For her, such a husband is naturally better than before, what's more, the senior brother seems not as blunt as before, and the boudoir fun is far better than before.

Lu Ren showed a gentle smile, and held Ning Zhongze's hand, signaling that nothing happened.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to have a good attitude towards Shorty Yu, so he deserves it?

Lu Ren had long planned to make his reputation as a gentleman's sword worthy of the name, and the incident with the Fuwei Escort Bureau was also the beginning of his change in this world of pride.

At this time, there was a book on his chest, which was a reprint of "Swordsman" in the language of this era.

And after thinking about it again and again, the retro version of "Zixia Magic Art" specially prepared for Lao Denuo, or Zuo Lengchan behind Lao Denuo's back, was not brought out after all. …

He asked Lao Denuo to go to the Qingcheng School not only to restore the original track and try not to show his abnormality before the plan was launched, but also to give Zuo Lengchan a gift.

Originally, he wanted to give the "Sunflower Treasure", but considering his current strength, he later decided to give a retro version of "Zixia Magic Art".

But in the end, the idea was abandoned.

too early!

The original anomaly must not be revealed from his side, from the traitor Laudno, otherwise he would hardly avoid the risk of exposure.

Therefore, he revised the plan, preparing to let the first anomaly appear in Fuzhou City, the Fuwei Escort Bureau, and save Lin Pingzhi, who is of good character.

And this, just wait until Lao Denuo sent back from Qingcheng, Lu Ren will have an excuse to disperse the Huashan people, and at the same time, secretly go to Fuzhou.

However, before that, he still needs to teach his very important apprentice.

His face darkened, Lu Ren winked at his junior sister's wife, and Ning Zhong took his daughter and many disciples out with understanding.

In the room, only Linghu Chong, who was beaten with a board and crawling on the bed, and Lu Ren were left.

"Master..." Linghu Chong called out loudly. He respected and feared Lu Ren who was like a master like a father.

Even after being beaten fifty times with black buttocks, he didn't complain at all.

Lu Ren naturally knew Linghu Chong's obedience.

When his memory did not wake up, although it was not a success to teach Linghu Chong, it was definitely not a failure.

Respect the teacher and respect the way. You may not be able to do the best in the way, but you must do it well and respect the teacher.

Of course, according to the original trajectory, Linghu Chong was an important reason for Yue Buqun's miserable failure, and even the person who caused Yue Buqun's death.

But firstly, Lu Ren is not the pure Yue Buqun, and secondly, this did not happen after all.

Before Yue Buqun did something bad, he was not considered a bad person, and similarly, before Linghu Chong broke out with him, there was no black spot.

What's more, he brought up Linghu Chong with his own hands, so he naturally didn't want to let the two of them become hostile like in the original book.

He, Lu Ren, wasn't that idiot Xiongba, how could he personally push his apprentice to the opposite side?

Therefore, it is necessary to give Linghu a good wash, bah!It was to correct Linghu Chong's naive notions.

Holding his beard, Lu Ren asked kindly: "Chong'er, do you know why I want to teach you a lesson?"

"I acted indiscriminately. I offended the Qingcheng faction, which is also upright, and hurt the harmony of the two factions." Linghu Chong answered with an expression of resentment on his face, and answered the answer he expected that Lu Ren would be satisfied with.

"Stupid!" Lu Ren scolded mercilessly.

At this time, the spies of the Huashan faction had already left Huashan, and Ningzhong took the others far away, so he didn't have to worry about exposing something about himself when he woke up Linghu Chong.

"This... Yu Guanzhu is extremely powerful, this disciple shouldn't offend Huashan by offending him." Linghu Chong guessed again.

"Short Yu can't be considered strong, and even if he is strong, will your mistress and I still be afraid of him?"

The previous Lu Ren would not be afraid, and now Lu Ren, who is only half a step away from Xiantian, will not be afraid.

"The Qingcheng faction may not be regarded as decent. They act domineeringly in Sichuan and Sichuan. Although they have the name of decent, they may not be up to the mark." Lu Ren continued, not paying attention to Linghu Chong who was already stunned.

"What's more, how can there be harmony between the two factions? You will go to pick trouble because of your name, and your younger brother will applaud secretly because you kicked Yu Renying and Yu Renxiong, thinking that you have raised Huashan's prestige, Qingqing The people from the city faction never wanted to use you to make a name for themselves, and to embarrass him as a dwarf Yu."


Chapter 21 Lu Ren Trainee


Lu Ren's words undoubtedly broke the image of a strict teacher in Linghu Chong's heart before. Is this what his gentleman sword master can say?

Could it be that it was dropped by someone?

This idea suddenly appeared in Linghu Chong's mind, and then he put it behind him, thinking to himself: Linghu Chong, Linghu Chong, how could you have such an idea?

Could it be that a master whose temperament has changed is not a master anymore?

What's more, what he said before just happened to enter his heart, and he just didn't want to make false claims with the Qingcheng faction.

However, Lu Ren's next words are undoubtedly reshaping his three views.

"Don't say it's the Qingcheng sect, or the Wuyue sword sect. They say 'same Qi Lianzhi', how dirty are they, Chong'er?" Lu Ren sighed softly.

"Master... Master..."

"Chong'er! Do you know the current situation of our Huashan faction? And do you know how much effort your teacher and I have put in to maintain Huashan?"

"This... the master has worried a lot for Huashan, for his disciples, for his younger brothers and younger sisters. My disciples understand, and my disciples also know that it is not easy for master and master. It's just...the Five Sacred Sword Sects are united...Moreover, I, Huashan, are Jianghu. First-class big pie...this...master..."

The shock that Lu Ren's sudden words caused in Linghu Chong's heart can be imagined.

The Huashan School is a great school of Jianghu, and the Wuyue Sword School is of the same spirit. This is what the master and wife told him and many senior brothers in person, why now...

"Heh! Great Jianghu faction...Which great Jianghu faction will be my Huashan faction, no one can do it except me and my junior sister?" Lu Ren said here, recalling the hardships before his memory came back, he couldn't help laughing at himself. .

"Hengshan has three determinations. The Taishan School has Tianmen Daoist and his two uncles. The Hengshan School has no shortage of masters besides the headmaster Mo Da and Liu Zhengfeng. Not to mention, the Songshan School, besides Zuo Lengchan, also has The Thirteenth Taibao, a total of thirteen masters of the rivers and lakes."

In the entire Five Sacred Sword Sect, regardless of the Huashan Sword Sect, Huashan is undoubtedly the weakest at the master level.

"Master..." Linghu Chong's voice was as low as a mosquito, "It's the disciple who embarrassed the master."

If he was stronger, how could his master have such an idea?

"This has nothing to do with you!" Lu Ren said with a wave of his hand. Although Linghu Chong was not up to snuff, it was also because of his character. Martial arts are still good among the younger generation.

What's more, the root cause of Huashan School's decline is the failure of the previous generation, and it is impossible for him to blame the next generation.

"Chong'er, I know that you think that the Five Sacred Sword Sect is united, and it doesn't matter if they are stronger."

"Master..." Linghu Chong didn't know what to say. It was indeed not that different from what he thought in his heart. He hadn't had much contact with other members of the Five Sacred Sword Sect. It was just that his master and wife taught them this way, so Linghu Chong was naturally like that. After thinking about it, before there was a conflict, he would naturally follow the teachings he had received since he was a child for the members of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

Treat the disciples of other schools as your own brothers and sisters, and the seniors of other schools as your own teachers and uncles.

This point, Lu Ren also understood, it was not Linghu Chong's fault, but himself who had not awakened his memory.

It can only be said that both Yue Buqun and the former Lu Ren have done too much in order to strengthen Huashan Mountain and establish the character of Gentleman Sword, fooling everyone around them. …

The person is set too much, making his apprentices naive to a bit stupid. At the same time, it also makes the people around him unacceptable if he violates the person in the future.

It is naturally impossible for Lu Ren to ignore this question now, he wants to break Linghu Chong's innocence with his own hands.

"Your thinking is a little naive, but it's not your fault, but Master's fault." Lu Ren's voice suddenly sank, "Master and Mistress protected you too well, making it impossible for you to accept this complicated world for a while."

"This..." Linghu Chong felt that his head was about to explode, and his three views from childhood seemed to be shattered. What did the master's words mean?

"Master understands your feelings. The former master was like you, and was protected by the elders of the master." Lu Ren stretched out his hand, touched Linghu Chong's head, looked at the son-in-law who was raised by him, and said, "It's just a big fight." Change, so that all the seniors in the master's sect will be wiped out, leaving only the master's wife and a few master's brothers."

"Then, the master's brothers and sisters encountered accidents one after another. Only the master and his wife survived. The burden of the Huashan School also fell on me. The master was innocent, but he had a burden on his body. In order to fulfill the last wish of the brothers, in order to To live up to the expectations of the elders, the master had to cheer up and become what he is today."

"Over the years, although the master's martial arts have been first-class, they are not top-notch. What's more, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Let alone revitalizing Huashan, even if it is to preserve Huashan today, it will take great effort and compromise."

"Is my Huashan situation so difficult?" Linghu Chong couldn't believe it for a while, and an unspeakable emotion surged in his heart.

Unbelievable, sad, guilty...

Lu Ren patted Linghu Chong's head, "Not to mention anything else, Chong'er, do you know that among the Wuyue sword sect, the Songshan sect is determined to kill Huashan? Zuo Lengchan of the Songshan sect has been planning the merger of the Wuyue sword sect."

"How come..." Linghu Chong's eyes widened, "Why have you never..."

"My Huashan faction has spies. The spies from the Songshan faction, in order to preserve Huashan and avoid abusing others, even if I know, I still have to accept this second apprentice." Lu Ren showed bitterness on his face, and there seemed to be anger in his eyes.

The main reason for accepting Lao Denuo is of course to mislead Zuo Lengchan, but the purpose now is to reshape Linghu Chong's three views, not to let Linghu Chong collapse, but not to let him see such deep conspiracy when.

"Second junior brother actually..." Linghu Chong's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, Lao Denuo was an art investment teacher, he was older than his master and his wife, although he was called a junior brother, he usually treated Huashan very well, he was considered half an elder.

Now, he was told that he was a spy, so he naturally didn't want to believe it, but this was what his master said, and he knew it must be true. After a while, I was afraid that this good old man in Huashan was a spy, but the younger brothers and younger sisters didn't know it at all, and they were unprepared. How dangerous is this?

"Master, brothers and sisters..."

"Of course he won't do anything to you. Zuo Lengchan needs him to do more important things. Even Shan'er is safe, and I've been secretly watching him." Lu Ren said, "Songshan Thirteen Emperors, plus Go to Zuo Lengchan, Huashan is powerless to resist, I am not afraid of Zuo Lengchan, but you children, and the last wish of my elders, even though I feel humiliated in my heart, I have to tolerate this spy."...

"I'm punishing you this time, not because of the Qingcheng faction, nor Yu Xiaozi. No matter what, I can always protect the safety of your brothers and sisters. It's just... Chong'er, you should grow up!"

"I'm punishing you for my teacher because you acted indiscriminately, acted impulsively, and acted on a moment of righteousness, but didn't think carefully."

"You kicked those two from the Qingcheng faction, but have you ever thought that there are other people from the Qingcheng faction around you? You are skilled in martial arts, and you are not afraid of the disciples of the Qingcheng faction, but what about the six monkeys who were by your side at that time? What about your safety?"

"And, no matter what, you were the one who started the attack. You are my disciple of Huashan. If other people find out about this sneak attack, will the reputation of Huashan sect be ruined? How will your juniors and sisters walk in the rivers and lakes in the future? "

"Chong'er, I know that you are very carefree and at ease, but as a major disciple of Huashan, when doing things outside, you always have to think about the Huashan School and your brothers and sisters."

"Master... the apprentice is not filial!" Linghu Chong was moved for a moment, he felt that he was too ignorant in the past.

Seeing that the effect was almost achieved, Lu Ren didn't continue talking. He didn't expect Linghu Chong to repent, but he planted a seed of change and educated him later.

Lu Ren straightened his face and said, "Chong'er, today's matter is because the teacher hopes that you can take on the responsibility of this senior brother, so I tell you. What I said, don't tell anyone, even you. Mistress."

"Master, don't worry! Chong'er will definitely not make Master's wife worry! What happened today, Chong'er swears to God, I won't tell even if I'm killed!"

Hearing this, Lu Ren's expression was normal. Linghu Chong's words can still be believed. After all, he promised to keep Feng Qingyang a secret in the original book, but even if he was misunderstood by his master, Yue Buqun, and learned the evil sword technique, he still did not use it. Tell me about Dugu Nine Swords.

"You recover from your injuries first, and then go to attend the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference held by your Master Uncle Liu of the Hengshan School. I will not meet with Lao Denuo for the time being. I am afraid that you will be young and energetic, and you will not be able to suppress your anger and show your flaws."


Chapter 22 Arrangements


Huashan, Huashan faction, Zhengqi hall, Lao Denuo has returned from Qingcheng faction, at this moment, he is reporting to Lu Ren what he found in Qingcheng faction.

At this time, Lao Denuo was practicing a strange sword technique, which was not advanced, and even full of flaws. If it was a different situation, it would definitely be regarded as a quack style, and there was nothing worth noting.

However, it is different at this time. This is the sword technique that Lao Denuo saw from the Qingcheng sect, and all the disciples of Qingcheng are practicing—the evil sword technique.

Lu Ren recognized it at a glance, because not only the Qingcheng faction was coveting the evil sword technique, the former Lu Ren, or... the original Yue Buqun was also thinking about this thing.

Of course, it is impossible now.

"This is the evil sword technique, the ancestral sword technique of Fuwei Escort Bureau."

"Father, why is the whole Qingcheng sect practicing other people's swordsmanship?" daughter Yue Lingshan asked curiously from the side.

The corner of Lu Ren's mouth twitched: "This involves a past event. Chang Qingzi, the founder of the Qingcheng School, was defeated by Lin Yuantu, the founder of the Fuwei Escort, and finally died in depression."

"Nowadays, Lin Zhennan, the head of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, is the grandson of Lin Yuantu. He travels around the rivers and lakes, mostly relying on money to open his way. People in the green forest give him face, but his martial arts are mediocre."

"That is to say, the Qingcheng faction wants to learn from the King of Yue and try their best to take revenge? But, since it is for revenge, why did it take so long to go?"

Hearing Yue Lingshan's innocent words, Lu Ren couldn't help but smile, and patted his daughter's head: "It's hard for me to explain the reason, think for yourself."

Like her apprentice, her own daughter is too well protected, her actions are naive, and her thoughts are naive.

Although, it is right to protect your daughter, but there must be a degree, at least, you can't just come to a guy with a good face, and just a few sweet words can fool you away.

Lu Ren has decided that in the next few days, while completing the layout, he will also let his daughter and apprentice complete their growth.

In any case, as in the original book, it is much better to experience great changes and "grow up" suddenly.

"Lingshan, would you like to go to Fuzhou City to see the excitement?" Lu Ren thought for a moment, then said to Yue Lingshan.

"Father, do you mean that the Qingcheng faction will find trouble with the Fuwei Escort in the near future? That's right, otherwise they wouldn't be practicing this weird evil sword technique recently."

"Since that's the case, of course I want to go and watch the excitement." At this time, Yue Lingshan was full of interest, thinking that the Qingcheng faction wanted revenge, but she didn't know how cruel their methods would be.

"In that case, you can go with your second senior brother. After watching the excitement, go to Hengshan City to participate in the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference of your Hengshan Sect Uncle Liu. Your senior brother has already taken the first step, and the rest of the senior brothers are also leaving. Don't miss it when the time comes. time."

"Thank you dad! Shan'er will definitely arrive in time." Yue Lingshan's expression brightened, she thanked her when she arrived, and went to pack her luggage.

And Lao Denuo, who was on the side, also made a promise, and also left, and all the disciples also left. In Zhengqi Hall, only Ning Zhongze and Lu Ren were there.

"Brother, isn't it good to let Shan'er and De Nuo go?" Ning Zhong asked hesitantly.

She has always had her own opinions, but the role of a wife prevents her from going against Lu Ren's decision, but will discuss it behind her back. …

Lu Ren understood what she meant, it wasn't because he knew Lao Denuo's identity as a spy, but simply worried about his daughter's safety.

After all, as a parent, how can you not know your child's grades?Yue Lingshan is not good at martial arts, she also understands.

As for Lu Ren, it was intentional. In order not to deviate from the track of the original book for the time being, he can relax a little when he completes his plan in Fuzhou City.

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