After a moment of silence, Qin Kun broke the silence in the room.

"It's flattering to say you idiots. This house is full of evil spirits. There is a black air in the room on the west side of the backyard for a long time, and it must hide ghosts. Old man Jiang's symptoms should be dream inception, sweating, convulsions at night, and convulsions during the day. Fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, blurred vision, right? Old lady, don’t look at me like that, your wife is bewitched, haunted by female ghosts, yang energy loss, kidney essence deficiency, the cause lies in that room. Don’t you believe it? Ask him if he has always dreamed of being entangled with a female ghost in a romantic relationship?"

"You bastard! Shut up!" The old lady was furious.

"Yuan Xinghan felt something was wrong a long time ago, so he invited me here! Yes, I am not a professor of traditional Chinese medicine, but this disease may not be cured by a professor of traditional Chinese medicine." Qin Kun sneered, and dropped a talisman: "Yes, I will leave it for you. A fig leaf. This is the Vajra Talisman, which protects the body from evil spirits. It can replenish some yang energy. I see that your wife is half dead. He will be in trouble within three days. If there is an emergency, just stick it to your body, and it can hang his old life. .”

"Taoist!!! Yuan Xinghan, your teacher never believed in ghosts and gods, yet you invited him a Taoist to see a doctor! From now on, you are never allowed to enter our house!!!" The old lady was furious, and picked up a piece of paper on the table. The porcelain bottle fell over.

Yuan Xinghan didn't say a word, and let the porcelain bottle hit his head.

Blood flowed from his forehead, Yuan Xinghan rubbed his reddened eyes, Jiang Lan's eyes turned red, as if he wanted to care about his injury, but he was ruthless and pushed Yuan Xinghan out of the door.


At the door, it was snowing again, and the heavy snow was blowing. Yuan Xinghan's heart felt as if a piece of glass had been crushed on his chest, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Director Qin, are you happy to say those words?" Yuan Xinghan trembled all over, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Qin Kun could see that Yuan Xinghan wanted to hit someone very much, but he didn't do anything to add fuel to the fire.

"It's not over yet, why are you crying? In order to save your old master's life, I was run over by that old lady. This thing is for you, do something for me..."

Qin Kun handed Yuan Xinghan a heavy object, Yuan Xinghan stared at it, it was a fruit knife!

"Qin Kun! What do you want to do to my mistress? She just said something to you!"

Yuan Xinghan panicked as soon as his anger dissipated. He knew that Qin Kun was an extremely wicked person. If he really wanted to harm his teacher, it would be too terrifying.

Qin Kun gave Yuan Xinghan an elbow.

"Yuan, are you an idiot? I'll give you a knife, let Zhang Ke's anger go, what are you thinking?"

Qin Kun pointed to a Mercedes-Benz next to him and said.

Yuan Xinghan got an elbow and woke up in pain.

He rubbed his chest, gasped for breath and said in surprise: "Why are you letting him go? Doesn't he want to live here at night?"

"Nonsense, of course you have to live here, otherwise what will happen if your teacher dies at night?"

"Didn't you just say that my teacher will encounter a catastrophe within three days?"

"The black air in the room on the west side of your teacher's backyard is already scorching your eyes. Three more days? I don't think it will last until tomorrow. We'll just sit back and wait for the rabbit tonight. The one with the surname Zhang is just in case something happens."

Yuan Xinghan seemed to understand, he only understood that keeping Zhang Ke here was for emergency use, but he still didn't understand the rest.

"Director Qin, are you saying that the teacher's illness is indeed caused by a ghost? Isn't that right?" Yuan Xinghan stroked his fingers, seeming to grasp the point, "And you can solve it?"

Qin Kun said: "You don't need to know that much. Is there anyone you know around here? Find a place to stay. I guess your little lover Lan Lan will call you in the middle of the night tonight." Qin Kun touched Chin, although some things can be resolved now, it is not Qin Kun's style to act hastily.

Qin Kun felt a little bit annoyed after eating today, because the other party is so stubborn, he has to suffer a little bit.

Yuan Xinghan didn't understand Qin Kun's plan, but it sounded like Qin Kun was doing it for his own good, and meant to match him and Jiang Lan.

Knowing that he had wrongly blamed Qin Kun, Yuan Xinghan blushed and murmured, "Hey, Director Qin, I'm actually close friends with Lan Lan in spirit, I don't think much about other things..."

Qin Kun praised: "Best friend? That's Guan Bao's friend!"

Yuan Xinghan: "..."

Why does everything taste bad when it comes out of his mouth?How to chat with a hooligan?Who can tell me?

However, Qin Kun's tone and attitude gave Yuan Xinghan great confidence. Yuan Xinghan was somewhat looking forward to what would happen tonight.

"Why don't we go to Linjiang University, I'm familiar with it." Yuan Xinghan suggested.


This proposal is good, I just went to see Qin Xue, Mi Taizi and the others.

"Okay, let's go."

Yuan Xinghan raised the fruit knife, puffed a few times, raised the knife and dropped it, and the four tires of the Mercedes-Benz next to him flattened.



Yangliu District University City.

On the campus of Linjiang University, the sky is full of snowflakes. In the afternoon, there are endless streams of men and women on the campus avenue. On the playground, ignorant boys and girls can be vaguely seen walking and chatting shyly.

Qin Kun lamented the beauty of the university, especially this year, the rare snowy weather probably gave many young people the opportunity to date girls.

"elder brother!"

Downstairs in the girls' dormitory, Qin Kun was smoking a cigarette when he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head. A huge snowball hit him, and the snowflakes flew into his neck.He shivered from the cold.

The little sister who came and went snickered at Qin Kun's embarrassment.

Qin Kun said with a dark face, "Qin Xue!"

"Hey!" Qin Xue happily tugged at Qin Kun's arm, stuck out her tongue, and smiled coquettishly.

Qin Kun's anger disappeared instantly.

"Why, don't you wear thicker pants in winter? What kind of pants are these? Isn't it cold?"

Qin Xue's figure is not bad, her legs are well shaped, she wears leggings, added a layer of thin cashmere, and stepped on the small leather boots bought by Qin Kun. , with a look of contempt.

Qin Xue pouted and hammered Qin Kun, wrinkled her pretty nose, and stared at Qin Kun with her big eyes.

Qin Kun put his arms around Qin Xue's shoulders, and introduced: "Dear sister, Qin Xue! This is Yuan Xinghan, your old senior. He graduated from the Art Academy."

"Hello, Brother Yuan!" Qin Xue greeted obediently.

Yuan Xinghan's temperament is very charming, standing on the side of the road attracted many fans to stop and peep.

With stubble beard, half-curly long hair, a leather jacket, down-and-out vicissitudes, but there is a kind of slovenly and decadent beauty. The handsome uncle's appearance is extremely lethal to the girl.

When he saw that Qin Kun's younger sister was still a little beauty, he sincerely praised: "Sister Qin Xue is more beautiful than I expected. Did you get the school belle?"

"It's not!" Qin Xue was extremely happy and a little shy when she heard Yuan Xinghan bluntly praised her beauty.

In the boys' dormitory, a boy with a big back and a sloppy boy came out. The fleece windbreaker did not make him look bloated, but made him look handsome. He had a row of black earrings and boots. As soon as he went out, some girls started screaming. called.

Qin Kun turned his head, and the sloppy boy changed his attitude, opened his mouth wide, and rushed towards him like his own father: "Uncle Qin!"

Qin Kun suffered severe chest pain from being hit.

I haven't seen you for a few months, but Prince Mi seems to be more attractive again.

"Get out! Don't hug me! Let go!" Qin Kun couldn't accept such a warm hug from the two men.

Prince Mi was pushed away unkindly by Qin Kun, with a resentful expression on his face, and when he turned his head to see Yuan Xinghan, his mouth opened slightly again: " can't be...Senior Brother Yuan, right? I've seen your paintings, It’s hanging in the exhibition room in the courtyard! And your photo!”

Yuan Xinghan can be regarded as the best person in the art college of Linjiang University. He didn't graduate from the academy of fine arts. He is now the vice chairman of the Linjiang Painting and Calligraphy Association. He is 34 years old and has held seven art exhibitions, and one of the paintings was even sold 200W!

Yuan Xinghan chuckled, and was rarely exhilarated: "It's all graffiti from before."

"Fuck, it's really Senior Brother Yuan! Uncle Qin, how did you meet this great god?"

"Can't I get to know this great god?"

Qin Kun glanced at Prince Mi, who was still surprised and did not recover.

Yuan Xinghan explained with a wry smile: "Actually, I was the one who flattered you, Uncle Qin."


Mi Taizi thought of something, suddenly became quiet, felt that the surrounding temperature was a bit cold, and shivered.

Qin Xue looked at Yuan Xinghan curiously, and then at Prince Mi's expression. This handsome uncle seems to be very famous, but I don't know what is there to curry favor with my brother?

"Let's eat first, today's most handsome treat."

Qin Kun said, and got into the car.

A group of people got into the car and found Mi Taizi standing under the car blankly.

"What are you in a daze for?" Qin Kun shook the glass and shouted.

"Uncle Qin, do you have to be the most handsome treat? I have no money!"

Qin Kun: "..."


Chapter 0128


The Jiang family's house was silent.

At the dinner table, Zhang Ke saw Jiang Lan in a daze, and reprimanded Yuan Xinghan angrily: "Lan Lan, I didn't say that, that Yuan man is really not a good person, and he actually invited a Taoist priest to treat Uncle Jiang! Make Auntie so angry. Hmph!"

The old lady put down the bowls and chopsticks, and hung her face. She has lived so long, and she has never been accused by a junior like that. She is too arrogant!

"Lan Lan, if you hadn't begged your father to support Yuan Xinghan, would he have achieved what he is now? He is a person who thinks about art all day long, hmph! He has lived for more than 30 years, and he didn't realize it until a while ago. Earn some money. Still want to marry you? I think only he can think of such a stupid thing as asking a Taoist priest to come to your door."

Now that her face was torn apart, the old lady no longer concealed her meanness. Jiang Lan has not married so far, so it is absolutely impossible to say that she has nothing to do with Yuan Xinghan!

Jiang Lan lowered her head and said nothing.

This afternoon, she was really angry, and the anger came from heartache.She believed that Yuan Xinghan was well-intentioned, but his approach was too childish.

Jiang Lan didn't know what was going on in Yuan Xinghan's mind. He would invite a Taoist priest to treat his father's illness.

However, after Jiang Lan calmed down, Qin Kun's eyes popped out of her mind for some reason.

The confidence in those eyes, even the arrogance, as if what he said was right.

As if his words were the truth!

Where does his confidence come from?

Jiang Lan was skeptical, feeling a little ridiculous.I should quickly forget about this unpleasant thing.

"Mom, I'm full, shall I bring food to Dad?"

"Okay." Jiang Lan, who was born in the old lady's 30s, has always been the apple of her eye. She filled the old man with a good meal, and then gave her the food basket.

"There is snow on the ground, the road in the backyard is slippery, be careful not to fall, your father is asleep in the study, remember to remind him to take medicine."

Jiang Lan carried the food basket and walked across the backyard to her father's room.

As a woman, Jiang Lan is more sensitive. In fact, Jiang Lan doesn't like the layout of the backyard very much. It always feels gloomy. This area is far away from the downtown area, and the residents are all elderly people. It is unusually quiet at night.

Jiang Lan always felt that it was good to live in the community before, but here is a bit desolate.

Pushing open the door, Jiang Lan saw a shadow on the chair in the darkness.


Jiang Lan yelled, and the shadow suddenly turned towards him, and Jiang Lan found that it was a pair of blood-red eyes.


The food basket fell to the ground.In the room, an old man turned on the light and looked out the door: "Lan Lan?"

Jiang Lan was in a cold sweat, a little shocked.

What happened just now?what did she see

The old man sat up tiredly and rubbed his waist. Jiang Lan came back to his senses and helped the old man.

"Lan Lan, what's the matter?" Jiang Boxiu touched his daughter's face.

Jiang Lan said: "No, it's nothing, I tripped."

"Hehe, I've become more and more lethargic these days. Where's Xinghan?" Jiang Boxiu asked after seeing the food being brought out and getting dressed.

"He, he's gone." Jiang Lan didn't mention what happened in the afternoon.

Jiang Boxiu nodded: "You are old and young, it's time to think about your own affairs. This time, Xing Han made a big splash at the Pioneer Art Exhibition. Those few paintings made the apprentices of the coastal school and the Yangzhou school ruthless." Give us a hard education and give us a face in Linjiang."

When Jiang Boxiu mentioned Yuan Xinghan, he was a little proud. After all, he was his half-master.

Jiang Boxiu talked endlessly about avant-garde paintings, critical spirit, and Yuan Xinghan's works, obviously he was extremely fond of Yuan Xinghan.

Jiang Lan listened for a while, then suddenly asked: "Dad, how is your health these days? Do you feel unwell?"

Jiang Lan looked at Jiang Boxiu cautiously.Obviously, there is a little expectation in the eyes, wanting to prove something.

After Jiang Boxiu had finished his meal, he hammered his leg and said, "I keep having nightmares, sweating, and feel tired and drowsy during the day, my limbs are sore and weak, and my appetite is not good. It seems that my eyesight has also declined in the past few days..."

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