"A video from the military shows a human-like object fighting terrorists, which can fly and shoot down an F22 fighter jet. This morning, the U.S. military announced that an F22 fighter jet crashed in a military exercise without personnel Casualties, the official answer is accidental injury”

Wang Yue immediately became serious, attacked the terrorists, and shot down an F22. This is not easy, it should be Tony Stark, and no one else can do it.

"Red Queen, can you spy on Tony Stark now?"

"Yes, there is also artificial intelligence where it is located, but it is very weak and has not yet formed self-awareness"

"Strictly monitor Tony Stark, don't be discovered." Wang Yue knew very well that the good times were about to end, and when Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man, a great era began.

"Okay Commander, one more thing, the umbrella sent a team to investigate the hive, and the leader is Wesker"

"Wesker" Wang Yue pondered for a moment, Wesker seems to be Alice's opponent, "just pay attention, don't let them investigate us"

At that moment, Wang Yue took out the peacekeeper and was just about to practice the gun, and she came again after becoming popular.

Wang Yue sighed helplessly.

"What's the matter with the red queen?"

"Commander, this is a document compiled based on the information sent by Ms. Esdes, and I need you to read it." An SCP team member immediately brought a tablet next to it.

Wang Yue looked at the scp team members and immediately missed Esdeth a little bit. After all, the entire base is full of special forces and there are not many women. It's good that Esdeth is seductive.

The security level of mutants in Zeers Academy for Geniuses.

(Security Level) 22 people: Logan (too many, I don't know the name)

(Dangerous) 5 people: Scott Ororo Mary (Rascal) Professor X

(World Extinction Level) 1 person: Qin Gelei

Wang Yue's saliva immediately lingered when he saw it. This is a lot of wealth!This is not counting Magneto's side, remember that Zeers Academy of Talents has a catastrophe, and then they will take them all.

"Red Empress, put Zeers Academy of Talents on surveillance, and report if you find any military personnel coming."

"Okay, Commander"

I still lack manpower, it would be great if there were more people.


It's over, my body clock is upside down and currently trying to figure it out.

One question, I kind of want to change the title of the book.I feel like the title of this book is wrong.

"On SCP Containment Measures in Marvel" or "Marvel's Containment Failure"

that good?

Chapter 9 Iron King

"Eighteen, nineteen, twenty, oh my old waist"

"Commander, your physique is not good, you have no strength after only twenty push-ups."

"No? How can a man say no, I just take a break"

Watching Lei Hu doing push-ups easily and shouting "190 eight, 190 nine, two hundred"

Wang Yue insincerely leaked an expression of envy.

Forget about training and this will be the way it is for the rest of my life. Try to find a way to get super soldier serum. Otherwise, what should I do if someone comes to assassinate me? This needs to be put on the agenda. Before there is no serum, find a way to get a set of Iron Man armor Bar.

Suddenly the door of the training room was opened and a beautiful man in white walked in.

Wang Yue's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately stepped forward and opened his arms.

"Student Xiaoai, you miss me so much, let me give you a hug."

The corners of Esdeath's mouth curled up into a charming smile and he opened his arms, "Okay, Commander, I miss you too."


Wang Yue almost fell down. He looked down at his feet and didn't know when they were frozen. The ice was at least 5 centimeters and he couldn't break free.

"Xiao Ai, calling me a commander is too outlandish, just call me boss."

Estes puffed up his chest and gave a military salute "good boss"

Wang Yue looked at Estes who was less than two meters in front of him, hey, he really can't do anything about her.

Immediately calmly said: "Well, well, I know you are very excited to see me, now help me untie it."

"Report to boss, I just competed at the Zeers Academy for Geniuses and consumed too much, and now I have nothing to do."

Wang Yue was immediately dumbfounded, "What should I do?"

"Boss, I suggest waiting for the ice to melt. If you use other tools, it will easily hurt your feet."

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me again"

"It's nothing, I just finished the battle and now I need to rest, that's all, I'll see the boss later"

"?" Wang Yue looked at her full of anger and was about to cry, the woman's mouth was deceiving.

"Red Queen, tell Leihu to bring the chainsaw"

"Commander, Leihu has just been dispatched by Esdeth"

"Going out? What are you going to do? Then just change someone over here"

"Commander, all the personnel have been sent out. Currently, there are only you and Esdeth in the base. It is not clear what to do."

Wang Yue couldn't help gritting his teeth, "You're so ruthless, wait until I come out and see how I can deal with you."

At the same time, in the restaurant opposite the coffee shop, Lei Hu chatted with other scp team members over dinner, "Why do you think the commander suddenly gave us a holiday and didn't allow us to bring communication equipment?"

"Who knows, but it's good to have a holiday to enjoy, why bother so much?"

(Esdeth is a B-level member, and the Special Forces is a C-level member)


Wang Yue's feet were numb after sitting on the ground for 4 hours, but the ice showed no sign of melting, and he was almost bored and crazy.

At this time, Estes came with a bag of things.

"Boss's entire base is deserted, this is the meal I cooked for you."

Wang Yue was instantly moved, it's better for Xiao Ai, it would be even better if he could let me go.

After sitting all afternoon, I didn't eat lunch, and now I'm starving, but Xiao Ai made a meal to compensate Wang Yue, saying that it might be worth it.

Wang Yue excitedly opened the lunch box, and the happy expression on his face stopped abruptly.

"What is this black thing?"

"My braised pork"

Wang Yue picked up a black thing, feeling that it could be contained, "You don't want to kill me, do you, the poisoning is too obvious."

Estes stretched out his small hand and gradually clenched it into a fist, "I didn't hear what you were saying just now, please say it again"

Wang Yue even heard the sound of joints, and wiped off his cold sweat, "It's nothing, it's quite to my liking."

Then, with tears in his eyes, he ate an unknown thing.

"Delicious," Wang Yue said against his will.

Estes showed a charming smile again, "Eat it all if it's delicious."

When Wang Yue was preparing to make arrangements for his funeral, the Red Queen suddenly appeared beside Esdeth, "Commander, Tony Stark was assassinated by Obaday at the villa and took away the Ark reactor. The military is rushing over there."

Wang Yue was overjoyed, he came at the right time, and immediately said seriously, "Okay, let's not play, there is an important task, let's go to Tony right away, he can't die yet"

Estes curled his lips and waved his hands, and the ice and snow covering his feet immediately shattered.

Wang Yue and Estes didn't go to Tony's villa but rushed directly to the Stark building and waited.

Sure enough, as soon as Little Pepper ran out of the building, he immediately called Tony anxiously.

"Tony, are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

"Obaday is crazy"

"I know, listen and stay away immediately"

"Obaday also made a suit of armor"

Before Xiaojiao finished speaking, he heard a change behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw the ground collapse and climb out of the ground a huge mecha, Iron Overlord.

Obaday taunted Pepper, "Where can you go, now you are useless" and then raised his arm to kill Pepper with a machine gun.

Someone watching from the shadows said to Estes, "Keep her"

It's just that Wang Yue didn't see a light point flying towards here in the sky.

Obaday was just about to shoot when he and Pepper suddenly saw an ice wall grow out of thin air, blocking all the bullets, and then

With a "bang", a figure flew in the air and hit the ice wall directly.

Tony was dizzy from the collision, and Obaday was also dumbfounded. All this was beyond his cognition.

"Jarvis, explain where this ice wall came from"

"Sir, I can't understand the source of the ice wall, but it saved Payne"

Tony didn't have time to care about other things for the time being, as long as it wasn't an enemy, he climbed over the ice wall and took Opadi to the road behind the wall without paying attention to an accelerated collision.

Opadry held up a sedan next to him and was about to throw it at Iron Man.

"Tony, I really like this suit"

"What are you doing, put it down"

Iron Man immediately used the energy beam on his chest to knock Obady into the air, caught the falling car, and just put the car on the ground.But the female driver in the car was so frightened that she didn't know what to do, and stepped on the accelerator frantically.

Iron Man immediately yelled "Calm down, lady"


Forcibly dragged Iron Man out of more than 50 meters.

As soon as he got up, Obaday jumped in front of Iron Man with a rocket jump, grabbed a passing motorcycle (it was in the movie, I don't know how the movie was arranged), and shot Iron Man directly out.

Seeing Iron Man being pressed and rubbed against the ground, Wang Yue was ready to make a move. After all, Tony was still very important. What if the two of them were fighting in the air and Tony died immediately.

"Xiao Ai, it's up to you"

Tony had just been lifted high by Obadai and was ready to meet the impact with the ground, but he found that he had waited for a long time and there was no response.

Immediately, he broke free and fired a backhand shot, hitting a small hole on the ice.

Tony couldn't help feeling a little dazed, the entire Iron Overlord was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Is this the famous Tony Stark? It doesn't look right"

Tony immediately turned his head to charge the two people who were walking.

"You guys did this?"

Wang Yue nodded, "Of course."

"Why? I don't seem to know you."

"I just need your help with some things, so you can't die yet"

Tony couldn't help hesitating, but then he thought that they saved himself and Payne "Okay, I promise"

Wang Yue pointed to Obadai, "I leave this to you, but if you don't kill now, you will never have another chance."

Tony immediately replied "I'll take care of it myself"

Wang Yue immediately turned around and left (thought, it’s really exciting to run after pretending), after all, the people from S.H.I.E.D. Sides froze together with the mecha, and was also a vegetable after being rescued.


I've decided to change the title of the book at twelve o'clock tonight.

"On SCP's Containment Measures in Marvel" "SCP's Correct Opening Posture in Marvel"

Chapter 10 I Am Iron Man

"Has Jarvis found information about those two people?"

"Sir, only one person was found, Wang Yue is a director of the Stark Group"

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