At the door of the kitchen, Chu Qianxun folded her hands on her chest, leaning against the door frame, watching Qin Kun wearing an apron cooking, she smiled lightly, "Don't you think that a tourist route with the theme of horror adventures will be very popular. Are people welcome? The destination is ghost villages and haunted houses all over the inland. People attracted by this kind of death-defying journey are always more interesting than you spend a lot of effort to do things for those rich people? Use these people's money to maintain you If you can meet the troubles of the rich and solve it easily, isn’t it the best of both worlds?”

Qin Kun's vegetable-cutting hand stopped for a while, put down the kitchen knife, and heated up two servings of instant rice.

Qin Kun's eyes were shining with golden light, and he said solemnly: "Miss, I don't read much, and I don't know much. Don't take it to heart. We can discuss the suggestion you just said."

"No, Miss Ben wants to eat spare ribs, and instant rice is too unpalatable! It's like pigs!"

"No problem!" Qin Kun said sternly: "Niu Meng, this instant rice is handed over to you." After that, he put a stick of incense on the rice.

Niu Meng stood beside him wanting to cry without tears: "Brother Kun, I heard everything that girl just said!"



Chapter 0089

For nearly half a month, Qin Kun has been preparing his own travel agency.

Chu Qianxun was more enthusiastic about this matter, handling documents, screening business, and planning routes.

As soon as the eldest daughter talked about business, she immediately became shrewd and capable, which saved Qin Kun a lot of heart.

Qin Kun has also completed two PKs successively, and after a battle with Di Xiu in the city of the ten dead, he became famous.

On the PK stage, the flower had devoured many corpses, and there were dense faces in the stamens. The King of Gold told him that this flower had a great origin and was generally called the 'Buddha and Magic Flower'. , Only by feeding the devil with death can this kind of flower bloom.

"Qin, if nothing else happens, if you win one more game, you will be promoted to 'senior fighter'. At that time, the Ten Dead City will open the game with you, and your reputation will be well known. 4 drops for winning"

Obviously, the King of Gold has become very good after Qin Kun's winning streak. Every time he bets these two times, he will get a big harvest.Bone Bear's 10-game winning streak broke out of the contract and has gone solo, and Corpse Cannon Batista has also completed 9-game winning streak. Now, with several contract fighters under the Golden King, Qin Kun has become a new backbone.

"No matter how much Yin Cao plasma is, I still only have 2 drops? Okay, Robert, I'll go first." Qin Kun waved his hand, and after receiving 100 merit and 2 drops of Yin Cao plasma, he left the city of ten dead.


In the evening of the next day, in the northwest of the tomb of the generals in the northern suburbs, there was an ancient street.

This is near Baihu, Qin Kun stood in front of an old shop, looking at the gray and rotten two-story wooden building, and after a long time turned to look at the beautiful woman next to him: "Miss, you mean that we are going to open the travel agency to This?"

Qin Kun looked at this street. Although there are many shops around, and the blue bricks at the entrance show the ancient charm, is it too deserted compared to the street next to it?

This is the Baihu Scenic Spot. In general scenic spots, the grouping effect is the most important. In such a remote place, ghosts come!

Next to Qin Kun was Chu Qianxun.

Chu Qianxun said: "What do you know? You just invested 10 yuan, plus my private money. After registering the company, only this kind of place can afford to open a store. If it wasn't for the Beipai who came to Baihu for a while The scenic area is noisy, there have been murders and explosions, how can this street be so desolate."

"Look, there is Baihu Amusement Park not far away, and this street is the old street of Baihu Town. There is a river at the door. There is a stone bridge on the other side of the river, an old forest, a thatched hut, what a beautiful place. Crossing the bridge is a deserted place. The village is still a bit gloomy, and there are many tombs, which is in line with the style of a travel agency."

Qin Kun looked at it, too.In this kind of ghost place that is half beautiful and half sinister, I am afraid that there will be no second place in Linjiang City.

"Monthly rent... 3W." Qin Kun's heart ached.No matter how unique this street is, it cannot fully reflect the advantages of being stationed in a scenic spot.

"Yeah, I also thought it was too expensive, so I bought this store. The total is 200W. Of course, it is agreed that one person will be half of it. You have to give me my money when the time comes."

"200W!!! Just this shabby shop?!! Or in a ghost street!? Chu Qianxun, are you kidding me?" Qin Kun was already roaring, Nima, 200W, How long will it take me to earn it back...

Seeing Qin Kun's expression of wanting to cry but no tears, Chu Qianxun pouted: "You are with Tiangu, you have no courage at all, this is our travel business and price list, take a look and give you some confidence. "

I accompany your sister's dog... I'm so poor...

Qin Kun trembled when he saw the list in Chu Qianxun's hand, with a few routes planned on it, and his mood calmed down a lot. I have to say that it felt pretty good.

Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun both inquired about these places, and they verified it on the Internet.

Both are rumored haunted places.

Abandoned bases in deep mountains, haunted villages in remote counties, and old forests where large tombs are buried are all places that need to be entered on foot.

"Wait, you didn't recruit anyone?" Qin Kun was stunned when he saw that the tour guide and team leader of each route were himself.At the beginning, it was agreed that Chu Qianxun would only be a shareholder, and Qin Kun would use labor as a shareholding. Who would have thought that the travel agency is now only his labor!

"Big brother, how can you still have the money to recruit people?" Chu Qianxun gave Qin Kun a blank look, blowing the air with bangs and fanning him, "I've invested all my private money here, work hard. Remember me major shareholder."

"By the way, I have a girlfriend who will come to Jiang to play in a while, so I will leave first~"

The sports car was gone, Qin Kun looked at Chu Qianxun and left, but was speechless for a while.

"I'm stupid? Just throw it here for me? I have to work alone in the future? Lead the team alone? Where's the agreed partner?"

Qin Kun cursed in his heart: I knew that partnering with a woman was not reliable at all!

In the desolate streets, it has been cold these few days, there are no tourists at all, and many shops have closed early. Qin Kun has no choice. After all, he is now starting from scratch, and some things have to be done by himself.

I pushed open the door of the shop and walked in. Inside is the original old shop. The lamps are still kerosene lamps. There are a few tables. I heard that this used to be an old street tavern. The owner disappeared a few months ago. Li died for three days, and the corpse was swollen, so no one came to drink, and the boss's descendants sold the shop.

The interior is basically made of wood, with little decoration. There was a large flat in the room. When I opened the cloth, it read 'Ghost Travel Agency' in big characters. It was a newly customized signboard by Chu Qianxun.

"Niu Meng, skinned, and came out to work."

Qin Kun summoned a few ghosts and ordered them to clean up the place.I went to the second floor and walked around.

The second floor is a place to rest. Standing in the house and opening the window, you can still see the shadow of Fuzong Qingzhu Villa.

Qin Kun went to the backyard again. The backyard used to be a place for brewing, but now it's deserted, and there are only a few large wine jars scattered on the ground, as well as some brewing utensils.There was also a well in the yard, but it was overgrown with weeds and there was no water in the well.

This shop is a little dirty, broken, a little out of place, and there are fewer tourists. Others are not picky. It can be seen that the boss used to be very interested in the shop. The tables and chairs are all red camphor wood, but they are 200W. , Qin Kun can't wait to wipe his neck and die.

Damn real estate!

After turning around, Qin Kun returned to the main hall.

Several Niu Meng, including the female ghost A Chou, are now level 20 or above. They can transform into ghosts, congeal solid bodies, and drive away objects. After a while, the cobweb-covered store will be cleaned up.

"Brother Kun, are you going to open a hotel?"

The Skinner looked around curiously, and found that there were wine jars on the shelves, and there was still the aroma of wine inside, and he was greedy.

Qin Kun ignored the skinning ghost and was worrying about it alone.

Okay now, the business is there, the route is there, the store is open, where do Nima customers come from?

He is in charge of Director Wang's son. Brother Wang has inquired about it. Although the government turns a blind eye to feudal superstition, the rise of cults in recent years has brought great supervision on the Internet.Brother Wang is from the Information Security Department. He said that the online tourism business with the theme of terror and ghosts is absolutely not allowed, saying that it is suspected of illegal assembly.

Qin Kun was speechless about this.

However, Brother Wang also mentioned that in fact, after the development of society, some people pursue excitement, and more and more people like to explore. Many ALICE friends will spontaneously organize to explore somewhere.

However, private outings are particularly prone to security problems, and there are special forums for some spiritual themed tourism businesses, which are not strictly controlled by the state.

If there is a capable team leader, I believe that many people will accept and participate in this way of travel.

Qin Kun took his mobile phone and logged in to the forum mentioned by Brother Wang.

This is a forum called 'Bone Hometown', which is very small, and the active people on it are all lovers of supernatural ghosts.

Take a look at the post inside.Pretty much this style.

【Shocking!Donkey friends travel, meet the old man in Xiqishan]

[I met the ghost in red at the XX County Hotel]

[The teacher suddenly disappeared in the evening class, and the dormitory was shocked by the body that had been dead for [-] days. Most of the students in class these days fainted]

[The dog at home talks to himself at night, and I swear it's true! 】

[Going home at 12 o'clock in the evening and meeting a ghost grabbing the marriage, I almost couldn't come back]

Qin Kun read a few posts and said that there are noses and eyes. It is true that the stories of ghosts are not rare, and they happen every day, but it is quite rare for people who like to hunt for oddities.

There are 6W active users in this forum, but 800W registered members. Qin Kun thinks, can we try this forum to see if we can get business.

After thinking about it, Qin Kun felt a heat in his heart and thought he could try it.

[Ghost Travel Agency opened, specializing in horror travel routes]

Qin Kun edited a post and sent it out, briefly explaining the travel agency's location, business, and target route.

After posting it, Qin Kun felt very uneasy. He had played Tieba before, and knew that this kind of commercial post was the least popular among forum moderators, and he almost found that it was deleted in seconds.

1 minute later, Qin Kun received a message and found that it was not the message that the post was deleted, but someone else's reply.

"There's a show!" Qin Kun's eyes lit up and his brows were happy.

But as soon as he opened it, Qin Kun's face instantly collapsed, and his face twitched to varying degrees.

(1st Floor) Exorcism Dragon Clan Ma: The swindlers, the identification is complete!

(2nd floor) I love Nie Xiaoqian: Liar, +1

(3rd floor) Mengmeng's red clothes: I think it's very interesting!

(4th Floor) Roots of the Earth: The 3rd floor is too young. This kind of post is to recruit female ALICE friends to travel. The old forest in the mountains pretends to be ghosts and tricks. Don't ask me why I know.

(5th floor) The hygroscopicity of the four beauties: The 3rd floor is really young, and the elder sister is also from the past, so don't be fooled.

(6th Floor) Happy old gun: catch the swindler alive, @Moderator.


Qin Kun's scalp has blue veins violently, what the fuck, I lied to you uncle... I'm going to go crazy!



Chapter 0090

At night, the night wind is slightly cool.

There was only one shop left in Qin Kun on the whole street.

Qin Kun watched his own posts on his mobile phone keep being replied to, and the volcano in his heart had erupted countless times.

The few ghosts felt that the world was suddenly quiet and terrifying, and they all stretched their necks and secretly aimed at Qin Kun's mobile phone.

The Laughing Ghost sat on the wine rack behind the counter, with the sharpest eyes, seeing what was on his phone.

"Brother Kun, what is a scam?"

Although the Laughing Ghost is very capable and has the highest level, he is still a child after all.

This innocent question broke the eerie silence.

Everyone thought that Qin Kun was reading gossip posts, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Hearing his innocent question, the skinning ghost who wanted to be a teacher explained: "Little ghost, this is a term for mating between opposite sexes by means of non-gentlemen. The success rate is determined by the innocence of the other party."

Niu Meng and the others looked at the skinning ghost with admiration. Nima has not seen too much culture for a few days. The skinning ghost winked at everyone proudly: "Don't praise us, we have been on the Internet recently. The end..."

After the skinned ghost explained, he turned his head, and it was Qin Kun's black face.

"Uh, Brother Kun, actually, I don't want to teach a bad kid. But this guy is also from the Ming Dynasty, and he is not younger than me."

The Skinner shrank his neck and hid behind him sullenly.

A few gusts of wind blew in the sky, and suddenly it started to rain, and the kerosene lamps in the store flickered.

Qin Kun sat on the table in the middle, looking at the dark street with a chill in his heart.

It's hard to think of a way to attract customers, this is yellow... That exorcism dragon clan Ma, I remember you!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Qin Kun knew that he couldn't go back, and he probably had to sleep in the store tonight.

This shop had died before, but Qin Kun was not very afraid, but he was hungry, which was unbearable.

It was raining heavily, the lights around it gradually went out, and this old commercial street became quiet and dark.

Qin Kun took out his wallet, ordered a few bills and handed it to the smiling ghost: "Little devil, go to another store to buy something to eat. Remember to put the money at the counter for the boss."

"it is good."

After the Laughing Ghost left, Qin Kun's ears moved suddenly, and faintly, he heard footsteps on the street.

Niu Meng and several people took the initiative to shrink in the corner, the hidden figure, the footsteps became more and more clear, it was a person running.

Qin Kun saw that on the stone bridge in the distance, a man with unshaven beard, holding a drawing board, and slightly curly hair came running.

The man felt an artist's decadence, stepping on the rain and running towards his shop.

As soon as he entered the door, he had an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry boss, it's raining suddenly, I came here to take shelter from the rain."

Qin Kun's cheeks were a little gloomy due to the dim kerosene lamps, and the treatment he had just received on the forum made him in a bad mood.

He hummed his nose and agreed.

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