"Hahaha!" Killian laughed, "Yes, but this is just a reason to execute you on TV!"

A Chuan sneered: "I am the president of the United States, do you think all the people in the United States will let you go if you kill me? Maybe the FBI has already arrived!"

"No, no, no!" Killian shook his finger and reached out to turn on the TV: "Mr. President, they didn't even find out that the president had been changed. The only thing they knew was the current vice president, Mike."

I saw on the TV, the fake Comrade A Chuan sitting on a chair and boasting, as always, crazy to brainwash the American people.

"This...how is this possible!" A Chuan said in shock.

"This guy is an actor I found with great difficulty. His acting skills are amazing! He should be able to do it for a while. Man! Always look forward, I found a new political backer, and he will take over your position by this time tomorrow .”

"Who? Mike?"

Killian nodded with a smile: "That's right, tie him up and prepare for the live broadcast."

At this time Tony had sneaked into the vicinity, and Killian's personnel did not notice anything.

"Jarvis, locate the Extremis Virus."

High-temperature figures were immediately positioned on the screen.

The ultra-high temperature can be seen even through the hull, which is no less than a perspective effect.

Suddenly Tony's eyes widened.

The President of the United States is here!

A Chuan was forcibly tied to the roof of the boat and hung in embarrassment.

"Jarvis, send this video to Colonel Rhodes for confirmation."

"Sir, it has been sent, and he is verifying the identity of President Achuan."

After a while, Jarvis said: "The current president of the White House is a fake, this is the real president, and Colonel Rhodes is coming."

"Start the detection spider!"

Two small spider robots jumped out of the steel suit and crawled towards the cabin at an extremely fast speed.

The sharp forelimbs easily cut through the armor of the hull and successfully entered the interior.

I saw Killian sitting on the side drinking red wine, while Potts fell on an operating table, life and death unknown.


"Sir, Miss Potts is in good health."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and controlled the small spider robot to rush towards Killian.

Killian glanced at the spider robot curiously: "What is this?"

In the next second, the entire two robots instantly ejected a needle and sank into Killian's body.


....... Extremis virus sorted it out by itself.....

The first stage: gain self-healing ability, the body temperature hovers at 5003000-[-] degrees Celsius, extremely unstable.[-] degrees Celsius when self-exposure

The second stage: the self-healing ability is strengthened, and the strength is greatly enhanced.The body temperature hovered around 10003000-[-] degrees Celsius, which was relatively stable, but self-explosion still occurred at high temperatures.

The third stage: acquire the fire-breathing ability, the body temperature is 25003000-[-] degrees Celsius, which is relatively stable.

The fourth stage: the body temperature is constant at 3000 degrees Celsius, and the body flame turns red and stable.

Chapter 119 Rescue

A powerful laser cannon in the steel suit instantly melted the cabin.

However, Tony was shocked to find that Killian was fine.

Killian patted the clothes and stood up: "Oh! You punched a hole in my clothes. This is my favorite dress."

"You injected Potts with Extremis?" Tony asked.

"Yes! She fits the Extremis virus perfectly, Tony, you are not worthy of her."

"Bastard!" Tony raised his hand and shot out a laser cannon.

Killian turned slightly sideways to dodge calmly, the temperature of his body reached [-] degrees Celsius in a few seconds, his hair fell off completely, and he became a bald head.

The lava surged under the body, even Tony was shocked when he saw it.

Jarvis said, "Sir, his body temperature has reached three thousand degrees Celsius."

Iron suits are not armed against high temperatures, they will be cooked if caught.

Can't help but be careless.

The palm charged again, and laser cannons shot towards Killian.

But Killian has reached the fourth stage of the Extremis Virus, his physical strength has been greatly enhanced, and he can easily avoid the flying lasers.

Quickly approaching, grabbing Tony's arms.

The red palm began to radiate high temperature, and the steel battle suit could not withstand the high temperature, and all the circuits in the palm were burned.

"Tony, we finally meet!"

Before Killian could say a few harsh words.

The energy in Tony's chest exploded, and a powerful beam of light shot out from his chest, piercing Killian's chest in an instant.

"Should be dead!"

Killian gritted his teeth and got up, the lava surged, and the hole in his body returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Tony picked up Potts and smashed into the cabin to escape.

"Sir, we are surrounded, our energy is damaged, and we cannot fly at high speed." Jarvis reminded.

Tony looked up and found that the entire shipyard was densely packed with hot figures.

"Jarvis, let's start the house party!"

"Sir, we are expected to arrive in three minutes."

At the same time, in Tony's sea view villa, the basement door opened automatically.

In the darkness, dozens of reactor energy lights lit up.

Killian walked out of the cabin and saw that his men had surrounded Tony, and nodded with satisfaction: "Tony, do you know? When I was in Switzerland, I really thought you would come for the first 10 minutes. Hours I have been waiting for you in the cold wind on the roof."

"Oh! I probably forgot at the time, you know I'm a little busy."

Killian said with a sneer on his face: "Busy dealing with women? When I looked at the city from a distance, no one cared about me, and no one noticed me. I came up with an idea that led me to the next few years. , that is incognito.”

Tony nodded: "The Mandarin is an actor, I already knew that."

"That's right, I'm hiding behind the scenes, and no one can find me." When mentioning the Mandarin, Kilian suddenly remembered, and it was about to be broadcast live. Why hasn't the Mandarin come yet: "Where is my actor? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

The rest of the staff looked at each other, not knowing the specific situation.

"Okay! Leave him alone." Killian looked at Tony: "I know what you are waiting for, but it's useless."

Kirian turned into flames and charged towards Tony.

A wave of heat blew and reached Tony in an instant.

The moment the red palm touched Tony, the temperature dropped rapidly, and he returned to the state of an ordinary person.

"Crack" Killian's arm was bent at ninety degrees, and his bones were broken.

Tony obviously already knew who was helping him, and taunted mercilessly: "Your hands aren't that hard either!"

A cold wind blew by, covering the shipyard with a layer of frost.

The surrounding sea area instantly froze into a sheet of ice crystals.

White snowflakes are falling from the sky.

Tony shrugged: "You're stronger again!"

A beauty appeared beside Tony at some point.

With equipment such as spells and ice treasure boxes, Estes is already equivalent to a female version of Superman.

"Who are you?" Killian asked solemnly.

The cold snap and snowflakes are definitely related to this person. From his ability, this is a person who has completely restrained the potion of despair.

This kind of person cannot stay!

Estes said lightly: "You have been selected, congratulations on becoming a D-level member of the SCP Foundation."

Killian froze, this is to accept people.

"I reject!"

In the next second, the frost instantly enveloped Killian and all the other desperate patients.

However, the high temperature generated by the Extremis virus caused the ice crystals to melt continuously, but the water droplets froze again before they flowed.

The cold air gradually penetrated into Killian's body, and the flame in his heart was slowly frozen until it was completely extinguished and he became an ordinary person.

Even the high temperature of [-] degrees Celsius could not resist the cold air of Esdeth, and was frozen into a popsicle.

"When did you arrive?" Tony asked.

"I'm always behind you!"


"Then why didn't you act sooner?"

Estes said: "Of course we wait for the follow-up troops to catch up! Otherwise, how can we take over!"

"All right!"

Tony looked at Potts in his arms, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Sir, Miss Potts' body temperature has been kept at [-] degrees Celsius. According to the scan, it may no longer be a human body structure."

Tony looked at Estes and asked, "Is there a way to make Potts back?"

Estes said with a strange expression: "You know, we have a genius doctor!"


Suddenly Tony remembered something, his face froze: "Forget it, I'll find another way!"

At this time, President Achuan was also rescued by members of the foundation, but Tony has no time to pay attention to the president now, and rushed back to the base with Potts in his arms.

"Are you from the SCP Foundation?" Achuan asked.

Obviously, as a high-level national, he naturally knows the existence of the foundation.

Estes nodded.

A Chuan brushed a few hairs on his head, and said calmly: "Thank you for your rescue, and thank you for making such a great contribution to the United States."

But the sight of words has no feeling of gratitude for being saved.

But Estes also knows what American officials look like, and he has long been familiar with it.

"Mr. President, Foundation troops can't show up at will, so we can't send you back."

A Chuan nodded: "I understand, in a few days I will propose that countries increase funding from foundations."

"Who is that!" Esdes randomly pulled a team member and said, "The responsibility of protecting the president is on you, and you must send him back safely."


Send the president away under the covert protection of foundation members.

As for A Chuan, don't worry about it, he is more like a comedian than the president.

"Captain! A total of 25 potions of Extremis Virus were collected, and there were [-] D-class members, but the Mandarin was not found."

Estes nodded, picked up a desperate potion and looked at it.

He murmured: "I never thought that someone could create such a thing with a mortal body!"

1 Twenty Chapters Sadako

The TV broadcasting station was in great chaos.

"Are you idiots, you technicians? You can't get this right," growled the supervisor.

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