


Chapter 48 I, Huashan, will not play with you anymore

The next day, the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference began.

There were many people on the field and it was very lively, but the Huashan faction was very special. Apart from Lu Ren, there was only one patient with kidney deficiency who was lying on a stretcher and carried by an old man all the way. Linghu Chong of medicine.

The original Linghu Chong was also a hard-working man. From the time he appeared on the stage to the end, there were very few times when he was intact. It can be said that he did not have an unknown life and suffered from an unknown disease.

Except for Linghu Chong and Lao Denuo, Ning Zhong, who is the head's wife, and the rest of the Huashan sect's disciples were not here.

This made the situation on Lu Ren's side seem a little disrespectful, it's just that there are not enough people, and there is a sick number.

Regarding this point, Ningzhong naturally persuaded him, but he didn't persuade him. Lu Ren's insistence, Ningzhong could not persuade him.

Just like the past few days, she has to gargle every morning, unable to resist.

What's more, Lu Ren explained clearly to his wife and arranged another task.

At this time, the crowd was bustling, so bustling that even Liu Zhengfeng, the host, had an unusual expression and didn't pay attention.

Liu Zhengfeng walked up to Lu Ren, and whispered: "Senior Brother Yue, there is nothing wrong with the Xiaoao Tianshu, and that fake official really appeared. Fortunately, Senior Brother Yue informed me yesterday, so I know there are so many sayings in it."

Lu Ren smiled slightly, nodded to indicate that he already knew, but felt a little rejoiced in his heart, and at the same time scolded that lunatic Zuo Lengchan.

Just like the original book, the official who announced the imperial edict to Liu Zhengfeng appeared, but was stopped by Qu Yang, and now, most of them have become a corpse.

Lu Ren didn't expect that Songshan would dare to release this false imperial decree when Xiaoao Tianshu was spreading everywhere.

Lu Ren was sure that the imperial decree was false. If it was just a novel, he could believe that it was just a harmless mistake, just like in a drama, as long as there is an imperial decree, he would recite such a sentence: The emperor's edict of heaven and earth.

But in the real world, a random imperial decree with these eight characters at the beginning can only show that the imperial decree is false.

In the background of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the imperial decrees of the emperor mainly included five categories: imperial edict, system, imperial edict, imperial edict, and edict, and their usage and effects were different.

An edict is a formal and public thing, it is a major national event, an important matter of the court, in short, it is absolutely impossible to be used to appoint an official, let alone Liu Zhengfeng as a general?

To put it bluntly, it just doesn't deserve it!Liu Zhengfeng is not worthy!The generals are not worthy!

Only major events such as Dengji Zhao, Pingwo Zhao, and the appointment of the crown prince can be used with the word Zhao.

Even if the emperor wanted to personally order Liu Zhengfeng, a man of the world, to be appointed an official on a whim, he would use the edict or edict depending on his grade, and there was absolutely no possibility of using it wrongly.If it is used wrongly, there is only one possibility, the imperial decree is a fake, and the person who compiled the imperial decree is illiterate.

If it was an official who cheated Liu Zhengfeng of his money, on the one hand, a knowledgeable person would not be able to make such a mistake; on the other hand, there was no need for others to take the risk of ransacking his family and exterminating his family for the sake of Liu Zhengfeng's little money.

As for ordinary liars, which liar would dare to fake an imperial decree to fool Liu Zhengfeng, a tycoon in the world?

Only Zuo Lengchan!

Only he had the idea of ​​destroying Liu Zhengfeng's family from the very beginning to ensure that the impact of this incident would be minimized. When the time came, those who survived would only discuss Liu Zhengfeng's extermination of the family, not Liu Zhengfeng's becoming a general.

However, Lu Ren really did not expect Zuo Lengchan to dare to do this when the book of Xiaoao Tian was spread all over the place.

One must know that as long as this kind of thing is exposed a little, it is not Zuo Lengchan who is implicated, and everyone present, including the Five Sacred Sword Sect, will not be spared.

After all, the relationship between the five mountains... is too deep!

"It seems that my decision is correct!" Lu Ren was glad in his heart, he was able to explain clearly to Liu Zhengfeng in advance, so that Qu Yang would be on guard in secret, otherwise, as long as the false official read the imperial decree in the public today, No matter what the final result is, Lu Ren will have a lot of trouble.

After all, even though he has become an innate warrior, he is still a mortal, and he does not have the ability to defeat thousands of troops with one man, not to mention that the army has guns and cannons!

Don't talk about innateness, even if you take the martial arts of the yellow line, as long as you don't shatter the void, you can run away at any time, and anyone who comes will feel guilty!

Without the interference from the false imperial decree, the Golden Basin Washing Hands Conference will continue as usual.

As the rightful master, Liu Zhengfeng naturally said: "Heroes have come from afar, Liu Zhengfeng is really grateful, but recently, rumors have spread all over the world, Zhengfeng is deeply exhausted, in order not to hurt the reputation of my Hengshan School, and also to not hurt me. For the friendship of the Five Sacred Mountains, Liu Zhengfeng decided to wash his hands in a golden basin, and from now on, he will no longer meddle in Jianghu affairs!"

The reason was just thought of yesterday, and there are naturally loopholes, such as the news of the golden basin washing hands before the rumors spread.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Ren is good at filling holes, and those with vested interests will inevitably ignore such holes.

"Chong'er! Watch!" Lu Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, and reminded Linghu Chong.

"Hold on!" A shout came from outside the door, but Liu Zhengfeng didn't stop, and a command flag flew in from outside the door, heading towards Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin.

Lu Ren patted his palm lightly, and the wind of his palm blew the flag away, making Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin washing hands successful.

At the same time, four men in yellow clothes walked in outside the door. The leading man walked out and said angrily: "Uncle Liu and Uncle Yue have abandoned the leader's flag like a pair of shoes. Do they disapprove of the alliance of the Five Sacred Mountains? What kind of deal did Uncle Master and Uncle Liu do to protect Uncle Liu?"


The figure moved slightly, like a ghost, and the man was slapped and flew upside down, with several teeth missing, but Lu Ren's figure had already returned to its original position.

"Stengda, don't think that you can act presumptuously in front of us just because you have the name Qianzhangsong! Ask me? Who gave you the courage? If Zuo Lengchan doesn't know how to teach his disciples, let him learn from me! I will teach you he!"

Lu Ren scolded, at this time, Lu Ren only felt refreshed all over his body. Since he regained his past life memory, his trip to Fuzhou was all in disguise, just to avoid revealing his identity as a traverser.

Now, with Xiaoao Tianshu as the reason, strength, and the chat group as the last scapegoat, he can finally be a little more presumptuous, and he doesn't have to focus on maintaining the original personality.

Whether it is the improvement of strength or the change of the way of doing things, there is a reasonable excuse.

Lu Ren's fury was unexpected by everyone present. This gentleman sword has always been humble and tolerant. Who would have thought that he would suddenly lose his temper?

Moreover, from Lu Ren's words, everyone could naturally hear that his anger was directed at Zuo Lengchan.

"Don't dare!" Shi Dengda was slapped, clutching his toothless left cheek, "It's just that Uncle Liu's collusion with demon cult monsters has not been found out, so how can he withdraw from the arena? Why do you treat the flag of the left alliance leader like this?"

"There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Zuo Lengchan can also be used to punish Junior Brother Liu? If this is also true, it is also rumored in the rivers and lakes that Yuemou practiced the evil sword manual! Why don't you doubt me? There are also rumors in the rivers and lakes that you Songshan sought the Five Sacred Mountains and sent What, do you have such thoughts?" Lu Ren shouted coldly.

"Then if in another day, I spread the word in Jianghu that Zuo Lengchan likes Dongfang Bubai, can I also punish Zuo Lengchan?"

"Of course not!" Of course Shi Dengda didn't dare to admit Lu Ren's words, not any of them.

"Since it is not, you should know that the Five Sacred Mountains belong to the Five Sects after all. Don't say that the matter of Junior Brother Liu is just a rumor in the world. Even if it is true, it will be handled by the head of Hengshan and Senior Brother Mo. It is not your turn to send this to Songshan. The prestige of the lord!"

Lu Ren snorted coldly, and said again: "Zuo Lengchan of the Songshan School, in the name of the five mountains, is domineering, and in the name of the leader, interferes in the internal affairs of other schools. In name, we have withdrawn from the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance, and the friendship between the various factions is still there, but Huashan no longer respects the order of Songshan."

Chapter 48 I, Huashan, will not play with you anymore

The next day, the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference began.

There were many people on the field and it was very lively, but the Huashan faction was very special. Apart from Lu Ren, there was only one patient with kidney deficiency who was lying on a stretcher and carried by an old man all the way. Linghu Chong of medicine.

The original Linghu Chong was also a hard-working man. From the time he appeared on the stage to the end, there were very few times when he was intact. It can be said that he did not have an unknown life and suffered from an unknown disease.

Except for Linghu Chong and Lao Denuo, Ning Zhong, who is the head's wife, and the rest of the Huashan sect's disciples were not here.

This made the situation on Lu Ren's side seem a little disrespectful, it's just that there are not enough people, and there is a sick number.

Regarding this point, Ningzhong naturally persuaded him, but he didn't persuade him. Lu Ren's insistence, Ningzhong could not persuade him.

Just like the past few days, she has to gargle every morning, unable to resist.

What's more, Lu Ren explained clearly to his wife and arranged another task.

At this time, the crowd was bustling, so bustling that even Liu Zhengfeng, the host, had an unusual expression and didn't pay attention.

Liu Zhengfeng walked up to Lu Ren, and whispered: "Senior Brother Yue, there is nothing wrong with the Xiaoao Tianshu, and that fake official really appeared. Fortunately, Senior Brother Yue informed me yesterday, so I know there are so many sayings in it."

Lu Ren smiled slightly, nodded to indicate that he already knew, but felt a little rejoiced in his heart, and at the same time scolded that lunatic Zuo Lengchan.

Just like the original book, the official who announced the imperial edict to Liu Zhengfeng appeared, but was stopped by Qu Yang, and now, most of them have become a corpse.

Lu Ren didn't expect that Songshan would dare to release this false imperial decree when Xiaoao Tianshu was spreading everywhere.

Lu Ren was sure that the imperial decree was false. If it was just a novel, he could believe that it was just a harmless mistake, just like in a drama, as long as there is an imperial decree, he would recite such a sentence: The emperor's edict of heaven and earth.

But in the real world, a random imperial decree with these eight characters at the beginning can only show that the imperial decree is false.

In the background of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the imperial decrees of the emperor mainly included five categories: imperial edict, system, imperial edict, imperial edict, and edict, and their usage and effects were different.

An edict is a formal and public thing, it is a major national event, an important matter of the court, in short, it is absolutely impossible to be used to appoint an official, let alone Liu Zhengfeng as a general?

To put it bluntly, it just doesn't deserve it!Liu Zhengfeng is not worthy!The generals are not worthy!

Only major events such as Dengji Zhao, Pingwo Zhao, and the appointment of the crown prince can be used with the word Zhao.

Even if the emperor wanted to personally order Liu Zhengfeng, a man of the world, to be appointed an official on a whim, he would use the edict or edict depending on his grade, and there was absolutely no possibility of using it wrongly.If it is used wrongly, there is only one possibility, the imperial decree is a fake, and the person who compiled the imperial decree is illiterate.

If it was an official who cheated Liu Zhengfeng of his money, on the one hand, a knowledgeable person would not be able to make such a mistake; on the other hand, there was no need for others to take the risk of ransacking his family and exterminating his family for the sake of Liu Zhengfeng's little money.

As for ordinary liars, which liar would dare to fake an imperial decree to fool Liu Zhengfeng, a tycoon in the world?

Only Zuo Lengchan!

Only he had the idea of ​​destroying Liu Zhengfeng's family from the very beginning to ensure that the impact of this incident would be minimized. When the time came, those who survived would only discuss Liu Zhengfeng's extermination of the family, not Liu Zhengfeng's becoming a general.

However, Lu Ren really did not expect Zuo Lengchan to dare to do this when the book of Xiaoao Tian was spread all over the place.

One must know that as long as this kind of thing is exposed a little, it is not Zuo Lengchan who is implicated, and everyone present, including the Five Sacred Sword Sect, will not be spared.

After all, the relationship between the five mountains... is too deep!

"It seems that my decision is correct!" Lu Ren was glad in his heart, he was able to explain clearly to Liu Zhengfeng in advance, so that Qu Yang would be on guard in secret, otherwise, as long as the false official read the imperial decree in the public today, No matter what the final result is, Lu Ren will have a lot of trouble.

After all, even though he has become an innate warrior, he is still a mortal, and he does not have the ability to defeat thousands of troops with one man, not to mention that the army has guns and cannons!

Don't talk about innateness, even if you take the martial arts of the yellow line, as long as you don't shatter the void, you can run away at any time, and anyone who comes will feel guilty!

Without the interference from the false imperial decree, the Golden Basin Washing Hands Conference will continue as usual.

As the rightful master, Liu Zhengfeng naturally said: "Heroes have come from afar, Liu Zhengfeng is really grateful, but recently, rumors have spread all over the world, Zhengfeng is deeply exhausted, in order not to hurt the reputation of my Hengshan School, and also to not hurt me. For the friendship of the Five Sacred Mountains, Liu Zhengfeng decided to wash his hands in a golden basin, and from now on, he will no longer meddle in Jianghu affairs!"

The reason was just thought of yesterday, and there are naturally loopholes, such as the news of the golden basin washing hands before the rumors spread.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Ren is good at filling holes, and those with vested interests will inevitably ignore such holes.

"Chong'er! Watch!" Lu Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, and reminded Linghu Chong.

"Hold on!" A shout came from outside the door, but Liu Zhengfeng didn't stop, and a command flag flew in from outside the door, heading towards Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin.

Lu Ren patted his palm lightly, and the wind of his palm blew the flag away, making Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin washing hands successful.

At the same time, four men in yellow clothes walked in outside the door. The leading man walked out and said angrily: "Uncle Liu and Uncle Yue have abandoned the leader's flag like a pair of shoes. Do they disapprove of the alliance of the Five Sacred Mountains? What kind of deal did Uncle Master and Uncle Liu do to protect Uncle Liu?"


The figure moved slightly, like a ghost, and the man was slapped and flew upside down, with several teeth missing, but Lu Ren's figure had already returned to its original position.

"Stengda, don't think that you can act presumptuously in front of us just because you have the name Qianzhangsong! Ask me? Who gave you the courage? If Zuo Lengchan doesn't know how to teach his disciples, let him learn from me! I will teach you he!"

Lu Ren scolded, at this time, Lu Ren only felt refreshed all over his body. Since he regained his past life memory, his trip to Fuzhou was all in disguise, just to avoid revealing his identity as a traverser.

Now, with Xiaoao Tianshu as the reason, strength, and the chat group as the last scapegoat, he can finally be a little more presumptuous, and he doesn't have to focus on maintaining the original personality.

Whether it is the improvement of strength or the change of the way of doing things, there is a reasonable excuse.

Lu Ren's fury was unexpected by everyone present. This gentleman sword has always been humble and tolerant. Who would have thought that he would suddenly lose his temper?

Moreover, from Lu Ren's words, everyone could naturally hear that his anger was directed at Zuo Lengchan.

"Don't dare!" Shi Dengda was slapped, clutching his toothless left cheek, "It's just that Uncle Liu's collusion with demon cult monsters has not been found out, so how can he withdraw from the arena? Why do you treat the flag of the left alliance leader like this?"

"There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Zuo Lengchan can also be used to punish Junior Brother Liu? If this is also true, it is also rumored in the rivers and lakes that Yuemou practiced the evil sword manual! Why don't you doubt me? There are also rumors in the rivers and lakes that you Songshan sought the Five Sacred Mountains and sent What, do you have such thoughts?" Lu Ren shouted coldly.

"Then if in another day, I spread the word in Jianghu that Zuo Lengchan likes Dongfang Bubai, can I also punish Zuo Lengchan?"

"Of course not!" Of course Shi Dengda didn't dare to admit Lu Ren's words, not any of them.

"Since it is not, you should know that the Five Sacred Mountains belong to the Five Sects after all. Don't say that the matter of Junior Brother Liu is just a rumor in the world. Even if it is true, it will be handled by the head of Hengshan and Senior Brother Mo. It is not your turn to send this to Songshan. The prestige of the lord!"

Lu Ren snorted coldly, and said again: "Zuo Lengchan of the Songshan School, in the name of the five mountains, is domineering, and in the name of the leader, interferes in the internal affairs of other schools. In name, we have withdrawn from the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance, and the friendship between the various factions is still there, but Huashan no longer respects the order of Songshan."

Chapter 49 Songshan is too deceitful!


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

As soon as Lu Ren said this, everyone present was shocked, but Lu Ren watched this scene, but his heart relaxed. He took advantage of Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin to wash his hands and quit the Five Mountains Alliance.

With a suitable reason to expose his own strength, he naturally needs to farm in Huashan with peace of mind. The Five Sacred Sacred Alliance is not a help, but a resistance.

The ghost knows what foolish things Zuo Lengchan would do for the sake of the Five Sacred Sect.

Lu Ren didn't have time to accompany him to play these tricks, strengthening himself and cultivating disciples was what Lu Ren would do next.

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