He rushed towards the archaeologists with guns.

House yelled, "Shoot!"

However, the archaeologists only felt that Abel appeared in front of him in a flash, and the gun in his hand was broken in two.

A void filled my heart, and my body's strength gradually drained away.

Raising his hand to touch his forehead, he found blood stains.

The archaeologists with guns also understood what was discovered, and murmured: "It's so fast."

The body fell in two parts.

When Abel turned back, he found that the entire camp was empty.

The tyranny in his eyes slowly faded away.

"Running really fast."

Abel looked up and looked around, and said to himself: "Where is this? Where did the foundation take me? I finally became the captain and the team was disbanded, alas!"

Under the setting sun, a man walks into the distance with a knife.

Paris... (SCP-105 Iris)

A woman about 1.5 meters long, wearing an old-fashioned camera around her neck, took pictures while walking on the street.

Obviously a photographer.

The strange thing is every time she looks at the photo that was taken.

Photos are no longer prohibited scenes, just like a video camera that can monitor the scenes in the photos from time to time.

When the eyes look away the picture becomes forbidden again.

It is amazing!

"What a life without the Foundation!"

The woman rubbed her stomach and made up her mind that it was time to make some money.

His gaze turned to the cash truck parked on the side of the road.

Picked up the camera and took a picture.

Then hid in a corner, quietly waiting for the money to arrive.

The scene in the photo begins to change.

Two guards were clearly seen walking out of the bank carrying a silver-white metal box.

The girl smiled and reached into the picture.

A gun was snatched from the guard's hand.

A strange scene appeared at the door of the bank...

An invisible hand snatched the guard's gun, loaded it with ease, and broke the guard's arm.

Grab the metal box and fly into the sky.

Leaving a bewildered crowd standing in place.

Northern Canada.. (SCP-354 Blood Pool)

Tom is getting ready for work.

As soon as he opened the door, he found that his eyes were bright red.

The crystal-clear lake in front of the door was gone, and what appeared in front of me was a lake like blood.

The bright red lake water permeated the lake, making the ground extremely hard.

"This... what happened here?"

Tom approached the lake cautiously and took a spoonful of water.

Take a closer look.

He said in disbelief, "It's actually blood!"

Quickly picked up the phone and prepared to call the police.

Suddenly Tom was shrouded in a shadow.

Lift your head slowly.

Zhijian stared at him with a huge blood-red bat about one person's height on the branch.

Muttered: "This is not fun!"

Los Angeles, China... (SCP-657 Reports the Dead)

A white male wearing a navy blue three-button suit and bowler hat walks down the street.

Suddenly, I saw someone setting up a stall on the side of the road.

Immediately became interested.

He spoke American Chinese and said, "Hi! May I ask what you sell."

The old man who set up the stall smiled and said, "Fortune-telling."

"Oh! Can you also predict the time of death of a person?"

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile, "I've been in this industry for so many years, and you are the first one to count yourself dead."

"I'm just a little curious about how you figured it out," the white male asked.

"It's very simple, you hold out your hand."

The white male held out his right hand suspiciously.

The old man took it, studied it carefully for 5 minutes, and said, "You are a foreigner, so it is difficult to calculate!"

"Can't you figure it out?"

The old man shook his head: "It's not that I can't figure it out, but that I need to add money."

"how much is it?"

"Not much, only 5000 yuan!"

The white male was shocked: "Ah! I have no money!"

The old man's face changed: "If you don't have money, what is your fate? I have already done the calculation just now. You must give me money."

The white male shook his head in embarrassment: "I really have no money! How about I tell you when you died!"

"Hey! You're giving me my life! I don't need it!" The old man laughed and shouted: "Qiangzi, someone is causing trouble, so I won't give you money if you count your fate."

"Who is causing trouble!" A burly man nearly two meters tall came over and blocked the way.

The surrounding crowd couldn't help sighing: "This is already the 18th person who has been cheated this month."

The old man said triumphantly: "Don't you say it will count? Then you say it! When will I die!"

The white male thought about it seriously and said, "You will be crushed to death immediately!"

"I can't help my violent temper! Qiangzi beat him up for me."

The strong man nodded and was just about to act when a tile suddenly fell from the sky and hit the old man's head with precision.

The strong man panicked at the time, and hurried to save the old man: "Second Uncle! Second Uncle! Wake up!"

With his hands under his nostrils, he had stopped breathing.


The white male shook his head, ready to turn and leave.

"Stop, you are the one who killed my second uncle, don't try to run away! Wait for the police to come!"

The helpless white male couldn't beat the strong man at all, so he could only be taken back to the police station obediently.

Caribbean Sea.. (SCP-175 Treasure Map)

Gilles took a pencil drawing and studied it carefully.

A member holding an AK next to him said: "Captain, what are you studying!"

"Study our future path."

"How can there be so many things! If there is a boat coming, can't we just grab it?"

Giles slapped him and cursed: "You know what! Who are we! We are pirates! If we want to have a way out, we must study! Do you understand learning? You can't just rob!"

The pirate members covered their faces and nodded repeatedly: "Good captain! Shall we rob some books?"

"Definitely! By the way, grab a few more teachers."

"Okay! I'll arrange it now."

Gilles walked back to the drawing cursing.

I was taken aback for an instant, the drawings were changing rapidly.

A penciled nautical chart, a coordinate.

Giles compared it and found that it was not very far from here.

"Everyone is ready to go west! This time, maybe we will send it!"

Chapter 93 Blood Pool

Chapter 93 Blood Pool

"Commander, Canada received a report of a suspected SCP-354 blood pool, saying that there was a blood-red lake surrounded by various giant creatures. Germany received a report of suspected Abel, and it has been monitored in real time. The target is gradually close to the city."

Wang Yue asked, "Where are the others?"

"SCP-657's dead teacher was arrested by the Huaxia police. Currently, the Huaxia branch is negotiating with the Huaxia police. The treasure map of SCP-105 Yuanwei and SCP-175 has not yet been found."

"What? SCP-657's dead teacher was arrested by the police?" Wang Yue asked suspiciously, "What's going on?"

The Red Queen said: "SCP-657 reported the death of an old man in fortune-telling in China. He is a major suspect, but the police couldn't find any evidence related to SCP-657's death report, and even proved that he did not exist. X Gene, not a mutant, was about to be released when he met the death of a policeman and was detained again. In the end, the Huaxia Branch got the news and confirmed the identity of the target."

"How miraculous? It would be nice if other containment objects could do the same."

Wang Yue looked at the panel

Wang Yue

Containment point: 16000 points

Guard points: 54690 points

The remaining time of next containment scp-2521 "●●|●●●●|●●|●" is 229:02:03.

(New task) Temporary teleportation of SCP-173 (Little Peanut) Containment Remaining Time 15:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

SCP-076 Abel (00:00:00)


SCP-657 Reporter of the Dead (00:00:00)

SCP-175 Treasure Map (00:00:00)

SCP-354 Blood Pool (00:00:00)

Said: "For the returnees to go to Canada on a snowy night, the blood pool must be controlled, and heavy weapons are allowed to be used when necessary."

The Red Queen said: "Commander, if Canada enters a large number of troops, there may be resistance. After all, they have not participated in the foundation's plan."

"What time is it, don't bother with them, let Zhang Wen (Feng Xueye returned to Captain Fenglangshan) go and bribe the gangsters to have some fun for them, just keep them busy. Call the Pandora team to come, don't call Logan doesn't have enough authority."


A moment later, the Pandora troops had arrived.

Wang Yue said: "Your captain has come. I'm not sure if he is friendly to the Foundation. Try to ask him where the sarcophagus is. If he refuses to cooperate, then allow him to kill him."


"Remember, just use Logan as a human shield, and try not to cause too much damage."

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