No, I must give this guy a good ideological and political lesson today. Even if you are really a stubborn ass, you must get back on the right path.

"Hello, student Zheng, what did you call me just now?"

Liu Qingshan couldn't hear the previous address very clearly, so he couldn't help asking.

Zheng Xiaoxiao had a straight face, with an extremely serious expression: "Don't be joking, let me ask you, why are you..."

Before she could finish asking, a person came out of the teaching building head-on, his thin figure gave off a burly feeling.

This person also found Liu Qingshan, and his big eyes immediately widened: "You brat, I've caught you, come on, follow me to the principal's office!"

"Hey Principal!"

Zheng Xiaoxiao said hello to Big Beard Xu bluntly, and then gave Liu Qingshan a hard look: You are really promising, and you have become a frequent visitor to the principal's office.

"Principal, are you looking for me again?"

As soon as Liu Qingshan saw Principal Xu, he felt a bad feeling in his heart: the bearded man will not want to arrest the strong man again, right?

Xu Dazi snorted, turned around and went back to the teaching building with his hands behind his back.

There was no other way, Liu Qingshan could only follow behind, and even waved at Zheng Xiaoxiao. In the end, Zheng Xiaoxiao waved his small fist at him.

I don't seem to have offended this girl?

Liu Qingshan was puzzled, and suddenly remembered one thing: Yes, the book fee owed to her has not been repaid. I must have wanted to ask me why I didn’t repay the money.

Touching his pocket, he didn't intend to come to the county seat at first, and there was only a few dollars in his pocket, so he could only continue to owe it.

This girl is narrow-minded, and it's not like she won't pay back the money she owes, so why is she so angry.

While cursing, Liu Qingshan followed the bearded man to the principal's office.

"Drink water and pour it yourself."

The bearded principal didn't know how to be polite at all, but Liu Qingshan knew, first poured a glass of boiled water for the principal, and then poured himself a cup.

"Xiao Shanzi, did you study by yourself at home?"

The bearded man seemed to be asking casually, but his eyes were fixed on Liu Qingshan, as if he could see through his heart.

Nodding vigorously, Liu Qingshan is not guilty at all: Well, these days, he works hard every night.

Only then did Principal Xu look away, took a sip of water and said, "During the holiday, the English teacher of the first year of high school went to the region for further training, and it will take another week to finish. You can help out the English test papers for the midterm exam."

Liu Qingshan blinked, thinking he had heard it wrong: "Principal, this is inappropriate, I am a student, how can I make my own questions to test myself?"

"It's okay, you don't have to take the midterm exam, don't you want to hurt the self-confidence of other students?"

Principal Xu asked a rhetorical question, then picked up a few books from the table, all related to English, including textbooks, teaching references and exercises, and stuffed them all into Liu Qingshan:

"Didn't you have dinner, go to my house for dinner first, and then give out the test papers."

Well, it's just a review of homework.


Just when Liu Qingshan was in No. [-] Middle School publishing papers, in the meeting room of the Bishui County Government, the county leaders, bureau committees, and heads of the communes were holding an emergency meeting.

The meeting had been going on for quite a while, and the room was billowing with smoke, especially several commune secretaries, who were also used to smoking their own cannon barrels, which really irritated the eyes.

The speech of Secretary Gao of the county party committee is also coming to an end: "Participating in the autumn fair of the Canton Fair this time is the last chance for Bishui County to export and earn foreign exchange. Last year's Spring Fair, our county actually took duck eggs!"

He slapped the table and said with a sad face: "Duck, my comrades, it's a shame, it's a shame, this year the county has only one request, and that is to have a beautiful comeback at the Autumn Fair Battle, all right, I'm done."

According to the past practice, the leader must slap his hands after speaking, but today is a bit special, everyone looked at each other, and finally chose to remain silent.

County Magistrate Wang, who was sitting next to Secretary Gao, moved the microphone over and continued the bombing:

"Comrades, this time Secretary Gao went to the area, begged grandpa to sue grandma, and issued a military order, which won the opportunity for our county to participate in the Canton Fair. Next, I will focus on five issues..."

It was already 07:30 in the evening, and the meeting was still going on. Everyone was hungry, but no one dared to complain.

Participating in the Canton Fair is a big deal for Bishui County: it is done, the faces of all present will be honored, the people of the county will benefit, and the leaders will have a bright future.

If there was no deal like last year, then they would have no shame in saying that they were cadres of Bishui County.

Most of the products exhibited at the exhibition have been discussed, and everyone's heart is even heavier: because this list of exhibitors is basically the same as last year.

For more than a year, is there any difference between this year and last year for a small county like theirs, which is developing slowly?

Secretary Gao and County Magistrate Wang were equally clear in their hearts, so they did not announce the end of the meeting for a long time.

County Magistrate Wang knocked on the microphone and said earnestly: "Comrades, if you have any other ideas, let us speak up, and we can brainstorm. As long as it is beneficial to this Canton Fair, we can do something special!"

After a few seconds of silence, Deputy Magistrate Zheng stood up: "Let me say a few words."

After getting approval, Zheng Hongqi said: "I only came to our Bishui County this year, and I didn't participate in last year's spring fair, but I just compared and found that the product catalogs of the past two years are not much different. That's why we have a heavy burden on our shoulders, comrades."

Needless to say, the key is to see if you have a solution.

Almost everyone cast their gazes over, because Zheng Hongqi lacked qualifications and prestige, so these gazes were very complicated.

There is hope and concern, and there is also disdain and contempt. This is something that cannot be helped, and Zheng Hongqi knows it well.

He sorted out the thoughts in his mind again, and continued: "The trade fair is coming soon, and we don't have time to improve the products!"

"So I think that we should put more effort into the personnel participating in the trade fair, and we should select a group of elite soldiers to go to the exhibition site and strive for breakthroughs."

Many people nodded slightly after hearing this: This is a good breakthrough, after all, it is business, and there is still a big difference between an expert and an amateur.

A qualified cadre is not necessarily a qualified businessman.

However, some people also raised objections: "Comrade Zheng Hongqi, can you be more specific about the elite soldiers and strong generals you are talking about, so that we can find out according to our plans."

These words sounded right, but in fact they had hidden secrets, if one was wrong, Zheng Hongqi would offend a lot of people.

Zheng Hongqi did not answer directly, but suddenly changed the topic: "Comrades all know that not long ago, a scammer pretended to be a Hong Kong businessman and almost cheated the hard-earned money of 10 yuan from the people in Bishui County."

Although this matter is kept secret to the outside world, those present here are at least the top leaders of the commune, so of course they are not in this range.

It's just that everyone can't figure out why Zheng Hongqi brought up this matter. After all, it is not an honorable thing for the county leaders. Aren't you exposing the leaders' scars?

"However, we finally caught the liar and brought him to justice."

"Among them was a young comrade who was proficient in English and Cantonese. He let the liar out during the conversation, which made our secretary Gao and county magistrate Wang see through the scam, and immediately took the liar down."

After going around in circles, Zheng Hongqi came to a conclusion: "So I think that such comrades can be called elite soldiers and strong generals!"

When Secretary Gao and County Magistrate Wang heard this, their eyes lit up at the same time. In their minds, a handsome young man and his pair of bright big eyes could not help appearing.

"Well, Comrade Hongqi's proposal is very reasonable. Young and promising young comrades like Liu Qingshan, who have vision and knowledge, can make an exception and be recruited into the temporary team."

Secretary Gao was already very tired, but now he regained his energy. Although he didn't have a high education, he worked step by step from the grassroots.

But the more this is the case, the more I know a truth, that is, "a thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find."

County Magistrate Wang's mood seemed to improve all of a sudden, and he even thought about joking: "Besides, Secretary Gao has already said, this Comrade Xiao Liu is a lucky general, maybe he can really help our Bishui The county is fighting a turnaround!"

Since Secretary H and the county magistrate have said so, the people below will not object unless their heads are kicked.

As for those who only heard his name but never met him, they suddenly became interested in Liu Qingshan.

Secretary Sun of the Qingshan Commune stood up and said: "Qingshan is a good kid, knowledgeable and responsible. This year, our commune was hit by a disaster and the wheat sprouted. Everyone knows this, right?"

Seeing that everyone nodded, Secretary Sun continued: "It was he who proposed the plan to develop the breeding industry along with the trend. After the county leaders revised and perfected it, it was implemented smoothly, and the losses were minimized."

"So, I fully agree with the proposals of Secretary Gao, County Magistrate Wang and Comrade Hongqi."

This is the beginning of expressing one's opinion, and everyone naturally followed suit.

Secretary Gao was obviously in a good mood: "Little Sun, Comrade Liu Qingshan belongs to your commune, so you are responsible for inviting this little Zhuge out of the mountain, haha, the meeting is adjourned!"

Liu Qingshan, who was writing the test paper with a steel plate and engraved wax paper, didn't know that he was already being missed.

Chapter 66 I'll take care of anything!

At this moment, Liu Qingshan was holding a stylus in his hand, writing English words one by one on the wax paper.

Under the wax paper, there is also a steel plate, and every stroke will make a soft creaking sound.

After the stencil is engraved, it can be printed. Stick it to the old mimeograph machine, push the roller, and print out the test papers one by one.

As for photocopiers, they are definitely high-end items in this era. Not to mention whether they can be bought, one is more than 1 yuan, who can afford it.

That's it, it's not a color copier.

A piece of wax paper is repeatedly pushed back and forth by the roller, so its service life is limited. After pushing hundreds of sheets, it will be broken.

Fortunately, there were less than [-] students in Liu Qingshan's class, so a piece of wax paper was enough to deal with it.

When he was in high school, Liu Qingshan often helped the teacher push the papers.

Xu Dazi came over to check it, and nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Shanzi, your skills are good, why don't you work as a temporary worker in the printing room of our No. 30 Middle School, how about paying you [-] yuan a month?"

Of course Liu Qingshan knew that Principal Xu was joking, so he climbed up the ladder: "Principal, you are too stingy, a young man like me with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline, how can he be so cheap?" Woolen cloth?"

The idea of ​​"four youths" has just been released for about three years, and it is time to vigorously promote it.

The bearded Xu immediately stared at his eyes: "You brat, you don't come to school every day, and you still have the face to say that you are a young man?"

The roar came from the printing room, and a few students outside the door were frightened and hurried away.

After going out to several classrooms, the students secretly breathed a sigh of relief: the bearded principal is really scary.

Zheng Xiaoxiao was furious: "This Liu Qingshan is really outrageous. He was arrested and sent to labor reform by the principal. He still doesn't reflect on himself and makes the principal angry!"

After finishing speaking, she turned to a tall and burly boy next to her and asked, "Shi Cheng, you and Liu Qingshan were classmates in junior high school. Was he like this in junior high school?"

Shi Cheng shook his head, he was also quite puzzled: Qingshan went to high school, why did he seem like a different person?

"You are classmates in junior high school, why don't you think of a way to help him, hum!"

Zheng Xiaoxiao flicked her braid, the bow took off, and turned back to the classroom.

Why are you blaming me? Who did I provoke?Shi Cheng was inexplicably aggrieved.

In the printing room, Liu Qingshan was also nodding and bowing: "Yes, yes, principal, these are my obligations. I should take the initiative to share the school's worries and serve the students."

The bearded man nodded in satisfaction: "Is there any more of the antler monkey head you sent back last time?"

"Principal, are you blatantly asking for bribes?"

Liu Qingshan tried to resist a little bit, but in the end, he was slapped on the head by the bearded man and reprimanded:

"You still have the nerve to say that I sent such a little thing last time. I took it to the district to run around to see if I can assign a few more teachers to our school. As a result, there are more wolves and less meat, and there are not enough points at all!"

Looking at Principal Xu, who was blowing his beard and staring at his eyes, Liu Qingshan suddenly felt a heat in his heart: Maybe Principal Xu has one or another small problem, but his dedication to teaching and educating people is enough to make people respect him.

This is the responsibility entrusted to them by the times, this is the characteristic of the times, and this is still an era of dedication!

Of course, in Liu Qingshan's view, it would be even more wonderful if there is something to be gained while talking about dedication.

This harvest can be on the spiritual level, just like the bearded principal, the fragrance of peaches and plums is his greatest spiritual enjoyment.

It can also be on the material level. Improving your own life and the life of your family can also bring joy.

After all, three years ago, the old man had already proposed that the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization should be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be hard.

Gradually, a smile bloomed on Liu Qingshan's face. At this moment, he thought of many things.

"Xiao Shanzi, why are you smirking, it's okay, let's go home and rest for a few days, and bring some mountain goods next time, how much will it cost, even the last time, I will count it for you."

The bearded man waved his hand and finally released Liu Qingshan.

"Principal, what is money or not, we all go to the mountains to collect it. There is no cost, so it is just for fun."

After finishing speaking, Liu Qingshan immediately felt relaxed, turned around and ran to the door, just about to pull the door, but the door was pushed open from the outside, and a janitor ran in in a panic:

"School...principal, the police are here, and they said they are looking for this classmate Liu Qingshan, so let's go with them."

The air in the printing room suddenly became tense. During this period, everyone was tense.

The bearded man's eyes flashed fiercely: "What's wrong with the police, they can't go to the school to arrest people casually, let's go, I'll go and reason with them first!"

After finishing speaking, he opened the door and went out. Seeing Liu Qingshan still following behind, he gave him a hard look: "You stay here honestly, don't worry, I will take care of anything!"

Liu Qingshan was also a little dazed at first: It seems that I didn't do anything?

He is selfless and broad-minded, so he is not afraid: "Principal, there must be some misunderstanding, I will go and talk about it, it is best to talk about it, so as not to affect other students."

When I arrived at the school gate, I saw that kind of sidecar three-wheeled motorcycle with the characteristics of the times. The driver of the motorcycle was also a comrade of the police.

But when Liu Qingshan saw Zheng Hongqi sitting inside the sidecar, he felt confident.

Seeing Xu Dabeard's violent temper, he wanted to yell at Deputy Magistrate Zheng, Liu Qingshan quickly stopped him and said something in a low voice.

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