Suddenly the ground cracked.

SCP106 is trapped within walls of lead-lined steel.

The brackets attached to the first lead-lined steel plate open automatically.

A second layer of steel plates is raised to wrap around the first.

Repeatedly, a total of eight layers were wrapped before stopping.

The interior bright lights automatically turn on.

Use scp106's aversion to strong light to make it quiet for a while.

The four helicopters in the sky immediately pulled the containment room and flew into the distance.

"Captain, five of us are missing."

Chen Xi nodded, but she didn't feel too much sadness. Death in the foundation is normal and she's used to it.

Falling into scp106's dimensional pocket means death.

Even if he survived, it would be the last time he saw his comrades.


Peter touched himself.

"I didn't die!"

The bursts of burning pain from the body showed that this was not a dream.

Now I am in a large hall, and the eight huge passages lead to nowhere, and the interior is extremely dark.

Black slime was everywhere on the walls, but there was a faint light coming from nowhere in the lobby, allowing Peter to barely see things clearly.

Suddenly the spider warning strikes again.

Peter turned slightly to avoid a falling drop of slime.

Others aren't so lucky, and the mucus starts breaking down the body within seconds.

The strong corrosiveness turns a person into a dark mummy.

Peter couldn't bear it and wanted to help, but he couldn't do it.

The spider silk disappears the moment it hits the mucus, and it may even break up the mucus and cause more people to be injured.

"Brother, would you like a cigarette?"

Peter looked suspiciously, and saw a soldier with a special mark on his body saying.

"No no no! I don't smoke."

"Oh! Children!" Nine-tailed fox team members lit their cigarettes and took a deep breath.

Muttered: "It's a pity!"

"What a pity?" Peter asked.

"You died like this at such a young age."

Peter pointed to the entrance of the passage and asked, "Isn't there a passage here?"

The Nine-Tailed Fox team member said with a wry smile: "It's useless, only one of the eight passages is correct, you can go out, and all the others are dead ends. Now we have to wait for a message from the headquarters!"

"Can you get in touch?"

The nine-tailed fox team members shook their heads: "Look at your luck!"

Suddenly, he handed the communicator in his hand to Peter.

Seriously said: "Take it! Be sure to take someone out."

The sudden words made the little spider a little confused.

"What... what's wrong!"

Nine-Tailed Fox team members smiled: "Remember to take people out, I might die!"

He looked at the other mummy with nostalgia.

"Brother, here I come!"

Only then did Peter discover that the backs of the nine-tailed fox players had been corroded by black mucus.

Black has spread all over the body.

Peter stayed where he was and said nothing.

But when he looked at other people who fell to the ground and groaned, his eyes gradually became firmer.

Walking quickly into a passage, the spider sensed a crazy warning.

"That's not it!"

Walking into another passage again, the spider sensed another warning.

"Not this one either!"

After so many repetitions, finally the spider sensor was not activated at the fifth entrance.


The excited little spider shouted: "The exit is here, come on!"

But there was silence behind him.

He turned around suspiciously.

There is nothing in the entire lobby, and there are no traces on the ground, as if everything was an illusion just now.

"Where are... people?"

Peter looked around and found that he was alone in the entire lobby.

"Is it a hallucination just now?"

Tried to shoot a spider silk, but hit nothing.

Suddenly the spider sensed another warning, and the hairs all over his body trembled instantly.

A gust of wind hits straight to the face!


scary old man

Item #: scp106

Object Class: keter

Special Containment Procedures: No physical contact with scp106 is to be made at any time.All physical contact requires the consent of more than two-thirds of the o5 personnel to vote.

scp106 is contained in a locked room composed of lead-lined steel.The room must be enclosed in 40 layers of identical material, with no less than 36cm of space between each layer of material.Support frames must be randomly arranged between layers.

Description: scp106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, usually with a highly decayed appearance. scp106 is not very sensitive, and will often remain motionless for several days, waiting for its prey. scp106 can also cling to any vertical surface and remain suspended indefinitely. scp106 will attempt to incapacitate its prey, then drag the disabled prey into its pocket space. scp106 seems to prefer humans in the 1025 age range as its prey.

scp106 is able to pass through solid matter, leaving a trail of caustic goo in its wake. scp106 is able to "disappear" into solid matter, entering what is supposed to be a "pocket dimension".

scp106 is then able to exit through solid matter connected to whatever solid matter it originally entered eg: "enter" the interior wall of a room, "exit" the exterior wall.Enter a wall and exit through the ceiling.

Evaluation: If the scary old man is thrown into sea water, can the sea water fill his dimensional pocket?

Chapter 129 Escape from Dimensional Pocket

Peter didn't know what was flying over, but Spider Warning wouldn't lie to himself.

Subconsciously dodge sideways!

In an instant, a group of black shadows flew by.


Peter glanced curiously, but he had no interest in continuing to investigate.

The physical injuries can no longer be sloppy, and he may stay here if he can't find an exit.

He limped into the aisle.

After a few steps, I found that I had reached the end of the passage.

A wall appeared in front of it, and black viscous objects flowed wantonly on the wall. Unlike the previous corrosive slime, it did not cause any damage to the wall.

"Dead end?"

Peter frowned, and moved slightly closer to the wall. If it was a corrosive liquid, the spider warning would definitely sense it.

But so far the spider warning has not responded.

Gritting his teeth, he reached out and touched the wall.

The palm of the hand passed through the mucus in an instant, and felt empty.


Peter let out a long breath: "Fantasy!"

Through the wall, a dazzling glare came from a distance.

The surrounding white walls can be vaguely seen.

But the black slime above the channel fell like light rain.

This is the only way to get out.

There were several black corpses crawling by the side of the passage, which had been corroded by mucus so that they could not be seen as human.

The consequences of direct contact with slime are disastrous.

Peter's clothes were corroded to his body as soon as his clothes were touched.

The passage is not too long, but the dense mucus makes it extremely difficult for normal people to get out.

He looked down at the spider silk launcher in his hand.

Still intact and undamaged.

"call out!"

The silk is stabilized on the mucus-free walls.

Holding the spider silk with both hands, he retreated with all his strength.

Looking at the dense black rain ahead, and a bright light full of hope.

Peter took a deep breath.

His eyes gradually became firmer.

The hands holding the spider silk loosened.

Strong and resilient spider silk becomes a bowstring.

Peter flew through the short tunnel in an instant, but at the same time, his body was inevitably stained with mucus.


A loud crash sounded.

Peter slammed his head against the lead-lined steel and passed out.

Alarm bells rang out in the containment room.

Chen Xi hurriedly asked: "Scp106 has breached containment?"

The experimenter shook his head: "No, the rust and corrosion have only spread to half of the rooms on the second floor, and the lighting equipment in the rest of the floors is intact."

"What was that sound just now?"

"I don't know!" The experimenter's fingers fluttered on the keyboard, leaving afterimages: "The location of the sound source has been found!"


"In room b15 on the second floor." The experimenter said: "The camera there has been destroyed, and the internal picture cannot be seen."

Chen Xi pondered for a while: "Call Esdes, and let her come to Luezhen."

Then he waved his hand: "Open the containment room and look for abnormal objects."

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