Ender couldn't hold on any longer and fell into a coma, his eyes sank into his eye sockets, and his body's muscles and bones shrank significantly.

A 1.9-meter tall man ends up being a 1.1-meter dwarf.

There is no blood flowing out of the body, and the skin is wrinkled, like a centenarian.

"Keep going!"

Zewen brought Ander into his arms, and supported Chen Xi with his other hand.

Suddenly the eyes lit up.

The location is converted to an empty hall.

Chen Xi was stunned, seeing the logo of the foundation on the wall, and shouted in surprise: "We are back!"

"Queen Red, hurry up, Ender needs treatment."

The voice echoed in the hall, but there was no answer.

"Captain! Something seems wrong." Ze Wen said.

Chen Xi also felt a little weird, so she pulled out her pistol subconsciously and became vigilant.

"This is not the magic star base!" Chen Xi suddenly remembered when she saw something in front of her, and said solemnly: "This is the No. 0 site of the original World SCP Foundation."

Zewen said in shock: "Site 0? Does that mean that the contained object is not far from here?"

Chen Xi nodded: "Either it's an illusion, or it's a real base!"

Zewen stepped forward quickly to open a door.

It was found that the exterior was pitch black, and it was still a passage at the bottom of the cliff.

Chen Xi suddenly understood that Ander was already a reality bender. This was the "base" created by Ander and it was also the deepest memory of Ander before he came to this world.

Ander is now in a coma. Seeing that he is exhaling more air and inhaling less, he can't ask at all.

There is a steaming man-han banquet on the table in the hall, and there is an infirmary around it, with everything from medical gauze to operating tables.

But Chenxi dare not bet

"Captain! Is this food edible?" Zewen looked at the food eagerly, and a hungry croak sounded from his stomach.

Chen Xi smiled, his face changed, and he said seriously: "No!"

Zewen's hopeful face suddenly turned, and he said weakly: "Okay!"

"let's go!"

Zewen glanced at the warm base with nostalgia, then turned and left without hesitation.

Zewen also knows the rules of the foundation. When entering an unknown location, the more normal the more weird things appear, one cannot bet on it being true at any time.

At the same time, Estes has also rushed to the factory in London.

"What's going on now?" Estes asked.

"Now the Nine-Tailed Fox team is trapped in the space crack and cannot get out, and the more sophisticated electronic equipment is easier to be destroyed after entering, on the contrary, the simpler the circuit is, the less damage it will suffer. According to the information they sent out, this Below the space is a cliff." Del replied.

"How long have they been in there?"

"It's been 19 hours and 32 minutes, and the space crack is becoming more and more unstable. Originally, it could last for 30 seconds, but now it can only last for seven to 20 seconds. So you must come out within 30 minutes, otherwise the space may be broken at that time." If you close it, you won’t be able to get out.”

Estes nodded, walked to the space crack and threw an ice crystal.

The ice crystals fell cyclically and became faster and faster under the acceleration, and suddenly the ice crystals did not fall again.

"The space crack has opened again."

Estes' figure flashed into the darkness.

Chapter 136 Spicy Shredded Chicken

136 chapter

The cold air was wanton, and a pair of ice crystal armor condensed on Esdeth.

Estes was suspended in the air, frowning slightly as he looked at the materials and corpses all over the floor.

Waving the palm, white snowflakes began to fall in the dark space.

In a short while, the cliff was covered, forming a huge building from the bottom of the cliff to the space crack.

Some main supplies were also frozen on the surface by ice crystals, only revealing a hatch that could be opened.

Estes clapped his hands, satisfied with his results.

"They walked along the cliff!"

Estes looked along the cliff, and suddenly found that there was a flash of light at the other end.

"found it."

With a flash of his figure, he crossed a distance of ten miles in an instant.

The closer to the bright light, the hotter the air, and even the ice crystal armor on his body gradually melted.

Estes stopped and murmured, "Strange! Why is it getting hotter and hotter?"

until passing through a cave.

Estes immediately saw the object in front of him clearly.

A giant angel stands on the spot holding a flaming long sword pillar, holds the long sword in front of his body with both hands so that the tip of the sword is downward, and bows his head in prayer.

A gigantic figure nearly 300 meters high, with several glowing wing-like appendages extending from its shoulders, back, ankles, and waist.There are ten pairs of huge wings on its back that hang down from the sky to the ground.

The face and body are covered with bright silver armor.

The body exudes endless brilliance, majestic and noble.

But the high temperature around him made it difficult for Estes to accept.

"The gatekeeper!" Esdes lost his voice in surprise, and immediately shook his head: "How is it possible, why did the gatekeeper appear here!"

I was a little confused for a moment.

Is there a gatekeeper angel here too?

Suddenly, he found that the wings of the gatekeeper angel were somewhat illusory.

I thought about it.

Could it be a phantom?

Do you want to try it!

Estes has seen the files of scp001, so he naturally knows how powerful the gatekeeper is.

This matter is too important, once it is true, it will trigger a major action by the Foundation.

Pick up a stone and throw it far away at the gatekeeper angel.

The ice crystals wrapped on the stone melted quickly, exposing the body.

But it was not burned by the powerful high temperature, it was just cracked by the high temperature, the kinetic energy was not reduced, and the debris passed through the body of the guardian angel in an instant.

Esther breathed a sigh of relief: "It really is fake."

There is neither an entity nor a gate guarding behind it, only extremely high temperature.

Even if this is the case, it must be returned to the foundation, in case this is a symbol of angels descending into this world!

"It seems that Chen Xi and the others are no longer here!"

Estes took a deep look at the angel and turned to leave.

At this moment, Zewen suddenly felt that Ender's back was getting lighter and lighter.

Chen Xi's expression changed drastically, and she shouted, "Run."

I saw a red liquid-like substance floating out of Ander's body, wrapping around Zewen's body.

Zewen didn't hesitate either. The first moment he heard Chen Xi's words, he stepped out of the ten-meter radius, turned around and fired at the gun.

But it was too late, the bullet once again swept through the red substance and hit Zewen's body.

Penetrates into all parts of the body.

Zewen only felt more and more sleepy, and he could hardly keep his eyes open.

"Zewen, don't sleep, Zewen!"

The shouting in the ear is getting farther and farther away.

"Captain, I'm so sleepy!" Zewen murmured.

The body swayed and swayed more and more, and finally fell backwards.

"Zewen!" Chen Xi shouted.

Suddenly an ice bed appeared behind Zewen, catching Zewen who was about to fall to the ground.

Estes fell from the sky.

"Is it just the two of you?"

Chen Xi nodded and sighed: "The others are all dead, please help me take their bodies back later."

"Yes!" Estes waved his hand, and a hospital bed appeared, bringing Chen Xi, Ze Wen, and Ander, who had become a corpse, to the space crack.

"What's going on here? Why is there a vision of the gatekeeper of scp001 here?" Estes asked.

"What?" Chen Xi was taken aback: "There is an illusion of the gatekeeper?"


Chen Xi frowned, recalling what Ender said before he died: "It is possible that Ender created it when he was unconscious. The thing in his body is called the Reality Gem. It will become a reality bender, and the price is life. I didn't expect that even the gatekeeper could be created. Back then, Ender was affected by the power of the gatekeeper, broke two legs and suffered severe burns all over his body, so he guarded the gatekeeper. The doorman remembers it so deeply."

Estes suddenly stopped and stared at Zewen closely.

Chen Xi asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"Would he also create an SCP containment if he went back?"

"Probably not! Ender created it unconsciously!"

Estes asked, "Can you guarantee that?"

But looking at Zewen's gaze was full of ice, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and in just a few seconds Zewen's body was covered with a layer of frost.

Chen Xi looked at Ze Wen who was trembling subconsciously, and fell silent for a while.

He said with difficulty: "Then freeze him, don't let him wake up, and don't let him have any possibility of recalling dreams."

After saying these words, Chen Xi collapsed to the side as if her strength had been mobilized.

Esdes did not hesitate to use the ice to seal everything in Zewen.

Freeze everything from nerves to blood cells.

Theoretically speaking, Wen would have died at this moment, but as long as Wen does not thaw, Wen still has a chance of survival. Once it is thawed, Wen's body will melt like an ice cube and turn into a liquid state.

Maybe in the future there will be a way to unfreeze safely, but right now even Esdesh has no way.

Looking at the already paralyzed Chen Xi, Esdesh shook his head helplessly: "Just get used to it!"


In the endless void of the universe.

A huge meteorite suddenly exploded.

The object inside also reveals the prototype, a giant space battleship.

The red light flickered, quickly spreading from the energy system to the entire battleship.

Mechanical instruments operate automatically.

"King!" A hoarse voice sounded in the empty hall.

The figure in the center of the cab took off his helmet.

Go to the hall behind.

Looking at the countless excited people below, Malekith said lightly: "The ether particles awakened us, and now the world should be turned into darkness!"


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