"Master, do we still have to move forward?"

Thanos waved his hand and said, "No! Turn around and stop going to the Milky Way. I'm afraid this is a warning!"

I feel a little lonely in my heart. With such a strong person, is the infinite gem really useful?

Chapter 116

A Foundation field agent stares warily at a man with a suitcase outside Andre's Cinema in New York.

The man was wearing a gray overcoat with a hood and was carrying a battered suitcase.

He looked back and forth in a hurry.

Anxiety and anxiety were written all over his face.

But the color of flames flashed from time to time in his eyes, which indicated that this person was somewhat unusual.

The field agent looked at the mutant classification instrument in his hand, but there was no sound.Explain that this person is not a mutant.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he raised his left hand to report: "An anomalous person was found, located in Andre's Cinema. The ability is not confirmed for the time being. It is believed that the target is abnormal, and the level is not confirmed for the time being."

"Received! Keep monitoring, containment specialists have set off."


The field agent quietly loaded his pistol, picked up a newspaper and sat aside, pretending to read it.

Suddenly, it was found that the man in the hood collided with the driver of Harpy Iron Man, the safe in his hand fell to the ground, and the contents inside were scattered all over the place.

All kinds of strangely shaped silver-white items that resemble iron pieces.

The field agents hurriedly secretly photographed what happened, and at the same time drew out their pistols to be on guard secretly.

The small computer in his hand automatically analyzed the results. The silver-white iron sheet on the ground was a new type of high-energy material, produced in Germany, and a military contraband.

Happy immediately apologized: "I'm sorry sir, I'll help you."

Crouch down to help gather materials that are scattered on the ground.

The wide palm hides a small part ignorantly.

"No! I'll do it myself!" The hooded man pushed Happy's hand away impatiently, and said cursingly, "I don't have long eyes!"

Happy's goal has been achieved, and he withdraws his palm.

But when he looked up inadvertently, he found a flash of fire on the face of the man in the hood.

The surrounding temperature began to rise sharply.

But soon disappeared again.

Happy pretended to wipe off his sweat, grabbed the items in his hand, got up and walked to the car.

What happened next was beyond his control.

But this scene was closely watched by another companion of the hooded man.

Immediately walked up to Happy, stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "What are you doing! Dude, did you come out by yourself? Shouldn't you take your girl to the movies on date night?"

Happy recognized that this was Savin, the bodyguard who followed Dr. Killian to Stark Tower to talk today.

I said to myself: Not good!

But he still smiled and replied: "That's right, I just watched a little movie called The Party's Over. But the main characters are you and your drugged girlfriend."

Savin touched his nose indifferently: "Okay! Can you return the things to me?"

Happy took out a small iron piece that he had brought with him and said, "No, this is a movie ticket."

In terms of body shape, Happy's arms are thicker than Savin's legs, but Happy is not at all cowardly in one-on-one.

"Just kidding! That's not yours." Savin grabbed Happy's right hand, ready to snatch it.

Happy only felt a strong force tightly holding his wrist, and he even lost consciousness in his palm. There was no pain, but a sense of numbness instead.

Immediately punched Savin on the head.

"Boom!" There was the sound of fist touching face.

Savin shook his head, a fiery red light flooded his face from under his neck, there was no injury, not even redness and swelling.

Laughed mockingly: "That's it?"

Happy also found something was wrong, Savin was not an ordinary person.

Harpy, who was about to draw his gun, was kicked away by Savin.

Savin walked up to Happy with a murderous expression, raised his right foot, and said with a smile, "Weak!"

Suddenly, the hooded man's whole body was flickering with red light, and his face was flushed.

A magma-like object surged in the hooded man's body, the temperature of the entire square rose sharply, and the clothes instantly turned to ashes, and the red light in the hooded man's body could be clearly seen.

The skin of the whole body was split open, and lava flowed out.

But healed up immediately, and so on.

The whole person is obviously suffering from inhuman torture.

A hoarse voice sounded: "Savin! Savin! Help me."

Savin looked back and found that the man in the hood had reached an irreversible state. He didn't care about killing Happy, so he turned and ran away immediately.

Happy also noticed the situation, and it seemed that the man was about to explode.

But it was so painful that he couldn't even move. He was only one step away from the bunker, but he couldn't get up.

Suddenly a pair of powerful hands pulled Happy behind the bunker.

The hooded man couldn't hold on any longer, and the strength in his body was getting stronger and stronger.


A huge shock wave swept across the audience, followed by extremely high temperatures.

The object close to 12 meters near the hooded man vaporized instantly.

The Foundation field operatives and Happy escaped by hiding behind cover.

But the flames still scorched the skin all over his body.

It took a moment for the blood to flow down.

The breeze blows on the wound like a knife cut.

Suddenly footsteps sounded in the square.

The field agent endured the pain and looked out.

I saw a flame-like figure walking out of the center of the explosion.

Lava is flowing all over his body, and the cracks on his body are being quickly repaired by lava.

Swaggeringly got into the car and wandered away.

The field agent couldn't hold on to his injuries any longer and collapsed to the ground.

In a moment, several armed helicopters flew in the sky.

A team of heavily armed SCP personnel descended.

"The captain seems to have left abnormally, or disappeared. At present, the square does not see the target."

The leader said: "The first team is searching for traces, the second team is looking for witnesses, the third team is rescuing the injured, and the containment experts are in charge of investigation and evaluation."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Relying on the place where the signal last disappeared, the Foundation successfully found the field agent and Happy.

But the two of them were already scorched black, and they would have been directly declared dead with the current scientific research methods. Fortunately, the foundation has a restoration device.

But if you want to repair the part burned by the flames, you must cut it off with a knife. First, repair it directly to save your life. After the rescue is completed, use the knife, which is equivalent to a thousand knives and thousands of scrapes.

The captain shook his head, sighed and said, "Send it to the rescue immediately, I just don't know if it will come or not!"

That's when the containment specialist came over.

"Captain, the abnormal temperature is extremely high, reaching [-] degrees Celsius in an instant, and the [-] meters around it are all vaporized, and the ground appears glass-like, and the surrounding area is caused by an explosion. It is speculated that the target is a Euclid level, but according to According to the previous report of the field agents, the subject is a humanoid creature, and there is more than one, I suspect that this is not an anomaly, but an experimental subject produced by scientific creation."

The captain frowned, and said coldly: "Whoever dares to attack the Foundation, no matter whether it is abnormal or not, he will not be able to escape!"

..........Experimental Records...........

Title: scp682 and scpm16 Rocky

The purpose of the experiment: to confirm the institutional hardness of the Asgardians, or to kill scp682.

Experiment Log: Bring Loki into 682's containment chamber.

scp682 showed abnormal confusion, and asked aloud: Extra meal?

Rocky said with some disdain: You let me fight dinosaurs?It's just reptiles, you're insulting me, I'm a god!

682 was the first to attack.

The battle took only a moment and Loki appeared in the mouth of 682.

But 682 couldn't bite Loki, the strong bite force only slightly drew a few bloodstains.

Loki used unknown magic to get out of the bloody mouth.

And the entire containment room is full of Loki's figure, and it is impossible to confirm which one is the real body.

scp682 attacked around in a daze, but was neutralized.

After the battle lasted for 1 hour, black scales appeared on the body of scp682, and various infrasonic and high-frequency sound waves were emitted from the mouth.

In addition, three rows of teeth have been added, for a total of 314 teeth. Each tooth carries a saw-shaped barb, which further improves the bite force.

When it bit Loki again, it instantly pierced the root of Loki's thigh.

He was finally rescued by the experimenters.

After that, Loki became extremely calm and never showed a smile again.

The experiment is over.

Evaluation from scp682: Heh!Weak god!I thought it was supreme! ...

Contribution by Moss: Moss you are screwed.

Item Number: scp-cn-6194

Object Class: keter

Project Name: Dreaming Back and Seeking Shadows


Special Containment Procedures: The target must be contained in an all-metal house of 10×10×10 cubic meters, and there must be about one to two tons of blades inside the containment room to prevent the target from breaching the containment.

Description: The target is a male in his 20s. Currently, the containment is writing novels while reading. The containment will constantly lure readers into its own . Follow the order of the anomaly, and carry out various ■■ actions. It is known that most of the victims enter ■■ to see a kind of ■■

Unknown species sprays water.The following is Dr. [DATA EXPUNGED]'s conversation with scp-cn-6194.


■■■Dr.: May I ask why you want to write novels.

scp-cn-6194: Maybe it's my hobby.

■■■Dr.: May I ask why you want to attract victims to your ■■group.

scp-cn-6194: In order to cheat a virtual item called ■■ticket and ■ticket.

■■■Dr.: How do you see the behavior of getting them to put ■■votes and ■votes on your books.

scp-cn-6194: Because of this, I can have the motivation to write books, because I like pigeons.

——The end of the interview


■■■Dr. said after the interview that it seems that we need to limit the ■■votes and ■vote voting system for the works in this containment.


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