They drink what they got, and now they are sure that someone other than him is a monster. Is there any law? Is there any reason?

It's just that form is better than people. Lu Ren is now a whole river and has not been discovered by monkeys, but it is also very dangerous to be blocked! It is this reason that led him to come to this dark space to seek help.


Silence, after listening to the narration of mother and son He Luren, several Luren in the dark space were all silent.

"So... you made the scripture five-member group mother-in-law?"

In the end, Yue Luren broke the deadlock of silence and said such a sentence.

"It's more perverted than I want to play..." Lu Ren, the Pokémon master, stared in disbelief.

"Don't blame me for this! They want to drink water blindly!" Son-in-law He Luren called out, how could he be blamed for such a thing?Who would want to provoke this unlucky quartet of Buddhist scriptures?

On the way to learn the scriptures, if you teach these guys, you will either die, be arrested, or wait to be rescued by them. In short... suffering is just a word.

Even if he only travels purely on Journey to the West, it would be very unlucky for him to get involved with the quartet of Buddhist scriptures!

"I'm thinking about a question..."

On the side, Human Body Lu Rinmo twitched his chin, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth and said, "You said, will the Buddhist scriptures group after motherhood come to Auntie?"


Several Lu Renqiqi looked at him in horror, not understanding why he would think of such a question.

"Shouldn't it? The requirement to kill the red dragon is not high..."

On the side, it was Yue Luren who gave the answer. With the cultivation level of the Sutra Learning Group, this kind of thing is still very easy.

"You forgot, there is an ordinary person in the Buddhist scriptures group..." Human body Luren replied, and at the same time looked at his mother-in-law He Luren, "You are finished! Buddhism will definitely come back to find you!"

Just kidding, Tang Seng turned into a woman, this is a big deal!Needless to say, just the pain that a woman has to go through every month can delay the progress of learning scriptures for another year.

Think about it, Tang Seng clutched his stomach and said that he was in unbearable pain and needed to stop and rest. What kind of harm did it do to the great cause of learning Buddhist scriptures?

"Hiss..." He Luren, the son and mother, took a deep breath, this matter...he really hadn't thought about it!And, if he remembers correctly...

"There seems to be blood on the monkey's butt..." He Luren said quietly, his tone full of fear.

Chapter 271 The Monkey's Blood Really Has Nothing to Do With Someone in My Way


Silence, several Lu Ren in the dark space all fell into silence, monkey bleeding?

Monkey's cultivation base, even if it is a mother, it is impossible to be like Tang Seng...

It is lonely on the way to learn scriptures, but Tang Sanzang is the only one who cannot resist physical obstacles.

According to Lu Ren's understanding, the sissy version of the Buddhist scriptures group of five will of course encounter a lot of trouble. After all, even the normal version of the Buddhist scriptures group cannot be understood by Lu Ren's state of mind. The monk often dreams back at midnight, Touching the wet crotch should be uncomfortable, right?

Lu Ren admitted that the monk's ideological realm should be good, but the physical reaction cannot be suppressed psychologically, just like the sissy version of Tang Sanzang who will come to the aunt.

But this kind of reaction should be only a monk, and the remaining four non-human beings, with their cultivation base, whether it is to subdue the white tiger or cut the red dragon, it is very easy.

"Perhaps...the blood on the monkey's butt is from the abortion?" Yue Luren hesitated, thinking that this should be the most appropriate explanation.

"Not necessarily..." On the side, Lu Ren, the human body, said quietly, looking at his mother and son He Luren with increasingly strange eyes, "The monkey learned the "Da Pin Tian Xian Jue", 72 changes, somersault cloud."

"According to many prehistoric sayings, monkeys have not been taught well, and they may still be scumbags. If Zhan Chilong does not rely on cultivation but on methods, it is normal for monkeys not to learn this method for a while... ..."

"According to Journey to the West, Monkey is a master of learning, and Bodhi has learned all three teachings. Although Monkey was born as a student, from his speech and behavior, it can be seen that he is a cultural monkey. It's just..."

Speaking of this, Lu Ren hesitated to speak, and paused for a while, "Monkeys are monkeys after all. People need to pass the test of subduing the white tiger and slaying the red dragon. Do monkeys need it? And it's still a stone monkey. I have learned how to subdue a white tiger, but what about slaying a red dragon? Why do male monkeys learn this?"


On the side, Pokémon Master Lu Ren and Zhonghua Little Master Lu Ren couldn't help but take a breath. If this is the case, wouldn't the mother-in-law He Luren be cold?

They really couldn't imagine how they would be treated by the monkey if they let the monkey bleed. You know, the temper of the monkey is not very good...


"not my business!"

"Monkey ass bleeding is not my job!"

The son-in-law He Luren denied that he, who had a headache because of the motherhood of the five-person group, would be cold if he became the culprit that caused the monkey's butt to bleed?

Think about it, the monkey, who always cares about face, is ridiculed by the gods because of pregnancy, and even because of the red dragon. As the culprit of all this, how miserable will it be for someone else?

"Right right! Monkey ass has nothing to do with me?"

"I didn't make the blood!"

In the dark space, a coincidence sound suddenly sounded. It seemed that he had the same feeling as his son and mother He Luren. Just when several passers-by were trying to find the source of the sound, Yue Luren's expression changed.

Without making a fuss, he moved away and moved away from the stone that appeared under his feet.

Strictly speaking, it is not that kind of round stone, but a stone cone, which is ordinary and has no abnormality.

"I advise you not to touch him! You will regret it!" Yue Luren looked ugly, looking at the place where he was originally standing, below was an inconspicuous stone cone, which was stained with a little blood.

The memory just now, for him, is really too bad!

Unexpectedly, there was a self who was even more wonderful than his son-in-law He Luren, and he still traveled to Journey to the West...


In Xialu Ren, he is a time traveler!

Once a person!

But it was only once, and now he is just a rock!

It's not a big problem, don't panic!

Is time-traveling into a stone a good thing or a bad thing?

Of course it is a good thing!The stone that can carry the traverser, can it be an ordinary stone?

Think about the boss of the stones in the prehistoric novels, that is the Emperor of Heaven!

Think about the patriarch of the stone, the monkey who jumped out of the stone, that is the master of the heavenly palace!

Then think about the one who is the best among the rocks, who is held in the hand and thrown to the ground at every turn. The luck is not as good as the first two, but after all, he went to the gentle and rich place for a walk, even if he was just a spectator. That also has the identity of a sky-replenishing stone, and it can be regarded as a longevity species.

If you can cultivate, then compared with being an ordinary person, isn't it blood money?

With all the predecessors in front of him, even if he becomes a rock, he still feels that he has a promising future!

However, such thoughts only existed in his mind for a moment, and after only a moment, he realized...he was thinking too much!

He traveled to the Westward Journey and became a stone closely related to Monkey King, not the one that was blasted, but the one that pressed on Monkey King!

Fuck it!

Knowing this, he instantly lay down!

He didn't understand, there was a Buddha's seal on the top to suppress it, and a monkey's butt on the bottom, how could he have transmigrated into such a stone?

Is there any chance for the stones from Wuzhishan to become refined?

never mind!never mind!

Maybe, with his current status, he can be named an arhat after he learns from the Western Paradise and earn a job?

After all, he is a part of Buddha's former hand. The ghost knows what the Buddha did with this hand before he became a Buddha. In other words, did the Buddha use his left hand or his right hand?


Can't think!

I want to be silenced again!

Lu Ren's heart trembled, and he stopped his wild thoughts, but he still had confidence in his identity. With this background, it's no problem to recognize Buddha as his father, right?He also has a 500-year friendship with Monkey King, as long as this is a serious Journey to the West world, he can still be expected in the future, right?

If he really wants to live a long life, it's not that he can't convert to Buddhism. At worst, he can follow Huanxi Buddha. Anyway, his wisdom root may not be good, and it may take a long time to overcome his appearance in the practice of the way of joy...

However, what happened later made his thoughts completely dissipate and unintentionally, and he gave up the idea of ​​revealing his consciousness.

"Kid! Thank you for the peach!"

Lu Ren inside Wuzhishan could only vaguely hear the thanks from the monkey. Just by listening to it, he knew that there were kind people picking peaches for the monkey to eat. The content was nothing but...

Why is the monkey's voice so embarrassing?

Strange to say...why does this monkey have so little hair?It feels like there is no hair on the butt...Could it be...has he crossed into some Journey to the West ip work that was ruined by some little fresh meat?

Under the emotional agitation, Lu Ren cracked open...

Really split that kind!

A sharp object that was five fingers away from the monkey fell straight down, and the creatures near Wuzhi Mountain could only hear a shrill scream. Then, as soon as the bloody stone awl appeared...

Chapter 272 The Worst Protagonist of Immortal Sword - Li Xiaoyao

"Impossible! It's not metaphysics!" Lu Ren, the young boss of Zhonghua, exclaimed subconsciously, unable to understand Shitou Luren's situation.

Break the monkey's body with a stone?

No! It should be said that stones were used to break the body of the hairless "mother monkey" who was suspected to be Monkey King?

Isn't Monkey King supposed to be immortal?

Why is Shi Luren the only one?

The magic of Wuzhi Mountain lies only in the piece of Buddha sticker. The stone itself has no power. You can see it by watching Tang Monk chanting the mantra. The Buddha sticker flew away, and I don’t know where it went. Wuzhishan was directly overturned by Monkey King.

In this case, why did Shitou Luren do this?

The monkey can't be killed by cutting the immortal platform, the thunder can't be extinguished, and the furnace can't be killed!

From the point of view of Journey to the West, if the monkey can't be killed, how can there be such a thing as pushing him down the mountain and locking him up?

Even from the perspective of the conspiracy theory of Journey to the West, monkeys are still immortals!King Kong is not bad, nor is it fake!This Wuzhishan stone... hiss... seems to be really possible?

It's all conspiracy theories. The Buddha's hands are a little weird, but it's normal, right?I just don’t know what the old Buddha used to do with his hands. Why is it so smooth when breaking the body?

As a result, Shitou Luren and this gliding female monkey have maintained such a posture in Wuzhi Mountain for decades.

"I don't care! It's not my fault anyway! I didn't do it on purpose!" Shitou Luren denied, thinking he wanted to?

Even if this is a female monkey, even if it may be similar to a human, but he is not willing to use this posture!

"That's right! How can we blame us for this kind of thing?" Zimu He Luren agreed. He could fully understand Shitou Luren's thoughts. They didn't want this kind of thing either!

If you really want to talk about it, in his world, the scripture learning group also asked for their own drinking water!Really, after so many years away from home, I didn't have any anti-virus awareness, and I was lucky not to be eaten by goblins!

Besides Shitou Luren's side, it can't be blamed on someone Lu Ren...

If you really want to blame...just blame the Buddha!You said that the stone turned into by the old man's hand, why is it so brittle?Why not make him stronger?

Or... blame the monkey! If you hadn't wriggled and tried to break free from the shackles of the Buddha, he and someone would be so easy to crack?

If the Monkey's skills were higher and King Kong was stronger, would it be broken so easily?

He's just an innocent rock!What threat can there be?

"Let's see if the monkeys in their respective worlds will listen to your explanations!" Yue Luren rolled his eyes. In the dark space, the other Lurens did the same. Will he take the blame? He said it himself. It doesn't count.


There was a twinge of pity in Yue Luren's eyes, looking at Shitou Luren and mother-in-law He Luren, this is Journey to the West!

Even if it's just a pure Journey to the West, it can still bring about an improvement, but the mother-in-law He Luren and Shitou Luren are weak chickens now, and it is very likely that there will be no future...

If the two of them transmigrated into Zhu Bajie or even just Monk Sha, their small group would also earn blood!

Or, the two boys dressed as Laojun, or the green scorpion, maybe they can eat some pills.

No matter how bad it is, there are so many monsters on the Journey to the West, it would be better to travel to anyone than the current situation!Even if he transmigrated into the Bone Demon, he would still be able to provide some strength to Lu Ren and others. Why did this happen now?

"The stars in the sky, the gods in the heavens, and the myriad monsters in the world, how did you two dress up like this?"

Yue Luren looked at the two with complicated eyes, and the other Luren were also a little bit unwilling.

"If we become immortals and gods through time travel, maybe we will become immortals and gods now..."

"Becoming a god? What's the use of becoming a god? What's the use of becoming a god if you can't change your destiny?"

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