Qi Hongzhuang said: "Alright then, if there is anyone I can do, call me."

Several people returned to the room one after another, and the corridor at the door finally became quiet again.

Qin Kun saw that it was still a while before three o'clock, so he cheered up and watched his subordinate Guichai touch the mahjong a few times.

The headless ghost has the highest cultivation level, and sits alone in the upper position of Zhengxi, but this guy has no head, and he is often a big man, and the cards in his hand will always be inexplicably more or less, and even cheated.

The most stable card style is the female ghost A Chou, who plays quite well, as if she has played mahjong before, like an old hand.However, Ah Chou's memory has been in a state of confusion. Her death looks like the dressing style of contemporary people, but the memories pop up from time to time are all memories of ancient times. Qin Kun doesn't know when Ah Chou died, so I am afraid that A Chou I can't even explain how I played so well.

On the same level as Ah Chou is the Smiling Ghost. After all, the Smiling Ghost is also the highest. Sitting in the east seat, squatting on a chair and touching mahjong, it seems that this kid has some kind of mental illness like autism before. I don't like to talk, and I have a ghostly style.

The worst brand was the Skinner. Qin Kun saw him twice when he was changing cards in the pot. After he was done, the guy winked at Qin Kun to signal Qin Kun not to say anything.

Qin Kun was speechless. Who would have thought that the first group entertainment for his group of guys was playing mahjong.In contrast, Niu Meng, who pursues romantic dramas, is simply a clean stream among ghosts.

"Brother Kun? What is "The Legend of Bai Jie"? Is it good?" Niu Meng's computer seemed to be poisoned, and a pornographic box popped up suddenly.

"You'd better not click on it."

When Qin Kun saw that Niu Meng had opened it, the bull's eyes widened instantly, thick white air spewed from his nose, the bull's eyes bent into a wretched arc, but he closed the webpage solemnly.

Qin Kun pricked up his ears, heard Niu Meng reciting the domain name of this website in a low voice, and sighed in his heart: The only clear stream is so dirty... I just want to ask who taught him the English alphabet during this time.

The hour hand points to three o'clock.

Qin Kun clicked on the system in his mind, and began to refresh this week's tasks amidst the sound of mahjong and Niu Meng's silent recitation.



Chapter 0105 Dad's Phone

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the window was suddenly opened, and the wind was strong inside the house. In front of Qin Kun, a dark green vortex appeared, and the temperature dropped instantly.

The [Ghost Quest] in his mind began to refresh. Qin Kun saw that for the first time there were 2 green missions and 1 blue mission, so he continued to choose to refresh.After refreshing several times in a row, Qin Kun finally looked at this week's mission.

Task 6: [Green], on the [-]th floor of Jintai Hotel, there is a grieving ghost hovering, please save it.

Task reward: experience 200, merit 100

Mission [-]: [Blue], in the back mountain of Xu's Yizhuang, an old ghost is about to die, fulfill his last wish and let him reincarnate as soon as possible.

Task rewards: level +1, merit 500, and a stick of Sanshengxiang.

(After the task is completed, start the follow-up task)

The first mission is very simple. Most of the green missions are wandering souls below level 10. Qin Kun actually wanted to complete two blue missions, but his luck was not very good, so he never did.

The second task is interesting. The previous [Ghost Mission] was either killing ghosts or Taoist monks. Of course, Qin Kun would not do the task of killing and arson. This time it was actually fulfilling the last wish of the ghost.

Is this making me dance to the psychic master?

Qin Kun hasn't taken the initiative to take the [merit task] this week, because he only stays in this county for three days, so he might not have the energy to do it.Now that he knows that he can take on missions all over the country, his mind becomes active. In this way, no matter where he is, he has endless missions.

It seems that this travel agency is really doing well.


After resting all night, at noon the next day, Qin Kun was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Director Qin, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Standing at the door were Li Zhe and Yu Mengxin. The two young lovers looked at Qin Kun with his panda eyes curiously, thinking that Qin Kun was keeping vigil for them again.

Qin Kun suffered from insomnia last night from the sound of mahjong played by the skinning ghosts. After these ghosts got addicted to playing, they didn't care about Qin Kun's sleep quality at all. Qin Kun really didn't sleep well.

"I'm fine, you guys got up so early? Didn't you leave in the afternoon?" Qin Kun asked.

"Director Qin, I searched and found that there are still a few scenic spots in Guning County that I want to visit. Do you think it's suitable?"

Li Zhe said that this time he came out to visit the mountains and rivers. Li Zhe has visited almost all the famous scenic spots in China. He knows that some remote counties are full of famous mountains and historic sites. Xu's Yizhuang, there are also Weeping Spring Tomb, Xuejing Village, and several special scenic spots.

The Weeping Spring Tomb was originally the Xu family’s ancestral tomb. I don’t know what year and why it was moved to Shanyin. Shanyin erected a tomb. It is the most suitable for raising ghosts. After death, it will not enter reincarnation. .I heard that not long after Xujiazu's tomb moved in, a spring appeared in Shanyin.Spring water gushes out on NO.15 of every month in the lunar calendar.

Most of the Xu family's ancestral grave has been submerged now.The shadow of the mountain formed a pool of water, the grave mounds on the high terrain were still exposed, and the graves on the low terrain were directly submerged under the water. Sometimes at midnight, we could hear crying from the pool, which was extremely mysterious.

Xuejing Village is a mountain village not far from Xujiazu's grave, and the well water in the village is red.It has a fishy smell, but the well water will turn into normal water after being exposed to the sun for a day. Many geological and hydrological research institutes are very curious about this well, but they haven't researched it yet.

Not only Li Zhe, but Yuan Xinghan also came over. He couldn't wait to go out to pick up such a special place.

Since this is the case, Qin Kun felt relieved: "Okay, this Guning County seems to be a place where yin and yang clash, and it's a bit weird. If you go, think safe and contact us at any time."

Crying Spring Tomb and Xuejing Village are not on the tourist route, and Qin Kun has no objection if they want to move freely, saying that it is good to contact him by phone at any time.


At noon, Qin Kun was still a little sleepy and wanted to get back to sleep when suddenly the phone rang.


Seeing the number displayed on the phone, Qin Kun shivered and cleared his throat: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"What's wrong! What's wrong!!" Qin Kun heard his father's voice coming from the phone, almost growling.

Qin Kun shrank his head. The last time his father yelled at him like that or when he broke a bastard's arm, what kind of wind is this blowing today?

Qin Kun frowned, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Damn, wouldn't it be Qin Xue who sued me?

"Why are you yelling so loudly? Which one who doesn't have a good eye provoked you?" Qin Kun blessed in his heart, hoping that it wasn't Qin Xue who fanned the flames in front of his father. Qin Xue studied well. I love her the most.

Sure enough, the thick voice on the other end of the phone yelled: "You have provoked me! Tell me, why did you close Xiaoxue's door alone?"

"Dad, I'm not happy when you say that. Qin Xue didn't report when she came to me, but she came suddenly, and I'm not at home."

"You are not at home at 10 o'clock in the evening, so where are you?" asked the other side of the phone.

Qin Kun coughed dryly: "I'm traveling."

"Son, who did you go on a trip with? Where did you go? Is it cold outside? How many days have you been there? How is the matter with your partner? Do you want Mom to tell you about it?"

When my mother heard that Qin Kun was promising and was actually traveling, she interjected enthusiastically.

Qin Kun was so scared that he quickly changed the subject: "I'm leaving soon, so I won't talk about it."

"Wait! I'm not done yet."

Qin Kun's father snatched the phone again, "Xiaoxue called me that day, and she seemed to be in a bad mood. You, an older brother, should take care of it, understand?"

"Don't worry, how could her own brother not care about her!" Qin Kun assured, patting his chest.

Qin Kun's father ordered solemnly, "Also, inquire and see if she is in a relationship!"

Qin Kun's eyes lit up, he likes this kind of task the most.

It took me a long time, dad is because of this reason.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Kun thought about it. Qin Xue's personality has always been carefree, and she has never heard of a time when she was in a bad mood.

Dad's meaning is also obvious, because everyone has never seen Qin Xue in a bad mood. The only guess is, is this girl in love?Stuck in love?

"I have to call Mi Taizi, um..."

Qin Kun thought for a while and dialed a number.

On the other end of the phone, a glib voice rang out: "Uncle Qin! I haven't seen you contact me for 100 years, you miss me..."

Since Qin Kun sent Qin Xue to school, he hasn't seen each other a few times, and it's true that he hasn't contacted him for a long time.

Ever since Mi Shihong was rescued by him, he said something to Prince Mi. Prince Mi has always admired Qin Kun. He is only four years younger than Qin Kun, and the word "Uncle Qin" is very fluent.

"Prince Mi, how is Qin Xue doing recently?"

After Qin Kun chatted with Prince Mi about the recent situation, he shifted the topic to Qin Xue.

When Prince Mi heard it, he laughed twice: "Uncle Qin, since you have asked all the questions, I will say something."

Qin Kun narrowed his eyes slightly, could it be that there is something tricky?


"Qin Xue opened the water room at school and beat up a rich second generation."


Uh, wait!Isn't that how the story should go?

Mi Taizi sighed, his tone full of admiration: "It's too tricky, an electric pot fell on the head of the rich second generation, and the inner pot was broken. Fortunately, there is no water in the pot... I heard that the rich second generation A few stitches."

When Qin Kun heard this, he knew the seriousness of the matter.

"How did the school handle it?"

Prince Mi said: "It's not over yet, Uncle Qin, don't worry. At that time, the rich second generation drank too much and drove back from outside the school. He saw a girl fetching water in the water room and ran to moles her. Qin Xue was going to save her." of!"

"Then the rich second generation was sent to the hospital, and the parents came to make trouble... The girl who was molested suddenly changed her words and said that she and the rich second generation were in a relationship, and Qin Xue's behavior was just meddling with a mouse."

"At that time in the water room, all the classmates who witnessed it saw it. It was the girl who yelled for help. I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

"and after?"

Qin Kun had a cold face, presumably Qin Xue had suffered some grievances and felt very uncomfortable.

Prince Mi said with a sinister smile: "Of course I made the move. I found a few younger sisters and explained the truth to the girl. The girl admitted that she was threatened by the rich second-generation family members to say so."

"Uncle Qin, there is only so much I can do. The past few days have been peaceful, and I don't know what will happen next. The second-generation rich father is surnamed Tian, ​​and he is one of the richest men in Linjiang City. The backer Chen Qi is at the same level."

Qin Kun asked: "What does the family want? Do you pay for medical expenses?"

Mi Taizi coughed dryly: "The family said that Qin Xue will be expelled from the school within a week. They said that the university campus is a place where civilization is emphasized, and barbaric and low-quality students cannot be tolerated."

Fire...Qin Xue?

Qin Kun hung up the phone and shook his head. It was really confusing right and wrong, right and wrong.

I hope this family will be more rational after their anger dissipates.

Otherwise, when I go back, I will lay down my way and settle the score.



Chapter 0106 Feudal Superstitions Are Untrustworthy

Xu's Yizhuang, the most well-preserved historic site in Guning County.

The broken four old buildings were damaged to a certain extent, and many buildings, ancestral halls, ancient buildings, and granaries were damaged to varying degrees. After restoration, now only the scale of the year can be vaguely seen.

However, the most well-preserved one here is the Yizhuang lobby on the westernmost side where the corpses are collected.

"From the Qing Dynasty to the present, Xu's Yizhuang has been serving for hundreds of years."

"Tourists can see that the new coffins parked here are all people who died in Guning County."

"In addition, there is an ancient cellar in the inner courtyard of the Yizhuang. I heard that there are some unburied corpses inside. Xu's Yizhuang is now open to the public, and some tourists are charged for their cremation and burial. There is a merit box, and I hope that all capable tourists will show kindness and let them be buried in a foreign land with peace of mind."

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Kun, Wu Senran, and Qi Hongzhuang came to Xu's Yizhuang. He couldn't imagine that a mourning hall for mortuary bodies could accept tourists one day, and it seemed that there were quite a lot of people.

In fact, while the funeral culture is feared by people, it also arouses some people's curiosity.

This is one of the few places with the best preserved funeral culture in the whole south, and Qin Kun only knew about it when he heard Chu Qianxun talk about it before.

In the charitable donation hall, incense is enshrined, and on the shrine is a statue of a cold-faced god, sitting upright with his eyes closed, and there are two nocturnal gods beside him, crying and laughing, serving him.

"This yin god is Wudian Yuanjun, the patron saint of wandering ghosts. All lonely ghosts who are kind to others and cannot return to their roots after death will be protected by Wudian Yuanjun."

"For the merit box, each tourist can donate up to 9 yuan, and one yuan more is a blessing. The money will be used to buy cemeteries for the dead to bury."

"Those who donate for charity can draw lots in the lottery box next to it, and the Daoist Shangxuan of our Yizhuang will solve the lottery for everyone."

After the tour guide of Xu's Yizhuang finished explaining to everyone, everyone saw an old Taoist priest who was filling the lantern from the side and smiled at everyone.

Wu Senran got up late today, so he couldn't go out with Li Zhe and the others, so he came to Xu's Yizhuang with Qin Kun and Qi Hongzhuang.

He saw a tour guide foaming up, encouraging everyone to donate money, and curled his lips in disdain: "What Wudian Yuanjun, I have never heard of it, and he is so dark. Why don't you use some reliable tricks if you want to deceive people?"

Qi Hongzhuang is very displeased with Wu Senran now, this big man, who speaks but has no intentions, is really a person with strong limbs and a simple mind.

She glanced at Wu Senran: "Big man, Wudian Yuanjun is Wudian Yama, also known as Yan Wangye. You dare to chew your tongue like this in Yizhuang. Are you afraid of bumping into ghosts?"

Wu Senran shrunk his neck, he had heard of Lord Yan's name before, he had been having nightmares these past few nights, and he had said about Lord Yan's protection, he did not expect to bump into his old man today.

Wu Senran hurriedly spent money to buy a big incense stick to light the statue, and donated another 100 yuan to express his love.

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