
Boss Liu let go of the contractor's hand in disgust, got in his luxury car and left.

Next to Lao Chen, the contractor, a young migrant worker gritted his teeth: "Tou Chen, Liu Ming's construction materials are all unqualified. I heard that there have been several accidents. How can we use his?"

Old Chen glared at the young migrant worker, feeling a little helpless: "The time stipulated by the contractor is coming soon, and the funds have been deducted layer by layer. The first stage of the project has been completed and the money has not yet arrived. How can our money afford the materials for the second stage of the project?" ? Can’t you only get credit from building material dealers like Liu Ming?”

Lao Chen rubbed his eyes tiredly: "Let's rush to work tonight, and we'll go home when the project is finished a year ago! The third phase of the project, we'll quit!"



Chapter 0134 ghosts are so rich?

Beside the construction site, Qin Kun saw Boss Liu's car driving away, and a smiling child's face was waving at him from the rear window of the car.

The child's face was pale and purple, and his eyes were curved into strange arcs.

"The Laughing Ghost has left with that Boss Liu."

Qin Kun was riding on the bicycle, and said to the ghost in the wedding dress in the back seat, "Let's follow this foreman tonight first."


At 11 o'clock in the evening, Qin Kun felt that he had froze in the snow.

How could he have imagined that this group of migrant workers was really rushing to work. It was already 11 o'clock, and he had been waiting for 2 hours. The big brothers of these migrant workers still had no intention of stopping. Do you want to work so hard in a snowy day?

This is a two-story building on a demolition site. It looks like it wants to build a shopping mall. Qin Kun looks around and sees a demolition area and shantytowns around. There is really no place to escape the cold.

I'm stupid, if I knew I would have gone to the building materials boss first.

It's not far from Jiang Boxiu's house and university town. Qin Kun and Jiang Boxiu are not very familiar with it, and they don't plan to go there.

When I was wondering whether to go to the fast food restaurant near the university town, two shadows suddenly appeared in the alley.

Under the dim light, a man and a woman are helping each other in the snow.

The street lights were dim, and this alley was already quite dark. By the moonlight, a man and a woman also spotted Qin Kun.

Qin Kun was wearing a trench coat with a stand-up collar and his hair was a little long. He was leaning against a telephone pole with a cigarette in his mouth.

In general TV dramas, he has all the conditions that robbers and rapists have.

The man is a little fat, but his steps are steady. There is a strange smile on his face: "Aqin, we seem to have encountered someone who doesn't know what to do."

"If he doesn't intend to touch us, we don't need to talk to him."

After the woman saw Qin Kun in the dark alley, she didn't have the slightest fear, she put her arms around the man's arm, and the two of them passed Qin Kun in the alley.

"and many more!"

Qin Kun stopped the two of them.

Qin Kun's face was hidden in the shadows. The man didn't turn around, but turned his head 180° and smiled strangely.

"Are you calling me?"

The scorched black face, the lips and eyelids of that face have been burned off, the scalp is cracked, and bright red blood oozes out under the scorched black skin, and there is a mouthful of jagged teeth in his mouth, and his tongue licks the gums, scorched yellow His eyes stared straight at Qin Kun.

It is a ghost who has been burned to death! !

However, the male ghost found that Qin Kun did not show the expected expression of fear, but shrugged helplessly.And beside him, there was an extremely beautiful young woman in a red wedding dress.

The woman has long black hair and is wearing embroidered shoes. She is sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, her little feet are dangling, and she has a delicate smile on her delicate face: "You two brats, want to scare Qin Kun?"

Qin Kun's face emerged from the shadows, and the male ghost was shocked to find that he knew this person!


The male ghost knelt down on the ground without thinking: "Master, please forgive me! I didn't expect it to be you, I thought it was you who came out to rob at night... I didn't mean it..."

The male ghost immediately put away his dead appearance and turned into a pitiful fat chef. Qin Kun was also stunned. Isn't this the ghost chef who made pineapple pancakes that day?

I rely on... what a coincidence.

Qin Kun dismissed the idea of ​​directly accepting these two people, and said viciously: "Hurry up and take me to your house to sit. By the way, does your house have air conditioning? If not, you will die and I will tell you!!"

The chef ghost was intimidated by Qin Kun, trembling, and nodded in time: "Yes! Yes! Guru, please hurry up, and the scorpion will shine!"


In an old house facing demolition, the air conditioner was working hard. Qin Kun drank hot water and blew hot air, and finally recovered a bit.

Qin Kun looked at this place. The place is not big. The shantytowns in the southern suburbs are all of this size. There is a kitchen, a bathroom, a room and a living room. There is no yard. The alley is a street, which is shared by neighbors. Exit the aisle where the two go side by side.

"Master, this is my home. My parents died long ago, and I left a suite at home. I used to work as a chef in the coastal area. Later, the restaurant caught fire and died, so I took Aqin back to Linjiang City. I usually don't harass the neighbors. You can ask the master if you don’t believe me!”

Chef Gui's chubby face was covered with cold sweat, and he explained carefully, lest Qin Kun be in a bad mood and kill him.

Qin Kun felt an earthy smell in the room, which was very cloudy. This is indeed not a place for living people to live.

"It's amazing that you can return to Linjiang City from the coast. Didn't the Yin soldiers care about you asking for a passing order?"

Qin Kun heard from Niu Meng that there are ghost soldiers stationed in every place centered on the Town God's Temple. Although there are few, the rules of ghosts are maintained.

"No, no... Guru, do you need any order to be a ghost?"

The chef ghost asked cautiously.

"Ghosts also have ghost rules. Ghosts with crossing orders basically obey the rules and can move around at will. If there are no ghosts, once they are discovered, they will be arrested and sent to hell."

The chef ghost was surprised: "We don't have any! What should we do then?"

The female ghost Aqin tugged at the chef ghost's sleeve and pointed to the drawer in her house.

The chef ghost instantly understood, and said in a low voice: "Master, why don't you help us get a passing order... This house is about to be demolished. This is the demolition money reissued by the street office a few months ago. There is 10W... Anyway, Aqin and I don't need the money..."

The chef ghost opened the drawer, and inside was an iron box with 10 soft sister coins stacked in the box.

Qin Kun: "..."

Why is a ghost richer than me?

Qin Kun waved his hand and said, "I can't do it."

Although he was short of money recently, he still wouldn't do such a shitty thing as defrauding money from ghosts. The order to cross the road was issued by Yincao, so he was really incapable of doing it.

The chef ghost scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Master, I'm not bribing you...I heard that people will go to hell after death, and the judges will settle their merits and sins, but when we die, there is no black and white bullhead and horse face to take us away...Everyone wants to live in the world. The world... see if you can find us a place to go. Last time I asked you to remind me, I have already resigned from my job as a hotel chef, and now I have nothing to go..."

Qin Kun was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry, I'm just a ghost hunter, and you asked me to arrange a place for you... I'm not from the employment office or the talent market...

"I'm sorry, I..." Qin Kun was about to refuse, but the wedding dress ghost interrupted: "It can be done, the Longhuai Ghost City is where ghosts stay. I can arrange the specific situation for you. "

Qin Kun looked at the ghost in wedding dress with wide eyes, but the ghost in wedding dress was very confident: "The ghost market is full of yin, so it's fine to live and practice there. Since you are chefs, it's no problem to open a shop."

Qin Kun couldn't figure it out, where did she get her confidence, and didn't she have a grudge against the Ghost King Longhuai?

"I said..." Qin Kun coughed dryly. He felt that it was not good to blow the cowhide too much.

But was interrupted by the wedding dress ghost again: "This is my master, Qin Kun, you can call Master Qin."

Upon hearing this, the chef ghost and the female ghost Aqin knelt down on the ground in gratitude.

"Thank you master for pointing the maze, and please take us to Longhuai Ghost City!! Please accept the money, master, as our filial piety to you!"

What Qin Kun can't decide is all done by the wedding dress ghost, no way, at this time, you can't say that you are incapable of doing it, can you?It seems that the wedding dress ghost can only be trusted once.

"Well, I don't want your money for nothing. Since there is a destiny, I will give these things to you."

With a wave of Qin Kun's hand, he exchanged 100 merits for incense sticks, ghost coins, and ingots, which appeared on the table.There is a lot of aura in each of them.The chef ghost and the female ghost Aqin suddenly discovered that these auras can be absorbed directly!

The two ghosts were overjoyed: "Thank you, Master!"

The wedding dress ghost said: "Leave me the phone number. Within three days, my master will take the initiative to contact you. It is best if she can reach the level of a ghost before going. I think these incense offerings are almost enough for her to practice."

"it is good!"


At 12:[-] in the evening, the noise on the construction site finally stopped, and Qin Kun and the wedding ghost walked out of the alley.

"Hey, why are you making decisions for me?" Qin Kun was a little dissatisfied.

"If you have to do such a trivial matter yourself, then you, the master, are too tired to do it. Besides, it's really not difficult to arrange two ghosts to go to Longhuai Ghost City."


Qin Kun had nothing to say, but this time 100 merits were exchanged for 10 soft sister coins, which was 10 times the usual amount, and he was in a good mood.There is still 20W left for the 5W decoration fee to make up.

"By the way, some of the things Yang Shen did back then were done by the old tree spirit. How about entrusting this mission to me?"

The wedding ghost suddenly suggested that she should go alone for this mission.

'Ding!Your ghost and wedding ghost apply to complete the task independently'

(Reminder: Guicha completes the task independently, the task reward will be increased by 50%, and the experience reward will be doubled)

'Ding!Do you accept the wedding dress ghost's request? '

'Ding!Turn on the function of [Ghostly Eyes]: the host can spend double the spiritual power to target the ghosts and perform the Sky Eye Technique'

Qin Kun clicked his tongue, but he was able to complete the task independently?Is there a bonus to mission rewards?And actually opened a new function?

Qin Kun is now level 25. Since level 10, the ghost containment system has not opened any new functions.

Qin Kun immediately chose yes.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Remember, the goal of this mission is to scare the pee, not scare to death!" Qin Kun solemnly ordered.

The wedding dress ghost smiled brightly: "I know~ Wait for me when you go home~"

The ghost in wedding dress kissed Qin Kun on the face, and Qin Kun suddenly realized that he seemed to be teased...



Chapter 0135 It turns out that these are the seals of the ten deaths

When Qin Kun returned home, there was a picture in his mind.

In the picture, the ghost in the wedding dress is in the room of the contractor Chen Sanquan, displaying a mirage. The room is dark and glowing with blue light. ’, the contractor knelt on the ground, begged for mercy, and said that he should not be obsessed with ghosts. Once he was drunk and went to a massage room, and took a lady out to open a room and crushed him to death.

"I, I really didn't do it on purpose...don't come to me! You looked down on me and the money I gave, I was confused for a while..." Chen Sanquan, the contractor, felt fishy in his crotch. The wedding dress ghost took it as the lady who was strangled to death, and kept apologizing, "Please let me go, I will surrender myself when I return to my hometown during the Chinese New Year..."

Merit missions belong to punishment. Some people who have done bad things but have not received retribution will be assigned missions by the system to find out the murder case. Qin Kun saw that the first phase of the mission of the wedding ghost has been completed, and went to Boss Liu’s house, so he closed his eyes surgery, sitting on the sofa without saying a word.

This...is just like playing an online game. The function of [Ghost Evil Eye] allows Qin Kun to see with his own eyes how the wedding ghost builds the mirage world step by step.

"Why... When Niu Meng and the others went out on missions alone, there was no extra bonus for the rewards? Didn't this function be turned on?"

Qin Kun became puzzled. Qin Kun handed over to Niu Meng and the others some green missions that didn't require him to take action before, but at that time, the function of [Ghost Evil Eye] was not activated, and the mission rewards were useless.

Could it be that the wedding dress ghost is different from other ghosts?

"Qin Kun, what are you thinking so lewdly? You have been in this position for 10 minutes." Chu Qianxun's words interrupted Qin Kun's train of thought. On the sofa, Chu Qianxun was wearing pajamas, with her calves and jade feet exposed On the outside, it's extra alluring.

Chu Qianxun didn't know that Qin Kun was seeing something a few kilometers away at this moment. Seeing him surprised, sighed, and narrowed his eyes again, wondering what dirty things he was thinking, he was just curious.

Seeing Chu Qianxun's sinister legs, Qin Kun already had the strength to resist: "I'm wondering what color underwear you're wearing, can you show me?"

"Firefly green, the one that glows at night!" Chu Qianxun leaned forward, winking like silk, breathing like blue, then his complexion changed, and he pinched Qin Kun's waist fiercely, "I think you are good!" Friends live at your house! You actually want to fuck me!"

"I fuck your uncle! Chu Qianxun, let me go, it hurts!!!"

Qin Kun also casually said that when getting along with Chu Qianxun, you don't have to be too gentlemanly, some yellow accents can come naturally, I didn't expect this guy to be so heavy handed as soon as he came up.

Qin Kun gasped in pain, tears almost came out, Chu Qianxun released his fingers from Qin Kun's waist, curled his lips and said: "Seeing that you are single and lonely, I will give you some benefits every night to comfort you There is a point when you are dry. If you dare to push an inch, I will cut off your dog whip and go soak in wine!"

"Fuck, Chu Qianxun, have you been feeling lonely and thirsty lately? You took away the two pillows in my bedroom. May I ask you to sleep on one and put the other on?" Qin Kun did not show any weakness, and began to fight back. , Talking has always been his strong point.

"I'll pinch you to death!" Chu Qianxun beat Qin Kun with a cushion.

"Come on, I'm the real male dog's waist, it's very cool to clip."

Qin Kun showed off his shapely abs. Seeing Chu Qianxun's face of embarrassment and indignation, still speechless, Qin Kun chuckled: You're too tender when it comes to yellow accents.

On the balcony, Wang Gan finished his homework and came out stretched. He saw the two flirting. Chu Qianxun's white feet kicked Qin Kun. Qin Kun did not show any weakness. Looking at the unsightly scene, Wang Qian consciously picked up the script and went to the balcony to recite his lines.

Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun quarreled for a while before lying lazily on the sofa. In his mind, the ghost of the wedding dress had already frightened Boss Liu into the urine. , to supply the county to build a primary school, resulting in the death of a teacher and three children.

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