"Jarvis, prepare a smoke bomb, aim for its eyes"


Emperor Scorpion didn't expect that a little guy would dare to fight back, and suddenly he couldn't see anything. Emperor Scorpion thought he was blind, so he hid in the hole immediately, and then he felt better. He rushed out angrily to look for that little guy, but it was a pity that Tony had already taken advantage of the chaos. Running away, the angry emperor scorpion is destroying everywhere, making up his mind to use all of them as rations next time we see each other,

After Tony lifted off, the pterosaur reappeared. Tony didn't plan to run away this time. He hit the pterosaur's body with a laser cannon and immediately melted a hole. The pterosaur was enraged by the pain and flapped its wings. Accelerate immediately.

But how could it catch up with Tony's steel suit, so Tony showed everyone the extremely skillful walking the dog, but the pterosaur was extremely uncomfortable, unable to run away, unable to catch up, and finally one day The cannon hit the wing of the pterosaur, and the pterosaur couldn't fly and fell down. Tony smiled slightly: "I let you mess with me."

Then flew over and kicked the pterosaur to the territory of the emperor scorpion. The emperor scorpion was extremely depressed. Could it be that he had no food today and was about to go back to the cave, when suddenly a pterosaur fell from the sky, the emperor scorpion (!0- 0!), is it so real, it’s still a pterosaur, I’ve never eaten this thing in my life, today I can finally try something new, and I happily dragged the loveless pterosaur back to the entrance of the cave , and an unknown cry "Hey Hey Hey" came out of his mouth.

One one one one one one one one one

Please bookmark and recommend a ticket. I will try to see if I can do two updates today. I feel that it is difficult. The most annoying thing is that some people say that I am short and weak. I will fight with you.

Chapter 20 Worm Valley

On the other side, Ward and others also stepped into the island, looking at the clear sky on the island, and looking at the dark fog behind them, they were very surprised. This fog seems to be of great use.

Ward said to a team member: "Collect a little thick fog, let the plane take off, go to investigate the situation on the island, and collect a little fog from the sky by the way."

The difference from Wang Yue's side is that this side is extremely quiet. At least Ward didn't see any living things. Ward couldn't help thinking, is there no living things on this island?Impossible, this is not in line with common sense.

As soon as the Kun-type fighter took off, it circled around to check if there was any danger around it, and sent a high-altitude photo to the console by the way.

"This is the Lich King. The forest is too dense to see below. No creatures have been found so far."

Ward said: "Go collect the fog first, then inspect the whole island, and look for traces of the SCP Foundation by the way."

The pilot immediately replied: "The Lich King received"

Watching the Lich King take off, Ward felt a lot more at ease. After all, as long as he has the air supremacy, he will have everything in his hands, and then he can go to the island with confidence.

Trander, the pilot of the Demon King, was also a little curious about the island, it was so beautiful, at this time another pilot said: "Trander, don't sigh, hurry up and collect the fog, and then take a look at the island. Good view, great view”

"It's not only good, it's a fairyland. It would be great if I can live here after I retire."

The Kun-type fighter jets stopped patrolling and slowly flew into the dense fog above the island, but they didn't expect the pilot's field of vision to drop sharply as soon as they entered the fog, and the visibility was only a few meters in front of them.

On the ground, Ward was directing the team to carry weapons, when suddenly a team member ran over: "Sir, the Lich King has lost contact."

Ward immediately ran to the command room and asked sullenly, "What's going on?"

The contact said: "The last call was 3 minutes ago when the Lich King was about to enter the thick fog to collect the fog, and then the signal was lost"

At this time, the voice of the Lich King came from the console again.

"The Lich King, call the command center over"

The ground liaison officer replied immediately: "The command center received it, why did the communication of Trande was disconnected just now?"

"There is no signal after entering the fog, and this fog is a bit strange. The visibility in the fog is extremely low, but when you come out, you can see through the sun, but it doesn't matter. Now the task has been completed, and we are going to check the whole island over"

"Got it, continue with the plan over"

It turned out that it was nothing to worry about. Ward was relieved. After all, there was only one plane. If it was gone, it would be passive. This dense fog is very interesting. It can isolate signals and transmit light and sunlight, but after entering it, it is very difficult to see. Very low, it feels very similar to a sky barrier.

Just as Ward was about to turn around and leave, suddenly the Lich King's nervous cry for help came from the console again.

"We're attacked, we're attacked, damn it, attack"

Ward snatched the microphone: "Report the current situation immediately"

"There's a huge bird in the fog, we've been attacked, the wings are damaged, damn it, skydive"

Immediately afterwards, there was no echo from the microphone, and Ward immediately ran out the door, only to see a flaming Quinjet fighter jet spinning in the sky and falling to the other side of the mountain, startling countless unknown birds, and There wasn't even an open parachute, so it probably got cold with the plane.

Ward's face gradually turned black. What kind of creature is in the sky that even killed the Quin-jet fighter?This place is much more dangerous than I imagined. As for the black box of the plane, I'd better wait until I get back to get it.

"Keep going"

Ward and his party immediately entered the jungle, and the originally quiet jungle became noisy because of them. Countless palm-sized insects annoyed them.

With a "plop", a team member who was walking at the back suddenly came to the ground. Everyone turned around and raised their guns in an instant, only to see a mosquito creature the size of a basketball lying on the team member's back and sucking blood. An agent continued to blow up the mosquito with a single shot, blood was splashed everywhere, and the agent immediately checked.

"Sir, he just lost a lot of blood"

Ward said: "We don't have a blood bag, you take him first and move on"

That agent's face turned black, and I f*ck found myself a father?

Another agent came over: "Sir, there is a canyon ahead, we are at the bottom, do you want to continue?"

Ward thought for a moment and took out the photos for comparison: "Keep going"

Everyone didn't hesitate, and after a brief inspection, they entered the canyon. There were countless vines floating on the rock walls on both sides of the canyon. There was only a beam of sunlight directly above, but the sun was about to set, and the sun's rays also gradually disappeared.

Ward felt that the canyon was a little too quiet, something was wrong.

Suddenly an agent reported: "Sir, a video camera was found"

Ward was startled, the camera, is there anyone else?

Ward went over to check it immediately. It turned out that it was just an old-fashioned camera used around 1900. There were only fragments in one place and the film was gone. The only function was to prove that someone had been here around 1900.

Ward muttered: "It seems that someone has been here before us"

Suddenly there was a loud gunshot, followed by countless "squeaks" from the ground and the rock wall. As soon as Ward looked up, he saw giant bugs all over the sky constantly crawling towards the bottom of the valley.

Ward said decisively: "Retreat"

But countless worms also appeared at the intersection where they came in. The entrance was blocked and it was impossible to rush out. The disgusting death worm on the ground also began to recover, and opened its mouthparts full of fangs to bite directly at everyone. As long as he is bitten by the anesthetic solution, his physical strength will gradually disappear, and he can only become a bug's dinner.

Ward saw that he couldn't rush out, and more and more bugs surrounded the intersection, and some huge bugs also began to join the battle. With just a light pinch, an agent became two knots, and the corpse hadn't landed yet. The worms swarmed up without even dropping the bones.

I don't know who shouted "throw the grenade quickly".




Explosions continued, and Ward himself took a grenade gun to fight bugs everywhere, but throwing grenades in such a small place, his own people were also severely bombed, and basically all the agents had wounds on their bodies.

Finally, the bugs were scared away by the flames of the explosion, and the whole canyon became quiet again. Ward immediately commanded: "Take the climbing rope and climb up."

Ward said angrily: "Leave the high-explosive bomb, set the time to explode in 1 hour, I will destroy this damn place forever"

One one one one one one one one one

Please recommend tickets, everyone, I am so pitiful, I still use desktop computers from the 90s, and I have just started to use the Internet in the village.

Chapter 21 Ward's Savior

Ward looked at some weathered bones on the edge of the cliff. Obviously, they were human bones with cracks everywhere. Ward, who has rich experience in killing people, can be sure that these people were beaten to death, and the people here There are signs everywhere that a giant once lived here.

But what does this have to do with me? I have already lost so much, so I should develop insignificantly.

"Let's go, let's find a place with a wider view"


Wang Yue's side is much more comfortable than theirs, and you deserve to have the Esdes version of the humanoid air conditioner.

Wang Yue and his group were sitting around Tony, waiting for dinner. After all, they were all here, so how could they not eat some local products.

The steel suit part of Tony’s hands has been dismantled and placed on the ground, constantly blazing. Tony watched Wang Yue keep rolling the dinosaur meat above, and complained: “It’s the first time I found out that you used my steel suit to roast the dinosaur. have a thought"

"It's not impossible, or let Xiaoai turn off the buff"

When Tony thought of the ice ring buff without Esdeth, he went to the toilet, and then countless bugs ran out from below to stare at him, and some bugs might even drill into......

Immediately, I felt chills all over my body: "Forget it, I also want to taste the taste of dinosaurs."

Smelling the aroma of barbecue, Tony felt that his saliva was about to flow down. Even Estes stared intently at the barbecue in Wang Yue's hand. Wang Yue saw that it was almost roasted and immediately handed Estes a piece of the most tender, Give the scp team members around a point, then put the last piece on your own plate and eat it on your own.

Wang Yue suddenly felt a resentful gaze: "Tony, why are you raising your hand?"

Tony withdrew his hands in embarrassment: "It's okay, I feel that the blood in the arm is not smooth, I will move around"

"Aren't you waiting for me to barbecue for you?"

"It's nothing, I baked it myself is more delicious than yours"

"That's good, I know you don't take what others give you, so I didn't prepare it for you"

Tony burst into tears, I really fucking thank you.

Seeing Tony sitting alone on the side of the barbecue, arrogant and arrogant, Wang Yue turned to Estes and said, "Is it delicious?"

Estes nodded: "It would be better if I listen to beer again."

Wang Yue: "......"

Suddenly a huge explosion sounded and the entire island was disturbed, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the distant mountains.

Tony said seriously: "This special high-explosive bomb"

Wang Yue said, "Are you sure?"

Tony raised his eyebrows: "Of course, are you questioning a genius military scientist? I can make this kind of thing with my eyes closed, it's very clear"

Lei Hu said: "Commander, do you want to see who is following?"

Wang Yue smiled slightly and said, "No, I know who it is, go ahead and rest."

A King Kong the size of a mountain raised its head to look in the direction of the explosion, suddenly recalled something, and rushed there roaring.

682 also stopped eating and continued to eat and looked up at the dissipating mushroom cloud. His eyes shifted, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. "Could it be someone from the scp foundation?" You want to take me back, but I really like it here, so you guys should stay with me too."

An agent reported to Ward: "Sir, a cave has been found"

"Oh, you take a group of people to investigate the cave, and if there is nothing wrong, you can rest there tonight."


Ward immediately led people to lay various booby traps outside the entrance of the cave.

"Sir, I went 500 meters deep, but I didn't find any biological signs. Naturally formed caves, and all kinds of forks down the road."

"it is good"

Ward thought to himself that God had finally blessed him once more: "Team 1, Team 2, Team 3 are on duty for 3 hours each night, keep vigilant, and the cave also needs to send someone to stay on duty at night."

Team 1, Team 2, Team 3 replied immediately: "yes"

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Nothing happened overnight, but Ward still got up after a short sleep to look around, always feeling uneasy in this ghost place.

The sky just dawned, and suddenly the personnel of Team 3 felt the ground shake.

Immediately shouted: "Warning, there is an earthquake"

Everyone ran out of the cave immediately, only to see a chimpanzee as tall as the surrounding hills looking down at them. Ward and his party also looked at King Kong. This huge size made Ward and the others unable to have any thoughts of resistance. King Kong He casually picked up a person and put it in front of his nose. The agent thought that King Kong was going to eat him, and he was paralyzed by fright. King Kong sniffed it, and it was true that this smell destroyed his child's home. (I think this is okay, after all, the King Kong in King Kong 15 is about 100 meters high, and the King Kong in King Kong [-] is [-] meters high)

Then he clenched his fists and beat his chest with both hands. The poor agent was crushed instantly. Ward saw that something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Attack, take out all the heavy weapons!"

All the agents also realized that they were specifically looking for trouble for themselves. Although they didn't know the reason, they shot immediately without delay, but it had no effect on King Kong.

An agent aimed a bazooka directly at King Kong's head.


King Kong shook his blown head and touched it with his hand. He was even more angry when he was injured by the group of ants. He reached out and uprooted a giant tree next to him. No. dog-beating stick.

King Kong just put it on the ground and swept it, and more than a dozen agents were knocked into the air, and the bodies didn't know where they flew.

Ward's teeth are about to be gritted in anger. Although he is only his subordinate, he is also a brother in the same robe who has performed missions together: "You fucking Italy... No, where is the No. 5 missile? , pull it out and blast it for me"

Immediately, an agent turned around and took out a huge firearm and aimed it at King Kong who was wreaking havoc. The blue light on the firearm continued to light up. King Kong also noticed this strange light. Just when he was about to give him a stick, he suddenly shot A large group of laser beams exploded from the mouth, and King Kong, who was nearly 100 meters high, was blown away and hit the mountain behind him, causing a landslide, and King Kong's chest was also a bloody mess.

Wang Yue smacked his lips and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D. still has such a good thing."

Estes said: "The power is okay, but the gorilla can still resist"

Sure enough, just as Estes said, King Kong stood up again in just a moment. Suddenly, a white dead tail wrapped around King Kong's neck, and a creature with only two feet crawled out from behind King Kong. King Kong suddenly felt difficult to breathe. , grabbed the two-legged lizard and bit it up, the two-legged lizard was in pain, and with a flick of the tail wrapped around King Kong's neck, King Kong hit the mountain again.

Ward was desperate to see King Kong standing up again, but suddenly a savior joined the battle, and immediately embraced and cheered.

Tony asked: "Are you sure this two-legged lizard is not the target?"

Wang Yue said, "No, don't worry."

Wang Yue, who was looking around, suddenly met a pair of huge eyes.

Wang Yue thought to himself: the front mouth and forehead are white bones, four legs, sharp claws, and black mane between the necks, it is you.Immediately signal to the team members.

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