That kind of picture wearing a long skirt is rare, but fortunately, the red queen left a few photos.

"It's okay, let them change your clothes for a different number next time."

Estes sneered: "You want to see it, I don't want it!"

It wasn't embarrassing at all to see Wang Yue's Xiaosi found out, so he immediately changed the subject and asked, "Did anything be discussed at the banquet?"

"It's just a group of idle people who want to share the benefits of SCP cosmetics."

"It seems that the Osborne Group is really short of money. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to take the idea of ​​the SCP Foundation. I'm afraid Osborne also has stalkers in Congress."

Wang Yue nodded. This is a good opportunity to annex the Osborne Group, but it is useless to the foundation and completely useless, so I have no idea at all.

I just hope they don't cause trouble.

The big battle is not far away, and we must be prepared.

Wang Yue looked at the panel

Wang Yue

Containment point: 16000 points

Guard points: 44690 points

The remaining time of next containment scp-2521 "●●|●●●●|●●|●" is 440:02:03.

(New task) Temporary teleportation of SCP-173 (Little Peanut) Containment Remaining Time 252:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

SCP-173 is coming.

The Pandora team is fully B-level, and there are only 20 people in Pandora now, and there are only 80 people left before it is full. As long as 2 can be directly exchanged for Abel, and when all the contents of the Pandora team appear, the entire team will Become a real Pandora.

"System, I want to exchange for Pandora troops, all members!"

Abel is definitely an important combat power. According to the file, Abel can directly fight the Hulk hard steel, and neither of them will die anyway.

A countdown timer appeared on the task board again.

SCP-076 (239:59:59)

SCP-105 (239:59:59)

SCP-657 (239:59:59)

SCP-175 (239:59:59)

SCP-354 (239:59:59)

Wang Yue was immediately disappointed with the system. Why did he have to wait ten days? After ten days, the Women's Federation might be finished.

Sighing helplessly, he said, "Return some members of the SCP Foundation back!"


In an abandoned underground base in New York.

Loki has used the power of the Staff to control a group of soldiers and some researchers.

Loki sat quietly and waited for the instrument to be completed.

Thinking of the upcoming glory, Loki couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, and muttered: "I will prove that I am the real king."

Recalling the scene when he took over the scepter from that man.

That is an absolute king who exists in the dark. Fortunately, he only needs the Rubik's Cube, otherwise it would not be so easy to reach a deal.

The scepter in his hand shimmered.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed into a dark planet.

A person wrapped in a black robe said: "Master Chitauri can't wait any longer."

"Let them get ready, I will lead them to fight a war."

The man in black sneered: "Prepare? What do you need to prepare? For those weak earthlings, my army will easily conquer them."

Loki recalled the blue-haired woman, and said worriedly: "I hope your army is really that strong!"

The black-robed man suddenly became agitated, feeling that he had been insulted, and roared angrily, "Are you questioning us? Are you questioning the person who handed you the scepter? He gave you ancient knowledge and ideals. You are defeated."

"I am the king of a country, the absolute king of God's Domain, but I was betrayed."

"Your ambition is insignificant." The man in black walked in slowly.

With the help of the light from the scepter, Loki could also see clearly the appearance of the man in black, a man with dark skin and an extremely ugly face.

Loki leaned back disgusted.

The man in black thought that his aura was suppressing Loki, and thought to himself: Sure enough, he is useless garbage, but he is still needed now.

Continued: "Your ambition is full of childishness. Our eyes are not only on the earth, but through the Rubik's Cube to go to a wider universe."

Loki retorted: "You haven't got the Rubik's Cube yet!"

"Are you threatening me?"

Loki shook the scepter in his hand, and said solemnly: "Before I open that door, before I lead your army to conquer the earth, your promise is empty words."

The black-robed man took a deep breath, and forced himself to suppress his anger: "Go do your thing! Shenyu people. But if you fail, the Universe Rubik's Cube has not fallen into my hands, and I will find you wherever you are in the universe." .”

Loki waved his hand impatiently, and the scene returned to the abandoned base again.

His body trembled slightly, and he was threatened by a Chitauri, which was a great shame.

At this moment Barton came over and said, "We are short of a material."

"what material?"

"Metal iridium, that is a material that only comes with meteorites, it is very rare, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has it."

Loki nodded: "It's easy to solve, I'll come as soon as I go."

A moment later, Loki swaggered inside the S.H.I.E.L.D., and could fool the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s security personnel with just a simple invisibility technique.

Follow an agent straight into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base.

"Metal iridium, what is metal iridium?"

Loki looked at the researchers around him, and casually tapped his chest with the scepter.

The scientific researcher froze for a moment, his pupils turned blue.

Loki said softly: "Metal iridium." Then he stood quietly at the elevator entrance and waited for the metal iridium to be delivered to the door by himself.

The scientific researcher nodded slightly, and said to the assistant: "Give me the metal iridium, my Moto laboratory has no metal iridium."

"I'll send it off, Professor!"

"No, I just want to talk to him about something, you continue to do the experiment, I'll come back and check."

"Okay" the assistant nodded. The professor was both his superior and his teacher, so naturally he did not arouse any suspicion.

The professor picked up a piece of iridium metal and walked towards the passage.

Happened to meet Hill.

"Professor Lusnai, what are you doing with a stone?"

The professor smiled and said: "Sir, Moto's materials are not enough, I'll send him a piece."

Hill nodded, and without hesitation drew his gun to break the professor's leg.

He asked sharply, "Who sent you here! Mo Tuo was sent to another place yesterday."

Suddenly the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. was on alert.

Loki looked at the armed men running around all over the base and thought to himself: Unlucky, he can only shake his head and go back.

"SHIELD is on alert, do you know where this metal is?"

Barton thought about it carefully: "There may be another place, but it may be a bit dangerous."

"What do you want to do?" Loki decided to listen to Barton's opinion this time.

"I need a bait."

Chapter 82 Attack

"Still S.H.I.E.L.D.? I'm interested."

Barton shook his head: "S.H.I.E.L.D. will be strictly monitored once it is lost, and the materials will be transferred to other places. This time, the goal is also an organization that protects the world."


At this time, Bruce Banner was also invited to the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier.

Banner happened to meet Rogers, and asked with interest: "Are you curious about these things?"

"Well, actually, it feels a little familiar."

Natasha came over suddenly and said, "I suggest you go back! You won't be able to breathe outside for a while."

Captain America couldn't help sighing: "Is this a submarine? The technology is really advanced!"

Banner nodded and laughed at himself: "So they wanted to lock me in an airtight jar hidden deep under the water."

"No, you are now a member of the SCP Foundation, and it is also an internationally recognized organization. We are allies." Natasha spread her hands helplessly: "I invite you this time because I want you to help find something."

Banner felt relieved and continued to chat with Rogers.

The two slowly walked towards the edge of the deck, clearly seeing the surging sea water below gradually rotating, forming a huge vortex.

Suddenly the hull shook, and Banner and Rogers felt a huge climbing force appear.

The sea water below the deck is continuously discharged, revealing the huge engine hidden in the sea water.

Banner immediately understood: "It turns out to be an aerial carrier!"

Everyone returned to the ship and came to the wheelhouse.

Banner still felt a little restrained watching the agents coming and going.

Nick Fury to all agents: "Let's disappear!"

"Got it, activate the background reflection panel"

Each panel under the space carrier is specially modified. The camera on the carrier deck captures the scene above, and then projects it to the bottom of the ship to achieve the purpose of stealth.

Although it is only 90.00% transparent, it is not so easy to find from below.

Nick Fury looks at Steve Rogers.

Steve Rogers took out a handful of money in embarrassment, counted it, and handed Nick Fury ten dollars.

Nick Fury took it and walked towards Banner. The two cooperated extremely tacitly.

Banner frowned secretly, fearing that the two might have some kind of PY deal, they looked at the black head more and more strangely.

When it was over, he came to me.

Banner touched his pocket and said, "I didn't bring the ticket money with me, so I'll give it to you when I go back!"

Nick Fury was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "No tickets, it's just a small bet between me and the captain."

Banner said with some embarrassment: "Okay! Then what do I need to do?"

"No, you can do whatever you want." Nick Fury laughed.As long as Banner is here, if the World Security Council pursues it, the SCP Foundation can be held accountable.

At that time, it will be said that neither of the two institutions has found the Rubik's Cube, and their own responsibility will naturally be much smaller.If he finds the Rubik's Cube or captures Loki, then as long as he conceals Banner's presence, the credit will be his own, and it will be another opportunity to apply for funding.

"So what's going on now?" Banner asked.

"We have access to every electronic item in the world that is connected to cameras, mobile phones and computers. As long as Loki appears, we can find it immediately."

Banner shook his head: "The scope is too large, and the scope should be reduced. How many laboratories with spectrometers can you contact?"

"How much do you need?"

"All, call the laboratory and ask them to put the spectrometer on the roof and calibrate it to gamma rays. I will write an algorithm to analyze the source of gamma rays, so that the location can be narrowed down."

Suddenly an agent shouted: "Director, Loki has been found."

Nick Fury was overjoyed and asked quickly, "Where is his position?"

The agent said with a strange expression: "In front of a coffee shop in New York, he didn't intend to hide, oh! He went in."

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