"Changed course back to America, don't go near the islands"

"Xiao Ai, you lead 50 people from the water to Tony's island, settle 682, and come back immediately after resettlement"

Estes didn't say anything, just gestured ok and left.

Wang Yue looked at the sea level and murmured, "Are you still involved?"

When Estes returned, he could already see the military warships in the distance.

Looking at the approaching warships, Wang Yue was expressionless: "Xiao Ai, let's show off your abilities."

Immediately, the sea water next to all the warships froze. The captain of the warship was still in high spirits, but suddenly the whole ship shook, and the captain suddenly fell over.

The captain roared with a dark face, "What's going on?"

A soldier came running: "Report, all around the warship is icy"

"You're farting, get out"

The captain thought he had to rely on himself, got up and went out, and saw a spectacular scene. As far as the naked eye could see, everything was covered with ice and snow, and even the waves were frozen in the air.

The captain looked at all this in disbelief, and immediately said loudly: "Report to the headquarters"

At this time, another soldier ran over: "Captain, someone is coming over the ice, and he brought a huge white ice cube with him."

Seeing an officer, Wang Yue immediately said, "I'll give you what you want from S.H.I.E.L.D. now."

The captain was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy, I am not SHIELD, but the benefits of reporting what SHIELD wants must be indispensable.

Just arrived on the ship, Nifrek's phone rang again.

"Wang Yue, what on earth do you want to do? Do you want to start a war?"

"No, I just give you what you want."

Niferek was stunned, and continued to growl: "That's the military, not S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I don't know, I thought it was your people who came to pick me up, and then I gave it to him, oh yes, I also took a video, and I will send it to you now"

Niferek looked at the phone that hung up in his hand in a daze, but a smile kept flashing in his eyes, and I knew it.

One by one...................................

Ask for a ticket.

——————————————— (scp file)——————————————

Undead Lizard (Evolution)

Item #: SCP-682

Object Class: Keter (World Extermination Class, cannot sustain containment)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible.Currently, SCP teams are unable to destroy SCP-682, other than to inflict substantial physical damage on it. SCP-682 is to be contained in a 10mx10mx10m container (enlarged due to evolutionary size), with 50cm thick reinforced acid-resistant steel lining all interior walls.The containment container is to be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is completely submerged and rendered incapable of resistance.If SCP-682 attempts to move, speak, or breach containment procedures, it must react quickly and with all its strength, as appropriate.

To avoid provoking SCP-682, employees are prohibited from speaking with it.Any unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate with SCP-682 are to be restrained and forcibly removed.

Containment and incapacitation are difficult due to SCP-682's frequent attempts to breach containment procedures.The Foundation will use its resources to ensure that no development occurs within fifty (50) kilometers of the site.

Description: SCP-682 is a large reptilian creature of unknown origin.It is 27 meters long and 15 meters high. Its snout is made of hard white material similar to bone, and its neck has black mane, which is extremely defensive. It shows extremely high intelligence. SCP-682 displays an aversion to all life, as evidenced by several interactions with it during containment. (See Addendum 682-B).

SCP-682 has always been observed to possess extremely high strength, speed, and quick reflexes, though the exact degree varies with its form. SCP-682's physical body grows and changes very rapidly, and through feeding or molting, SCP-682 is capable of increasing or decreasing in size. SCP-682 is capable of gaining energy from any substance it ingests, whether organic or inorganic.

Digestion of SCP-682 appears to be assisted by filter gills within the nostrils, which absorb useful substances from any solution, allowing it to continue to regenerate while contained in acid. SCP-682's ability to regenerate and adapt is astonishing, and SCP-682 can still move and communicate with 87% of its body destroyed or decayed.

682-B (Appendix) (Communication)

Wang Yue: 682, please answer why you hate all life forms.

682: (no verbal communication)

Wang Yue: It seems that you don't want to communicate. 682 This is no longer the previous universe. You have come to another universe. Maybe we can coexist peacefully.

682: ......Impossible.

Wang Yue: Then let's make a deal, you stop your growth and evolution, I guarantee you can get a rich material life, including TV dramas.

682:.......I don't trust you guys.

Wang Yue: We can try to cooperate initially to increase trust, and I can also guarantee that you will not fight with other contained objects.

682: .........Yes.

Wang Yue: Two cows are supplied every day. As long as you don't evolve, the food will not be interrupted. If you can't control yourself, you need to inform us in advance.

682: .........Yes.

(end of this call)

Conclusion: SCP-682 may have a great hatred for the previous universe, and gradually calmed down after discovering that it was not the previous universe. Whether scp-682 has the ability to cooperate remains to be seen.

Chapter 24 Ancient One

"Hey, after all, my seat is comfortable."

Looking at the more panels in his mind, Wang Yue felt very satisfied.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 22400 points

Guard points: 420 points

Containing scp-682 Immortal Lizard (Completed)

The next transmission time of containment scp-3035 scientific cockroach (product of evolution) is undecided.

Wang Yue was startled. The scientific cockroach, with infinite evolutionary imitation, can simulate the behavior and appearance of any dominant species in the ecosystem. For example, if the scientific cockroach sees the Hulk, it can imitate the size and strength of the Hulk. , but there is no Hulk's ability to increase strength with infinite anger, and the speed of imitation between scientific cockroaches is extremely fast. If there is a Hulk cockroach, there will be a race of Hulk cockroaches.

The most important thing is that they will not lose the original physical abilities of the cockroaches. With the reproductive ability of the cockroaches, they will be invincible at that time.

There are simply too many capable people here, and it would be a disaster for this kind of containment to come here.

Wang Yue made up his mind that as soon as scp-3035 arrives, he must be eliminated as soon as possible, and he must not be allowed to touch any creatures with great power.

At that time, I still have to rely on Estes. Wang Yue looked up at Estes, and saw her curled up on the sofa with a mobile phone, watching the drama, and said "this little brother looks good".

Wang Yue's face darkened, did she really develop into a rotten girl: "Xiao Ai, your work attitude is wrong?"

Before Wang Yue could finish his words, suddenly electric sparks flickered behind his back, drawing a circle in the air, and a bald man in a robe stepped into Wang Yue's office.

Esdesi just flashed his figure and protected Wang Yue behind him, and waved a row of ice thorns to fly towards the mysterious bald man.

As soon as the bald man stretched out his hand, a magical fan emitting orange light appeared in his hand. With just a light swipe, the ice cone that flew into the air immediately turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground. He then stretched out his hand to face Wang Yue. Pointing, and Esdeth was surprised to find that both the bald man and Wang Yue had disappeared.

Wang Yue also found that he came to another place in an instant. Although it was still his office, the folds flickering in the air let Wang Yue know that it was in the mirror space.

Looking at the bald head in front of him, Wang Yue tentatively said, "Are you the supreme mage?"

The bald man looked at him in surprise: "Yes, I am the supreme mage here——Gu Yi, it seems that you know me?"

"No, but I know the Supreme Mage, the Supreme Mage guards the safety of the dark world and prevents it from being invaded by species from other dimensions"

Gu Yi looked at him and asked coldly: "Then who are you? Why did you come?"

Wang Yue said with a smile: "It's a long story to say. My name is Wang Yue. I come from another earth. Our supreme mage was attacked by his disciples when he was fighting against the darkness. He had no choice but to give up his body, but his soul defeated him." Darkness, originally we thought that everything was safe, but found that darkness struck again, and he is the vanguard of darkness."

Wang Yue paused, looked at Gu Yi, and continued: "Soon a new supreme mage was born. She defeated the darkness that came again, but she was also seriously injured. Before she died, he founded the scp foundation to use To contain all kinds of monsters, strange phenomena, to protect human beings. After a few years, due to the nourishment and growth of darkness, people continue to fall into the darkness. Our remaining survivors can only flee to other universes in order to survive. I re-establish scp The foundation is to prevent the monsters of the dark world from disturbing the humans here."

Said Wang Yue also shed painful tears: "I hope one day, I can take the scp foundation to counterattack my world and rebuild my hometown"

Gu waved a halo around Wang Yue's body.

Wang Yue was quite frightened, is he planning to do something to me?

Gu Yi said: "Answer me, what is the name of the supreme mage in that world?"

Wang Yue said strangely: "Her name is...Gu Yi"

Gu Yi, however, looked indifferent, unable to see any expression, and continued to ask: "Why didn't she leave an inheritance, and what about the time gem?"

"I don't know if there is any inheritance left. The Time Stone was snatched by Thanos and destroyed."

Gu Yi nodded slightly, and withdrew the halo bound on Wang Yue: "I believe in you"

Wang Yue asked curiously: "What kind of magic is that?"

'Lie detection, if you lie, it will kill you the first time'

Wang Yue was afraid for a while, but fortunately he was protected by the system and was not discovered, otherwise this time it would be cold.

A magic portal appeared behind Gu Yi, he glanced at Wang Yue again, and thought: I don’t know if it’s good or bad to keep him, maybe it’s okay, after all, the future I see is just like what he said, with him, the future will be just as good. Confused, the chances will be greater.

Wang Yue heaved a sigh of relief looking at Gu Yi after leaving, and finally coaxed him over, at least he was fine for a short time.

Suddenly a burst of low temperature hit, and the frozen Wang Yue shivered.

Wang Yue looked up, and saw that the entire room was covered in ice crystals, and Esdeth was looking around for something with a murderous look on his face.

Looking at the ever-thickening ice crystals, Wang Yue hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Ai, stop quickly!"

Estes turned his head immediately, and after confirming that it was Wang Yue, his murderous aura retreated: "Where did that bald man take you?"

Wang Yue said with a serious face: "Cough, cough, that's the guardian of the earth, the supreme mage Gu Yi, don't bark," although he also felt that Esthers was right.

Estes pouted, waved his hand to remove the ice crystals in the room, ignored Wang Yue, turned and left.

Wang Yue smiled, he knew that Estes still cared about him, otherwise he wouldn't have frozen the whole room.

Asked to the red queen: "How is Jackie Chan?"

"Commander, Jackie Chan has got the Pig Charm and is fighting against Walloon's people"

Wang Yue thought to himself, if he remembered correctly, Wa Long should be the Lord's man: "Red Empress, send someone to follow Wa Long closely, and Jackie Chan will also send a team there."

"Okay, Commander"

After dealing with it, Wang Yue was like a salted fish, lying on the chair with his legs crossed, and asked lazily: "Is there any news?"

"Commander, recently the army led by General Ross is arresting a prisoner named Bruce Banner"

Wang Yue sat up fiercely, Hulk, I want it.

At this moment, General Ross said to Bronski, who was lying on the bed, wrapped like a rice dumpling: "Soldier, I will give you a chance to defeat the Hulk, would you accept it?"

Bronski, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes suddenly, revealing his desire for power.

General Ross nodded with satisfaction, he knew Bronski's choice.

Ross said coldly to the researchers beside him, "Try it on him."


I had a little trouble signing the contract and needed to change my name.

please help. "On the Containment Measures of the Foundation", "On the Containment Measures of the SCP Foundation in Meiman", "Containment Failure", "O5 Level Members", "O5 Meeting", "Technology Shelter" Well, the first two have a certain probability that they cannot be used, you can Comment for a better name.

Chapter 25 Containing the Abomination

"Commander, the military is leading men to Harlem to capture Bruce Banner"

"Oh? Have you already started to act?"

Wang Yue looked at Estes who was playing with his mobile phone: "Let's go, we have business to do."

Esdes said frantically, "Why are you so busy every day? Boss, I want to rest"

"you are dreaming"

By the time Wang Yue arrived in Harlem, the two monsters had smashed a street, the whole street was broken into disrepair, and the corpses of innocent people were everywhere beside the road.

Wang Yue shook his head and said to Estes: "Don't interfere with the battle between the two of them, save the others if they can, I'll come as soon as I go."

Estes gave him a blank look: "I thought you didn't care about the lives of ordinary people."

Wang Yue didn't reply anymore, and arrived at Dr. Lan's laboratory with a teleportation, and immediately searched for it. Sure enough, Dr. Lan had left, leaving only the wreckage on the ground.

Wang Yue looked at the purple potion beside him. If he guessed right, this is the antidote made by Dr. Lan.

Wang Yue showed a smile: "Sure enough, there are still stocks."

Immediately, he flashed back to Esdeth, just in time to see the most exciting scene.

I saw that Hulk tore a police car in half and used it as a fist glove. He only punched the hatred who was running towards him a few times, and then the hatred was knocked down on the ground. In the end, Hulk had to ride on the abomination and fight each other with fists.

However, after a few punches, Hate was unscathed.

Hate spat out a mouthful of blood indifferently and said, "That's all you have."

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