"Ororo, are you just looking at it like this?" Scott asked.

"You don't understand, now I'm the principal of Academy X, sit down for me!"

Scott's outstretched fingers trembled slightly, but in the end he didn't refute Storm's words, and sat there alone sulking.

Storm is not in a good mood either. She dare not offend the Foundation alone if no one supports her. You must know that the current X Academy was established with the help of the Foundation. When it was established, the Foundation secretly buried a thing. What is Storm? I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing.

It was also listed as a restricted zone, and a Foundation troop was stationed there, and no one was allowed to go there. In name, it was a protection academy, but in fact, everyone knew it.

"They are all my students, and I will never allow them to leave school until they are adults." Storm firmly said, "If there is nothing to talk about, then step on my body."

"We don't want all of them. Not everyone is qualified to be a mobile task force." Jiang Shaozhong said, then turned and went for treatment, and if he persisted for a while, he might bleed to death.

Wang Yue said: "The strength of mutants is strange and powerful. You are so confident in your abilities that you have become reckless. You don't know how to communicate and don't want to communicate with humans. The governments of all countries naturally regard you as an enemy. Join us and let the governments of all countries see you. Considering your contribution to the protection of human beings, they are naturally no longer your enemies."

Scott curled his lips and said: "It's not our turn to protect human beings! Isn't the army awesome? Are we going to stop human civil wars all over the world like that playboy?"

"Of course not." Wang Yue shook his head: "The world is on the brink of destruction every day, and human civilization will perish if one is not careful. The mission of the Mobile Task Force is to solve these troubles."

Scott laughed instead: "I have never heard such remarks since I was a child..."

"You all live under the light and don't know the truth of the world." As soon as Wang Yue finished speaking, the mutants became agitated.

Every mutant who came here was more or less isolated by humans, and their childhood was not happy.

"If we were under the light, there would still be so much oppression in the world!"

Wang Yue smiled, and looked at a boy among the mutants: "Carmen Ogden, I didn't stagger!"

The boy who was called was startled, looked around and said, "You called me!"

"That's right!" Wang Yue asked, "Do you still remember where your family went?"

Carmen's eyes were full of anger and hatred, she gritted her teeth and said, "Remember, they despised me as a mutant and abandoned me."

Putting a big hand on Carmen's head and rubbing it, Colossus smiled like a mother: "This is your home, child."

"Thank you!" Carmen was a little moved. If Colossus and the others hadn't found him in time in the orphanage, he might have been beaten to death by the headmaster.

At this time, Wang Yue's figure came: "Is what you saw the truth?"

Carmen was taken aback for a moment, wondering, "What do you mean?"

The mutants also pricked up their ears, could there be something else hidden? ? ?

Kane hands Carmen a photo of a house.

"This is SCP-M417's containment, the house of the dark world. When a creature spends 24 hours in it, it will be transformed into another creature named SCP-M417-2. SCP-M417-2 likes to live in The human body creates temptations to lure more people into the house of the dark world, starting with those who are close to them."

"Why are you telling me this?" Carmen asked with a frown.

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Don't you think this building looks familiar?"

Carmen heard the words and looked at the photo carefully. She really felt as if she had seen it somewhere, but she just couldn't remember it.

"That's your new home!"

Wang Yue's words were like a thunderbolt, piercing through the locked door in Carmen's mind, and countless memory fragments appeared in his mind one by one.

"I remembered! It was indeed our new home, because I was a mutant and was often bullied. My parents decided to move to the suburbs, but I didn't go with them because I was going to school. Then they all changed and became extremely cold-blooded. My sister hates me. What happened?" Carmen panicked: "What happened? What happened? Tell me!"

"Why do they dislike me and hate me when I come back from school!"

"Because your parents and younger sister have been affected by the abnormality, they want you to live well, and they don't want you to avenge them, so they chose to make you hate them." Wang Yue said: "At that time, when we found out about their It's too late, the seeds of the House of Darkness have already parasitic in their bodies, in order not to hurt you, they chose to become D-class members to investigate the truth of the House of Darkness."

"And then? Where are they?" Carmen asked hastily.

"They were reduced to ashes together with that house." Speaking of this, Wang Yue sighed: "Thank your parents for their contributions to the foundation and the world."

Carmen collapsed in despair, and suddenly remembered something: "Then I went in too, why didn't I have anything to do?"

"The seeds of the house of the dark world need creatures to stay in the house of the dark world to grow and develop. The seed growth cycle is 24 hours. You did not meet the 24 hours. Later, when you were transferred to the orphanage, an operation was arranged to take out the house of the dark world. seed, and administered a Class-C amnestic on you."

"Really? Is everything you said true?" Carmen was trembling all over, tears streaming down his face, and he believed what Wang Yue said in his heart.

Otherwise, why did his parents change their attitude overnight? His parents loved him very much and never minded that he was a mutant. In their eyes, Carmen would always be their child.

But Carmen hated his parents all the time. This kind of truth almost made Carmen faint, and her heart was filled with guilt and remorse.

Like a puppet that lost its soul, it slumped on the ground and murmured: "Mom and Dad! I miss you! I miss you! Why don't you take me with you!"

Lies are never quick cuts, the truth is!

Colossus slapped Carmen unconscious with his palm: "He is too young to accept this kind of truth, let him sleep for a while."

Gently put Carmen aside, sighed helplessly.

What an ill-fated child.

"There are many anomalies like this in the world. Carmen is very lucky to have survived." Wang Yue said solemnly: "The foundation was established for this purpose. Are you willing to become a member of the foundation now?"

Storm suddenly asked: "Is there anyone here who is a victim of abnormality!"

"Not bad!" Wang Yue nodded.


"You don't have enough authority to know who. If you join the foundation, you will know one day."

"I'll join!"

Hearing this, everyone collectively looked back.

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