Estes also knew the seriousness of the matter, gave Nick Fury a hard look, and nodded helplessly.

Nick Fury's face darkened, and he used me as a shield, but the problem was not a big deal, he was originally a black man, so he couldn't tell.

Hastily said: "It's not a big deal, it won't delay you."

Wang Yue was taken aback for a moment, desperately giving Nick Fury his eyes.

Nick Fury asked curiously: "Why are you blinking all the time?" Xiao Mian fought with me.

"It's nothing, my eyelashes are relatively long, and they are stuck in my eyes."

Estes looked suspiciously at Wang Yue: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, I've wanted to date you for a long time."


Esdeth blushed and turned around to ignore Wang Yue.

Wang Yue sweated secretly, this time he coaxed him over!

"looking for me?"

Nick Fury took out a device, put it on the table and pressed it, and then said, "What happened to Silent Hill?"

"Didn't Barton tell you everything?"

Nick Fury said seriously: "I mean the devil?"

Wang Yue said confidently: "You don't have to worry about it being contained, it will never escape with our SCP Foundation."

Nick Fury pouted, I believe in your ghosts!

"Why did Rose and Sybil forget what happened in Silent Hill?"

Wang Yue shrugged: "The human brain will automatically block the kind of memory that they cannot accept. You have to ask the doctor about this."

The corner of Nick Fury's mouth twitched, he really could make it up, fortunately my people saw it, otherwise you would have really coaxed it over.

"I want that device, please make an offer."

A breath of nouveau riche came over me, and Wang Yue's eyes lit up.

"Yes, but we rarely only have one. I want the weapon production line and sales rights of the Hammer Group."

Nick Fury was shocked immediately, you really opened your mouth, and shouted angrily: "You're thinking fart! It's just a device for amnesia, who doesn't have it!"

"We are the most advanced, otherwise why would you come here!"

"That's impossible." Nick Fury sneered: "I want so many for one, it's unrealistic, let's be realistic."

"I'm serious. This is made by the most advanced containment in our foundation. There are only 10 pieces in the entire foundation, and the materials are extinct. They are very precious." Wang Yue said seriously.

Nick Fury looked at the serious Wang Yue, and couldn't help wondering, is this thing still a scarce commodity?

"In this way, if Hammer has something to do, I can help you fight for the right to produce weapons and sell them, but if not, I don't care about you. You also have to give me two amnestics."

Wang Yue was silent for a moment: "Okay, I promise you."

Nick Fury was taken aback, and couldn't help but regret in his heart. The price of TMD was raised, and he immediately said: "I still have one condition."

"Boiled egg, don't push yourself too hard!" Wang Yue said angrily, "What else do you want to do?"

"You saved Tony, right? I want 10 rescue quotas, and in return I'll introduce you to the order from the Ministry of Defense."

"Impossible, that was saved by our highest containment, up to 3."

"it is good"

Wang Yue couldn't help being stunned for a moment, is it so happy?

Looking at the back of the black bald head gradually disappearing, Wang Yue couldn't help sighing: "It's because of the wealth!"

Estes glanced at Wang Yue: "Whether he succeeds or not, he will make money, of course I agree."

That’s right, it’s a good calculation. If Hammer is okay, SHIELD will use two amnestics for nothing. If Hammer is okay, SHIELD will not spend money. Forget it, maybe he will make money, but I definitely don’t deficit.

Nick Fury made a call immediately after going out.


"Hill, what happened to Justin Hammer recently?"

"Hammer's about to hold an expo and they say they made the Iron Suit."

Is Wang Yue going to touch Justin Hammer?impossible!Hammer is not so easy to dump.

"Hill, send someone to watch out for the Hammer Group. If something happens, get Justin Hammer under control as soon as possible."


It seems that you have to prepare in advance, and you can make a fortune in case something happens to the Hanmer Group. After all, the cost of your own troops is a bit high.

[-] Hanmer Group

"You love that bird, don't you?" Justin Hammer said to the bodyguard: "Take that bird away, take away the two pillows, and the shoes."

The bodyguard immediately snatched the bird from Ivan Vanko's hand.

Ivan Vanke looked at Hammer unhappily: "Hey, what do you want to do?"

"How do you feel? I'm very upset." Justin Hammer roared: "I'm also very upset. We signed the contract. I brought you back from Siberia to let you study the steel suit, not to let you study that kind of Remote-controlled robots, this is our contract, and you didn't do it."

Ivan Vanke lay on the sofa very casually, looking at the angry Hammer blankly, and even felt it was funny. The wisdom of mortals cannot understand the thinking of geniuses.

Hammer calmed down his anger and straightened his collar: "I'm going to participate in the World Expo, maybe I can find beautiful women."

Then he pointed to the bodyguard next to him: "These two are the bodyguards I assigned to you. They can protect you. Of course, don't mess with them. When I come back, we will talk about our contract. You must do what you promised. otherwise, you won’t be able to go back to Siberia!”

Ivan Vanke looked at the bodyguard next to him, and sneered, is this kind of thing?

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

Aretha (Demon Possessed)

Item #: SCP-M005

Object class: Keter (K ​​class is not the highest class for containment, the highest class is Thaumiel)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M005 is extremely special. It is housed in a 300-square-meter luxury apartment at the base with the adult human Aretha donor. The walls are made of 35 cm steel plates, and no less than 300 square meters must be left outside the walls. Meters of flat terrain, enough food and TV movies are provided for 3 days a day.If SCP-M005 attempts to escape, containment procedures must be compromised, and a quick response and full response, as appropriate, is required.

To avoid provoking SCP-M005, employees are prohibited from speaking with it.Any unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate with SCP-M005 are to be restrained and forcibly removed.

Since SCP-M005 is a donor demon, SCP-M005 behaves like a normal human most of the time, but when someone approaches

SCP-M005 will be bewitched by the demon in its body, trying to kill SCP-M005 desperately.

The demon sometimes snatches control of SCP-M005's body, but the demon cannot kill SCP-M005, and can only rely on other personnel to kill SCP-M005.

When the demon successfully snatched the body of SCP-M005, it entered another world (inner world) within 300 meters around it. The terrain was the same as the outside world, but it was dilapidated and there were a lot of abnormal creatures.

SCP-M005 is difficult to contain due to its unstable nature, and when the girl dies, the demon returns.

Evaluation: Is it really a demon?Still a ▇▇ creature.

Experiment 1-1

Instruct a D-Class to make a wish on the demon within SCP-M005.

D-Class Personnel: Are you really a demon?

Demon: Yes.

D-Class Personnel: Can you promise me a deal?

Devil: Sure, what do you want?

D-Class Personnel: My wish is to kill demons.


The D-class personnel were subsequently electrocuted with an electrical current loop around their necks for attempting to kill SCP-M005.

Experiment 1-2

Instruct a D-class personnel to enter the other world

D-Class disappears from the eyes of the experimenter


SCP-M005 told the experimenter that the D-class was eaten by the swarm in the other world.

end of experiment

Experiment 1-3 (pending approval)

Proposer: Dr. Mok

Objects that SCP-M005 can bring into reality after entering the other world.

Then if you bring in SCP-682, can you imprison SCP-682 permanently or kill SCP-682 mentally and completely to make it mentally handicapped.

Proposed to be shelved due to an agreement with SCP-682.

Chapter 38 Hanmer Expo

"So you asked me to come here just to watch this guy dance. It's a bit hot." Estes looked at Justin Hammer, who was twisting constantly on the stage, and said, "Don't call me next time. , I can't bear this grievance."

Wang Yue was also speechless: "I didn't expect it to be like this, but this dance is full of coquettishness!"

Justin Hammer was a little nervous. After all, he didn't make Tony's steel suit. It's really not clear whether the military can accept this kind of remote control robot, so let's do a dance to warm up the scene first.

"Welcome to the Hammer Expo, ladies and gentlemen, for a long time our country has put brave soldiers at risk, and then Iron Man came along, and we thought there would be no more casualties, but he refused to disclose the technology, which is wrong What's fair is also wrong"

Potts off the court shook his head, who is this!

"But that invention was really good and made headlines all over the world. But today is different, today I will introduce you to a brand new American soldier. Hammer's Iron Soldier."

The spotlight immediately turned to hit Justin Hammer on the back.

"Army Iron Soldiers."

With two rows of anti-machine guns on their backs, fully armed robots slowly rise from the ground accompanied by majestic music.

The audience in the audience couldn't help exclaiming that Hammer had risen.

Potts frowned, when did Hammer have this kind of technology, and the light on the robot's chest should be a small reactor.

"Navy Iron Soldiers.

Air Force Iron Soldiers.

Marine Corps Iron Soldiers. "

Justin Hammer was extremely satisfied listening to the applause and cheers of the audience. This is what I want, Tony, you lost.

"Although Tony Stark's technology is revolutionary, it still needs to send soldiers to the battlefield, and I, the Hammer Iron Soldier, don't need it. A perfect soldier who can be controlled remotely, the soldiers will not suffer any casualties. They are the darlings of the war in the new era..."

No one noticed that the iron soldier on the field raised his head quietly.

Ivan sat in front of the computer and kept fiddling with something. The light from the monitor turned Ivan's face green, making him look a bit eerie. Behind him were the two burly bodyguards, but they were all hung from the ceiling now. .

Ivan waited quietly for the prey to come up like a hunter. With Tony's conceited character, he would definitely appear. If Tony didn't come, there would be Potts in the audience.

Ivan thought of his decadent father, recalled his own childhood, and murmured: "Tony, I don't hate you, but you need to repay the debt your father owed, so you are dead."

At the World Expo, Justin Hammer enjoyed the applause of the audience in high spirits.

There were even two generals in the audience who had already started discussing the feasibility of Iron Soldiers.

"Hammer Industries reports to the United States and allies."

Justin Hammer raised his hand as a military salute, and the steel soldiers behind him also saluted the entire audience in unison.

Suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and a flame came straight to the Hanmer World Expo.

Wang Yue said to Estes: "The main show is coming."

A red steel figure landed in the center of the stage.

After a brief silence, the audience immediately stood up excitedly.

"iron Man!"

"Look, that's Iron Man!"

"Tony, I want to give you a monkey!"

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